MTL - Traveling Through the Stars-Chapter 60 Red fruit seeds

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  Chapter 60 Red Fruit Seed

Luo Bi hesitated, and finally said, "Feng Ling, I made a strange thing while refining medicine today." While speaking, he took out the palm-sized disc from the storage bracelet: "Look, This is it."

  Looking like a pan, Robbie swallowed the words.

  Fengling glanced casually, and his pupils shrank suddenly, his face was not visible, and the sea was already in his heart. But for a moment he calmed down. The Formation Refining Element was the most difficult one among the major elements, and it was absolutely impossible to refine it with Robbie's ability.

  It’s just that, Feng Ling carefully looked at the small disc in Luo Bi’s hand, and asked the doubt in his mind: "How did you refine it?"

Luo Bi was a little guilty, he hesitated and said: "Uh... there are five unsatisfactory spiritual plants left. I will throw them into the medicine cauldron together with the five discarded jadeites. Refining inside, and finally refining such a thing."

  In theory, this kind of operation simply doesn’t work, and Feng Ling couldn’t think of a reason for a while: “Take it away first, and I’ll talk about it when I go back. Remember not to show it to others casually.”

"I know."

  Probably someone was looking for Fengling, he said, and hung up the communication in a hurry.

  Robi sat on the bed and fiddled with the small disc for a long time. Suddenly he remembered calling his father a communication. After going there for more than ten days, he should be back. After Luo Hang was connected, Luo Bi asked when he knew that his father and eldest brother would be home tomorrow afternoon. She was so happy that she didn't sleep well all night excited.

  Robi missed her father. She has a lot to say to her father.

   The next day, Robbie woke up very early. After washing and doing nothing, she came to the large balcony. Fang walked a few steps, and suddenly felt that there were cold drops of rain on her face. She stretched out her hand and it was indeed water.

   Lifted her head and looked at the sky. She was empty and could not see anything. At this moment, another drop of rain fell on her face. Luo Bi was happy. She liked rain. Although she was a firefighter in her previous life and had bad luck on a rainy day, she could sleep comfortably under the rain.

  Furthermore, in the next eight thousand years, there will be no such thing as a life in the future. She does not need to avoid going out on a rainy day. What's more, it is unrealistic for her to just want to hide from rainy days. There is too much rain in this world to hide.

  There is nothing to clean up on several balconies, but the red fruit seeds she dried on the glaze stones on the large balcony should be put away quickly, so as not to be washed away by the rain.

  She ate all of the dozens of red fruits in the refrigerator during this period, and she took out the seeds from the core and dried them in a place with insufficient sunlight, a total of 54 pieces. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Robbie took the seed and stood under the glass flower hall on the large balcony. In a moment, the air was full of humid rain.

While appreciating the rain, Robbie thought about planting red fruit seeds. The nutritious ingredients are not easy to plant and the price is high. Robbie has long wanted to grow nutritious fruits, but unfortunately there are no seeds. Give it a try.

  This is a world where fierce animals are rampant and plants mutate. Planting mainly depends on intelligent robots. However, the crops grown by intelligent robots do not have the slightest nutritional energy. Only women and pregnant bodies with natural affinity for plants can grow and cultivate nutritious plants.

  Some of the women and pregnant bodies have more or less earth-based abilities and wood-based abilities, and they are extremely talented planters. But nutritious plants are not easy to grow after all, and even a highly talented grower can produce a limited amount of crops.

  (End of this chapter)