MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 503 Was this kick for nothing?

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  Chapter 503 Was this kick for nothing?

  Yu Xiaolian frowned. Hearing Jiang Lin say that Yu Zhengyang's martial arts is quite high, he wondered if he could beat him?

   I don't know if Yu Zhengyang was a coincidence, or he sent these officials to intercept her?

  Yu Xiaolian stepped back a few steps, turned her head and glanced behind her quickly.

  Yu Zhengyang was actually alone, and Yu Xiaolian was bold enough to decide to compete with Yu Zhengyang.

   "General Yu, this little thief stole something from our salt transport envoy, but we must not let her escape!" Someone in the official team recognized Yu Zhengyang.

  Yu Zhengyang looked at Yu Xiaolian, "You stole something from the Salt Transport Envoy? What is it?"

  If it was a dark account, then he really couldn't let her go.

  Yu Xiaolian didn't open her mouth, she directly engaged in a sneak attack, and as soon as she raised her hand, she raised a handful of white noodles, and took advantage of Yu Zhengyang's sleeves to block the poison, and kicked Yu Zhengyang away with one kick.

  If Yu Xiaolian only used seven percent of her strength to deal with those officials just now, then Yu Zhengyang's kick, she really used a lot of strength.

  Yu Zhengyang flew upside down for about ten meters before landing heavily, spitting blood.

  Yu Xiaolian touched the ground on her toes and flew over the city gate, "A group of idiots dare to take my money. I'm in a good mood today, and I'll spare your lives."

  Yu Zhengyang watched helplessly as Yu Xiaolian flew past the city gate in a light figure and disappeared, his face full of disbelief.

  Woman, turned out to be a woman?

  How could a woman have such power against the sky?

Yu Zhengyang covered his chest and stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, it was unbelievable, then I heard those useless officials say, oh, Lord Salt Transport said that the thief was a man, that man knew clearly just now It's a woman's voice, we caught the wrong person!

  Yu Zhengyang: "..."

  My kick was for nothing?

   Not far from Bohai City, Yu Xiaolian took out his motorcycle and walked for a certain distance, and then stopped near a forest.

   Enter the space with a person and a motorcycle.

   Entering the space, the first thing Yu Xiaolian did was to check her income for the past few days. From Pingcheng to Bohai City, in just a few days, she made a total of more than 420,000 taels.

  Yu Xiaolian held the bank note with a guilty conscience. The money came so easily, which made her feel a little guilty for no reason.

  But thinking that the money could help Su Jingchen and better benefit the common people, Yu Xiaolian felt relieved.

  She is just earning money from the rich, and then distributing the money to the poor in disguise, which is considered a good deed.

  Yu Xiaolian glanced at the time, it was ten o'clock in the evening, and it was not impossible to have some supper.

  Here, cook a few sea prawns, and two big flying crabs.

With a bang, Yu Xiaolian opened a bottle of red wine. In the past, the most expensive wine sold in supermarkets was hundreds of bottles. There was no such thing as good wine, but the bottle she took out today was different. The wine is from her father's wine storage room. Although she doesn't know much about wine, she knows the price of this bottle of wine. Thousands!

  Yu Xiaolian took a sip of fine wine, filled with yellow crab paste, and it was delicious.

  The next day, when Yu Xiaolian came out of the space again, she had changed back to her usual attire. She was wearing a lotus-colored skirt with a lapel, a pair of embroidered shoes of the same color, a golden hairpin, and two pearl earrings, one on each side.

  Going back to Bohai City, she was destined to pass by Deyang Town. The forest she went to last night was not far from Deyang Town, so Yu Xiaolian entered Deyang Town within a short walk.

  Then Yu Xiaolian discovered a big thing, Lin Zhou Wangjun Mobai, who had been away for some time, did not leave the border of Lin Zhou at all, but stayed in Deyang Town.

   Tsk tsk... He also said to sue the emperor Li Guangpu, and give Su Jingchen credit by the way, really...

  If Yu Xiaolian hadn't seen Jin Shuirou and Fu Qing coming out of the pharmacy and followed them all the way to the post station, she really wouldn't have known that Jun Mobai hadn't left.

  Since Jun Mobai lives in the post station, it won't work for her to go to the post station to borrow a carriage.

Yu Xiaolian, who entered the city with a high profile, suddenly became low-key again. Jun Mobai didn't want people to know his real whereabouts. If Jun Mobai knew that she came to Deyang Town, I'm afraid Jun Mobai would definitely think too much .

   If you just think too much, it's fine. I'm afraid that Jun Mobai will make a mistake and kill her again.

  Yu Xiaolian put on a face towel in a low-key manner, found a carriage dealer, and took a carriage back to Yangcheng.

  As for why Jun Mobai stayed in Deyang Town, it was nothing more than those reasons.

