MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 121

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Lin Tantan, who thought the other party was an expert and was seen through: "..."

Lin Tantan: Where did the neuropathy come from?

She said: "What do you say I stole? Luck?" What is that?

The psychopath on the opposite side said: "You did it so obviously, don't you think no one will see it?"

Lin Tantan looked at him and said slowly: "You have to rely on evidence when you speak and do things. You came here out of nowhere and said that I did something bad, so I did it?"

At this time, she looked at the bun on the top of the guy's head, and the more she looked at it, the more she looked silly, and she seemed to have a handsome face just now, but now she seemed to have become stupid.

The self who had been waiting with trepidation and solemnity just now seemed a little stupid.

Before the man with the hair bun spoke, the unremarkable girl beside him had already said: "Stop pretending, we all know what Jin City should be like, it's chaotic and smoky, and this should be nothing special. The Ning City base has developed so well, how can it be said that there is no handwriting of yours?"

"Min Yande should have been majestic for a few more years, but now he died so early. You rushed so far to give him the last blow, because you are afraid that he will make a comeback and take away the luck you stole, or treat you as a thief. Is it bad?"

"And the leader of the Ningshi base, he shouldn't be so smooth. In order to let your Zhengyang brigade get good treatment, you are also good enough to please him."

Lin Tantan originally heard the phrase "We know what Jin City should be like", and my heart suddenly jumped. Is it possible that this is also time-traveled, and I know the historical development like myself?

But then the more she listened, the more something went wrong. She looked at them suspiciously: "How did you know what you said?"

The girl looked at the man with the bun with pride and admiration.

The man with the bun looks like a tall man.

Lin Tantan: "..."

Lin Tantan: "Oh, so it was calculated by fortune telling?"

Seeing her indifference, the girl said displeasedly: "Master Lu has a profound cultivation base, he never misses fortune-telling."

"Fate is something I don't understand, but if you think about it, nothing is set in stone. There are so many accidents in the world. This master Lu, after telling a person's fortune, can he guarantee that he will follow your calculation for the rest of his life? The trajectory of the project?"

The girl was very angry, but the man with the bun was not angry, he said: "The fate of a person is naturally affected by many factors, but the situation of the country is not. There are dragon veins that must be entangled and protected, gathering the last bit of spiritual energy, only by keeping that point of spiritual energy, starting from there, gradually awakening and repairing the dragon veins, the whole country will have a day of revival."

Lin Tantan was overwhelmed by the cloud: "So?"

The hair-haired man's face became heavy: "However, the last bit of spiritual energy is dissipating day by day, and the decline of Jin City is becoming more and more obvious. Once Jin City is destroyed, the country will have no hope, so no matter what you were doing before, you must do it now." Stop, don't touch Jinshi anymore. Even if you force Ningshi to get up, it's impossible for this place to prosper for a long time."

Lin Tantan hadn't completely figured out the other party's thinking, and was still thinking about the rationale of this national salvation strategy, so he laughed angrily.

She moved Jinshi? She is just a mortal, what can she do to a city?

She sneered: "Others have bad luck, you think I stole their luck, Jin City is declining day by day while Ning City is booming, do you think I brought the aura of Jin City over to Ning City?"

"Why is it that the people in Jin City are not capable enough to make a mess of themselves, and everyone here in Ning City has united and worked hard to make it what it is today?"

She looked at the two of them: "It's not that I haven't been to Jin City, just that messy bear, even if there is really a dragon coiled there, he can be tossed to death."

"The national power is not easy to be affected? If the living people don't live up to their expectations, can they turn a place into a paradise on earth just by relying on a so-called national power dragon vein?"

She was full of ridicule, and the faces of both of them were ugly when she said it. The girl stood up and said, "You are so unreasonable, it is obvious that you did something! Master Lu has already counted, you are an anomaly, it is you who changed everything! "

Lin Tantan raised his eyebrows, this man with the bun is really capable, but so what?

