MTL - Ultimate Star Card Master-Chapter 587 Salary Draw (2 in 1)

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  Chapter 587 Salary draw (two in one)

  B-36 station.

   After Major Yao was dispatched to investigate, Colonel Yan and his men made intensive arrangements.

   "Okay, not only will we send a school-level corps, but we will also apply for a few more Huiyue ferret guards!"

   "The three corps in the garrison are ready to move out as soon as possible, and the Dingmai Pillar and Array Master are all ready."


   Right at this moment, there was a sudden exclamation.

   "Report! Major Yao's life status has declined sharply... no, it has... disappeared!"

   "What? Didn't Major Yao just go out for a while?"

  The entire command battalion was shocked, and Colonel Yan came to the body monitor in a blink of an eye.

  On the screen, the data of Major Yao's physical characteristics have completely disappeared, and it is displayed as -【Death】.

   And at such a short distance, the body monitor can't make mistakes!

  Colonel Yan suppressed the shock in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Look at his last position!"


   "Buzz buzz!..."

   Before the lieutenant could finish speaking, a strong alarm suddenly sounded throughout the camp.

   "Report to Colonel, an energy attack is approaching rapidly! 60 kilometers, 20 kilometers, 10 kilometers...coming!"


  A burst of violent explosions resounding through the entire station suddenly sounded from the north!

   Afterwards, a terrifying shock wave swept over, and a large number of cracks appeared on the walls of the entire command camp, which almost collapsed directly!

   You know, this is still in the case of a city wall enchantment to resist!

  In the command battalion, Colonel Yan and others all flew up and quickly came to the north wall.

  At this moment, a huge depression with a diameter of more than 20 meters has appeared on the city wall mixed with level 4 materials and depicting several layers of level 5 defensive barriers.

  A large number of glass-like dense cracks spread all over it, and it was almost directly blasted through by a single blow!

  The terrifying green brilliance still remains on the city wall, and the energy intensity inside it is simply tingling.

  The attack that uses the Huiyue-level soul to burn as energy, and then strengthened and released by the Huiyue-level soul power gun is simply shocking in terms of attack power!

   "What a terrifying blow!"

  Colonel Yan and the other major were secretly shocked!

   "Where are the people stationed on the city wall!" Colonel Yan shouted loudly, "What's going on!"

  A middle-aged man staggered over quickly while holding his forehead: "Colonel Yan, a terrifying green blaster flew over just now!"

   "What about casualties?"

   "With the city wall in place, no one was killed in battle, but many people were injured and stunned by the impact."

  At this time, an adjutant next to him received the news, and his face changed: "Colonel, the star energy detector detected the approach of enemy personnel, the number is thousands, and at least five of them are from the Huiyue level!"


   "5 bright moons, thousands of enemies, where did they get their hands!"

   "Is this going to war!"

   "This is outside of the 4th Eastern Front, and there are no northern troops stationed for thousands of miles to the north. If they come here like this, aren't they afraid that there will be no base supplies!"


  Everyone in the Black Snow Country exclaimed!

  The current situation is like a corner area where there is not much war, suddenly a large number of surprise soldiers descend from the sky!

   "It's because of that new spiritual land!" Colonel Yan said in a deep voice, "As long as they occupy that new spiritual land, they can establish a base and gain a foothold, and all supplies and backups can arrive one after another."

  Everyone understood after hearing the words, but their hearts were even heavier.

   It turns out that this side is too remote and star power is poor.

   Except for B-36 and a few garrisons established by sporadic wolf veins, there are not too many troops deployed, and the north is also an empty area with thin star power.

   Without enough star veins as a support, it is difficult to build fortifications, and the daily practice of senior star card masters cannot be satisfied.

  So there is no star pulse, and there is no point in establishing a resident.

   Now, if the people from the north occupy that new spiritual land, then of course there will be no worries!

  At this time, a thin middle-aged man flew over from behind. It was Wei Hao, the last school-level officer in the garrison.

   "Colonel Yan, all the corps are in their positions."

  Colonel Yan nodded: "Okay."

  Under such circumstances, Wei Hao still quickly made battle arrangements, which is indeed reliable.

   But in the face of five Huiyue-level and thousands of enemies, even though there are many five-level enchantments in the garrison, it may be difficult to defend!

