MTL - Unlimited Supplies: Take the Space Supermarket To Support the Right Minister-Chapter 420 There is a lot of knowledge here

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  Chapter 420 There is a lot of knowledge here

  Sun Manyue glanced at Jiang Haifu, who was pale and curled up on the bed, and felt that he was pitiful and hateful.

   Sure enough, poor people must have something to hate!

  However, even if Jiang Haifu was released now, it would not be regarded as lenient. She felt that the punishment for Jiang Haifu was already not light.

   Moreover, she looked at Jiang Haifu with dull eyes, as if she was stupid. If Jiang Haifu really died because of her, she thought she would spend the rest of her life in nightmares, and her conscience would feel bad.

"Sister Lian'er, forget it, let him go, I believe that after this time, he will never dare again." Although Jiang Haifu may never dare again, after this incident, her reputation is completely ruined Well, in these ten miles and eight villages, you can't find any good people.

  Although Sun Manyue hated Jiang Haifu for ruining her reputation, she still couldn't bear to let her take Jiang Haifu's life.

  Yu Xiaolian sighed, but Sun Manyue was still too soft-hearted, "Have you thought about it? Are you really going to spare him?"

  Sun Manyue hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Yu Xiaolian looked at Jiang Dingcai and Lu Shi, "Since Man Yue intends to let you go, and Grandpa Qi and Brother Jiang are pleading for you, then I won't report to the officials, but if you want to report to the officials, I won't." Those who stop you, as for whether you were beaten to death or maimed after you reported to the government, we will not pay a penny, no matter whether it is coffin money or medical money."

  Yu Xiaolian decided to shut up some people's mouths first, otherwise someone might pay for the medicine after a while.

Sure enough, when Lu Shi heard what Yu Xiaolian said, he pointed at Yu Xiaolian and cursed angrily, "You are bullying others, we are going to sue you in the city, I will sue you at the county government office, I will sue you at the government office, and I will sue you at the Prince Jin's mansion." you."

   "Whatever!" Yu Xiaolian said coldly, "If you want to sue, you must hurry up, or I will leave in a few days."

   "Lian'er, can you stay at home for a few days when you come back this time?" Mrs. Sun felt that seeing each other was better than not seeing each other at this time, because after a short reunion, there was a long separation.

  Yu Xiaolian replied, "At most three days, I have to leave. There is no one in charge in Yangcheng. It's a mess waiting for Su Jingchen to clean up!"

  Besides, this trip is a long way, and it takes nearly two months to walk on the road alone.

Yu Xiaolian greeted several uncles of the Sun family, "Tonight, the uncles will bring their families to my house for dinner, and those who want to go back to Beidi to worship their ancestors can also go back with me, and they will still be a companion on the way. "

  Yu Xiaolian took Sun Manyue's hand, and left the Jiang family's yard with a group of relatives.

  Jiang Dingcai thumped the ground angrily when he saw that the Sun family and the Yu family had left, and said to Qi Lizheng, "Lizheng, they are too bullying, too bullying, how rich is it?"

  Qi Lizheng glared at Jiang Dingcai, "It's your son's dirty tricks. If you let Haifu go, don't make any more troubles. If you lose your life, I can't control you!"

  Jiang Dingcai yelled, poking his neck, "I don't believe what she said about the new law. It means that there is a new law. As long as it hasn't been posted, it doesn't count. I'll go to the government to sue them now."

  Jiang Dingcai stood up from the ground without patting the dirt on his body, and together with his wife Lu Shi helped Jiang Haifu up.

   "Haiqiu, are you lending your ox cart to the old uncle? The old uncle is going to take your brother to the city to sue!" Jiang Dingcai stopped Jiang Haiqiu who was about to leave, and borrowed his ox cart from him.

   Before Jiang Haiqiu could say anything, Mrs. Zeng grabbed his son, "Go home and stop worrying about other things. Have you forgotten how they treated us back then?"

Seeing that Jiang Haiqiu seemed a little soft-hearted, Zeng directly gave her son a pestle, "What are you doing standing still? Don't forget that your daughter-in-law is also surnamed Sun. You can't turn your elbows outside, otherwise Man Xia and If you make trouble, I won't help you!"

  When Jiang Haiqiu was struggling, he happened to see Sun Manxia standing not far away looking at him, so he stopped hesitating and ran quickly to his wife.

After his son and daughter-in-law left, Mrs. Zeng touched the pocket of the clothes, but did not find a melon seed again, "Hey, the clothes my daughter-in-law made for me are good anywhere, but the pockets are too small." Point, next time I have to let her make a big bag.

  In other words, the daughter of the Sun family is very good, no wonder someone secretly made Mai Tai when they failed to propose a marriage. Alas, whoever is fate is predestined and cannot be forced.

  There are many girls in the Sun family, but not everyone can marry. "

   "Go, go home, don't irritate people here!" Qi Lizheng couldn't see Zeng's desperation, so he waved his stick, signaling Zeng to disappear quickly.

   Mrs. Zeng had no melon seeds, and there was no excitement to watch, and she didn't want to stay even if she was asked to stay. Seeing that Qi Li was pushing her away, she twisted her body and left in a good mood.

  Qi Lizheng took a look, and Jiang Dingcai's family, who had already found the board and wanted to go to the city to sue, said, "You can do it yourself!"

  It’s like a fight between the villagers in the village. As Lizheng, he has the absolute right to deal with it. If a fight is such a trivial matter, he has to go to the county government. Wouldn’t the county master be too busy?

  So, generally, those who go to the county to file a complaint because of a fight, have already displeased the county magistrate before they open their mouths.

If this year, the villagers of a certain village always go to the county to complain about various trivial matters, the county magistrate will think that the village is doing nothing and can't deal with these trivial matters, so what else is there to do? just?

At the end of the year, the county magistrate will settle the accounts with the Lizheng of this village. Whether to beat the Lizheng with words, or just wipe it out, it depends on what Lizheng gives to the county magistrate during the New Year's Eve. Thank you, there is a lot of knowledge here.

  Jiang Dingcai thought that someone would stop them from suing the officials, but he didn't want to, one or two left, and finally even Qi Lizheng didn't care.

   "Son, shall we sue the officials?" Jiang Dingcai was a little uncertain.

  Jiang Haifu was lying on the wooden board, his eyes were dull, his eyes were dull, no matter what Jiang Dingcai asked him, he never said a word.

   Lu groaned, "God, my son won't be beaten stupid by them, will he? Those of the old Sun's family who suffered thousands of knives are really ruthless!

  Fu, Fu, say something to your mother, don't you scare your mother? "

While talking, Lu shook Jiang Haifu's shoulders. Under Lu's sudden shaking, Jiang Haifu's eyes finally moved. After a while, Jiang Haifu moved his **** lips and said, "legs, my legs !"

   "Yes, hurry up and show the child's legs, and see how the child's legs are doing?" Old man Jiang looked at his beloved grandson, who had become like this, and his heart was broken.

  (end of this chapter)