MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 17

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So after saying this, he waved his hand sharply.


The words fall.

The surrounding navy soldiers, who had already aimed at their firearms, pulled the trigger at this time.

"Then do you think I'll let you guys shoot?"

A faint voice sounded.

It was Shane who spoke.

He looked at Smoker and the navy, and his pupils shrank suddenly.


The full-level tyrannical arrogance that can cause physical effects, at this moment, vented wildly, so that the still dim sky broke through the dark clouds in an instant, and ushered in the falling of the morning sun.

Chapter 22: My knife, never cut to the weak (4 more)

All darkness was dispelled, the sky was drenched with dawn, and the town was bathed in brilliant sunshine.

Available in the square here.

Overlord color madly rushed past.

A second ago, the soldier who was about to pull the trigger.

In the next second, their eyes turned white, and they all collapsed to the ground, completely losing consciousness.

Dozens and hundreds of naval soldiers fell, and the scene was quite spectacular.

"This is.........?"

Under the impact of violent domineering, Smog's mind was shaken, and for a moment, he lost the will to resist.

But by virtue of the persistence of the belief in justice.

Even if the cold sweat broke out all over his body, he gritted his teeth and supported him, and there was only endless horror in his heart.

Now, he finally knows.

This Shane, why the first time the reward is so high.

Obviously, at this age, the king's aptitude has been awakened, and he can release it freely, which is enough for any navy to be vigilant.

"What a strong tyrant!"

Smog glared at Shane, gritted his teeth and squeezed out the sentence.

"Not bad, the guy who came back from the headquarters for a vacation in the East China Sea has a lot of knowledge!"

Shane smiled, and at the same time restrained his domineering.

It is enough to deter the trash fish.

But he still maintains enough respect for the powerful.

Even the inner strength!

"It turns out that this kind of momentum is the domineering look of a tyrant, but it seems that it is too powerful?"

Ace, who was arrogant and domineering when he was a child, felt shocked and inexplicable at this time.

Obviously, the impact was not fully released.

Just passing by for a moment, it makes people feel both physically and mentally, like the beat of a stormy sea.

If you release it with all your strength, God knows how terrifying it is?

"So, do you still have to resist our footsteps?"

At this time, Shane put his hands on the hilt of the knife around his waist and asked Smaller with a smile.

Although asking.

But it made people feel a great sense of oppression.

"As long as I haven't fallen, I won't let you go, bet on justice, and fulfill my responsibilities as a navy!"

Smog gritted his teeth, glaring at the two of them and roaring.

When the words fall, take the lead.

"White Snake!"

The arm completely turned into smoke, generating a huge thrust, and the gloved fist was blasted out like a cannon.


The smoke was like a long snake, hitting Shane's facade.

at the same time.

Smaller held the sea tower stone ten hands in the other hand, and rushed towards Ace suddenly.

I have to say that, knowing the strength of the two, they still act fearlessly.

Except it's surprising.

Even more, a kind of despair and tragic!

"Oh, what a stubborn fellow!"

Shane sighed.

Immediately after that, his five fingers spread out and he clenched the hilt of the sword. Although he had not yet unsheathed it, his entire body was like a divine sword that was about to cut through the sea.

"Yang Yan!"

But at this moment, Ace next to him moved.

His arm turned into flames, and a beam of fire shot out from his palm, colliding with the smoke fist in mid-air, forming a large white mist of flames.

At the same time, Feiyue kicked out.


Ten hands meet it.

Ace and Smoke each took a few steps back before stopping.

"You can't let you take all the limelight, this guy is up to me to deal with!"

Raising his hand to press the brim of his hat, Ace grinned.

"Your natural attributes are similar. It will take a long time to decide the winner!"

Putting down his hands on the hilt, Shane shook his head helplessly.

Although he said so, he still turned around directly, without turning his head, and walked towards the pier.

"Nami and I are waiting for you at the pier for ten minutes. If you don't come, we will enter the great route first!"

In the distance, Shane's voice came.

Hear this.

Ace and Smog's faces became a little ugly.

"I think he's right, if you're not aggressive, we'll end up in a tie!"

Seeing Shane leave, Smog said with a solemn expression while holding the Hailou Stone in ten hands.

"Domineering? Could it be......

Ace frowned, suddenly thinking of something, his face became a little wonderful.

As a natural ability person, he is completely immune to physical attacks, but although Shane had sneak attack components at the beginning, at that time, he really hit his body.

"A newcomer who doesn't even know domineering?"

Seeing Ace's expression, Smoker's eyes sank.

I feel more and more that Shane is even more dangerous and terrifying.


But at this moment, he and Ace both shot at the same time.

Rather than thinking so much, it is better to defeat the enemy in front of them. This is what the two of them are thinking now.

The collision of flames and smoke was so powerful that dust rose into the sky.

"The power of the natural system is still very impressive!"

Xia En, who had already come to the intersection, turned his head to look, and couldn't help but be full of emotion.

In my heart, there is also a bit of envy!

"Pirate Shane!"

But at this time, on the road to the pier, a team of navy suddenly appeared.

The leader, surprisingly, is Navy Cao Da Siqi!

She is tall and slender, with short black hair, glasses with red frames, and a flowery shirt. She looks heroic, and she has the feeling of being a woman who doesn't let her men down.

"A reward of 73 million Bailey, the strongest rookie in the East China Sea, the pirate Xia En."

Quickly giving Xia En's detailed information, Da Siqi pulled out the famous sword, his eyes fell on Xia En's waist, and he shouted sharply: "I didn't expect you to be a swordsman, so that a person like you can master a famous sword, even a sword. cry!"


answer her.

It's just Shane's look.


Overlord color attacked the past.

A face-to-face, and everyone fell down with a thud.

"I don't have time to play with you!"

Leaving this sentence lightly, Shane walked away from the fallen naval soldiers.

But after walking a distance, there was an unwilling roar behind him.

"Damn, what kind of power is that?"

"As a swordsman, why don't you draw your sword and fight with me? Are you insulting me?"

Looking back, I saw that Da Siqi was trembling all over, her silver teeth clenched, struggling to stand up.

But after trying several times, I finally failed and slumped on the ground.

That beautiful face, in addition to anger, is more of a humiliated despair.

Haven't fainted yet?

Xia En was also a little surprised. Although the domineering he released was not strong, it was not something a woman could bear.

"You misunderstood, my knife never cuts at the weak!"


When Dusqi heard this, she gritted her teeth and roared, "Is it because I'm a woman?"

"No, it's because your heart is not strong enough!"

"That's all!"

Shane explained with a light smile.

Immediately afterwards, the domineering was released again, and a shock passed, directly knocking Da Siqi, who was struggling, into a coma.

"People in my world are as stubborn as stones!"

Shaking his head, Shane muttered, then continued to walk away.

Behind, the flames and smoke shot into the sky, and there was a loud rumbling sound, and the whole square seemed to be overturned as terrifying.