MTL - Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star-Chapter 19 normal friend

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Qiu Jingjing is a person who pursues details. In the films she invests in, sometimes the portrayal of the minor supporting characters is deeper than that of the main character, and she attracts many unknown actors.

The movie in which Tang Tu was a freshman was invested by Qiu Jing, and he was also selected by Qiu Jing. It can be said that Qiu Jing is a bole of Tang Tu.

Liu Ye is actually very emotional. She now earns less than 30,000 yuan by selling shoes and live broadcast rewards. If her mother and the Wang family reach a settlement this week, three million is a matter of nails. need money.

I do n’t know if Liu Ye ’s eyes revealed her love, Qiu Jing smiled and said, “If you can finally get this role, we will pay you 50,000 yuan. Will you accept this part-time job?”

What a generous income this is for 50,000 yuan in 25 minutes.

I don't agree anymore is a fool, "I do, I do," Liu Ye nodded again and again.

Qiu Jingjing just likes her real and undisguised appearance, and the girls who are brought to her are young but full of makeup, clearly ambition in her heart, but pretentious in her eyes.

"The movie is planned to start shooting at the end of January. The five minutes of this character are not continuous. It is scattered into fragments throughout the film. We don't know when the director will shoot which clip, so you need to be on call throughout the winter vacation. , Including during the Spring Festival. "

This is not a problem for Liu Ye. Her father is still in a detention center. This year's Spring Festival is definitely going to be difficult.

"I can come on call."

Qiu Jing nodded, "You have time to add my WeChat, first send me a picture of your whole life, this is what the director wants to see, my WeChat is the mobile phone number on the business card."


"First of all, I can't be 100% sure that you will eventually be able to take part in this role. This matter also requires the director and several other producers to agree."

"Huh, I understand," Liu Ye did not understand the entertainment industry, but she knew that from ancient times to today, interests have always been associated with complex interpersonal relationships. Which woman has no background beside her father? Even her mother and aunt, the humble singer and dancer, were first raised in the county palace and then sent to the palace, which represented the power of the county palace.

女孩 The girl really knows things well, Qiu Jing is more satisfied. She patted Liu Ye's shoulder. "Wait for me to inform you then."

Watching Qiu Jing leave, Liu Ye still had an unreal feeling in her mind. The memory of the former owner has made her know that the status of the current actor is completely different from that of her era. The successful actor is a public figure, glorious and sought after. With a lot of income, it is an enviable profession to own a luxury car.

"Well," Li Yuanru screamed briskly from all the way, Liu Ye followed, and Li Xiaoru and Wang Nina came together, "What is Professor Qiu looking for from you?"

"It was yesterday's piano examination, and she kindly gave me a pointer," Liu Ye did not tell them the real reason. At first, this matter was not nailed down, and there might be variables. Second, she felt that she was afraid that they would think more.

小 Li Xiaoru and Wang Nina are both better than Liu Ye, but Liu Ye is being watched. It's hard to say if their hearts are unbalanced. Li Xiaoru's personality is okay, Wang Nina is more delicate, she is not bad, she looks like an egg face, Dan Fengyan, a bit like Lin Daiyu, Xiaojiabiyu type, is relatively smooth in life, there have been many suitors, and Wang Nina is very competitive and always wants Compete with Li Xiaoru.

Li Xiaoru didn't really think about it. He grabbed Liu Yan with his arms and said with a smile, "We didn't go to your live broadcast room to take care of this time. As a result, I was bored to open the app this morning and saw that your fans were more than 500. It's time to fulfill the promise? Who said that the fans broke the hundred and invited us to eat at the izakaya? It might be better to hit the sun on another day, and then we will go to the izakaya for dinner. "

"Tomorrow is okay, I have an appointment with someone tonight," Liu Ye said embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, tomorrow will be the same," Li Xiaoru said indifferently.

But Wang Nina suddenly said, "Who to eat with? Wouldn't it be Professor He Qiu?"

"Of course not, but with my friends," Liu Ye wondered why Wang Nina thought so. And Wang Nina's gaze stopped in her hand, holding a business card that hadn't had time to close.

Fortunately, Li Xiaoru shifted the topic. "So why did you suddenly have a sudden increase in fans? When we were entrusted, we only got dozens of fans."

"You'll know when you watch me live next time."

Liu Ying said, the mobile phone in her pocket "hummed" a bit, she took out the phone to see, it was a WeChat,

Yu Yuzhan: "I have come to the north gate of your school."

"My friend is here," Liu Yan said to Li Xiaoru, "I'm leaving now."

But Wang Nina suddenly held her arm and asked her with a smile, "What friend, is it a man or a woman?"

This question inspired Li Xiaoru. She suddenly realized that she was weird. "It must be a man. Otherwise, how can our dinner be pushed to tomorrow? UU reading

嫚 Liu Ying's face turned red, "Don't talk nonsense, just an ordinary friend."

行 "Okay, ordinary friends are ordinary friends, anyway, Nana and I are going to peep."

Li Xiaoru is really a activist. Liu Ye is walking in front. She and Wang Nina are following behind. The north gate is very close. Liu Ye sees Yu Zhan ’s car from a distance. .

She trot over immediately, Yu Zhan has not responded yet, she has opened the copilot door and sat in, and hurriedly said to him, "Sit in quickly."

The monk Yu Zhanzhang Er was scratching his head, but soon entered the car.

嫚 Liu Ying suddenly relieved.

"what happened?"

"My two roommates wanted to have dinner with me today. I said I had an appointment, and they had to come and see who I was eating with," Liu said fifteen to ten, and the honest appearance made Yu Zhan forbearance.

"Look at 呗, is there anything I can't see?"

"No, no," Liu Xuan whispered, her face was still red, I wonder if it was running panting or shy again, "If we are seen, we will be troublesome."

"How trouble?" Yu Zhan had the meaning to ask in the end, but could not hide the smile under his eyes.

Liu Liu was anxious, airways, "It will affect my reputation."

Yu Yu Zhan stunned, then fluttered and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

嫚 Liu Ying stared at him depressed, a pair of watery eyes seemed to be holding Qingquan, clear and pure.

Yu Yuzhan was deeply attracted by these eyes, but his face was still smiling, because he was so happy that he could meet the girl himself.

At this moment, he realized that he really liked her.