MTL - Treasure Hunting Divine Eyes-Chapter 985 been complained

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  Chapter 985 was complained

   "Brother Hero, freshmen start to register today, you big professor don't go to help out, just give those little girls something to salute."

   Zhu Caicai brought a plate of watermelon, and started a joke with Li Mo.

   "I just messed up the scene, so I hid at the teacher's side. Don't talk about me, I heard that a rich second generation is pursuing you recently. How are you talking with him?"

Zhu Caicai immediately 'cut', and said with a bit of disdain: "It's just that the gold and jade are ruined, don't look at what kind of returnee he has packaged himself, and how many company vice presidents he has held concurrently. Chatting with him, his essence It’s all exposed. A person’s appearance can be resplendent, but the core can’t be changed.”

  Li Mo laughed immediately: "Teacher, it seems that Cai Cai has learned a lot from the two years of tempering. This shows that people's eyesight is much better."

  "I have made such great progress, mainly because I have a great boss, he is so dazzling, we must not hold him back."

   "I have a feeling of being an idol."

Zhu Changping couldn't help laughing: "It's good to be young, full of vitality. Unlike old men like us, who feel that every day is one day less. But Cai Cai, you are getting older, and when you meet the right one, just get along and try to get along well. .”

   "Grandpa, you should urge my parents to have another one while there is still a chance. Brothers and sisters are fine. Lao Zhu's career must be inherited by someone. Anyway, I am not interested in the family business he earned."

  Zhu Changping pointed out that she couldn't laugh or cry, but what Cai Cai said was right, she has nothing to lack now, her salary is high, Li Mo also gave her a villa, and she has already won in this life.

   "Cai Cai, get me a glass of ice water."

  Li Mo sent her away, and then said: "I don't think Lawyer Zhu and his class are too old, so you can think about it."

   "You, you, Cai Cai is spoiled by you. By the way, are you here for something important?"

  Li Mo told about the mysterious bronze hand.

After hearing this, Zhu Changping thought about it and said: "During the Warring States Period, there was a Zhongshan Kingdom in the middle of Hebei. The birth of the Zhongshan King's tomb was very sensational. Such an archaeological project was listed as one of the top 100 archaeological discoveries in China. If it is true It is also a remarkable archaeological discovery that a new large tomb can be found on the ancient site of Zhongshan Kingdom.”

   "Later Zhongshan Kingdom was destroyed by Zhao Kingdom, so even if there is an unknown tomb, it may have nothing to do with Zhongshan Kingdom."

  Zhu Changping looked at him and said with a smile: "As long as it exists, you can find it. The only worry is that the big tomb has been stolen. Why, you came to me for this?"

"I have already arranged for people to search for clues, but I am worried that if such a large tomb is found, there will not be enough people to take charge of the excavation. At present, some well-known archaeological experts in China have already been distributed in various archaeological sites. I yesterday I met with the bronze experts from the Kyoto Museum, and they are very active, but they do more research and rarely participate in actual archaeological projects, so I want to let the teacher have a hard time."

Zhu Changping immediately put down the fork in his hand, and said emotionally, "No problem, I'm retired, but it's not that I can't do things. I'm so busy every day, and I'm going to get sick sooner or later. When will you be able to do it?" Give me some definite news?"

   "Teacher, it's not that fast. If the people sent over didn't find any other clues, I probably have to go to find it myself."

   "All right, I'll wait for your news."

   Li Mo got up and said, "Teacher, I'll go to work first."

   "What are you going to do in a hurry? Let's have lunch here. You can also taste the cooking skills of vegetables. You can get the true biography from her grandma. The old lady will probably be back soon after going out to buy vegetables."

   "Teacher, I will have a lot of opportunities to come and eat in the future."

   "Grandpa, when has Brother Daxia been polite to you? He must have something to do. I'll go see him off."

When the two came downstairs, Cai Cai said, "Grandpa heard that there was something to do just now. He pretended to be calm on the surface, but he was very happy in his heart. He has worked hard for a lifetime of archaeological work, and now he is really not used to it after retiring." , I see him sighing idly all the time."