There is stone lacquer in Deyang Town, which is Jun Mobai's unknown 'private property'. Jun Mobai must arrange everything properly when he leaves Linzhou. But it is not small.

  Furthermore, Yu Xiaolian guessed that Jun Mobai was a little timid. He didn't have many capable people around him now, and he was afraid that someone would be burped for no reason on the way back to Beijing. He was waiting for someone to help him.

   The specific reason for staying, Yu Xiaolian felt that it had nothing to do with her and Su Jingchen, and she couldn't take the risk to investigate that.

  When Yu Xiaolian returned to Yangcheng, it was already afternoon, and the matter of distributing money to the five hundred minzhuang of the cement factory had to wait until tomorrow.

  Su Jingchen was relieved to see Yu Xiaolian returned safely.

  His little wife is always too reckless, and he is really worried when she goes out by herself.

  Yu Xiaolian asked Li Wenyuan to sort out the names of the five hundred minzhuang, the physical characteristics of the household registration documents, and sort them out for her, so as to prevent someone from claiming the bonus tomorrow.

At this time, although people did not have ID cards, it was not so easy to impersonate others. In addition to names and household registrations, Li Wenyuan also recorded the physical and facial features of those people. No one would dare to do impersonation. After all, once it is exposed, it is a serious crime to impersonate others.

  In the evening, Yu Xiaolian and Su Jingchen were lying in bed, and Yu Xiaolian told Su Jingchen about seeing Jin Shuirou and Fu Qing in Deyang Town.

  When Jun Mobai left, he was still very weak, so he asked Jin Langzhong, father and daughter, to take care of him.

   Take ten thousand steps back and say, even if Jun Mobai left the Jin family father and daughter in Deyang Town, what about Fu Qing?

  Fu Qing and Jun Mobai are inseparable!

  So, although Yu Xiaolian didn't really see Jun Mobai's person, she was sure that Jun Mobai was in Deyang Town.

  Su Jingchen hugged Yu Xiaolian, "I knew he didn't leave!"

  Yu Xiaolian raised her eyebrows!

  Su Jingchen continued, "Before he left, I hinted at him!"

  Such a big incident happened in Linzhou, one continent and four cities were invaded by Hu people. All the efforts made in the first few years were in vain. The emperor must send people to Linzhou to investigate.

   After all, the peace contract signed with Hu Jun has not yet expired, so I have to send an envoy to inquire and condemn it. After all, it was Hu Jun who broke his integrity and first provoked the war.

  Once the imperial court sends an imperial envoy, the eyes of the imperial envoy must not only be on Hu Jun, but also in this remote northern region, and other places must also be taken into account.

   Moreover, Hu Jun's lair was taken over by Jun Mobai's private soldiers. Those hundreds of Hu people who escaped by chance went back and saw that their homes were gone.

   Then you must ask Daliang for an explanation. If the two countries are at war, if the envoys are not beheaded, once the envoys of the two parties meet, the matter of Jun Mobai's 10,000 private soldiers will have to be exposed.

  Although Hu Jun’s lair was taken away, how could there be no one left? As long as there is one alive, Jun Mobai’s 10,000 private soldiers will no longer be able to hide.

  So, Jun Mobai dare not leave now, he has to stay here until the emperor sends imperial envoys to see who the emperor sent, and then make a decision.

   "As for the lacquer, it saw the light yesterday!"

  Jun Mobai gave himself gold, saying that on the way back, he happened to find stone paint on the ground in Deyang Town.

As for himself, this is what Jun Mobai told the emperor. He was seriously injured, and he was not suitable for a fast horse. In addition, when he encountered the Shiqi in Deyang Town, he simply guarded the precious Shiqi himself, and waited for the imperial court to send someone to come mining.

   "Those 10,000 private soldiers..." Yu Xiaolian was actually quite curious. There are quite a few of these 10,000 people. If Hu Jun stabbed the imperial envoy to know, what would Jun Mobai plan to do?

  As long as the imperial envoys conduct a large-scale search within Linzhou, won't the 10,000 people be found out sooner or later?

   "What's the matter, these private soldiers take it from the people and return it to the people!"

  Great hiding in the city, they did not hide these ten thousand private soldiers, but let them show up openly.

  Originally these private soldiers were the people, the common people. Those who used to farm the land went back to farm the land, and those who used to forge iron went back to forge iron. Two words—disband.

   "The king of Linzhou can guarantee that among so many people, none of them will betray him?" Yu Xiaolian was still a little puzzled.

  Su Jingchen patiently explained to her, "What is the crime of rebellion?"

   Rebellion is a capital offense. If you report Jun Mobai, that person will not get any benefit, and he may have to pay his life. Who would be willing to do things that harm others and benefit oneself?

