MTL - Ultimate Star Card Master-Chapter 627 fight

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  Chapter 627 Battle

  Zuo Quanqing swung both fists at the same time, blasting at Chen Shanshan and the female disciple in the distance.

  Chen Shanshan hurriedly reminded: "Junior Sister Yao, be careful, he can beat cattle across mountains!"

  Junior Sister Yao had also seen Zuo Quanqing's methods just now, her expression froze, and she hurriedly made a sword formula with Chen Shanshan and slashed in front of her.

   "Boom boom!"

  The air was turbulent, Chen Shanshan took two steps back and quickly stabilized her figure, while Junior Sister Yao, who was only at the level of the moon, was thrown more than ten meters away with a muffled grunt.

   "Junior Sister!" Chen Shanshan whispered.

  Junior sister Yao covered her chest with her left hand and snorted: "Senior sister, I'm fine!"

  Chen Shanshan's eyes froze slightly, and she also knew that the gap between Junior Sister Yao and the leftist party was too great.

  Under the suppression of strength, Zuo Quanqing's upright frontal offensive is even more difficult to resist.

  Chen Shanshan shouted in a low voice: "Junior Sister, you heal Junior Brother Yan first, and then ask for help!"

   "Yes, senior sister, be careful!"

   Glancing at Junior Brother Yan, who was seriously injured and lying on the ground, Junior Sister Yao immediately pulled back with him, and took out a rescue talisman to activate it.

  Afterwards, Junior Sister Yao raised her hand to form a mudra, fresh air rose up all over her body, and immediately a green stream of fresh air shot out and wrapped around Junior Brother Yan.

  Junior Sister Yao's own star power was slowly consumed, and under the transformation of Qing Qi, a large amount of green brilliance immediately enveloped Junior Brother Yan to heal him.

  It is one of the twelve superior secret arts of Taishangmen, the method of heaven and man!

  Zuo Quan looked at Chen Shanshan and grinned: "Why, do you want to block me by yourself?"

   As he said that, Zuo Quan swung his hands repeatedly, and once again, a large amount of invisible fist energy crossed the space and hit Chen Shanshan in front of him!

   "Shangqing Sword Art!"

  Chen Shanshan held the long sword tightly, with sword intent rising in her eyes, and swiped the sword at an astonishing speed.

  In an instant, the sword light was like a waterfall, pouring out and slashing on many tyrannical fists that are hard to see with the naked eye!

   "Boom boom boom...!"

  Sword Qi and fist strength collided continuously in mid-air, and only countless white Qi could be seen roaring and stirring!

  The two fought fiercely, but in fact it was only a moment.


  Beside, the star beasts such as the flame dragon have also rushed over, as the bright moon star beast, naturally they will not be easily scared off.

  Chen Shanshan was trying her best to resist the bombardment of Zuoquan's fists, but the air around her suddenly became scorching hot.

  Seeing that the Balrog Dragon spread its wings, countless fire elements gathered in its mouth at high speed, forming a highly compressed fireball that exudes astonishing fluctuations.

   It is Dragon Flash, and it is a fire attribute Dragon Flash with great lethality!

  As for the target... of course it was Chen Shanshan who had previously fought against the Balrog and was regarded as an enemy by him!

  The Flame Dragon let out a roar, and the fireball in its mouth shot toward Chen Shanshan!

"not good!"

  Chen Shanshan's heart trembled, and she wanted to dodge.

   "Want to retreat?" Zuo Quanqin sneered, opened his left hand, and the white air roared down between his five fingers. Chen Shanshan in the distance suddenly felt a huge invisible cage covering his head, locking all his escape routes!


  The scarlet fire was like a pillar, and the astonishingly powerful Red Flame Dragon shot thousands of meters away, engulfing Chen Shanshan in an instant!

  However, Zuo Quanqing's eyes were fixed, staring closely at the dragon's flashing pillar.

  The next moment, a large piece of sword light bloomed, tearing the Flaming Dragon Flash to pieces in an instant!

   I saw a golden chain of clear energy wrapped around Chen Shanshan's body, with runes circulating on it, protecting Chen Shanshan.

  Although Chen Shanshan looked a bit embarrassed, she didn't suffer any injuries. It was the yellow chain of clear energy that took away most of Long Shan's damage.

   "Thank you, Junior Sister Yao!" Chen Shanshan said loudly.

