MTL - Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star-Chapter 1157 Confession in public

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Xiong Jie didn't expect her to do this suddenly and quickly stood up, but she looked dumb and didn't reach for it. Liu Yan smiled at him, "Then, this is the trophy won for you."

In the spotlight, Liu Yan's smile was very beautiful and dazzling, and Xiong Jie's eyes were aching and a bit sore-this is the girl he once loved, and he felt that his "infatuation" was worth it.

Such a girl is worthy of his admiration and adoration.

The trophy is a glass body, slender, and looks like a book. Xiong Jie raised his hand to hold the lower end of the trophy. Liu Yan just wanted to let go, and he held her wrist with the other hand.

"We won this award together!"

The classmates and friends around them applauded. Liang Shengnan and Lina, the most lively characters, gave each other high-five and grabbed the strength. In the lens, the trophy jointly lifted by Liu Yan and Xiong Jie, the friends surrounded them, posing in various poses, and everyone's expression was youthful and energetic.

What surprised the audience was that Liu Yan and Xiong Jie shook hands.

To match the effect of the program, the opposite-sex handshake is also not a problem, and it is not a kiss. The two of them are classmates and have a close relationship. But the old-eyed audience felt that Xiong Jie's eyes on Liu Yan were not ordinary, that was not the friendship of ordinary classmates.

"Eh, does the 9th stage king like Liusao?"

"What's the matter, if you and Liu Yan's classmates, you don't like her?"

"I don't know if Dr. Yu is watching TV now. If he sees this scene, will he be jealous?"


The program crew thought the same way, and they knew Yu Zhan was there, and asked the photographer to close up the hands and faces of Liu and Xiong, reasonably engage in things, increase the topicality, and benefit the ratings.

Then the camera inadvertently swept Yu Zhan sitting in the back row.

"Wait, is the man who passed by just now, is it Dr. Yu?"

"It's too fast, it's not clear, it's very similar."


This is not enough. When the group of young people finished their fun, Liu Yan was ready to return to the stage. The host asked her, "Besides, you have nothing to say to other people?"


Liu Yan froze for a moment, seeing the host's eyes, she quickly understood his suggestion: It turns out that academic programs should also use the emotional gossip of participants in this year? However, considering that National Television is willing to advertise pet hospitals free of charge, saving Yu Zhan million or even hundreds of millions of advertisements, there is nothing wrong with showing love here.

Thinking about this, Liu Yan smiled and answered the host, "I want to thank my mother. Although she didn't come to the scene, she is also watching TV in front of the TV ..."

Host / All Program Group: "..."

Liu Yan is absolutely intentional! She clearly understood what the host meant.

The host had to say more straightforwardly, "Your boyfriend Dr. Yu is also on the show now, don't you want to say something to him?"

This is good, the audience on the scene also fry the pan, quickly looked around each other, trying to find Yu Zhan, but without them, the photographer directly gave Yu Zhan a close-up. Under 1080p or even 4K high-definition lenses, his facial features are still refined and impeccable, his skin is not as white as before, it is a pale wheat color, and his nose color is particularly dark-driving a roadster in the United States in the summer , Sun-baked.

He shouldn't realize that the camera is taking pictures of himself. His eyes look at Liu Yan under the stage. He still looks so gentle and smiles naturally, as if he doesn't mind his girlfriend and other boys holding hands.

This is the first time Yu Zhan has appeared in public view after returning from the United States. His fans are licking the screen frantically, and the reaction is more exciting than watching Liu Yu winning.

The host was clear, Liu Yan raised her head and looked at Yu Zhan, the two people's eyes met, she said with a smile, "Since today's theme is" Book of Songs ", I will say a sentence in" Book of Songs "to him, 'Speaking of a gentleman, Wen Qiru is like a jade, in his slab house, chaos my heart'. "

The scene was very quiet. Everyone was reminiscing about what she said. On the contrary, the audience in front of the screen realized it faster, because while Liu Yan slowly chanted the poem, the picture showed her words one by one. This sentence is not as esoteric as those in the game. Even people who haven't read this article before or can't understand classical Chinese can guess the meaning.

Placed in ancient times, this is a fairly straightforward confession, without beautiful decoration, and is not tolerant of the world.

But in modern times, this is the most poetic and gentle love letter I have ever heard / read-the gentleman is gentle like jade, he lives with Liu Yan and disturbs her mind-now who does n’t know Liu Do you live with Yu Zhan?

Liu Yan expressed his affection to him in front of a national audience, and the suppressed thoughts no longer need to be hindered. It is implicit and straightforward, sincere and fierce. How long did it take for two people to live together under one roof and snuggle up?

The princess two thousand years ago was not a princess, but a girl who fell in love. She met Yu Zhan unexpectedly, and then came the hope of endless life.

Yu Zhan did n’t have many classical cells, and he did n’t even read the Book of Songs carefully. The first time he heard this sentence, his whole heart had melted. What I want to do now is to hug Liu Yan and kiss her. But here is the TV station, the site of the academic program. They want to behave quaintly and reservedly. He won't say any creaky words, and he can't stop laughing. The sweetness of this smile is more sincere than any language- This is like a gentle gentleman.

Every audience is bathed in this classical romance. No one disputes that Liu Ma and Xiong Jie's body just touched. UU reading Dang, it seems that their hearts are filthy.

"Liu Yan confessed to Yu Zhan so much, from now on, no one would miss her idea, right?" Asked some netizens.

"There must be no Chinese, foreigners ... but they are not sure, and they do not understand the Book of Songs."


In such a harmonious and romantic atmosphere, this season's "Poetry" will finally come to a perfect conclusion. The host, the judges and Liu Yan waved to the audience to explain the goodbye to the year.

The viewers reluctantly saw the last second, and turned off the TV until they entered the advertisement, and the hot discussion in the online comment area had just begun.

As soon as the field work was over, the host immediately replaced the false smile, wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand, and turned to smile sincerely to Liu Yan and Su Yi. "Thank you." Knowing the final ratings of this show, he may start a new career as a host.

In the auditorium, the staff is arranging the orderly exit of the audience.
