MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 111 Menghui 07, but stood side by side, standing on the same road.

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About four years ago, the crystal stones guarded by the He family were stolen by unknown forces.

He Qiu's father He Xian, who followed the family's legacy, was very anxious. He knew the danger of this crystal stone and knew that this terrible stone must not fall into the hands of outsiders, otherwise the power of the stone would definitely create a large number of " "Dreamers", more vectors will infect more people and fall into nightmares.

If this terrible force continues to spread and really spreads like a virus, it may form a "virus" storm no less than Ebola.

Mr. He quickly began to seek the help of various forces, and even left his only son, walking around the world on his own body, tracing the clues of the unknown force.

At the same time when Mr. He left, the x department, who had an agreement and cooperation relationship with He's family, learned that the crystal stone was stolen, and accordingly Mr. He provided some help, and sent additional staff and funds to help Mr. He find the crystal stone.

Department x is a national department, and its investigation and intelligence collection capabilities are very good. They are no less than other relevant intelligence organizations. People in department x are very confident in this. They believe that with the help of their own group, what The sir will soon be able to retrieve the crystal stone.

But imagination is beautiful, and the result is unsatisfactory.

No matter how much manpower and material resources are used, or even spread the Internet on a well-developed network, Department X has not received any news about Crystal Stone.

They originally thought that after the crystal stone was stolen, there would be a new "dreamer" due to the power of the stone, and the spirit of the dreamer was mostly unstable, and many dreamers would change their tempers and cause social problems. Dreamers will be valued by the hospital for being unable to sleep for unknown reasons.

Therefore, as long as department X pays attention to these recently-behaved criminals and patients who have been admitted to the hospital for abnormal sleep and obtains information from them, they can find the whereabouts of the crystal stone.

But none at all. All the people they can find like "dreamers" are actually just criminals, and many small and large hospitals concerned have not been hospitalized with patients with abnormal sleep recently.

After investigating for a long time, there is no news. Department X believes that ... this may be because the guys who stole the crystal stones have ran abroad, and they naturally could not find any relevant information in China.

However, as a result, the scope of the investigation has been expanded, coupled with the difficulty of foreign investigations, and the intricate state relations, making the investigation of department X impossible. In the end, Mr. He personally went to the parties to run the relationship.

It is natural to ask for help from those foreign forces in their own name, and it will not cause too many international problems.

However, he moved to various forces and organizations, and used the strength of countless intelligence personnel. Mr. He, who received so much support, still couldn't find the crystal stone. Those who stole the crystal stone disappeared in the world just like nothing. They didn't No trace left, no audio, nothing.

Even the large-scale infection of the crystal stone has not caused the bad situation of a large number of dreamers, and everything is so calm.

It didn't help how to find it, and then he walked around for four years and blinked away. Until now, Mr. He still couldn't get his crystal stone back as he wished.

But recently, Mr. He has made a new breakthrough.

He got clues about the crystal's whereabouts from an underground intelligence organization. This stone ... seems to have been stolen by a religious organization.

When Mr. He shared the learned information with the cooperating department X, the department X also began to investigate this religious organization. With the big goal, the difficulty of the investigation suddenly dropped, and department X found out that the religious organization was called "The Marginal Church".

"Edge church?" Xu Haoyu sat on the boss chair, listening to the young man in department X telling him.

The teenager told Xu Haoyu: "This is a religious organization that has been secretly in existence for many years ... or a cult organization, but it is deeply hidden. It is only in the past two years that we have touched the exposed foot of this cult organization."

"What kind of ... is it a cult?" Xu Haoyu couldn't help asking curiously.

"You know, almost all religions are gods." The x-boy showed a thoughtful expression, "but the fringe church believes in demons."

"Isn't this the so-called Satanism? The church that believes in demons is said to have long ago been used by some people to deliberately use the name" Satan "to attract audiences." Xu Haoyu thought that this was a bit of a problem. Understand, "the cult hostile to Christ."

