MTL - Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star-Chapter 1138 Invite to participate

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Zhang Pei pondered over and over again, avoiding Wei Ying ’s question, and said equivocally, “Yu Zhan is worthy of my trust and my daughter ’s lifelong trust.”

Then she and Sun Yiyi and his wife chatted two more polite words, and left for reasons. Zhang Pei was afraid that Wei Ying would ask some questions that she could not answer. Liu Yan's changes can be described by earth-shaking. Wei Ying's carefulness is inevitable. However, she thinks a lot, Wei Ying and her husband only think about their daughter's things, mentioning Liu Yan and Yu Zhan, also because she can't accept the love affair of her daughter, she wants to figure out what Zhang Pei's mentality is.

Under Sun Weiwei's intentional guidance, her parents have long accepted Liu Yan's drastic changes. After all, their daughter and Liu Yan broke off in junior high school, and they didn't know much about Liu Yan. Sun Weiwei stood on the side of Liu Yan again, explaining that she hadn't opened her mind before, and then worked hard to learn later. Besides, Zhang Pei's changes are also quite big. Sun Yiyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion. They naturally believed in their daughter's words.

The next day after Sun Weiwei's accident, the official Weibo of the Capital Public Security and Capital University issued a similar message-a description of the bad things that happened on campus the day before.

The perspectives of the two stations are different. The public security of the capital focuses on criminal analysis and publishes a statement of caution; the microblog of Capital University focuses on the disqualification of He Qisi as a research fellow, and also cancels the bachelor of arts he just got, which is He Qisi has no degree certificate, only a graduation certificate. Such graduates have difficulty finding jobs. What's more, in recent years, He Qisi may be spent in prison. Sun Weiwei's parents have set out to find a relationship and find someone, and try to repudiate him. As a foreign student, He Qisi is powerless and difficult to reverse the case. A few years later, when he was released from prison, he must be a waste, but he asked for it, and no one blamed others.

Afterwards, the Capital University published a microblog, praising Jiang Chengfeng for his courageous behavior, and called on the teachers and students to learn from him. Since Jiang Chengfeng was not the first to act bravely (collective firefighting at the film and television base), the school decided to give him a special reward-to give him the qualification to study for his master ’s degree without a trial, and emphasized that Jiang Chengfeng can be studied in part-time mode . In other words, it doesn't matter if Jiang Chengfeng doesn't go to school, he has the officially declared privileges and is so arrogant!

This news hit the face of the netizens who despised Jiang Chengfeng hanging on the Internet. What about others hanging on the branch? ! Everyone has nothing to say. Also let the latter who posted a black post on the forum, the abacus fell through, stealing the chicken would not erode the rice, he was so angry that his gums would bleed! His main purpose is Jiang Chengfeng, hoping to completely fail, he also disappeared online.

Jiang Chengfeng successfully got rid of the troubles of hanging subjects, but there are still people who grabbed Liu Yan's 15-point test score and said things, "15 points" has almost become a ridicule for netizens who hate Liu Yan, to talk about Liu Yan's talent Then, they took this supporter of Liu Jian and said that she had no human literacy and was a pseudo-school bully. Liu Yan still ignored it, but Professor Su posted his latest calligraphy photos on his Weibo, and there were only four black words on the white paper: "A nonsense." Professor Su is an old man, but he always has a better than young It's also a passionate heart.

At this time, Liu Yan received a phone call from the national station. The other party claimed to be the director of the "Poetry and Wind" program group and asked if she was interested in participating in this Sunday's program as a contestant.

Liu Yan asked with surprise, "Have you not finished the program yet?" After Xiong Jie "lost" the game, she never watched the show again.

"We have 14 issues in total, and this week is the 14th. We hope you can play in the last game of the year," the director has a very good tone and a little "seeking".

There is no way. Since Xiong Jie left the stage of "The Poetry Festival", the ratings of this show have plummeted. I can't bear to see it. The show crew was scolded by the leaders of the national station. The leader has already spoken. In the last episode, the ratings should be reversed, otherwise their group will immediately get out of the way.

The work of National Channel is no longer an iron rice bowl. The competition between various programs is very fierce. The whole repertoire is very frightened. Overtime in the past two days to discuss countermeasures. Some people proposed to replace the judges whose previous propositions were wrong. Some people proposed that the program group collectively be online. Apologies to Xiong Jie, some people even said that Xiong Jie should be invited back to continue beating.

A young team member put forward a new idea and said, "We can invite someone who is more topical and more popular than Xiong Jie to participate in the competition! I think Liu Yan is very suitable. She is a classmate of Xiong Jie. The university is frequently searched, and everyone is very concerned about this school. The students of Capital University have their own hot search attributes, and Liu Yan has been scolded by many people for the exams. ability."

"Uh ..." After listening to the director's remarks, Liu Yan wanted to say that she didn't have to rush to prove herself, and felt that she didn't need to explain anything to him, just said, "I think about it."

This was a polite refusal. After watching the live broadcast of Xiong Jie, Liu Yan did not like the show, and it was impossible to return to Baba to participate in the competition. Besides, she did not have time to prepare for the game. In terms of all-historical knowledge, she did It ’s not as good as Xiong Jie. If she also lost the game, the netizens who hacked her had more evidence that she was a fake school bully. Why should she ask for trouble?

At the end of the call, the program director was very disappointed. He felt pains and pains. He analyzed the root cause of Liu Yan ’s resistance to their program and tried to find a solution to please Liu Yan. He knew that no one except Liu Yan could improve the ratings of the program now. Most celebrities or internet celebrities now have extremely low levels of education, and they do not have the most basic reserve of poems. They ca n’t even pass the first round of five-player games. Unless the TV station deliberately divulges the issue, the program will be boring. In comparison, Liu Yan is the most suitable candidate, there is no one.

So on Thursday, two days later, he called Liu Yan again,

"Professor Su really agreed?" Liu Yan asked suspiciously.

"Don't we dare to lie about this kind of thing. If it's a fake, won't you lie when you participate in the show? In the end, we can't eat and walk around."

Liu Yan didn't expect Professor Su to be willing to be the guest judge of the final issue of "The Poetry Festival". She intuitively agreed that he was for her.

"What is the theme of the last issue?" She asked. If she remembered correctly, the program team would announce the theme two days in advance.

Sure enough, the director did not hesitate to tell her, "The theme is" Book of Songs "and" Chu Ci ", you can also find it on our official website."