Colonel Yan said: "They discovered that new spiritual land earlier than us. With this spiritual land, I am afraid that a fifth front will be opened up in the eastern theater. Get ready to fight... This will be the first battle on the eastern fifth front. It will be a fierce battle."

   Everyone looked towards the north with heavy eyes, knowing that this battle would be extremely tragic.

  Once Qiguang breaks through B-36 and several other garrisons, as the outpost of Xinlingdi, after gaining a firm foothold, it will be able to cooperate with the Northern Army to double-team the East 4th front.

  So I and others must stick to the station and wait for follow-up support!

   Even if these bases are lost, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to regain that new spiritual land!

  Colonel Yan asked: "Have you summoned the A-7 base to apply for support?"

   Wei Hao replied: "It has already been sent out, and the signal has also been sent to B-34, B-47, and the surrounding areas.

  However, not long after the distress signal was sent, our communication was quickly cut off. "

  Although the communication here has been cut off, the A-7 base will definitely be able to detect it, but finding anomalies is completely different from directly knowing the specific situation.

  If the existence of the new spiritual land is confirmed, the A-7 base will definitely send many more experts over urgently.

   At this moment, Colonel Yan's eyes froze: "Here we come!"

   Everyone hurriedly looked forward.

  In just a few moments, five Huiyues headed by Andy had already appeared in the distant midair.

   And following behind are thousands of military soldiers!

   "A master of the Temple of Enlightenment and the Royal Rhine Knights!"

  Everyone took a deep breath, and their expressions became more serious.

  Colonel Yan ordered in a deep voice: "Remember, don't stay away from the garrison, rely on the garrison's fortifications, and hold on for support.

  Compared with these northerners who rushed over thousands of miles, our support must be faster! "

  Everyone responded: "Understood!"

   "Then, let's go!"

  Colonel Yan looked at Andy, the little old man with a calm expression in the air ahead, and immediately took the lead and took the lead in killing with his long knife drawn out!


  Heiyeshan camp, in the Qingming world.

   A wave of tide-like fluctuation surges up, and the world rises in an instant, and all currents return to their source!

   After a long while, the watery light descended.

   After a while, the sea-blue long-haired girl ran from the place where the water and light converged, jumped up and threw herself into Su Yuan's arms.

   "Master!" Ruan Ruan's eyes were full of excitement.

  Su Yuan smiled: "Well, the breakthrough was smoother than expected!"

  Su Yuan looked at Ruan Ruan, and found that he was a little more mature and taller than before, and now he is almost 1.6 meters tall.

   Moreover, Su Yuan felt a little oppression in his chest, and it seemed that some aspects had also grown a lot at the same time...

  Of course, this is the normal situation. Luo Bingtong is indeed a bit special, no matter in size or other things, it is not long at all.

   After a while, Su Yuan let go softly.

   "Master, the star core alone has successfully broken through, even a drop of Tianshan moon milk is useless!"

   Saying that, Ruan Ruan returned the moon disk to Su Yuan.

   This is a good thing, Su Yuan took the moon disk and nodded, then opened the soft panel to check.

  In addition to changing the realm to Huiyue level, there is another change.

   "Full mimicry"? Su Yuan looked at the system panel and thought about it.

  In the column of advanced soft quality, it is added that the three legendary star beasts swallowed by evolution will be able to perform "full mimicry".

   As far as the current situation is concerned, Ruanruan's devouring law has the ability of "mimesis", which can change by devouring the target's corpse, and obtain the attributes and skills of the target part.

   And this full mimicry...

   "Ruan Ruan, what is complete mimicry?" Su Yuan asked directly.

  Ruan Ruan thought for a while, and said: "It seems to be able to completely transform into the target's life form, and possess all the attributes, abilities, and skills of the target."


  Su Yuan's expression changed, it seemed very strong...

  Attributes, abilities, and skills, each of which is extremely important.

  If it can be done, then Ruanruan will be a powerful and comprehensive all-rounder!

   At this moment, Su Yuan's expression changed slightly, and he said to Ruan Ruan: "Ruan Ruan, you need to stabilize your realm first."

   "Good master!"

  A black light flashed on Su Yuan's body, and he left the Qingming Realm.

   Outside, apart from Yan Changming, Baili Ge and other special envoys of the Sky Survey Division, Xiao Jianfeng from Heixue Country was already waiting outside, and Xiao Jianfeng still had an obvious look of anxiety on his face.

