MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 480 ask for money

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  Sun Manyue wanted to go with Yu Xiaolian, but was persuaded by Yu Xiaolian.

  If Sun Manyue loses his temper, he might be promoted to Quan Wu Xing before the good show begins.

  Grandfather and grandson of the Gao family sat in the carriage feeling extremely uneasy, Gao Dacheng whispered to his grandfather, "Master, look at the attitude of the county magistrate's wife, she seems to dislike us very much?"

   "Of course, which rich family likes poor relatives to come to the house to cheer the autumn breeze?

  However, her man is an official, and we are relatives of her family. Even if she hinders her man's official voice, she dare not drive us out blatantly! "There was a trace of complacency in the old man Gao's eyes. He would definitely be able to get the money, but he didn't know how much the other party could offer.

  Old man Gao counted the days in his mind, "Your aunt and the others have been working in this sausage factory for almost a month, and the three of them will have to pay a few taels of silver."

   This is the bottom line of old man Gao. He planned it before he came, but if Yu Xiaolian refused to help them, his daughter must not watch him suffer.

   "Master, didn't Dafu's daughter-in-law say that the female workers in the sausage factory pay ten cents a day?" Ten cents a day, three people are less than one tael a month!

   "Hey, you don't know that, your aunt is a relative of the county magistrate's family, and her salary must be higher than those individuals. Didn't your aunt say that when she was in Taohua Village, she worked for a month..."

   "Woo... old man, we're here." Fugui called into the carriage. Although his voice didn't fluctuate much, the disdain in his eyes was obvious.

  The grandpa and grandson thought they were keeping their voices down, so he couldn't hear them, but he didn't know that his hearing and eyesight were different from ordinary people since he was a child. Along the way, he heard clearly the dirty plans of the grandparents of the Gao family.

  Old man Gao hurriedly pulled Gao Dacheng out of the carriage, and followed Yu Xiaolian into the sausage factory.

There is a small small room at the entrance of the red sausage factory, which is the place to record the clock-in time at work every day. Since Sun Mansheng came, Manager Liu has given this job to Sun Mansheng. Sun Mansheng saw it immediately.

   "What are you doing here?" Sun Mansheng asked violently.

  Since they came to the Red Sausage Factory, everything was different from what they had imagined. Within a few days, another conflict broke out between him and her mother. Gao Shi fainted because of his blood.

When Liu Guanshi helped to invite the doctor to wake her mother up, he was told by the doctor that her mother had a heart disease, and she must not get angry in a hurry and get angry impulsively, otherwise if the disease recurs in the future, it may happen sooner or later die.

   It can be said that during this month, Gao basically stayed in bed and took medicine, and did not do much work at all.

  Sun Mansheng didn't know what his grandfather was doing again, but he guessed in his heart that it might not be a good thing. He was afraid that his mother's body would not be able to withstand another blow.

   "Man Shengzi, where's your mother?" Facing the angry Sun Mansheng, old man Gao was not angry at all, but smiled instead.

  Sun Mansheng said angrily, "My mother is sick, and you are so angry that you can't get out of bed until now!"

  Old man Gao heard that his daughter was sick, so he looked anxious, "Hey, why are you still sick this Chinese New Year? What's wrong? Have you taken any medicine?"

   "Take medicine? What do you use to buy medicine? Isn't all the money stolen by you?" Sun Mansheng said in a strange way.

  Old man Gao is anxious on the surface, but he is not anxious at all. With a relative like the county magistrate's wife here, can his daughter still have no money to take medicine?

   A group of people came to the dormitory where Gao lived. Besides Gao, Li Dayan and Wang Dafen were also in the dormitory. It was not time to make lunch, and they hadn't gone out yet.

   Seeing Yu Xiaolian bring a group of people in, Li Dayan and Wang Dafen were a little dazed.

   "You go out first, someone from Gao's natal family is here." Yu Xiaolian said to Li Dayan.

  Li Dayan came down from the bunk to put on her shoes, "Sanni, come down and put on your shoes, and help the aunt to wash the vegetables in the kitchen."

Since Mrs. Gao came, Li Dayan and Wang Dafen also knew from Sun Manhong that this person was the county magistrate's wife's distant aunt, because there were many people living in other houses, but only three people lived in their house. After living in their house, the three of Li Dayan and the others moved to live at the end of the kang, and gave up the hot end of the kang to Mrs. Gao.

  Ms. Gao is not as sick as Sun Mansheng said, but since she fainted last time, she has no energy and panic.

  Especially when she thought of the complaints from her son and daughter, she was so sad that she couldn't even eat.

   Yes, she regretted it.

  She wanted to make her parents live a better and more comfortable life in their later years, but she didn't intend to spend all her savings.

  Especially some time ago, when she was sick and had no money to hire a doctor, and when she and Guanshi Liu paid the salary in advance, Sun Manhong said something next to her, which completely woke her up.

  Sun Manhong said: You are reluctant to sue your father, but your father is willing to leave you penniless!

   It was this sentence that made Gao feel like waking up from a dream, and felt that her parents were not worthy, not worthy of her longing for thousands of miles, and not worthy of her heart and soul.

  In the past few days, Gao Shi has been thinking about it in his heart, thinking about how to get back half of the two hundred taels.

   Mrs. Gao didn't expect her father to come just now when she was thinking about how to ask for money. Could it be that her parents have thought about it and come here. I also feel sorry for her, so I came to give her money?

   "Father, why are you here?" Gao smiled all over his face and got up to greet him.

   "Girl, our house has been attacked by thieves, and all your two hundred taels of silver have been stolen, and there is nothing left!" Old man Gao suddenly turned into a showman, and began to sell miserably.

  Gao Shi only felt that his eyes were dark, and his feet were almost unsteady.

  Sun Mansheng quickly supported his mother, and angrily scolded old man Gao, "You have no money, why did you come to us? We have no money to give you."

   "Yes, Dad, not only do I have no money, but I also owe Guanshi Liu's medical expenses!"

  The medical expenses cost more than three taels of silver, and she and her son had to work in the sausage factory for half a year to pay it off!

Old man Gao saw that his daughter didn't intend to take the money out, so he knelt down on the ground with a plop, "Girl, not only your money, but also the money saved at home was stolen by thieves, and now there is no rice for the pot at home. , you should take pity on me and your mother, and help me?"

   "Father, I really don't have any money!" Gao Shi stopped talking and didn't want to see her father.

   "Auntie, you know a lot of people. If you think of a way, it will be more useful than us?" Gao Dacheng also knelt down, and when he said this, he glanced at Yu Xiaolian meaningfully.

Gao's face turned red, she brought her daughter and daughter to Yu Xiaolian, and she was grateful enough if he was willing to take them in. Besides, Man Yue had burns on her body, and the treatment cost a lot of money. It was Yu Xiaolian's money.

   Anyway, she couldn't open her mouth no matter what.