MTL - Underworld Game Producer-Chapter 141 Nominated for Best Horror Game of the Year

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【Death Game Producer】【】

Indeed, not only Xiaotian noticed that the difficulty of Resident Evil 2 was much higher than that of the first remake, but also the audience who were watching the live broadcast discovered this.

All viewers are discussing the difficulty of the game.

So far, Xiao Tian has died three times.

When she first streamed the Resident Evil remake, she only died twice in the whole process.

Now the game has not encountered elite monsters so difficult.

If you push the picture until the elite monster appears, it will be like the big frog you saw before.

The difficulty of the game must not take off?

Although Resident Evil 2 has indeed become a lot more difficult, Xiao Tian feels that this is more like a real game.

It is no longer the 'game' that abandoned many games in pursuit of reality.

Second World has been online for so long now.

Most players have already experienced the second world.

After being exposed to games that are not like games in the second world for a long time, many players have begun to lose the desire to buy games.

The Second World has indeed brought a wave of dividends to the game industry.

Let the entire game market expand a lot.

But many people who bought games were not heavy gamers, most of them were light gamers, and there were even some people who had never played games.

In addition, for the sake of reality, the current games have abandoned a lot of fun that games should bring to players.

After a fresh taste, it is difficult to keep this group of players who have just entered the circle.

The game market will inevitably shrink again, and the main force is still the original heavy gamers.

These players care more about whether the game is fun and addictive than experiencing the real game world.

If we still blindly pursue reality, the game industry will collapse.

Of course, these are only for second- and third-tier game manufacturers.

No way, where the strength lies, it is impossible to pursue authenticity and actually improve gameplay like the first-line manufacturers and top manufacturers.

Regardless of the cost, with the efforts of the whole company, it is possible to make a game that not only pursues reality but also has gameplay.

But, if you do this, what if you lose money?

Maybe the company will collapse because of the failure of a game.

A game company that can become a game company above the third tier can be ranked first among the entire domestic game companies.

Nowadays, there are only 70 third-tier game companies in China.

And the second-tier manufacturers are even fewer, only thirty-five.

There are eighteen first-tier manufacturers.

There are only three top manufacturers.

Don't think that 10 million game sales are very easy to achieve.

The competition among third-tier manufacturers is the fiercest.

If there is no game with a sales volume of more than 10 million in half a year, it will be kicked out of the third circle and return to the quagmire of mid-stream and downstream companies.

As for whether there are any benefits after becoming a third-tier manufacturer.

This is naturally available, and new games can also be recommended for free by the World Games Group jointly organized by game manufacturers around the world.

And the World Tour Group holds the best game of the year every year.

Third-tier manufacturers are tickets.

The nominated games are carefully selected by the World Games Group throughout the year.

fair and just.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

It is the biggest honor in the game circle.

This year's best game of the year is coming up soon.

Levin's Escape 1 was nominated for Game of the Year, as well as Horror Game of the Year, among other nominations.

This greatly increased the popularity of his game, and failed to sell many copies of the game.

It's just that it's been too long since the game came out, and it's purely a horror game.

The two versions of Ultimate Escape 1 did not exceed 20 million copies.

Stuck on over 19 million copies.

However, this result has been very good.

Escape 1 is a game that created a milestone in horror games.

It has a very high status among the current horror games.

Of course the game is really scary.

Although it will not directly scare the player into the urine like Silent Hill pt.

But there are still many players who only play one opening, and then never open it again.

Therefore, it is not too outrageous for Escape 1 to be nominated for the game of the year, it is normal.

Although there is a high probability that it will not win the game of the year award, it should not be difficult to win the best horror game of the year.

The market for horror games is also very good now. By winning the best horror game of the year, it can also drive the sale of other horror games in the company.

Very good.

"What do you think of Resident Evil 2 like this?"

Inside Happy Paradise Company, Li Wen asked Zhang Chunsheng, Su Yang and others who were sitting next to him.

