MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 16 Food Culture

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The collection grows slowly, and the recommendation is also small. Let's give some strength!


It's just that you have to be more active, bold, direct, express what you like, don't be squeamish, exaggerate if you need to, don't be disgusting, just express yourself OK!

However, not long after that, Jin Muchen had a girlfriend like Ma Ling, and he had no chance to apply the experience he learned from his predecessors.

Chinese girls and American girls are completely two kinds of creatures. Although the essence is the same, their way of thinking and living habits are very different.

Originally, he thought he had no chance to use the experience of soaking up the white girl he heard from his predecessors, but he didn't expect the opportunity to appear today.

Western girls like Candace really like this. Although Jin Muchen's words are a bit exaggerated, the beauties on the opposite side are smiling. This is the best proof of the success of his strategy.

The subway suddenly stopped, and the carriage shook violently. Neither Candace nor Jin Muchen stood firm. Both of them instinctively raised their hands to grab the railing by the door. Unexpectedly, Candace took a step ahead, while Jin Muchen It was caught in Candice's hand.

The speed of the subway began to slow down, and there was a stop ahead, but at this time Jin Muchen didn't mean to let go.

And Candace was just blushing, but he didn't say much, and let Jin Muchen's big hand cover her slender hand holding the railing. His palms were all calluses, very rough, but very It was dry and warm, which gave her an inexplicable sense of security. . . . . .

The car door opened, and a group of people soon crowded in. There were a lot of people getting on the bus at this stop, and the crowd was surging, crowding Candace standing at the door. At this time, Jin Muchen stretched out his hand naturally Candace took it into his arms.

At this time, he was like a rock on the seashore. You could be hit by wind and rain, and the waves were high, but I stood still. No matter how many people came over, I was naturally bounced when I hit him. open.

Candace, who was held by him in his arms, felt as if he was about to faint. There was a faint smell of sweat and tobacco on his body, which was very good, but his thick chest was very warm and warm. In her arms, she suddenly felt so safe.

"By the way, where are we going today?"

The subway started slowly, Candace pushed Jin Muchen away, got out of his arms, and quickly found a topic to break the embarrassment between the two.

"Uh? I haven't thought about it yet, but I'm just a little hungry, why don't we go to Chinatown for morning tea first?"

Jin Muchen naturally said to Candace that he didn't like many Chinese restaurants in Chinatown, but the morning tea in those Cantonese restaurants was quite good. Not only foreigners liked the taste, but he also liked it very much.

"Okay! After you said that, I just happened to be a little hungry!"

Candace raised his head and smiled sweetly at Jin Muchen.

Jinfeng is one of the most famous and largest Cantonese-style teahouses in Chinatown. It is located at 24 Elizabeth Street. It has a typical Chinese decoration style, with red as the main tone, red carpets, and golden dragons and phoenixes. It's the most authentic Chinese restaurant.

Since you come to eat Cantonese morning tea, you can't miss some classic dishes, such as shrimp siu mai, shrimp dumplings, Chaozhou powder fruit, rice rolls, chicken feet in soy sauce, pork ribs in soy sauce, rice rolls, and of course, the shop's signature durian crispy.

It is said that this durian cake is made with the freshest durians air-freighted from Thailand every day. The supply is limited to 200 pieces per day.

And there are not only traditional Cantonese morning tea refreshments here, but also many food stalls and snacks on the streets of Yangcheng, such as hot green vegetables, bowls of wings, radish beef brisket, medicated chicken feet, and various food stall-style streets. Side snacks, traditional food everything.

Jin Muchen and Ma Ling have been together a few times before, and even then, every time he came here to spend, the price of consumption would make him a little bit painful.

But not now, because at that time he was spending his parents' money after all, and now he is spending his own money, not to mention that he has a lot of money recently.

For the 28,000 he bought the antiques, he sent back 25,000 to his mother in China, and kept 3,000 for himself. In addition, the salary just opened a few days ago, and some previous savings. Now he has more than 10,000 in his hand. , so he was very confident at this time.

Candice's chopsticks are very good, but when he eats Chinese food, he will always be amazed from time to time. These foods are really wonderful and taste great.

When foreigners praise food, they usually use words like Nice and Good, but if he says that, he usually just says it verbally, and he may not be serious in his heart.