   "What's the matter?" Su Yuan saw that there must be some accident happened.

  Seeing Su Yuan coming out, Xiao Jianfeng hurriedly said: "Emissary Su, there is a large army coming from the north, and the B-47 station, B-36 and B-34 station have all been attacked!

  There are six or seven Huiyue in the B-47 garrison alone, and the enemies in several garrisons together have at least a dozen Huiyue class and thousands of people!

   Now each station is still struggling to resist relying on enchantments and formations, so I ask the nearby masters to rush to the rescue! "

   "These three garrisons were attacked at the same time?" Su Yuan was quite surprised, and then asked, "Is there any change in our large area?"

  Xiao Jianfeng said: "According to the news, a new spiritual land has formed in the north!"

   "It's actually a spiritual land!" Su Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and after thinking for a while, he quickly figured out the relationship, "It seems that this time, the map in the north is not small..."

  Xiao Jianfeng lowered his head and begged: "Emissary Su, the situation is urgent. Please also ask Emissary Su to go to B-47 to assist in responding to the enemy. We have already sent out the application for cooperation."

   After all, Su Yuan is not from the Black Snow Country. If he wants to be transferred, he has to go through the Tian Xun Division.

  However, this matter is not small. The appearance of a new spiritual land will have a certain impact on the situation of the entire eastern theater in the future, and Dayan will probably agree.

  Su Yuan also nodded directly: "Don't worry, Captain Xiao, I will not stay out of it."

  Xiao Jianfeng was overjoyed immediately, and gave a deep salute: "Su Shi is righteous!"

  At this moment, the situation in B-47 and other stations is obviously extremely dangerous. Even if the executive envoy of the Sky Survey Division goes there, it will be difficult for him to retreat unscathed.

  Xiao Jianfeng had a hard time opening his mouth. After all, Su Yuan was the one who saved the camp in Heiye Mountain. He couldn't force such a dangerous thing, but he didn't expect Su Yuan to agree so readily.

  Su Yuan waved his hand, Xiao Jianfeng saw this, and retreated knowingly.

  After Xiao Jianfeng left, Yan Changming frowned and said, "Emissary, do we really want to get involved? The other party has already prepared. According to Xiao Jianfeng, there are several Huiyue-level enemies at B-47."

Su Yuan said: "Although it is true that we can ignore it, from the perspective of the overall situation, Yanluo, Heixue, etc. are the outposts and front teeth of our Great Yan. The greater the advantage we have established at this moment, the more advantage we have when we confront Qiguang head-on in the future. It will be a little bigger."

  The dragon veins have not yet appeared, and they are only assisting Yan Luo and Heixue to fight against the north.

   And when the dragon veins appear, Dayan will end up in person and confront Qiguang head-on!

  Bai Lige, Xiang Dingqian and others immediately said: "We will go with the envoy."

  Su Yuan did not speak, but began to think alone.

   It's no wonder that cards like Star Knight, which can play a greater role, are sent to this kind of place. The opponent really discovered that the new spiritual land is about to be formed first.

   Right now, B-47, B-36, and B-38 are surrounded at the same time.

  B-47 is nothing more than that, with Su Yuan's speed, it must be in time to rush over.

  However, even if I can hold the B-47 garrison after passing by, I am afraid that other garrisons will be too late.

   And more importantly, the newly formed spiritual land may be completely occupied by the people in the north, and it will be much more difficult to regain it when the time comes...

   "New spiritual land..."

  Su Yuan's eyes flashed brightly, and after some thoughts, he had already made a decision.

   "Yan Changming."

  Yan Changming took a step forward: "Executive envoy."

  Su Yuan raised his hand to form a seal, and in just a moment, the star power gathered and turned into a five-color talisman and threw it to Yan Changming.

   "You are in control of the Wulei Tiangang formation. It stands to reason that our place will not be affected for the time being. If there is an accident, we will play it by ear."

  Yan Changming naturally didn't have any doubts about Su Yuan's order, and immediately took the talisman and responded: "Okay!"

   "Bailige, Lin Chongyun."


   "You keep sentries to the west to investigate. If you find that the B-47 is routed, notify the camp immediately, and everyone will evacuate immediately. Don't worry about the two wolf veins and the Dingmai column here."

  Bailige is good at earth escape technique, Lin Chongyun has keen perception and pupil technique.

  As long as Huiyue doesn't come out, it shouldn't be a problem if the two of them are just scouting.

