MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 14 Candice

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Jin Muchen was so far apart that he could not help but clamp his legs when he saw it, he felt as if he had heard the sound of broken eggs.

However, the old black was still in a serious coma. Jin Muchen's punch just now seemed to be directly hit by a speeding train to his head. It must have been a serious concussion, so the stimulation from the outside world at this time, Not much reaction at all.

Candace stamped his feet. Still not relieved, as if he was going to continue, Jin Muchen hurried over and pulled her away: "Okay, okay, kicking him will kill him."

After he finished speaking, he took the girl and hurriedly left the scene. On the opposite street corner, he bought a one-time phone with pre-charged calls and called 911 directly.

It was said that someone was found unconscious on the opposite side, and a police car and then an ambulance soon came.

The police handled this matter very quickly. They were very experienced in such situations. At the scene, they knew that an accident occurred during the robbery.

Anyway, the one who was beaten was a scumbag. As for who beat him up, the police didn't care.

Thirty minutes later, the place returned to tranquility. Jin Muchen took Candace out of the alley opposite, and then entered Fang Bo's antique shop.

"You are injured, I will bandage you."

When the old black robbery just now, the method was too rude, Candace had some slight abrasions on his arms and neck, and his face began to swell.

Candace did not refuse, and soon Jin Muchen brought some OK sticks and Yunnan Baiyao.

He simply treated the wound, and then sprayed the swollen part of the arm with spray, rubbed it, and soon Candace discovered the benefits of this weird-smelling spray. The originally hot arm, It didn't hurt that much now.

"This medicine is really good? Where did you buy it?"

"The Chinese pharmacy on the corner of the street, if you know the goods, this medicine is very effective for bruises."

"Haha, yes? Looks like I should buy two bottles next time and keep them at home. By the way, why are you here? I mean, didn't you live in Brooklyn?"

The injury is much better, and Candace is also interested in talking.

"I don't live there anymore. The rent is too expensive. I just moved here. The owner of this store is my relative, so I temporarily borrowed to live here."

Jin Muchen replied with a smile, Candace stood up at this time and began to turn around in the store. The outside of the store were filled with some high-quality imitation china. Although they were not antiques, they were also expensive. Candace looked at this for a while, and quietly for a while, as if curious about these things.

"What about you? Why are you here today?"

"Me? Hehe, we are neighbors now. I live upstairs from the fifth bakery on the right hand side of your house. Where do I work now?"

"Not in the red pony anymore?"

"Don't go, you saw that place too, it's too unsafe. So Aunt Doris asked me to work here!"

"So Doris is your aunt?"

Jin Muchen said with a smile, but a sturdy image of an old lady holding a Remington flashed in her mind.

"Yeah! I came to New York from New Hampshire to go to college, but only started working this year."

Speaking of this, the expression on Candace's face suddenly changed, a little gloomy, as if he remembered something unhappy, Jin Muchen also saw it, but did not ask.

Americans pay great attention to personal privacy. If people don't want to say it, you'd better not ask, otherwise it will easily arouse the disgust of others.

But looking at Candice's appearance, Jin Muchen guessed that this should be related to her family accident.

New Hampshire, but an old economic power state in New England in the United States, even though the place is cold, the economic situation is very good.

Looking at Candace's appearance, it is obvious that she is a girl from a middle-to-high-class family, and she is very educated in conversation, which is different from other rural girls who are just appearances and are vulgar.

Jin Muchen had seen her in school several times before. A beautiful girl like Candice always attracted a lot of attention when she walked in the school. Although Jin Muchen had a girlfriend at that time, it did not prevent him from admiring beautiful women.

He still remembered that at that time she was always hanging out with another group of girls, and those girls didn't look like poor people, no matter how they dressed or spent their daily expenses, at least they had to be from the upper middle class.

In the American social circle, it is always obvious that people who are not of the same class rarely get to play together.

Anyway, he never saw those girls eat in the school cafeteria at noon. They always drove out of the campus and went to the high-end restaurant outside the campus to eat.

