MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1201 get on the horse

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After listening to Jesse's answer, Jin Muchen was relieved a lot. It seems that they must have a plan, but what is the plan? Jesse doesn't plan to tell himself now.

"By the way, how long can you stay in San Francisco this time?"

Jin Muchen put her arms around Jesse and asked, Jesse shook her head: "I don't know, in fact, I also called Fang Bo before I found out that you came to San Francisco and came here specifically to meet you. You, on the one hand, miss you, on the other hand, there are some things that need your help."

Jesse said that, Jin Muchen is still very happy. He has nothing against helping them. As long as he can help them complete their tasks early, let David take power and let Helen go home early, he can also feel a lot more at ease. Living in his house for the first time is not very convenient, and secondly, the responsibility is too great.

Helen's identity is there, in case anyone finds out, David. Hearst's daughter, who lives in his house, might send someone over to hunt down the crazy Thomas and his son.

Although Jin Muchen is not afraid, who knows if those guys will be crazy, if they send a group of mercenaries like last time, it will be troublesome, those guys are doing anything for money.

The last time they shrunk their hands, this time maybe for revenge, the means will be more intense. If they use a sniper rifle or a bomb or something, even if Jin Muchen is strong in martial arts, he can't stop the bullets and bombs.

Moreover, it might even hurt other people in the family, which is not acceptable to Jin Muchen, so he most hopes that this matter can have a result as soon as possible.

Now that Jesse and him asked him to help, of course he agreed quickly.

"That's it, Thomas, Petty, and their allies, the lobbying of the California Congress has basically come to an end. If nothing else, at the end of this month, a congressman will help them propose, build The issue of high-speed rail, and if there are no surprises, this issue will be passed 100%. But there is still a problem. This problem is that this project can not only be passed by the state legislature, but also needs the consent and signature of the governor. There is no problem, but the key is to be stuck on the side of the state environmental protection department. You must know that building a high-speed rail requires a lot of land to be acquired, and many of these lands are located in places with good scenery. Therefore, the pressure on the environmental protection department will not be Small, there are also those environmental protection groups, these people who are full and have nothing to do, but they all need people from the Ministry of Environmental Protection to communicate and solve the problem. In addition, the energy of the Ministry of Environmental Protection in California is quite large, although they are settled in California, but it is a department under the direct federal jurisdiction, so it has a lot of power. Even if the parliament finally passes this issue, if the Ministry of Environmental Protection can't pass the EIA, the project will not succeed, so I need your help here. already."

Jesse told Jin Muchen about the general situation, but Jin Muchen was a little confused when he heard it, Ministry of Environmental Protection?

He has also heard people say that the most powerful departments in the United States, in addition to such a powerful law enforcement department, must be the Internal Revenue Service, and other than the Internal Revenue Service, it must be the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

Although this department is usually invisible, but at critical moments, it is a department that can get stuck in the neck of any project, so this department is very critical to any ruling party.

Sometimes when either of the two parties comes to power, the first choice is to appoint the minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, because if this position is in the hands of the opposition party, then the party on the stage will be unable to move an inch.

For example, you, the governor, intend to promote a project. The preliminary work has been done, and even the parliamentary discussion has passed, but in the end, when the door is on the door, someone from the Ministry of Environmental Protection will come to tell you, sorry, this project cannot be Passed, because there is no environmental audit, do you think this governor is very angry?

And the most important thing is, you still can't make him a minister, because if you move him, then there will be countless environmental protection groups sitting in front of your office, and maybe even marching in the streets , go to the door of your construction site to block the door, anyway, it is all the movement made by the opposition party.

Even if you clearly know that this department is deliberately held in your hands to disgust you, you have nothing to do.

Therefore, when this department is in the hands of the superiors, it is a rubber stamp. You will pass whatever project you are asked to pass at that time.

But if it is in the hands of the opposition parties, then this becomes the most advantageous tool for the disgusting people of the opposition parties.