   And if B-47 is defeated, then the two wolf veins of Heiye Mountain cannot be kept. The people under him can't die so easily, so they naturally have to retreat decisively.

  Bai Li Ge immediately responded: "Yes, envoy!"

  Xiang Dingqian glanced left and right, took a step forward, and said eagerly in his eyes: "I will go to the B-47 station with the envoy to support!"

  Tian Bule also said solemnly: "I am also willing to go with the envoy!"

   There is no doubt that Su Yuan has already been arranging the situation after the unexpected defeat just now.

  As long as you follow Su Yuan's instructions, even if the battle at the B-47 garrison is defeated, the remaining people will still be able to survive.

   And if you follow Su Yuan to the main battlefield... don't talk about defeat, if you make a mistake, you will die!

  The remaining two newcomers seemed to be a little entangled. Looking at Su Yuan in front of him, they remembered that they had just been rescued by the other party a few days ago.

  After a little bit of thinking, the two also said: "We are also willing to go with Su's envoy to support the B-47 station!"

  Su Yuan smiled when he saw this, and then said to everyone: "I am not going to the B-47 station, you can just continue to station here as I ordered."


  Everyone was puzzled.

  Su Yuan opened his hands, and amidst the surging silver light, a door of space opened slowly in front of him.

   "Going to the B-47 station can't solve the problem. To solve this difficulty, there is only one way..."

  A cold light flashed in Su Yuan's eyes, and after taking a step, he stepped into the door of space and disappeared.

  Xiang Dinggan watched the door of space gradually dissipate, and was about to follow in immediately.

   But with a flash of silver light, Yan Changming stopped him in time.

  Xiang Dinggan became anxious: "Envoy Yan!"

  Yan Changming said in a deep voice, "Don't go there."


  Tian Bule also came from behind and patted Xiang Dinggan, and said in a low voice: "Don't be impulsive, I'm afraid Executive Officer Su is going to enter the tiger's den alone this time..."

  One of the newcomers asked: "Huh? Uncle Tian, ​​what does this mean? Where did the envoy go?"

   "It's time to go to that new spiritual land."

   "What?!" The newcomer exclaimed.

   And Xiang Dingqian also shrank his pupils, and suddenly understood, he couldn't help but froze in place.

  Lin Chongyun took a deep breath and said, "It's really worthy of this person to be able to act like this!"

  Yan Changming and the others were also amazed.

  The northern army dared to send so many masters to attack without any hesitation, precisely because of the newly formed spiritual land, which could be used as a base as long as it was occupied.

  So, instead of rushing to support B-47, Su Yuan chose to go straight to the spiritual land and draw his salary from the bottom of the pot!

   As long as the northerners are prevented from occupying this spiritual land, not to mention defeating the enemy, at least they can defuse the attack and buy more time.

   It's just that it's easy to say, but for ordinary people, it's hard to imagine how dangerous this is!

  Although many people were mobilized on the main battlefield, how could it be possible that such an important place as the Spirit Land was not heavily guarded?

   There must be masters defending, and there may even be more masters than attacking a certain station!


   After a long time.

  To the north, a man and a woman are looking towards the south.

  Glan laughed and said, "Although the fortifications of the Rhine garrisons are well done, it will only take a little longer to break through."

   Isha next to her nodded her head: "Master Andy has passed by himself. When the B-36 in the middle is defeated first, then the B-34 and B-47 on the left and right will also be flanked. The overall situation is settled."

   "It's really boring, isn't it that there is no chance for us to make a move?" Gran pouted, suddenly thought of something, and smiled, "Isa, tell me, will someone come to our side?"

  Isa thought for a while, shook her head and said: "No, these three B-level garrisons and even the Huiyue-level masters near the garrisons have basically appeared in the battle.

  Even the scorching sun from the A-7 base was involved by our masters on the East 4th front. "

   "You said most of them, so what if people really sneaked over?"

  Isa's eyes turned cold, and she said coldly: "Then he is here to die!"

  Gran smiled and said: "Oh, you are right, after all, not only are we here, but Lady Latis is also here...

  No matter how you think about it, these idiots in the south have no chance of winning this game. "

   Qiguang sent several templar knights to assist in this operation, including two full moon-level knights.

   They are the "Sky Knight" Andy who led the attack on the B-36 garrison, and the "Crimson Moon Knight" Latis who is responsible for guarding the leylines to ensure the occupation!