And she said it herself that she just started working this year, which means that her family used to be in good conditions and didn't need her to work to make money, but now she has to rely on her own money to earn tuition and living expenses.

But now there may be some problems in her family, but these are just speculations by Jin Muchen.

"By the way, what about you? Where are you from? Mainland, Taiwan or Hong Kong?"

"From the mainland!"

"Oh! A red noble from the mainland?"

Candace wrinkled his nose and smiled while watching Jin Muchen make a joke. To be honest, the terms like the second generation of red and the second generation of rich are no secret even in foreign countries.

On average, more than one million international students flock to the United States to study every year, and more than 40% of them are Chinese, and among these 40%, more than 70% are from the mainland. .

In this group of students, except for about 5% of those who are really super scholars who have been awarded scholarships, recommended by domestic professors, or who have obtained scholarships by themselves through exams, the rest are basically all come to study at their own expense.

Among these international students, almost more than half of them are both non-official and rich. Anyway, there are very few children of ordinary people who come to study at their own expense. Even if they come to the United States, only a small number of them will appear on the campus of the university. , most of them work underworld in Chinatown.

So you can almost imagine the situation in various universities in the United States. It is no exaggeration to say that some departments and some subjects are almost open to Chinese people.

For example, it is best to follow the trend, and it is best to mix the diploma, and the most general majors such as finance, international trade, etc., no matter which university you are in, you can go and take a look at it. In these professional courses, it is no exaggeration to say that there are almost more than 100 Fifty percent are Chinese.

Many of these second-generation officials and wealthy people drive luxury cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Cayenne to school every day. In recent years, in American newspapers, you can often see news of these guys causing trouble.

News of speeding, fights, gatherings of people to gamble, etc., is it possible to make news in the United States, and American media people even give them a unique nickname, that is, study abroad garbage.

With the publicity and popularization of the American media, many Americans know what is going on with the rich kids in China.

"Stop joking, have you seen the red nobles go to the distribution center as porters?"

Jin Muchen shrugged and replied with a smile.

"Uh, if you say that, it's true!"

Candace stuck out his tongue, looking very cute, and it seems that he has gradually come out of the previous haze.

"By the way, why didn't I see you after school started this year?"

Candace came to the front of a globe, fiddled with the globe, and asked casually.

"Hehe, I don't have enough tuition fees, so I applied for a semester off, so you will see me in the red pony."

"Oh! So you are just like me..."

Speaking of this, the girl's expression darkened again.

"Okay, it's getting late, I think I should go back."

Candace seemed to have remembered something and was in a bad mood. He didn't want to continue talking, and Jin Muchen didn't mean to keep her.

"Okay, I'll take you back, anyway, where you live is not far from here."

Candace didn't refuse, obviously the experience before tonight still made her a little creepy.

The place where Candace works is really not far from where Jin Muchen lives. UU Reading is at the fifth shop on the right hand side of Fang Bo's antique shop, which is a bakery called Good Delicious.

This bakery is relatively well-known in this neighborhood. It turned out that when Jin Muchen lived here, he would pass by this bakery every morning when he went to school, and every time he was attracted by the aroma of the bakery.

Sometimes he also goes in to buy a few minced meat pies or sausage rolls, which taste really good.

The owner of this store is also a relative of Candace. During the day when she has no classes, she will work odd jobs in this store, and at night she will live upstairs of the store and help watch the stall by the way.

"By the way, I have to thank you again for what happened tonight."

Before going upstairs, Candace turned to look at Jin Muchen and said, Jin Muchen smiled and shook his head.

"It's no big deal, it's all as it should be."

"No, I'm serious."

Candace looked at Jin Muchen's big eyes shining brightly, and the neon on the street flickered. Jin Muchen seemed to see some different emotions in Candice's eyes, and his heartbeat suddenly became a little faster.

Just when Jin Muchen thought that something might happen, a violent braking sound came from a far street corner, breaking the budding emotions that had just begun to be a little ambiguous.


Candace's eyes flashed with panic, then turned and entered the store.


Across the door, Jin Muchen waved at Candace inside, then turned around reluctantly and walked back.