This is exactly the case in California right now. The Democrats are on the stage, but the Republicans are off the stage. Unfortunately, the Department of Environmental Protection happens to be in the hands of the Republicans.

In recent years, the Republicans have passed through the Ministry of Environmental Protection countless times to put eye drops on the Governor. If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't lose their composure in public, it is estimated that the Governor would have already put eight of the Minister of Environmental Protection's attention. The ancestors have scolded it over and over again.

No matter what this issue is, it will definitely pass, but in the end, when the environmental protection audit is passed, no one knows whether the minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection will cause any trouble.

And now David, their strategy for Thomas and Petty is to support the horse and give them a ride, so Jesse will naturally come to Jin Muchen to help them solve the trouble of the Minister of Environmental Protection.

After Jin Muchen figured it out, he asked Jesse directly: "Well, since you've already spoken, tell me what you want to do? Do you need me to kill the Minister of Environmental Protection directly, or do you want me to do it? Do anything else?"

"Hey, forget it, it's just a minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, you don't need to kill him, and even if you want to kill him, we will have more professional people to shoot, you don't need to shoot. This woman, it's not enough to kill him. Let's kill."

Jesse felt that Jin Muchen's serious expression just now was very funny. At this time, when Jin Muchen heard that the Minister of Environmental Protection was actually a woman, he looked up at Jesse with very strange eyes and asked.

"It turned out to be a woman, so what are you going to do? Could it be that you want me to show her a handsome man?"

"Hahaha, come on? I'll make you less stinky, but if you want, you can. Forgot to tell you, this minister is still a beauty."

Although Jessie knew that Jin Muchen was really joking, she still couldn't help answering with him, when Jin Muchen heard this, she deliberately made her eyes bright: "Is that so? That's great, a strong political woman. , and she's still a beauty, hehe, I'm most interested."

"Hehe, I forgot to tell you, she was indeed a beautiful woman thirty years ago, and now she can be your grandma."

But in the end, Jesse's grim answer made Jin Muchen shiver all over, and suddenly lost his energy.

"Then you didn't say it earlier, okay, stop joking, how do you guys want to deal with this old lady?"

"Well, according to our previous understanding, this old lady is not simple. She was born in a political family in California, the Steyr family. Although their family has never produced such a big man as the governor for several generations, they have always been The political and economic circles entrenched in California are the key departments of real power. Their family is not poor, her husband is a major shareholder of Pan Am Airlines, and she herself is a conservative person. I just told you Now, her husband is a major shareholder of Pan American Airlines, so we are worried that she will set resistance to this high-speed rail construction project. After all, once California opens this hole, many states that were originally unstable may immediately follow up. , which will naturally harm the interests of those big airlines. Plus she herself is older and has always been conservative about new things, we are worried that she will be against the project, if that's the case, If Thomas and the others don’t make this project, it’s not good for us.”

After hearing what Jesse said, Jin Muchen understood that Jesse needed to help them deal with the old lady from the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

But the crux of the question is, what does this old lady have to do with him? He is not a task in the political world, and he has no acquaintance with the old lady. How can he help in this matter?

"Actually, I just need you to help with a Because you are the best at this kind of thing. After all, it's not so convenient for us to come forward."

When Jesse said this, Jin Muchen's interest was really hooked by her, but he wanted to see how they wanted to settle the old lady.

"Is this old lady, because she is not bad money, so if you want to use the ordinary golden egg company to deal with her, it is not so easy, but this old lady has a hobby. That is to collect all kinds of antiques, and each Years, various countries, and various styles, she is always open to anyone who comes. So I think this aspect should be your best at it."

When Jessie said this, Jin Muchen had basically understood that they actually wanted to play such a trick, hehe, it was interesting, because he had seen a lot of such tricks when he was in China before.

Those officials who like to collect money, when they receive a certain amount of money, most of them will get tired of it, and the money can no longer stimulate them, but if it is that kind of arty antique, it is another matter. .

He has no shortage of antiques, but how should they be given to the Minister? (To be continued.)