Su Yang was silent for a moment and then said, "I haven't played the game myself, but if I just watched the live broadcast, I can only evaluate it from the perspective of a game professional."

"Let's not talk about it from a professional point of view. Let's talk about what players are most interested in, the difficulty of the game! Is it not appropriate to raise the difficulty of the game so high?"

After all, Su Yang joined the company only later, although the time is not too short.

Not involved in the production of Escape 1.

When Escape 1 was produced, it was done according to the normal mode from the beginning.

That's the real difficulty.

When the game was ready to run, Zhang Chunsheng was fortunate to be the first trial player of the semi-finished product of Escape 1.

That level of difficulty is simply not something people can play.

In just ten minutes of trial play, he died no less than ten times.

On average, he died once a minute, and he had self-doubt when he played directly.

This is normal. At that time, the ai of hostile npcs had not been optimized, and it was very free.

Coupled with the engine's intelligent AI learning function, it directly makes hostile npcs become super killers who come and go without a trace.

This kind of difficulty is the real difficulty.

Even if the enemy AI is optimized later, the action template of the enemy AI is also adjusted to perfection.

Escape 1 was still very difficult. In the production team of ten people at that time, only Li Wen was able to pass the initial version.

Others often don't even know how they died.

This makes it very difficult to test game bugs.

Although it is also possible to use the developer options to stop all enemies from moving.

But this is not a normal running game, and it is difficult to test game bugs in this mode.

Therefore, all the bug testing was left to Li Wen alone.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

The current game engine is indeed very powerful, and the probability of bugs that destroy the player's game experience is very small.

Even if the probability is very small, it still needs to be tested, otherwise when the game comes out with some vicious bugs, then the game will really be over.

Players in this world have zero tolerance for vicious bugs that affect the game experience.

No matter whether the game is made by a big factory or an unknown game company.

As long as there are vicious bugs, it will be resisted by all players.

Because there is only one reason for a game to have vicious bugs, and that is that the company that made this game is irresponsible and not serious.

Therefore, even the original Happy Paradise spent a lot of time testing bugs before the game went live.

Resident Evil 1 Double Dog Slaughter Array, although it also ruined Xiaotian's playing experience, but normally speaking, it is not a bug.

Since Happy Paradise just became famous because of Escape 1, it is inevitable that it will be remembered by its peers, so the development of Biohazard can only be hidden, which makes the entire production and communication of Biohazard not very in place.

That's why in the normal mode, the two dogs also have intelligent AI, and they can also fight with each other.

These problems are minor problems and will not affect the normal game experience of players.

After all, only the normal mode will encounter these two dogs who don't speak martial arts and can cooperate.

Simple mode is fine.

It's not a bad bug.

The bug test of Escape 1 was all bet on Li Wenyi, and he had a bit of a breakdown playing Escape 1.

This is why later, he was able to clear the normal mode and research and kill all hostile npcs.

It's all practice makes perfect!

It is definitely not enough for him to test game bugs by himself.

So, he held a meeting with everyone.

That's how simple mode came out.

So on the surface, the difficulty of making it is for the sake of the players.

But in fact, he just wanted to be lazy.

The difficulty of escape 1 normal mode is notorious.

Even the simple mode is also difficult and requires a backplane.

Although Resident Evil 2 looks difficult now, it is actually not as good as Escape 1.

Very simple, Resident Evil 2 can fight back, and the protagonist's combat effectiveness is very strong, and he can defeat all the monsters that appear head-on.

You only need to search each room carefully at the beginning to get enough supplies.

Moreover, a lot of things for making various hidden props are placed in the game.

Players with strong hands-on ability will be unparalleled at the beginning!

Even if the hands-on ability is average, a player like Xiaotian.

As long as I carefully searched all the places, there would be no shortage of bullets, even though the backpack was a little small.

But the backpack can also be expanded.