Junior X said, "I think you have misunderstood. Satanism has been misunderstood as a cult by many people since ancient times, but in fact ... this religion is not a cult at all. Satanism does not really believe in Satan or some kind of demon. They just use Satan as a concept. They promote egoism, reject the existence of God, preach believers to love themselves, respect themselves, and control their own soul and freedom, not God. "

"The idea of ​​Satanism is 'without God, I am God'. They do whatever they want, but they are not intemperate. They will not do things that violate the law of discipline, but they will report revenge and will not tolerate them. They believe that people must be themselves People want to do what is good and evil. "

"In short, Satanism, in a sense, taunts those who rely on nothingness and false precepts to support and restrain their own people. Its beliefs are similar to the mainstream views of many modern people, so they are not considered at all. Cult. "

Xu Haoyu understood, reached out and scratched his own head, "That's why ... I don't know much about these religions, and I can't understand it honestly."

"Most people in the country are atheistic or pantheistic." Xiaojun laughed, "No need to talk more about Satanism, return to the question of the fringe church ... This church is clearly different from the Satanism, the fringe religion is really a faith Demon, they think this demon is real. "

"What kind of demon?"

Teenager X did not directly answer Xu Haoyu's question, but changed his direction and said, "Isn't that crystal of He's family going to be trapped in a long nightmare and become a so-called" dreamer "? "

"We have made detailed investigations and checks on the identity background, physical condition, mental state, etc. of almost every 'dreamer'." The teenager kept talking, and he was operating his laptop again, and will collect it over the years. The various "Dreamers" information brought up was shown to Xu Haoyu.

"Look, all of the people on our list are dreamers." A long list of people was brought up on the teenager X computer, and each list contained basic information such as photos and names, including their recent Body and life and death, row after row, are all documented.

When Xu Haoyu flipped through the list of these dreamers, he even read the messages of Zhou Yue and Mu Qin. After seeing the messages of Zhou Yue and Mu Qin, Xu Haoyu suddenly looked up and looked at the teenager X: "It seems you also Investigated Mu Qin and Zhou Yue. "

"Long-term sleep disorder is a very good case to check. We only need to check the records of the hospital and observe the patients who are suspected of 'dreamers' for a period of time to basically confirm whether the other party is a dreamer. "

Teenager X shook his head: "However, the cases of Muqin and Zhou Yue were deeply hidden ..."

Saying x, the teenager raised his head and glanced at Xu Haoyu: "It should be said that the major you and your Xu family hid deeply. You have well protected these two people. We still received Zhou and Zhou's report recently. Mu's message was added to the dreamer's information record database. "

Xu Haoyu smiled helplessly: "So I still hindered your department's investigation?"

"Almost." Teenager X continued to flip through his laptop. "To be honest, the cases of Muqin and Zhou Yue are very weird. At least I have never heard of a dreamer who can wake up after falling asleep. "

Teenager X said a lot, and it seemed a bit dry. He took the tea cup on Xu Haoyu's table and took a sip. He continued: "I said so much, I think you should also realize a very, very important issue— —Those people who turned into 'dreamers', what did they dream about? "

Xu Haoyu nodded in agreement: "Yes, I just wanted to ask you this question just now. What did they dream about so much that they were insane and couldn't sleep?"

"That's why we are investigating these dreamers." Teenager X pointed to the list of dreamers on the computer. "We asked each dreamer and asked what they dreamed of."

"Most dreamers say they don't remember. They can't remember the things in the dream, except that the body and brain still have the lingering feeling of fear, and their emotions become very fickle and difficult to control."

"There are also a small number of dreamers who say they vaguely remember that they are trapped in a closed space. They can even describe the environmental details of this closed space. Some say they are in a forest that cannot get out, some say themselves In a room where the doors and windows are blocked. These people have a variety of claims, but there is one thing in common, they all say they are trapped in a 'closed' environment. "

"These" dreamers "who can remember the scenes in dreams, some of them will be in any artistic form ... such as paintings and texts, which will show the scenes in the dreams, and then these pictographic texts will become 'mediums'. Then new dreamers will be born, one after another. "

Xu Haoyu said, "After saying so much, I still don't know what the dreams of these dreamers are all about. I just dreamed that I was trapped in a closed environment, so that they could be confused?"