  The other end connected by this chain of clear qi is none other than Junior Sister Yao, who is a little pale in the back.

   I saw that Junior Sister Yao had two chains of clear qi, one green one was connected to the male disciple for healing, and the other yellow one was connected to Chen Shanshan.

  Zuo Quanqin frowned slightly: "Is it actually the Heavenly Human Way of Transformation!"

  Only the Heavenly and Human Dao of Huajing can connect two targets at the same time.

   Moreover, similar to the one-spirited universe that can block various types of attacks, the Taoism of Heaven and Man is also extremely versatile, with multiple strengthening states!

  Healing enhancement, defense enhancement, attack enhancement!

  In the magic gate, everyone is for himself, but no one will practice this kind of pure auxiliary skills.

  At this time, the Red Sand Golden Armored Beast rushed out from the ground under Chen Shanshan, and the star beasts such as the Flaming Demon Ape also rushed to the front one after another!

  Junior Sister Yao made a tactic with her right hand, and the chain of fresh air connecting Chen Shanshan suddenly turned purple!

  Chen Shanshan was surrounded by purple energy, and her strength, speed, and star power suddenly increased!

  Chen Shanshan's eyes lit up, and she turned her hand and took out a long sword again.

   "The sword is extremely fast, and I am the only one who is clear!"

   There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Chen Shanshan swung the two swords at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, only to see countless sword lights surging out like a storm of sword energy!

  Blood splatters and spiritual flames burst!

  The storm-like sword light not only tore apart the air cage formed by Zuo Quanqin's five fingers, but also drove out the surrounding star beasts such as the red sand golden armor beast!

   "It does have some strength, and coupled with the blessing of the 'attack state' of the Heaven and Man Dao Law, it does have some strength.

   Just right, after absorbing so many high-level star beasts, let's try to see how much power has grown. "

  Zuo Quanqing admired softly, and at the same time raised his hand and released the Hundred Beasts Cauldron.

   Glancing at Chen Shanshan, whose sword light hadn't stopped, Zuo Quan's gaze finally fell on Junior Sister Yao, who was performing the Dao method of heaven and man.

  Zuo Quanqing patted the Beast Cauldron lightly: "Go, smash her!"

  The Beast Cauldron trembled slightly, and a large amount of translucent green energy rushed out of it, twisting and turning into a terrifying humanoid green-skinned monster with the faces of a hundred beasts on its body.

   As soon as the monster appeared, it flew out of the air and went straight to sister Yao, who was performing the heavenly and human way in the distance.

  At this moment, a sharp sword light came rushing forward, precisely slashed on the green-skinned monster's head and cut it in half.

   It was Chen Shanshan who used the sword light storm to force back the flame dragon and other star beasts. After finding out that Zuo Quanqin was trying to attack Junior Sister Yao, she hurriedly helped!

  However, the green-skinned monster of Hundred Beasts Cauldron was like a cloud of smoke. After being cut by Jian Guang, it was connected and gathered together in a blink of an eye. After returning to its original shape, it continued to rush towards Junior Sister Yao at a faster speed.

   "Junior sister, go back!" Chen Shanshan shouted hastily.

  Junior Sister Yao was also frightened by this ferocious green-skinned monster, and wanted to run away, but under the gaze of many faces on the green-skinned monster, her feet seemed to be rigid, and she couldn't control her at all!

   "Ice Jade Shroud!" Junior Sister Yao shouted tremblingly.

  Junior Sister Yao's body was filled with cold light, and a lifelike ice turtle appeared.

   A powerful defense skill from the Ice Black Turtle—the Ice Jade Shroud!

  However, the green-skinned monster flew close, ignoring this layer of defense, leaping over the shield in a blink of an eye, rushing to Junior Sister Yao and bumping into it.

  Junior sister Yao suddenly widened her eyes, and the green-skinned monster quickly retracted into the cauldron of beasts after a blow.

   "Junior Sister?"

  Chen Shanshan and Junior Brother Yan next to her also changed their expressions, not knowing what happened.

  The next moment, countless dense cracks suddenly appeared on Junior Sister Yao's bare skin, like a doll about to break.

   Both Chen Shanshan and Junior Brother Yan's pupils trembled, and a very bad feeling rose in their hearts.

   "Junior Sister!" Chen Shanshan exclaimed again.

