MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 25 bargain

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Streaking, sad reminder, if you want to be on the new book list, it depends on everyone, give more recommendations and collections! Everyone, leave more comments, so that the ants feel that the code word is not alone. . .


This black guy's speaking style is the same as before. When introducing products, he always introduces them in a rap style unique to black people, and he speaks very fast.

But when this guy opened his mouth, he lost his timidity.

Although Jin Muchen didn't know much about Western antiques, he also knew that this tea set was not Rococo style.

Rococo decoration style is generally used in architecture, but it is also common in Western antiques, especially on silverware.

The Rococo style is characterized by its delicateness and softness. It often uses asymmetrical techniques to decorate and design. It likes to use arcs and S-shaped lines, especially shells, vortexes, and rocks as decorative themes. into one.

And this tea set is obviously not Rococo style. First of all, this set of tea sets are all square handles, teapots, coffeepots, and sugar bowls are better, and the mark on it, that is, the lid, is still fitted with a French warrior helmet. Round marks, common in Rococo style, swirls, rocks and other themes have not been seen.

So just by looking at it, Jin Muchen knew that this tea set was definitely not Rococo style, and it was definitely not from England.

The old black next to him was still chattering, but Jin Muchen ignored all his words, because in his opinion, this guy was a layman who couldn't even count two knives.

Don't listen to his hype, in fact, he doesn't know anything about this tea set.

He carefully checked the three tea sets. They were exquisite in shape and exquisite in craftsmanship. On the bottom of the pot, there were also French signatures in cursive characters. Although he could not understand them well, he estimated that they should be the base of the works.

But no matter what, these three tea sets can definitely be regarded as antiques, and they should be good things.

"Well, buddy, your stuff looks okay, please make a price!"


Lao Hei didn't expect Jin Muchen to be so happy, and was stunned.

"Man, you should also know that these three pieces are antiques, good old things, so I don't want too much, each one thousand dollars, a total of three thousand dollars, how about it?"

Lao Hei's own tone was a bit doubtful and unconfident. Obviously, even he himself was not quite sure of the true value of these three tea sets.

Jin Muchen has been wandering around the 39th Street for several weeks. This is the first time he has seen such a rookie seller.

In fact, in the past few weeks, he has indeed seen a lot of good things, and even he has seen a few pieces of Ming and Qing porcelain here, but whenever he goes up to communicate with the stall owner, the final result is not to let People are so happy.

The guys who set up stalls here are generally guys who are proficient in antiques. They generally have a clear understanding of the real value of their products, especially when they see that he is Chinese, they are all gearing up for ruthlessness. slaughtered hard.

You must know that the image of the Chinese people in the eyes of Americans in recent years is just a mobile wallet, so those guys generally treat him as a big head.

The slickness of those stall owners is no worse than that of Qian Chuanzi in Panjiayuan in the capital.

And if you want to use the domestic bargaining or slapstick tricks, it's not easy to use this group of foreigners.

When buying antiques from small stalls in China, most buyers like to play tricks. For example, they like item A, but they don’t show it. Instead, they choose an item B with a low price. They will treat the buyer as a sheep and set a high price for the B item, and then the buyer will ask the stall owner to treat the A item as a bonus.

This trick is well played by domestic buyers and sellers, but in the United States, people don't recognize you at all.

If you want to buy this, then you have to buy this. As for wanting me to add an extra, it is a dream. As for the price, it is a buy-in price. If you want to buy it, buy it.

So after a few weekends, Jin Muchen has thoroughly understood the difficulties of these small stall owners in the United States. It is no wonder that many Americans say that New Yorkers are bad and only have money in their eyes. These small traders have a real sense of business in their heads. is too strong.

That kind of thing in the domestic antique circle will not work for them at all.

The old black that I met today is obviously a rookie seller. From the lack of confidence in his tone, Jin Muchen knew that this tea set must have room for bargaining.

"Man, your tea set is good, but I have to tell you clearly, first of all, this tea set was not used by the British nobles, because you looked at the square handle and the round lid of the French warrior's helmet. Distinctive features of French tea sets..."

Since he has seen through the essence of the other party, Jin Muchen will of course raise the butcher's knife without showing any signs, but he must not be soft-hearted in bargaining.

When Lao Hei heard what he said, he immediately knew that he had met a connoisseur, and his face changed.

"Uh... not from an English aristocrat, but maybe it was used by a French aristocrat, didn't it? Dude?"