Isn't it impossible to see through her true origin?

It is said that Jin City is the last hope. It is true in history. The Zhengyang base is located in Jin City, and the other two bases are also nearby. It has become the heart of the country. Naturally, luck is very good, but this time, Ye Xiao He didn't go there anymore, he stayed in Ning City at first, and then went to the northwest, so Jin City didn't fall down and was eliminated?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case, so the so-called national power was not controlled by people? Now those who stay in Jin City are not capable of making that city a good place, who is to blame? Blame others for developing too well elsewhere?

Although she is an outsider, she cannot deny that the changes mentioned by these two people have nothing to do with her, but she can be sure that she has never had any luck. Everything today is due to her and Ye Xiao's little by little efforts. Got it.

And this man with the bun is nothing more than using his own theory to explain these changes, and feels that the reality is different from what he expected, because someone used extraordinary methods. As for this person, it was naturally him, the person he couldn't see through.

Lin Tantan felt that a big pot covered his head.

She leaned back and sneered: "First of all, it's not that Master Lu calculated something, what should happen, it's not so much that I changed some established facts, it's better to say that everyone's actions are changing this situation all the time. The world. Secondly, you said that I am an anomaly. What is an anomaly? Times create heroes. In this era, talented people emerge in large numbers, and even ordinary people who are driven to desperation may explode and rise. It’s not that you didn’t count or see If you are so capable that everyone in the world can see clearly and everything is clear, then why didn't you count the end of the world, and why didn't you notify the country in advance to make preparations?"

The face of the man with the bun changed, and he looked very shocked.

Before the end of the world broke out, he didn't find the slightest sign, which has always been a knot in his heart.

Lin Tantan looked at his expression and thought, is this really a Taoist priest who cares about the country and the people?

She got up and said, "Let's go if you have nothing to do. I don't care about your offense today, but it will be hard to say next time."

She walked out first, and saw a group of people whistling around something, as if they were arresting.

Everyone turned their heads, and someone shouted: "It's a cat, a cat that can grow bigger!"

Lin Tantan was still surprised when a figure ran out behind him, shouting, "Fatty!"

It's that girl.

After the circle of people separated slightly, Lin Tantan also saw clearly the thing surrounded by them. It was a big dog-like thing, with dark black lines on its gray-black fur, dotted with some The yellowish-brown spots look like a cat. Because of its huge size, it looks wild. It is lowering its body and roaring at the people around it. It has the aura of a big cat.

When the big cat saw the girl appearing, it jumped towards her, and the cat and the cat hugged each other instantly, as if after a life-and-death parting.

Lin Tantan narrowed his eyes slightly, stretching beast?

She had only heard that this thing had appeared in Jinshi, and the two of them had also mentioned Jinshi just now.

So they are from Tsu?

Soon more people were attracted here, Daying also came over, and recognized the girl when he saw it, affirming Lin Tantan's conjecture that this girl was the little girl with a retractable cat he had seen in Jin City. girl.

Lin Tantan said: "Oh? So you are from Jin City, so you came here in a hurry after you found out that the aura in Jin City disappeared?" She looked at the man with the bun, "What is worrying about the country? Worrying about the people, what is the power of the country, in the final analysis, it is because you have damaged your own interests."

The face of the man with the bun changed: "It's not like that."

Lin Tantan didn't want to listen to his nonsense anymore, so he tied him up as soon as he stretched out his hand, including the girl and the big cat, and called Qin Han to let him lock them up and watch them carefully until Ye Xiao came back deal with.

Both the man with the bun and the girl were dumbfounded, they were told to leave just now, why are they suddenly arrested now?

Lin Tantan used to think that they were the kind of people who cared about the world, because they were more or less able to see what was wrong with her—although they didn't see the point, and they thought that some of them were different from what they calculated. It's all on her head.

If that's the case, she doesn't really care whether to arrest them or not, after all, their motives are quite righteous.