And in the simple mode, the expansion of the backpack is not two grids at a time, but four grids.

Only in normal mode, only two backpacks can be expanded at a time.

In this way, is Resident Evil 2 still difficult?

It's not difficult at all. Under the suppression of powerful firepower, let alone zombies, even a tyrant has to kneel obediently when he comes.

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【Death Game Producer】【】

As for Escape 1, on the old platform, the game cannot fight back, which causes players to be often scared during the game.

Under the influence of fear, the player's operation is very easy to deform, which makes the game difficult.

The only way to reduce the difficulty of Escape 1 is by the player himself.

You can't rely on in-game props to make the game easier.

Later, after the remake of Escape 1 came out, players could fight back. Although they still couldn't face the enemy with hard steel, the player's fear was also reduced a lot after being able to fight back.

Especially in online games, the players' experience is even more soaring.

In the past, on the old platform, players connected online to make the game less scary, so that players with mild fear can participate in the game well.

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But since they couldn't fight back, although the number of people was indeed large, it was still a horror game, and the difficulty was also online.

In the online version of the remake of Escape 1, players play online no longer to reduce each other's fear.

Instead, it is to form a team to start a massacre of hostile NPCs.

It is still difficult for an ordinary player to kill a hostile npc.

However, it is not difficult for four ordinary players to unite and kill a group of hostile npcs.

Isn't there an old saying that three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang.

What's more, there are still four crouching dragon and phoenix chicks...

If you are matched with a big boss in a game, the game experience will be directly full.

The remake of Escape 1, because it can fight back and can use all the props in the scene, it becomes very simple and easy.

It's no longer what it used to be. Players are online, especially in five-player games.

After one of the players was caught, the other players became frightened and started running for their lives.

Now escape 1 remastered five-player game.

After one of the players was caught by a hostile npc, the rest of the players were as excited as if they had taken an expired aphrodisiac, and rushed towards the troubled player.

It doesn't look like a horror game.

Therefore, Zhang Chunsheng can understand Su Yang's feeling that Resident Evil 2 is too difficult.

Understanding is understanding, he may not agree with it at all.

Escape 3, which he developed alone, is actually a compromise to do what it is now.

Because the current game industry has entered the second world platform.

Although he can also return Escape 3 to the setting of the old platform of Escape 1.

A mode in which players cannot fight back, or even use props, and can only escape.

However, after doing this, there will definitely be no players who will buy it, after all, it is already the next era.

He also used the old gadgets to tease players.

The players are not good at all.

In order to allow players to experience real fear and take advantage of next-generation features.

He let himself go and made the game Escape 3.

The setting of ghosts has been added.

So what if the player can fight back?

Could it be possible to be a ghost?

This kind of supernatural, unknown hostile npc really brings players an unparalleled sense of fear. UU Reading

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【Death Game Producer】【】

But because it is also the first time to do such a real horror game, it is finally discovered that the player will almost die!

There is no possibility of clearance at all.

Goblins are just too strong.

But what's the point of having ghosts if the design is such that the player can attack them?

The development of Escape 3 has thus fallen into a deadlock.

After all, no matter how scary the game is, it must be made for players to clear the level.

It's impossible to design a game that players can't beat, right?

No matter how difficult or scary the game is, this is the case.

So in the end, I had to add a setting that can seal ghosts.

It also makes the escape 3 game easier.

Horror is indeed very scary, even if four people are connected online, they will be so scared that they will make an atavistic scream.

But the game has also become very simple, you only need to find props to restrain the ghosts, and you can restrict the actions of the ghosts.

Of course, the overall horror atmosphere of the game is very good.

The props for sealing ghosts can only be used on the fourth night.

The ghosts also began to attack the players by themselves on the fourth night.

It wasn't the nppc from the village that attacked the players before.

Because these are all human NPCs, players can fight back and subdue them. After being controlled by ghosts, the IQ of these NPCs will also drop sharply.