"Uh... well..."

Jin Muchen rolled his eyes choked by the old black words.

"Second, your tea set is obviously not Rococo style..."

"Uh... not Rococo, it could be Baroque..."

Old Hei's reaction was quick, and Jin Muchen almost jumped up at his words.

"Dude, do you think this is a castle? It's not Rococo, it's Baroque, we're talking about silverware. The most valuable silverware is from eighteenth-century Victorian-style English aristocratic families, and among them are Rococo-style ones. The most valuable thing, you don't have both, you want three thousand dollars, don't you think it's a bit exaggerated?"

Jin Muchen made such a fool of himself, and the old black on the opposite side lost his confidence. To be honest, he couldn't figure out what style this tea set was, let alone whether it was British or French.

At most, he used to carry this tea set and gave his master drinks.

"Okay, okay, buddy, tell me, how much can you pay?"

Lao Hei finally gave in, and the pricing entered the communication stage.

"Well, I'll give you a thousand dollars."

"What? Are you kidding me, buddy? This is a fine silver tea set used by French nobles in the eighteenth century? You'll pay a thousand dollars?"

This old black is really quick to sell now, and Jin Muchen can only smile helplessly because of him.

"No, no, at least two thousand dollars."

Seeing that Jin Muchen didn't speak, the old black head shook like a rattle, but of course Jin Muchen couldn't just give in, he knew that there was still room for bargaining.

So he took out his phone and opened E-BAY.

"Hey! Dude, see for yourself, on E-BAY, a silver tea set similar to yours is $350 to $380 a piece. Well, I can get a maximum of fifteen thousand dollars, If you can accept it, make a deal, if you can’t accept it, then forget it.”

"Oh! Damn E-BAY, I hate e-commerce..."

Lao Hei looked at Jin Muchen's mobile phone E-BAY website's offer for silverware like this, raised his hand to caress his forehead, and then said cursingly.

In fact, how did he know that the links to the tea sets that Jin Muchen found for him were all links to some low-priced silver tea sets. In fact, the quality of those tea sets was really much worse than his set.

It's just that at this time, the old black obviously didn't have the patience to take a closer look, and he was not a person who was proficient in these antique knowledge.

Facing Jin Muchen's final offer, thinking that he hadn't opened all day today, the old black gritted his teeth.

"Okay, deal, bro!"

Jin Muchen smiled and took the box containing the three tea sets from Lao Hei, put it into his big backpack, and then took out a stack of cash and counted it to Lao Hei and handed it over.

Lao Hei looked at him and smiled while counting the money: "Hey, buddy, you know, I like to do business with you Chinese people, because you all like to carry cash... Look at these green Franklins, no matter how bad. The mood can also disappear in the sky immediately..."

Lao Hei took the ticket and counted it by himself: "Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty..."

"Hey! No, didn't you say one thousand and five? Why is there two thousand here, hey! Dude, do you think I can't count?"

Bullying us blacks for poor math! But as soon as the words came out, Old Hei immediately regretted it, and when he looked up again, he just saw Jin Muchen looking at him with a smile. UU reading

"That's right, it's 2,000. The extra 500 is to sell a piece of news from you."

Old Hei was stunned, a piece of news was worth 500 yuan, um, this business is worth doing, so he made a gesture of raising his hand to shoot.


"Good man, my question is very simple, where did you get these tea sets from?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Lao Hei's face changed immediately, as if he was a little angry, while Jin Muchen smiled.

"Dude, don't get excited. I'm actually in the antiques business. To be honest, it's really good for you to get these things, so I want to know your purchase channel. If it's convenient, I'd like to collect a few pieces."

When Jin Muchen said this, the face of the black man looked much better. So you kid wanted to dig out the old house!

However, the black people were a little hesitant, and Jin Muchen decided to do more.

"What? Dude, do you think it's not easy to earn five hundred yuan? Well, give me the money back!"

As he said that, he reached out and grabbed Lao Hei's hand, and Lao Hei quickly blocked his hand.

"Well, well, let me tell you, these things are coming to Mr. Friedrich's house, which is on the fourth floor of 30th Avenue, 15th Avenue, Upper Manhattan, and that whole floor is Friedrich's house. Sir's house."

When Lao Hei talked about that place, the expression on his face was a little sigh. It seemed that he had a lot of feelings for that place and which Mr. Friedrich.