But now it is discovered that they are people from another force. If they feel that the fate of the city they are in, or even their organization in the future, has been seized by her and the Zhengyang brigade, who knows what will happen in the future? It's not just about her alone, let Ye Xiao consider it.

The girl panicked when she was tied up, and saw what it was on her body, but it was a very unreal green belt, and shouted to her beloved pet: "Fatty!"

The big cat was very perceptive, and immediately opened its mouth to bark. Lin Tantan had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and immediately threw a lump of dirt into its mouth.

The howling of the cat that was about to exit turned into a whimper that was about to choke to death. The majestic big cat immediately struggled and jumped up on the ground, scratching the ground with its claws, twisting its body, and seemed to swallow the lump of dirt for a long time , laying on the ground weakly, and looked at Lin Tantan with a little timidity.

Lin Tantan walked up and looked at this big guy curiously, wanting to touch it, but it retreated back immediately, but was still touched by Lin Tantan... one hand was hairy, and the whole hand was sunk in before touching the flesh. The fur is too thick. The little hamster in the pocket was frightened and slid along the skirt of her clothes, and ran to the back of her neck, hid in her hair, chirping, and Lin Tantan said to the big cat: "Take you away!" This size, make it smaller."

The big cat whimpered and looked at her with its big amber eyes. It was pitiful and obediently became smaller, and the green belt tied to its body became smaller along with its size. It still couldn't break free, and curled itself up, looking even more pitiful.

The girl watched in disbelief that her cat was subdued all of a sudden, and the last hope in her heart was shattered.

Pang Pang is her biggest reliance, and she also lets it hide in the dark. Once Lin Tantan wants to harm them, she will give hints and let him save them. But now that Pang Pang is easily subdued, her biggest trump card is not up.

Not only that, but Lin Tantan also said: "You take the cat away, but keep this cat with me."

"What do you want to do to Pangpang?!" the girl shouted.

Lin Tantan frowned at her: "You cat looks like a bluff, but you really don't have strong self-protection ability. You just bring it out like this, and don't keep it by your side for protection. It seems you don't care too much. Now I'm concerned."

"I, this is the first time I see a cat that can grow in size. Of course, I have to cut it apart inch by inch to see its physiological structure."

She frightened the little girl so that her face turned pale, and she waved someone to take them away. On the way the girl was taken away, she was still shouting to let her fat go. She shouted so badly that someone covered her mouth behind her. The rest of the group looked at Lin Tantan with strange eyes.

It seems that the rumors from the outside world are good, and their captain Lin really became vicious after going out.

Maybe they are so majestic and cold in the first place, but they are extra gentle to themselves?

People couldn't help but recall that one night in the past, ghosts and wolves were howling all the time in the clinic. I heard that someone saw Captain Lin wandering around with a **** knife. His eyes and smile were scary. He was on duty at the gate that night. Everyone was terrified.

In short, these people pass on and pass on guesses and guesses, and Lin Tantan's image becomes more and more tall.

Lin Tantan picked up the cat at his feet. It looked big and fluffy, not as heavy as imagined. If you look closely, the fur is also tangled and a bit dirty. Lin Tantan pinched it with his hands, and the cat was so frightened that it didn't dare to resist, so Lin Tantan pinched it out without much flesh.

She shook her head: "You said you are such a cat, why did you mess yourself up so badly?" It shouldn't have bright and soft hair, lazy and proud demeanor, waiting for the excrement shoveler to feed all kinds of small dried fish every day, and not to feed it Are you absolutely not going to work?

Thinking of what the girl obviously wanted the cat to do, she asked people to pay attention to the mutant beasts around the base to see if there was a crowd of beasts gathering.

Then she took the cat back to her small courtyard on the hillside.

