MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 217

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Because at this time, the members of the Pirates of God are basically in a state of recuperation, in order to prevent many outside spies from spying on the internal situation, thus causing a new round of war.

After discussing with everyone, Shane soon made the decision to close the country.

Under such circumstances, the members of the Pirates of the Gods also began to quickly restore their own strength without ignoring resource consumption.

After all, the current world situation has not been completely calmed down.

Chapter 293: The Nine Kings under Xia En

Shane was the first to regain his strength, and after completely regaining his strength, he did not stop.

Xia En directly called all the core cadres who had basically recovered their strength to the palace.

It was the nine core members who came to the palace.

Xia En sat on the highest throne, glanced at the people below, a look of relief appeared on his face, and then said: "The obstacles of the revolutionary army have been completely removed."

"And Zefa's recruit training program is officially on track."

"So next, we also need to re-divide the powers of the God Pirates and the internal royal group."

Zefa's training methods and training plan are naturally very meticulous, and Zefa also gave Shane a clear time.

Just give him half a year, then he will hand over a real elite force directly to Shane.

And the allegiance of this elite unit is only the Pirates of the Gods.

In addition, in order to make the training effect faster, Shane directly mobilized some people with samurai foundation to join the boot camp.

In this case, the corresponding training speed is further improved.

At this time, Ace and the others who rushed to the palace looked at Shane in front of them with great curiosity.

At the same time, the hearts of the people are also very much looking forward to it.

After all, today's Pirates of the Gods have already formed a powerful force that swept the entire world.

Under such circumstances, since the Pirates of the Gods are destined to become the uncrowned king in the future, how could they not care about the enormous power at their fingertips?

Among the crowd, Crocodile's face was full of anticipation.

You know, the former Crocodile planned for a long time for a mere desert kingdom.

Therefore, it is enough to see this guy's thirst for power and his thirst for territory.

Hancock was equally excited.

You know, the Lily Kingdom controlled by Hancock has always been in an isolated island.

The Lily Kingdom is powerful, but if Hancock wants to continue to expand the Lily Kingdom outward, it will be difficult.

First of all, the many existing territories have already been completely fixed, and secondly, the world government and the navy will not watch the Lily Kingdom expand at will.

If Hancock and the Lily Kingdom go their own way, then what awaits them is probably the powerful army from the World Government.

Even Barrett at this time couldn't help but start laughing and said directly, "Xia En, didn't expect us to have the title of a king?"

Among the crowd, the person who paid the least attention to all this might be Bai Xing of Fishman Island.

At this time, although Bai Xing has gained considerable experience, he has no interest at all in the so-called rights.

Just when Bai Xing wanted to open his mouth and refused to start? Sent \'Yu/Xiao\' said. Group: 9>8; 0:2?0, 5:8/? 5*6, at the end of the day, Hancock on the side gently touched Bai Xing helplessly, and then said directly, "Silly girl, have you forgotten Fishman Island?"

When he heard this, Bai Xing completely woke up.

Fishman Island has always wanted to surface completely, but because of the threat of the world, it simply cannot do it all.

If Bai Xing can get the title of King and gain a lot of territory, then everyone on Fishman Island can naturally pay for the sea.

Moreover, with the reputation of the Pirates of the Gods suppressing him, and the fact that he, a member of the murloc race, has been awarded the title of king, how can there be some obscure guys who dare to provoke the murloc race?

Soon, Xia En gave everyone the titles directly.

First of all, Ace was named the Flame King, symbolizing the power of fire and war.

Barrett was named the king of war, and this guy is always on the way to fight, and he is a real fighting madman.

Anilu was named the Thunder King, which echoed her Devil Fruit ability.

Of course, Anilu still wanted to change the title directly to Thor, but under Shane's gaze, he finally pressed his thoughts into the depths of his heart without hesitation.

Crocodile got the title of Sand King as he wished, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

You know, the title of each king represents one of the absolute core components of the God Pirates.

And Clark Dahl also fulfilled his long-cherished wish.


Hancock was named the King of Python, and he also jumped to one of the core authorities in control of the entire world.

Bai Xing is always named Neptune. The title of Neptune is worthy of the name, and her wish is fulfilled. She can use her own name to protect the entire fish-man island.

Yamato is known as the Wolf King. Yamato is still very satisfied with the title of wolf. After all, she is also a person who is extremely eager to fight and can completely enter a state of madness during the battle.

And what Yamato is most satisfied with is the meaning of unity in the wolf pack culture.

It completely coincides with the most important concept of her partner that she has always adhered to.

And Katakuri is always called the Sweet King.

At the same time, this is also the last title. When they heard this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but start laughing.

I saw that Katakuri said helplessly at this time: "Xia En, will the title of Sweet King be too childish?"

However, Xia En said very seriously: "I came up with this title after thinking about it for a long time, first of all because you are extremely fond of sweets."

"And I think this title can also confuse people outside who don't know you. Who would have thought of a guy like you? How can you love sweets?"