   "Fortunately, you reminded me that something is wrong with the teacher's condition. But if you really find a certain tomb this time, it may be enough for the teacher to be busy for two or three years. I'm just worried that he is too old and too tired."

   "It's okay to do some guidance work, then I'll leave this to Brother Daxia."

   "It's a small matter, I'm leaving." Li Mo just took two steps, and suddenly looked back at Cai Cai who hadn't left yet, and asked in disbelief, "You really know how to cook? Why can't I see it."

  Zhu Caicai just raised his fist in protest, but Li Mo has already trotted away.

  Leaving the living area of ​​the teaching staff, the phone in Li Mo's pocket rang, and he took it out to see that it was Teacher Liu Na. After connecting, I heard Teacher Liu ask in a strange tone: "Professor Li, come to the office quickly, a parent of a student wants to complain to you."

   "Ms. Liu, what did you just say, I heard it right, did some parents complain to me?"

   "Yeah, right here in the office, the dean and the director are alarmed and are trying to appease them."

   "It will be there in five minutes."

  Li Mo rode on a little donkey and flew towards the office building, making some international jokes, and parents of students who came from somewhere came to complain about him.

In the office, a 18-year-old woman was sitting pitifully on the side of the sofa, not daring to lift her head to take a look. Next to her was a couple in their forties. Judging from their attire, they were all rich .

"Li Mo, is he amazing? Why do you bully my daughter? Since she was a child, we held her in our hands for fear of falling, and held her in our mouths for fear of melting. Usually, I was reluctant to beat and scold her. Li Mo just because she is The professor at Peking University dared to bully our daughter because of his status? If he doesn’t give us an explanation today, we will never let it go, and we will continue to complain and even call the police.”

  The couple looked very emotional, and Dean You frowned slightly. He still didn't understand what happened, so let's wait for Li Mo to arrive.

   "Why hasn't Li Mo arrived yet?"

   "Dean You, Professor Li will be here soon."

  Liu Na brought a bottle of mineral water to several people, and after yelling for so long, her throat was about to smoke.

  Li Mo walked into the office with a calm face, and he knew what was going on with a glance. The girl who was timidly sitting in the corner of the sofa was the one who drove a supercar into the campus and kept honking the horn. Now that she knew who the person who complained about her was, the matter would be easy to handle.

   "Dean, which student's parent complained about me?"

   "Professor Li, what's the matter with you?" Dean You kept winking at Li Mo behind the students' parents' back, "Did you have some misunderstanding?"

   "Misunderstanding? I don't know what is wrong."

  Li Mo looked helpless.

   "Professor Li, we both respect you as a human being, but why do you bully our daughter, she is the apple of our eye."

  The student's father fired first.

   "Who is your daughter?"

   Li Mo asked in a daze.

   "My daughter..." The man choked for a moment, then turned and pointed to the girl sitting on the sofa, "Look, she is our daughter."

  Li Mo took a closer look, and then asked with a blank expression, "I haven't seen her before."

  Everyone in the office was stunned.

   "Li Mo, don't bully others with your power. My daughter has been chanting your name all the time. She was so scared that she turned pale and cried. Many parents of students who came and went saw it. Why are you pretending to be confused?"

  The girl's mother also shouted.

   "Professor Li, have you really never met this classmate?"

  President You still felt that there was some misunderstanding between the two parties.

  Li Mo turned his head to look carefully again, then shook his head: "I really haven't seen it before."

   "You're lying, my daughter was in a Ferrari..."

"Sports car?" Li Mo looked at the girl's father strangely, then frowned and said, "What does your daughter have to do with me sitting in a sports car, besides, sports cars are people who can only see the outside from the inside, while the outside The people in the house can’t see who is sitting inside. Our family has a lot of sports cars, and it’s not like I haven’t seen them before. Are you couple trying to blackmail me? "

  Uh uh-

The parents of the students looked at each other, and the mother said, "You are riding in front of my daughter's sports car, and you let the security guard drive my daughter out of the school. Do you know that you scared my daughter and made her cry all the time?" .”