  Junior Sister Yao looked at Chen Shanshan: "Master..."


  Before the words fell, the blood mist exploded, and Junior Sister Yao's body shattered on the spot, and the flesh and blood splashed onto Junior Brother Yan who had just recovered from his injuries.

  Chen Shanshan and Junior Brother Yan both froze, and the field suddenly fell into silence.

  Only Zuo Quan tilted his mouth slightly, quite satisfied with the power of the Beast Cauldron.

   "It's not bad to be able to kill Taishangmen Huiyue in one blow, and it should be stronger after the advancement."

  At this time, a strong wave of star power swayed away, and I saw countless star power streams rushing away from Chen Shanshan's body, and the blue veins on her fair skin burst out, as if every pore was releasing star power!

   "Surrender, speeding!" Chen Shanshan shouted violently.

  Zuo Quanqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile, "Are you angry? Why, do you want to die?"

  Chen Shanshan glared angrily, and as soon as her hands gained momentum, she suddenly drew out her sword: "Two swords walk together, the art of cutting the sky and drawing the sword!"

  Two beams of Heaven-Qing Jianguang suddenly tore through the gap and staggered out, heading straight for Zuo Quanqing.

  So powerful, even Zuo Quanqing's eyes froze, and the white air above his fists screamed and blasted out together!


  The strength of the fist and the light of the sword collided with each other in mid-air, bursting out with an extremely strong aura, and the aftermath of the roaring energy knocked both sides back!

   After a while, the spiritual light dispersed, leaving a huge pit in place.

  As for Chen Shanshan and Junior Brother Yan, they had disappeared.

   "Run away?" Zuo Quan raised his brows, "You are really decisive."

Zuo Quan gave a cold snort, and wanted to fly to chase after him, but looking to the side, the star beasts such as the Flame Dragon and the Red Sand Golden Armored Beast, which had just been injured by Chen Shanshan's sword light storm, had already taken this opportunity to flee towards the distance , I can't even take care of the scorching sun.

   "Upgrading the Beast Cauldron is important."

  Zuo Quanqin frowned, thought for a moment but didn't chase Chen Shanshan and the two of them again, put away the Hundred Beasts Cauldron, flew to take down five Scorching Sun Fruits, and continued chasing and killing the Balrog Dragon.

  Behind the short mountain in the distance, Yao Po, who has been hiding by the side and trying to find opportunities, took a deep breath.

   "This cauldron of hundreds of beasts can actually ignore the defense of the Taishangmen female disciple and kill it with one blow!"

  Yao Po's expression froze in his heart, and he began to think quickly.

   "However, although the power is astonishing, it seems that this treasure cannot be activated continuously. Otherwise, the leftist forces can easily take down the remaining two as long as they continuously activate this treasure.

  In addition, the female disciple's defensive skills failed to prevent the Hundred Beast Cauldron, but if I use a solid star device like Yan Luo Ling, I don't know if it can be sealed..."

   While thinking about it, the leftists have been chasing and killing them farther and farther.

   "Unfortunately, it didn't create any good opportunities. Forget it, let's do it while he collects the Balrog Dragon and other beasts!"

  Yao Po secretly thought, since he failed to create any good opportunities, he should take advantage of the slackening of the left power to attack.

   If he can successfully hit him with the Divine Forbidden first strike, then there is still a good chance. I used the Divine Forbidden to strike first when I was killing the full moon before.

   There was a cold light in his eyes, Yao Po was about to leap forward and continue to follow, but suddenly, a thought jumped out of his mind.

   "Since the former Taishangmen have sent out a request for help, maybe you can follow the Taishangmen two to see if more Taishangmen masters will come..."

  This idea just appeared, and it turned into a strong intuition.

   "If Taishangmen can really call more Taishangmen masters, I can just go there and lure them over."

  Although it seemed unreliable, under the guidance of this strong intuition, Yaoye decided to go and have a look first after a little thought.

   Anyway, it's not too short of a short time, and I can find the left-wing position through the beast-controlling talisman.

  The figures of Chen Shanshan and Shanshan have disappeared into the sky, and they will not be able to keep up if they don't chase after them.

  Yao Po's eyes were certain, and he no longer hesitated, and immediately jumped in the direction where Chen Shanshan and the two left...

  (end of this chapter)