Hearing Katakuri here, his face was full of tears and laughter, and in the end he could only helplessly accept the title.

In the end, Zefadu was directly named the King of Soldiers.

When I heard this, I saw Zefa stand up for the first time, frowned and said, "Xia En, haven't we already discussed it? We have always maintained a cooperative relationship, I don't Maybe join your God Pirates."

However, Shane said indifferently: "In the next six months, you must at least take you inside our Wano country."

"And you have a large number of recruits in your hands. If you don't have a decent position, do you think the boot camp can be successfully taken over by your guy?"

Today's Pirates of the Gods have already formed the trend of swallowing the sky, and all those who joined the elite training camp are eager to make achievements on the battlefield in the future.

Chapter 294: A New Era Built on Ruins

If the boss who led them, Zefa, was a person without any real power, even if Zefa's regulations for training recruits were very strict, it would be difficult for all recruits to approve.

After Xia En came up with this excuse, Zefa finally had no choice but to accept the title of King of Soldiers.

Zefa can only comfort himself in his heart, everything is to better train an elite force, everything is to pick up the Warring States and others with the fastest speed.

Then, Shane took out the corresponding troops that had been separated for everyone, and completely divided the entire world into multiple parts.

Moreover, the ownership of each part has already been clearly divided.

Everyone who obtains the title of the royal group will occupy a large territory in the future, and the processing power of all internal affairs will be gathered in their hands. "Three Seven Zeros"

Wano Kingdom will become the absolute core of all territories in the future, jointly guarded by the nine kings.

"Everything that needs to be done has already been said."

"I'll give you three months to get acquainted with everyone in your hands."

"Three months later, the second external expansion of the Pirates of God will officially begin."

"At that time, how much profit you can make in the king group depends on your own strength."

"And you should also understand that if you want to attract enough good combat power to join your team directly, it depends on your performance in this external expansion."

"I will not recruit anyone alone into the Pirates of God. The rest can only depend on your own strength."

After Xia En decided to completely establish the Nine Kings Group, he had already made up his mind to ignore the internal affairs of the Nine Kings Group.

Unless Ace and others come directly to the door, they will not interfere in the internal affairs of any royal group.

Hearing that Ace and the others here flashed an excited look on their faces, so everyone left the palace respectfully.

Even Hancock, who doesn't care about power at all, is very excited at this time.

Because she can use the name of the royal group to start the crazy expansion of the Lily Kingdom.

And Xia En had already said it in the front, and the sites of the major net groups had already been allocated to them.

In this case, this means that the territory of the Lily Kingdom under Hancock can also start to expand wildly.

And this also means that Hancock has done what many empresses of the Lily Kingdom have never done.

Hancock has created a new ceiling above the history of the Lily Kingdom.

At this time, Crocodile was even more rubbing his fists, and he was already impatient to return to his royal group to arrange internal affairs.

And he was already excited to take over his huge territory completely.

Although it is said that these sites still need them to attack together, but they know that the name of the pirate group is there.

Where is the strength of the Pirates of the Gods? In the whole world, which force can stop the horns of the Pirates of the Gods?

Barrett is excitedly heading towards his own crowd. He wants to use a real battle to test what level of strength these guys are at?

And even if he beat his own subordinates hard, Shane wouldn't come out and scold him.

Because of this, Barrett can't wait to have a hearty battle!

Of course, he will still maintain the corresponding points to avoid in the battle, and directly kill all his subordinates.

Ai Nilu is carrying a drum behind his back, and can't wait to make all his subordinates excited, he is the real Thor.

Moreover, this guy Enel has the ability of the thunder fruit, which can completely do many supernatural phenomena.

"Hey, as long as you give me enough time, I will make all my subordinates firmly believe that I am the real Thor."

While thinking about it, Anilu quickly moved towards the periphery of the palace, and at the same time, a wonderful idea occurred in his heart.

"Otherwise, I will simply formulate a rule in the follow-up. All those who want to join our royal group must treat Thor as a true belief."

When such an idea popped up in his mind, the excitement in Enel's heart couldn't be suppressed at all.


The next moment, I saw Enilu completely turned into an afterimage, rushing forward......

The Nine Great Kings have just been established, and everything is in vain.

Because of this, Shane didn't call any of them again.

After a full month, it was on a high mountain in the depths of Wano country.

Xia En stood quietly on the top of the mountain, a look of anticipation flashed on his face.

In the previous battle of Hive Island, Shane was seriously injured and could not move any part of his body except his eyes.

So Shane made a check-in.

After the sign-in was successful, Shane got a bloodline that surprised him.

At the same time, Shane's right hand stretched forward slowly and directly.


The next moment, a mass of golden-yellow energy began to bloom directly on the surface of Shane's body.

At the same time, Shane's hair also began to stand upright and grow rapidly.

The golden energy continued to adhere to the surface of his long hair, and eventually, all of Shane's hair climbed upwards.

And the surface of the body has been completely filled with golden energy.

The next moment, the golden light began to work.


At the same time, a group of rich golden rays of light began to spread around Shane's body directly.