"The question you mentioned has been repeatedly studied and considered by our department." Juvenile X said, "Later, we turned to a number of psychiatrists and psychologists for joint discussions to figure out a possible answer."

The teenager's words are suspenseful and very hooking. Hearing Xu Haoyu's heart, "What answer, you quickly say."

"This is a kind of psychological suggestion." The teenager X summarized in one sentence. "That crystal stone has a strong psychological suggestion effect. All people who have contacted it will fall into their dreams because of this hint. This This kind of suggestion is accompanied by mental damage, which leads to mental breakdown and great temperament changes. Some of them also lose their ego because of mental breakdown, and fall into deeper sleep. They can no longer wake up. "

"What about those" media "?" Xu Haoyu didn't understand, "the media left by the dreamer will also make you a new dreamer."

"We think that those dreamers will be affected by this strong psychological cues and leave corresponding 'cues' on their belongings to infect more people."

The young man said and called up the "Crystal Stone" photo taken more than ten years ago, which was shown to Xu Haoyu. The young man pointed to the dense and mysterious text on the surface of the crystal stone in the photo and said to Xu Haoyu: "We guess The strong psychological suggestion effect of this crystal stone is caused by these mysterious words on the crystal stone, but after investigation, it was found that it is not belonging to any civilization in the history of the earth ... that is, it may not be something created by humans. "

Xu Haoyu felt as if he was listening to Heaven and Earth: "Do you want to tell me, is the text on this crystal stone ... is it an alien text?"

"Do not rule out this possibility." The teenager answered with a sigh, "We have been asking the text experts to research and translate the text on the crystals in the photos ... After researching for several years, I probably translated such a sentence."

"What is it?"

"The world that exists through dreams." The teenager replied, "I don't know if it's right, and those writers can't guarantee the correctness of their translation."

Xu Haoyu heard it called a cloud in the mist, "meaning a world that exists through dreams?"

"Probably this is the meaning ..." The teenager himself was very distressed looking for the adjective, "The dream of one person is only a dream, and the dream of multiple people who have the same dream becomes the world ... It seems to be the case . "

"What the hell?" Xu Haoyu was completely aggressive. "Did you research such a result in half a day?"

"I can't do anything about it. I'm not in charge of research." The young man laughed. "I'm in charge of investigation and communication."

"Well ... what does the crystal and dream have to do with that so-called" peripheral church "?"

"Some of the believers in the fringe church are dreamers, and some are longing to be dreamers." The teenager said the key point, "They think that the world that dreamers dream of is real, the world in dreams There is a demon who is as omnipotent as God. They want to enter the dream world, they worship the devil in the dream, and hope that the devil can take them into the dream world. "

"According to them, that dream world is called 'the marginal world.'"

"And in order to enter the marginal world, this group of people seem to have been staring at the He family, and finally found an opportunity to steal the crystal stone four years ago, and have disappeared since then."

Xu Haoyu really digested everything the teenager X said after hearing it, and he sighed a long time before saying, "It's so bizarre, I was a little dizzy for a while and let me take a rest."

After a long silence, Xu Haoyu asked the young man, "Since you have disclosed these top-secret contents to me, you should have asked me?"

"Yes ... we think that there are also people from the fringe churches infiltrating the military, so I hope you can help a little bit in this area, because we are not good at intervening." The teenager said surprisingly.

The young man said, "The way the marginal church expands its believers is a bit similar to the way that the crystal stone infected the dreamer. They also seem to use similar means as psychological clues to make a normal ... unrelated ordinary person, unexpected. To become members of the marginal church and help the church do things. "

When Xu Haoyu heard this, he suddenly thought of something. The thing that reminded him made him feel terrified. He even looked at the young man X with a horrified gaze. "A similar method to psychological suggestion? Can you describe it specifically?"