The mutant mice are soaking in the pool, and the weather has turned cold now, but these plush guys are not afraid of the cold at all, and their love for water remains unchanged. Several of them are still climbing up and down on the black swan, playing with it Very good, but the white swan is still aloof and arrogant, leisurely and leisurely.

Smelling a strange smell, these mutated beasts raised their necks and turned their heads, and found that it was a cat. The swans hadn't responded yet, but the mutated rats had already stirred up, and they got up from the pool all of a sudden, and jumped together. You push I squeezed, squeaked and screamed, and put on a fighting posture.

If it wasn't for Lin Tantan who was carrying the cats, they would have charged forward long ago.

The cihuamao was frightened by so many mice and struggled in Lin Tantan's hand.

Lin Tantan: "Huh? Shouldn't you be able to command mutant beasts? Why are you so scared?"

And the cat and the mouse meet each other on a narrow road, it should be because the mouse is afraid of the cat.

Lin Tantan brought the cat here just to test whether the cat can command her little cuties. If she can command the cat, the cat must not be let go even if it is not killed.

Well, if it can control other mutant beasts, it is absolutely impossible to let them go.

But now it seems that her cuties are really not ordinary cuties. The white swan just glanced at this side and turned his head indifferently. The rats started fighting directly after Lin Tantan put down the cat.

For a while, the cat's screams resounded on the hillside.

People at the foot of the mountain heard the voice: "..."

Captain Lin was indeed very violent.

Lin Tantan helplessly separated the cat and the mouse: "It's alright, alright, I know you are strong in combat, enough is enough, I scratched everyone's baldness."

Seeing this pitiful cat huddled in a corner with several bald spots and its skin was about to be scratched, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she sent it a burst of energy to repair its skin trauma, and then put it give to...

To whom?

There is no department related to animal taming in the Zhengyang brigade.

Looking at the raccoon cat that had been given a burst of energy by herself and then jumped at her feet and refused to move, she thought about it, she should raise it by herself first.

So cats and mice fought every day on the hillside. When Lin Tantan was around, it was fine, but when she wasn't there, cats and mice were jumping around.

Maoyan is greedy for the fish and shrimps in the pool, but every time he gets close, he will be attacked by a group of mutant mice, even if it becomes a large size, it is useless, the only difference is that the bigger size makes it easier for the mutant mice to fight That's all, so Cihuamao decided not to grow bigger after trying it once, and it can shrink itself to as small as it can every time it is beaten, and it is often worried that it can't become smaller.

In this way, more than ten days later, the inspection team came back, and Lin Tantan ran out the first time he learned of the appearance of the magic machine. Watching the magic machine gradually fly in and land, the cabin door opened, and he came out one by one. , Ye Xiao came out at the end.

He was still a tall and handsome person, he hadn't seen him for half a month, but it seemed like a long time, his heart was overflowing with longing, Lin Tantan looked at him with a smile, but he was not in a hurry to get close to him.

Ye Xiao's gaze also fell on her immediately, and his calm eyes suddenly shone like stars, with a smile on his face. He announced that the meeting would be held in an hour and then let the people disperse. He came to her, He raised his hand and stroked her hair: "I haven't seen you in half a month..."

Lin Tantan looked at him with bright eyes, and heard him say it in a deep voice: "It seems to be a little fatter."

Lin Tantan's eyelids drooped: "...huh?"

Ye Xiao laughed, and reached out to hug her: "It's been a long time since I saw you, do you miss me?"

Lin Tantan looked to the side subconsciously, everyone dispersed, and those who were paying attention to them immediately turned their eyes away, as if they hadn't seen anything.

Just see it when you see it, it's not something shameful. Lin Tantan also smiled and hugged Ye Xiao back, smelling the familiar warm breath of this man with nostalgia, rubbing his face: "Thinking, I thought you would come back in a while, have you finished everything?"

"Okay, let's choose Liangshi. It's the most suitable place after all." Ye Xiao let go of her, took her hand and walked away: "Has anything happened these days?"