  In today's north-south battlefield, apart from the occasional scorching sun class, the full moon class is almost the highest level in the battlefield today, not to mention the full moon class knights of the temple!

  Gran asked: "How long will it take for the Dingmai Pillar to be completed?"

  Latis shook her head and said: "Although the core uses the Dingmai Pillar at the level of the tiger veins, it is a whole piece of spiritual land after all, so there is no rush."

  Gran nodded, and then the two turned around and were about to leave.

   At this moment, the two of them stared at the distant sky at the same time, and there seemed to be a black spot there...

   But seeing a flash of silver light, a figure has already come to the two of them in an instant!

   Wearing a black and gold robe, the pair of silver pupils looked very indifferent on the delicate and young face.

   "Executive Envoy of the Sky Survey Division...?"

  Gran's expressions changed, and before they could make any movement, a layer of black ripples suddenly spread from each other's body!

  In the blink of an eye, the three of them disappeared from the field together.

  In front of a certain canyon, star power swarmed like a cloud, and a golden beam rushed hundreds of meters high.

   It was the tiger-level Dingmai Pillar brought by Qiguang to fix the core of the spiritual land.

  Using a tiger-level pulse-regulating pillar to fix the spiritual land of the highest wolf-level star vein is really a bit extravagant.

   But right now, time is a fighter!

   And on a certain mountain next to the golden light beam, a woman with long dark red hair was sitting cross-legged, using the rich star power here to practice quietly.

  Suddenly, the red-haired woman seemed to notice something, opened her eyes, and looked sharply in a certain direction.

   "The auras of Gran and Isa disappeared at the same time?" The red-haired woman narrowed her eyes slightly, and then smiled coldly, "Is there really anyone who dares to come here!"

  The red-haired woman's body flickered with red light, and then she jumped from the mountain peak and landed heavily in the valley.

   "Lord Latis!" Dozens of people around all saluted.

  Besides, a tall and handsome knight of the Crescent Moon immediately came over and asked, "Lord Latis, what's the matter?"

   "It seems that a mouse has slipped in." Latis sneered, and ordered, "Open the barrier to protect the Dingmai Pillar, and tell everyone else to follow me!"

  The handsome knight was quite surprised, and immediately took out the summons to several other people after he responded.

  Latis's figure flickered, and she turned into a ball of crimson light and jumped out...

   On the other side, in the secondary space of the Green Underworld.

  Gran and Isa looked at the silver-eyed young man in front of them, not only did not show any panic, but looked at the surrounding space quite curiously.

   "The envoy of the Great Yan Sky Survey Division..." Yisha looked at the robe on Su Yuan's body and said in a cold voice.

   And Gran also smacked his lips, and said with a sneer: "It seems that you are the only one, how dare you pull the two of us into this space?"

   Not to mention that the two of them are the Knights of the Moon of the Holy Temple, and their strength is tyrannical, not to mention that this place is not far from Latis and others.

  Based on Lady Latis' ability, she might be able to notice the disappearance of the two of them soon and rush over.

   "Don't you dare to surprise the three B-level garrisons with a large army?" Su Yuan chuckled lightly, and took out a black long sword with a flip of his hand, and a little golden wind blew around him, "One person is more than enough to deal with the two of you."

  Isa frowned suddenly, pulled out her sword and said, "Big words..."

  Before she finished speaking, Isa's pupils shrank suddenly and suddenly moved to the right.


   But seeing the golden wind blowing, a black shadow flashed, Yisha's shoulder was cut open, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

   "So fast?!" Gran's heart trembled, and he exclaimed suddenly.

  Isa's eyes widened even more, and she didn't catch the opponent's speed at all!

  Gran raised his hand to form a seal, and immediately countless cyan clones scattered.

   And Yisha turned into a black light and shot out backwards, and quickly distanced herself from the Sky Surveyor's executive!

   But in the blink of an eye, the two of Gran and Granny changed from being calm and composed to being incredulous, and they all stared closely at the silver-eyed young man in front of them.

  Su Yuan lifted the long sword tightly, and said with a light smile: "Time is limited, please hurry up and die."

  The next moment, the golden kamikaze surged up, and Su Yuan went out with his sword again...

   In the past few days, I’ve updated the two-in-one chapter first, so I won’t talk about it every day~



  (end of this chapter)