  Besides, when Jun Mobai dismissed these people, he had already asked people to pay the private army's private salary according to their hair, and each of those private soldiers received a lot of benefits.

   If you were one of those private soldiers, would you take the money to find a place to live in peace, or go to the muddy waters of the princes, generals and ministers?

  Reporting Jun Mobai, maybe the emperor will let Jun Mobai guard the imperial tomb as he did to King Yu, but these whistleblowers will lose their lives in a blink of an eye.

  No one is stupid, a commoner who was forced to be a private soldier, who would be stupid enough to fight against a powerful prince?

Besides, in these years of catastrophe and catastrophe, the common people died of starvation, and many died of epidemic diseases. They are in the army, they have food and drink, and they are treated by military doctors when they are sick. It can be said that they enjoy much more happiness than the common people outside. Now that the **** horse gangsters have been defeated, and they have received so much severance pay, they all want to go back to find family members they haven't seen for many years. Who has the time to do things that harm others and benefit themselves.

  Anyway, whoever becomes the emperor is the same to them.

  The people who took refuge in Jinzhou City, Bohai City and Heping City over there returned one after another, seamlessly connecting with these private soldiers.

   Those who have a family reunite with their families, and those who have no family come to the county government to re-register.

   "I heard that when you get registered in Linzhou, you can not only get yellow registration directly, but also get a bag of salt and a bag of grain seeds for each person. I don't know if it's true or not?"

  Because Su Jingchen made an agreement with several other cities, the number of people who lost Linzhou returned was very considerable.

  In just a few days, the number of people in Yangcheng was double that of when Su Jingchen first came.

  The people came back, but the salt and grain seeds hadn't been delivered from other cities. In order not to break their promise, Su Jingchen promised the people that everyone would have a share before the spring plowing.

  Yu Xiaolian is a money-scattering boy today, and gave five taels of silver to each of five hundred people, and spent two thousand five hundred taels in one fell swoop.

  Since Hu Jun retired, no one has mentioned the five taels of silver to them. They thought the county magistrate's wife was a liar in order to trick them into defending the city with their flesh and blood.

  But I didn't expect that, after a long time no see, the county magistrate's wife came here to distribute money.

  The people who got the silver were all overjoyed. Those who didn’t get the silver, for various reasons, didn’t go to defend the city, and now they regretted it to death.

   It is said that the Hu army did not attack the city at all. The five hundred of them were not so much meritorious in defending the city as they were lucky.

   "I didn't expect that we would get five taels of silver just by boiling dung water in the city!" Someone bit the silver, and couldn't believe that money dropped from the sky.

  Hey, one drop or five taels of silver!

  In order for them to get real silver, Yu Xiaolian asked the grassroots to go to the bank to exchange the silver ingots in the morning.

"It's not terrible to defend the city. What's terrible is that some people don't even dare to face it. I hope that next time there will be foreign enemies coming. We must unite the army and the people to defend our homeland together!" Yu Xiaolian felt uncomfortable. It's a pity to take advantage of this opportunity to cheer up Su Jingchen.

   "Hu Jun has 20,000 troops, but we only have 4,000, but what happened?

  We won, not only won, but also won beautifully. You say, who is responsible for this? "

   "It's Master Su!"

   "It's the king of Linzhou!"

   "What nonsense are you talking about? The king of Linzhou was beaten into a street mouse by Hu Jun. What credit does he have?"

   "If it weren't for the soldiers and food brought by King Linzhou, Su Jingchen would be a clever woman who can't cook without rice, right?"

  Two people took the lead to stand up.

  Yu Xiaolian clapped her hands and signaled them to be quiet, "Stop arguing, the credit for defending the city is neither Master Su nor King Linzhou, but all of us.

  United will is a city, and its gold can be broken. As long as we Linzhou people are united, we will not be afraid of any difficulties.

  This year Master Su will repair the main road near us. By that time, we people will not have to serve in winter. We will keep our granaries full, and our wives and children will be hot on the kang. We have money and leisure, and we can spend the winter comfortably! "

   "Ma'am, will there be such a day?" Some people think that Yu Xiaolian is drawing a big cake for them.

   "There will be, you have to believe in Master Su's leadership, as long as you are obedient, united, and fight wherever you point, getting rich is not a problem.

  Ask yourselves, are there any good changes in your family after Mr. Su came? "

  Of course there are changes. Last fall, Su Jingchen was exempted from Su, all the exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes that the former Qian County Prime Minister cleverly set up and charged indiscriminately. When collecting taxes and food, they also use fair fights, not the extra-large fights that Qian Xiancheng used in previous years. In addition, last winter they did not catch corvees in Yangcheng to build roads, this is the benefit Mr. Su brought them.

  (end of this chapter)