"Yes." Lin Tantan talked about the two people in Jinshi, "I don't know what to do with them, so I'll keep them until you come back."

Ye Xiao narrowed his eyes: "I see, that cat stays with you?"

"Well, I tried the cat's ability these days. Although it was suppressed and beaten by the mutant rats, it did have a commanding effect on the mutant beasts outside. I think it can be used. We have a beast tamer in our brigade. Department, tame this cat, and let it help us get rid of other mutant beasts."

"You don't keep the cat?"

"Are you asking me if I want to raise it myself? It's no good." Lin Tantan waved his hand, "It doesn't quite meet my requirements."

Ye Xiao was a little surprised: "What request do you have?"

"Do you see the characteristics of those I raised?"

Ye Xiao hesitated for a moment: "Stupid?...Two?"

Lin Tantan: "...It's confident and cute! This cat looks aggressive, but it's actually a bit timid and has a soft personality. If you stay with me, you will only be bullied."

Soon Ye Xiao saw what it meant to be bullied.

On the hillside, he saw the cihuamao being beaten by a group of mice. It was really miserable. It could be seen that the mice were not cruel, and they seemed to be playing around, but the cihuamao was also treated a bit awful. Several mutated mice were bigger than it, and it was hard to tell who was the cat and who was the mouse.

Lin Tantan quickly went up to separate them, and said a lesson: "Why are you bullying others again?"

A group of mutated mice didn't want to leave yet, but when they saw Ye Xiao, they ran away like real mice seeing a cat.

Ye Xiao: "..."

Ye Xiao walked over, the cat was still lying on the ground with its paws covering its head, he grabbed it by the back collar and picked it up, the blurred cat's eyes met a pair of strange human eyes.

Cihuamao: "...meow, woo, woo." The biological instinct immediately made it make a soft and flattering sound.

Ye Xiao: "I'm a bit soft-tempered, who do you think is better to give this cat to?"

"Just think about it for yourself, I don't have any ideas." Lin Tantan also went over to tease the cat and scratched her chin. Cihuamao narrowed its eyes with a bit of enjoyment, and it could be seen that it was very close and trusting to her.

Ye Xiao looked at it, thought for a moment in his heart, and soon had an idea.

A meeting was held soon, announcing that the future base location would be Liangshi, and the relocation time was discussed. The final time was set for March next year.

At the meeting, Ye Xiao also announced the existence of Cihuamao, and formally established a beast taming team. The team leader was Zhong Xiong. group.

Lin Tantan was a little surprised by this decision, but he didn't seem too surprised. In the original eight-person team, Ye Baijiang, Cheng Xuqin had his own clear and irreplaceable position, and Mei Bosheng was set in the combat team. Get off Xu Li and Zhong Xiong.

Xu Li doesn't like to communicate with others, and now he is no longer Lin Tantan's bodyguard. He is still touching the threshold of the wind ability, and seems to have a little comprehension.

Zhong Xiong manages the weapon arsenal. This position is very important, but it is not irreplaceable, and now that ordinary weapons are less harmful to zombies, the role of the weapon R&D department is becoming more and more important. The arsenal is a bit like an auxiliary department of the weapon R&D department.

Ye Xiao didn't want the big brother in the team to remain so unknown.

If the beast taming group is done well, it will definitely have a significant effect, and it will be enough to attract attention.

As for Daying, he has just joined the Zhengyang Brigade, and it is not suitable for him to be given a high position. He can take over the arsenal first, and make other arrangements later.

After the meeting, Lin Tantan took Zhong Xiong to hand over the cihuamao. The cihuamao seemed to know that he was going to be taken away, so he pulled Lin Tantan's trousers, and looked at her suspiciously: "Meow."

Lin Tantan squatted down and patted its head, and injected a stream of wood energy into its forehead: "Okay, follow the new owner from now on, I will visit you often."