"It is said to be like being possessed by a ghost, controlled by others, and speaking and acting as if it were normal as usual, but to do something for the fringe church that would not have been done at all."

"Fortunately, this kind of mental control like 'possession' is only temporary. Most people are only temporarily controlled. They will soon return to normal and lose the memory of being controlled."

"This method is invincible, and we don't know exactly how they use this 'possession' to control others. There are few traces left by this church, and it is not completely traceless."

When the young man said this, he looked up at Xu Haoyu, but found that Xu Haoyu was pale and looked like he had seen a ghost.

The teenager asked indifferently, "Major? Are you all right?"

Xu Haoyu didn't reply. He pursed his lips for a long time and then slowly answered, "It's all right."

Xu Haoyu was okay. He just thought about the incident in which he was possessed by a "monster" and controlled to threaten his sister Xu Lin.

Later, Zhou Yue and Mu Qin only explained to them in a vague manner, and they couldn't make it clear, and Xu Haoyu didn't delve into it.

Now that he knows all of this in the mouth of teenager X, Xu Haoyu realizes afterwards that his close friend Mu Qin has begun a battle against the marginal church and the marginal world long ago.

And it continues to this day.

"Can you get that crystal stone back?" Xu Haoyu suddenly asked the boy in department X.

The boy froze slightly and replied, "We will do our best."

"Add me, intelligence resource sharing, I will help you uproot that **** cult."

Boy X immediately smiled and said, "Then rely on you, Major."

The boy from Department X went back and forth, and Xu Haoyu set out to deal with the transfer of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue. It was not easy to send the two of them out of the country. Mu Qin said, but Zhou Mr. Yue is the master of the Zhou family. He has stayed in Xu Lin's hospital for a long time. I am afraid that Zhou family will come to find trouble.

Xu Haoyu initially wanted to transfer Zhou Yue and Mu Qin as soon as possible. If the Zhou family came to the door afterwards, he would fake the surveillance video of the hospital, saying that Zhou Yue passed through their hospital in the future, creating the illusion that Zhou Yue had disappeared.

It was just that Xu Haoyu did not expect that the teenager in department X had just left his forefoot, and Zhou Yue's mother, Jie Zhu, came to the door. First of all, Xie Zhu looked for Xu Haoyu's sister Xu Lin. She told Xu Lin that she wanted to see Xu Haoyu, and she said frankly that she came to Xu Haoyu.

It was learned from her sister that Xie Zhu wanted to see himself, and Xu Haoyu was in a state of anxiety and anxiety, for fear that Xie Zhu found out that she wanted to sneak away her son.

But after Xie Zhu appeared in front of Xu Haoyu, his attitude surprised Xu Haoyu.

Xie Zhu entered Xu Haoyu's house. The first sentence was: "You did not do what I said, Xu Haoyu, I said don't let Zhou Yue and Mu Qin meet again."

The explanation of bamboo is very strange, because Xu Haoyu has never seen Zhou Yue ’s mother before bamboo, and his understanding of this woman is from his sister Xu Lin. Xu Haoyu is not familiar with bamboo at all. When he saw him, he opened his mouth and said such a thing.

However, this passage was very meaningful. Xu Haoyu realized it carefully, and thought of the incident of the “possession” of the marginal church of the cult that the young man in department X had told him.

Xie Zhu didn't give Xu Haoyu time to think. She walked up to Xu Haoyu in diameter. She supported Xu Haoyu's table in her hands. The movement was a bit masculine. "Xu Haoyu, do you know who I am?"

Xu Haoyu stayed for a while, opened his mouth, and asked tentatively, "Amu?"

Xie Zhu did not answer, and she stood upright. "Sure enough, she still has her mind. Why don't you listen to me?"

With a look of shock, Xu Haoyu held his forehead with his hands, as if to ease his emotions, and then asked Xie Zhu again, "Is it really Mu?"