But if he used Delicious, it means he is serious, the food is really delicious, and Candace used the word Delicious several times in front of Jin Muchen, which means that she was really happy today, this food For her, it was really delicious.

"What? I think you are very skilled with chopsticks. You should have eaten Chinese food before? Why do these snacks today make you feel so delicious?"

Jin Muchen sat across from him with a smile and asked casually.

"It's really not. In the past, our family seldom ate Chinese food. My father always said that Chinese food is very oily, salty, and not healthy food, so our family eats very little..."

"So, our family used to eat very little Chinese food, and more Thai food and Vietnamese food. My chopsticks were developed at that time."

To be honest, as a guy from a big foodie empire, Jin Muchen felt really uncomfortable when he heard others commenting on Chinese food, but he couldn't help but admit this fact.

That is to say, although Chinese food is delicious, it is actually not particularly healthy from a nutritional point of view, especially those dishes that are high in salt and oil.

For example, the way of processing green vegetables in Chinese food, many of them are stir-fried at high temperature, which will actually destroy the crude fiber and vitamin B5 of green vegetables, while foreigners eat it after blanching with hot water. Although this way of eating is boring, it is nutritious. From an academic point of view, it is indeed the healthiest way to eat.

In the past, Jin Muchen had also seen some posts on the Internet, saying that after seeing Chinese food, foreigners would kneel and lick it, and like it madly. It seems that as long as a flower grower shows the food, foreigners can only worship it.

Before he went abroad, he also thought it was true, but after two years in the United States, when he saw such a post again, he could only laugh it off.

In fact, in foreign countries, foreigners generally have three attitudes towards Chinese food, one is like, one is optional, and the other is absolute resistance.

And most foreigners, when it comes to Chinese food, the first impression is not only delicious, but also unhealthy!

Some people may say, since you say foreigners eat healthy, why are they all so fat?

In fact, this is still related to their eating habits. In addition to fried food, many foreigners can't live without one thing, that is cheese, all kinds of cheese, hard, soft, solid, liquid, Sour, sweet, salty, spicy, even stinky.

Nima, the world of foreign devils is full of all kinds of cheese, and almost every meal is indispensable. Even if you watch TV at night and eat potato chips, you have to dip them in yogurt, and eat two slices of biscuits with a piece of dry cheese. cheese. . .

Cheese is a good thing, but most of the stuff is actually fat. Cheese of various flavors, as long as you chew with your eyes closed, you will come to a conclusion in the end, that is: fragrant!

Are all fats delicious? This is also a key factor why foreign women are generally invincible before the age of 30, but after the age of 30, it is easy to gain weight and lose shape, because they eat too much cheese.

However, Jin Muchen came out with Candace today, not why he came to discuss with her, the difference in diet between China and foreign countries, and the reasons why foreign women are prone to gain weight, so he quickly found a topic and diverted the topic.

"By the way, UU reading After breakfast, what are we going to do? You know, after all, you are more familiar with this place than me. I haven't been in New York for a long time."

"Haha, this sentence, if you ask the right person, I am not particularly familiar with other parts of New York like you, but when it comes to Manhattan, I am very familiar here. You can follow me later."

Candace laughed and said to Jin Muchen. Soon, the two of them swept away the food in front of them and checked out the restaurant. Candace led the way in front. The shaded street appeared in front of the two of them.

"Mu Chen, you said that you and old man Fang are learning about antiques. You should have a certain understanding of antiques, so I think you should like it very much."

Candace looked at the bustling street in front and said to Jin Muchen next to him.

It turns out that there is a Swan Park not far from China Town, and there is a Hester Street on the edge of the park. Every Saturday and Sunday, there will be a small market for handicrafts and antiques. Today Candi This is where Si brought Jin Muchen here.

There were originally 20 or 30 handicraft shops on both sides of Hester Street, and every weekend when there was a market here, many small vendors who practiced stalls would come to participate. These people sell everything.

Some sell their own handicrafts, and some sell second-hand goods. Of course, most of them buy antiques, so the nature of this place is very similar to those small antique markets in China.

So every weekend, there will be a lot of people here, which is a beautiful scenery near Manhattan's Chinatown.