She gave Zhong Xiong a bag of dried fish, which she caught from the pool with water balloons, slaughtered with gold-type superpowers, and then baked with fire-type energy: "This little guy likes to eat this, you should also get a fish yourself Let’s raise fish for it in the pond. It has a big appetite, and it has only gained a little weight after being raised here for so long. And I haven’t quite figured out its ability, so you can develop it yourself.”

Zhong Xiong had heard that on the day the cat was caught, a group of mutated beasts had gathered outside the base, and it was almost certain that it had attracted it. After that, Lin Tantan took it out twice, and it was indeed quite capable, but The cat itself doesn't seem to know how to use it. Basically, it gathers a herd of beasts and starts fighting.

Lin Tantan thought about it again: "Also, although this cat is very capable, it is quite weak, and it doesn't seem to be very courageous, so it must be protected." Pressing the scene of beating, she felt a little ashamed to say this, so she coughed in embarrassment.

Zhong Xiong picked up the cat carefully, stroked the soft fur with his thick palm, and said with a smile, "We will take good care of it."

The cat was carried away, and it was still turning to look at Lin Tantan from a long distance away, and finally retracted its head and clenched Zhong Xiong's arms tightly. Lin Tantan sighed, feeling a little sad, and then saw the cat being taken away after running a long way, and after returning, the rats felt a little bored and even seemed a little unhappy: "When I was here, I bullied it desperately. Now People are gone, are you happy?"

Mutant rats: "Squeak!"

"Well, you can visit it as often as you like, and you have to bring a present to see it."

The mutant rats: ... all looked at the swimming fish in the pool.

At this time, Ye Xiao was looking at the man in front of him, his eyes swept over the somewhat messy bun on his head, in Lin Tantan's narration, he was called the man with the bun.

In fact, his name is Lu Xin, an orphan. When he was a child, he followed a Taoist master. Because of his good talent, he learned a lot of skills. After the end of the world, his master died, and the Taoist temple couldn't stay anymore. Since then, he has been alone.

Lu Xin was startled when he saw Ye Xiao, and then his pupils shrank suddenly: "You—"

Ye Xiao said indifferently: "Why, you said that Tantan is an odd number, now are you going to say that I am also an odd number who stole your so-called luck?"

"You..." Lu Xin was shocked, and after a while he said slowly: "You are not an odd number."

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, taking his time to see what he could say.

He had seen Ye Xiao's photos before, whether it was the Zhengyang Brigade or the Ningshi Base, he didn't pay attention to the abnormal prosperity, because he knew that Ye Xiao, who was the core figure of these two forces, was not The phase of longevity.

Because he only got the photos and didn't see the real person, so he couldn't be sure. He just vaguely knew that he would be miserable, but seeing the real person now, it's not like that at all. A person who was supposed to die at the end of his prime, now his fortune is extremely good, not to mention that the signs of short life are gone, and there is even a hint of purple on his body, which is beyond words.

Ziqi is the auspicious aura of emperors. Naturally, there are no emperors in this era, and people cannot become auspicious, but the meaning is still there.

He was still doubting himself before, did he make a mistake, Lin Tantan really didn't do anything, but now he was suddenly convinced that if Lin Tantan hadn't done anything, could he completely change a person's fate like this?

Judging from the scant information he got, Lin Tantan was with Ye Xiao from the very beginning of the end of the world. Was it such a coincidence that the two met by chance and walked together all the time? I heard that the relationship between the two is very unusual.

Lu Xin thought he understood everything.

Lin Tantan didn't want to promote a powerful force. She found the most suitable person, even if she had to change his life against the sky, she would not hesitate to change his fate. She turned him into the future master. There is no such thing as that Ning City will eventually decline, and her calculations will fail. As long as this Ye Xiao is still alive, his power and place will naturally prosper.

Lu Xin thought a lot in his heart, and many thoughts came out, and finally his heart sank a little bit. It is really absurd to tie the fate of a country to one person!