"Oh, I'm really impressed by what you said. When I entered the campus in the morning, there was indeed a sports car following behind, and it kept honking. There were so many freshmen and parents coming and going on the campus boulevard. Entering the campus with a roar, you will bump into people if you are not careful. Besides, there is such a big warning sign posted at the school gate, but some people still violate it on the first day of school, so I asked the security to drive the driver out. " After Li Mo finished speaking, he looked at the **** the sofa, "So it was you who drove the car, are you a freshman at Beijing University today?"


  As soon as Li Mo finished speaking, Dean You became angry, and after a long circle, it turned out that this was the case.

"Show off like this on the first day of school, what do you want to do? What do you want to do as parents? Obviously you have done something wrong, and you are the wicked first to sue. How is it proper to make such a fuss? Do you still want to enroll in school? gone?"

   "What nonsense, your children are ignorant, so are you parents also ignorant?"

  The dean of the department also criticized him. Professor Li has no responsibility in this matter.


  The girl's parents stuttered a little, the arrogance just now disappeared all of a sudden, and they were a little panicked.

   They are all spoiled children. Li Mo sighed secretly, not wanting to embarrass them, so he said: "Forget about it, you should take your children to register early."

   "Okay, let's go now."

   The couple took the girl's arm and left in a hurry.

   "Professor Li, you are so easy to talk, the clay bodhisattva still has a bit of anger."

  The dean of the department was still a little upset about him.

"Forget it, I haven't had anything to do with it yet, that female classmate was so frightened that she couldn't say a word clearly, otherwise her parents wouldn't come here to make a big fuss. If it really makes a big deal I'm really worried that something will happen to that female student because she has too little mental capacity to bear it. Well, Dean You, that female student still needs to pay close attention to her just now, she is very fragile in her heart."

   "You're right, hey, what kind of upbringing do children have now, they can't afford even a little thing."

The turmoil subsided in this way. After everyone left, Li Mo sat on the office chair. Teacher Liu Na made him a cup of green tea and said softly: "The meaning of the courtyard is that you can take elective courses this semester. This is probably the case of Peking University. The most special arrangement among all professors, not to mention full professors, even associate professors rarely offer elective courses."

"Electives are electives. There are not many courses. It really suits me. If I am busy, I can postpone the class schedule. If I am not busy, I can adjust a few classes to end earlier. The teaching plans for elective courses are also ready-made, and classes can be started at any time. .”

   "Professor Li, so we have decided?"

   "Well, let the students sign up first, and I will adjust the content of the lecture according to the number of people."


   Li Mo didn't go to the registration site to help out, and he went to make trouble. I ate lunch in the cafeteria. I ordered a beef vermicelli and a meat clip.

   "Boss, are you in the wrong place?"

   Li Mo looked at the food served and asked suspiciously.

   "No, didn't you order beef vermicelli soup?" The young waitress replied with a serious face.

   "Yes, I ordered beef vermicelli soup, but what you serve is only vermicelli soup, where is the beef?"

  The young waitress looked at the clear soup in the bowl, then blushed slightly, and silently walked into the back kitchen with the bowl.

   There was a burst of laughter all around, and then many mobile phones were erected to take pictures of Li Mo.

  In the afternoon, Li Mo received a very unexpected news that the old man who still had the bronze shards in his home passed away. There is a small river in front of his house, the person fell into the river and drowned to death, and was found and salvaged in the morning.

  Is this just a coincidence?

  Li Mo still ordered them to inquire about the specific situation.

  Back home at night, the two kids were playing games, and when they saw Li Mo coming home from get off work, they ran over to him for a hug.

   One in each hand, they hugged them up, causing the two of them to giggle immediately.

   "Mom, hasn't Si Rui come home yet?"

"No, I heard that something happened to Sister Ting's house. She rushed over to visit in the afternoon, but she hasn't come back yet. Why don't you call and ask about the situation? If you don't come back for dinner, we won't wait for her gone."

   "Let me contact you."

  Li Mo called Si Rui's mobile phone number, but no one answered, and he called again after two minutes, but still no one answered.

   "Xiao Mo, have you contacted Si Rui yet?"

  Shi Yi walked out of the kitchen with a plate of cold salad.

   "No one answered. I guess it's inconvenient to answer while driving, or I didn't notice it because it was muted. Let's wait a little longer, and I'll try again."

  (end of this chapter)

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