"Who else can it be?" Jiezhu held his chest with both hands, and his movement was still somewhat masculine.

"Oh my God!" Xu Haoyu couldn't hide his consternation, staring straight at Jie Zhu: "Amu, wouldn't you also be a fringe cult?"

When Xie Zhu heard Xu Haoyu mention a special term "marginal cult", he stared at Xu Haoyu with a look of surprise, and said, "What? What did you say? Marginal cult?"

The solution at this moment ... is Muqin. Mu Qin is now riding the faceless man without control of his stalls, using the power of the Butterfly Throne to come into this world, and choosing the weaker mental solution of bamboo to possess.

After being attached to Xie Zhu, Mu Qin was able to roughly read the memory of Xie Zhu, so he knew the series of things that happened to Zhou Yue in the real world after he sent Zhou Yue out of the marginal world.

Mu Qin also speculated that Xu Haoyu must have failed to follow his instructions and let Zhou Yue run to see his body.

What he originally meant was that after Zhou Yue escaped from the marginal world, she could be completely disconnected from that world, and stop contacting the media related to the marginal world, in order to prevent the faceless people from tampering with Zhou Yue.

But now if you think about it, Mu Qin knows that he can't protect Zhou Yue from dripping. The faceless person is too powerful. As long as the faceless person really wants to drag Zhou Yue into the water, the faceless person has 10,000 ways to torture Zhou Yue, Zhou Yue has no possibility to escape at all.

There is no way to protect Zhou Yue. Mu Qin can only find other solutions. Now Mu Qin will pin his hope on an important message that Echo and Jin have told him successively. Echo and Kim both mentioned that the marginal world was sealed by unknown people during the last version of the update, which completely closed the marginal game, and it was delayed for five years before being "believer" in the marginal world, such as Kim's parents, It was artificially opened about four years ago.

In these messages, Muqin can learn that the marginal world can be sealed, but the question is how to seal it?

Mu Qin decided to start with King's parents. Since King said that his parents were the people who opened the marginal world four years ago, his parents must also know some inside information, so as long as he finds a way to extract information from King's parents Just fine.

However, King told Mu Qin that his parents also entered the marginal world with him four years ago, and it didn't take long for these terrible reincarnation of these killing games to die. The player who has lived to the present since the opening of the fringe world four years ago has only one gold player.

"Are those other" believers "including your parents alive?" Muqin asked reconciledly.

King replied, "Yes, there are other believers who are still in the real world. As long as you can go back to reality, find those people, maybe you can learn the truth about the marginal world being opened four years ago, and you can even get the marginal world of seals. Approach. "

Subsequently, Muqin traded Echo's white card and used a certain player's system to trade with Kim, let Kim go to Echo ’s throne map and meet with Echo, and the two of them formed an alliance to quickly establish a force in the marginal world. Muqin wants the power established by King to continue his investigations in the marginal world, and at the same time to find a way to deal with another version update event that is coming.

Mu Qin himself decided to follow the clues given to him by the power of the Butterfly Throne to return to the present world and attach to someone. Then he went to his all-around friend Xu Haoyu to help ... Xu Haoyu was really in many ways It helped Mu Qin a lot, even though he always involved him in these dangerous accidents, it always made Mu Qin feel uncomfortable.

Mu Qin first intended to transfer the clues given to him to Xu Haoyu, and then asked Xu Haoyu to investigate the group of believers four years ago, to find out how they got the crystal core of the fringe world, and how to open the fringe. world.

However, Mu Qin never expected that his actions at the moment coincided with Xu Haoyu. Xu Haoyu just learned from the department x that the crystal stone and the marginal church exist, and he is preparing to help the department x to eradicate this cult in order to recapture it. A vital crystal stone.

Muqin and Xu Haoyu, two good comrades-in-arms, once back to back on the battlefield, entrusted all trust to each other, and they had a high degree of tacit understanding, allowing them to beautifully complete various tasks and battles countless times.

The same is true this time, one in the dream, the other in reality, but standing side by side on the same road.