MTL - Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star-Chapter 1136 Reverse public opinion

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"He Qisi deliberately pushed me into the water, if not to save me by the wind, I will drown!"

A few minutes ago, Sun Weiwei had told the school leaders in detail how she had fallen into the water; now, she said to Liu Yan and Yu Zhan again.

Liu Yan had been digesting the information for a long time, and she was cold and sweating, and she was terrified later! Yu Zhan is also asking about Jiang Chengfeng's situation. Don't look at Jiang Chengfeng's hesitation. His face is not very good. The doctor insisted that he come to the hospital for examination for no reason.

In this matter, Sun Weiwei is half responsible for herself. If she does not call He Qisi, there will be no future disasters, but the starting point for her to find He Qisi is for her and Jiang Chengfeng, and Jiang Chengfeng is to save her. She was dragged into the water. One ring after another, with thousands of words in Liu Yan's mouth, there was only one sigh, "You and Chengfeng are fine."

Sun Weiwei lowered his head, "It's my fault, it's my stupidity. Despite scolding me, I went to meet He Qisi. I didn't expect him to be so crazy that he was going to kill me. After all, we are on campus ..." said Here, her eyes are redder and somewhat moist, and her tears are for Jiang Cheng. She was unwilling to be seen by others as she was crying, so she buried her face on Liu Yan's stomach, and did not dislike Liu Yan's sweat.

Liu Yan held her shoulders in shock and patted lightly, "It's all gone, it's gone, fortunately you are all fine."

Her comfort made Sun Weiwei's fear of endure completely erupt, and she cried in her arms, no matter how strong she was usually, the fear of dying can make people collapse.

Liu Ma and they have been with Sun Weiwei until her parents and Zhang Pei arrive.

As for He Qisi, before Sun Weiwei was sober, he had been caught by the police. The small number of people by the lake during the summer vacation does not mean that there are no people. When He Qisi pushed Sun Weiwei, there were several witnesses. There were surveillance cameras in the lake corridor before the pavilion arrived at the shore. This case is simple and effortless.

He Qisi didn't have time to run away, he didn't know to run away, he just sat in the dormitory and waited for the police to come. When he was taken away, he had been crying, his nose was full of tears, and he was particularly ugly. He did not want to go. The police dragged him away, just like teaching a disobedient child. He also used plausible excuses to say that he was not intentional. He and Sun Weiwei just had a little quarrel because of misunderstanding, and there was a slight physical conflict. He didn't expect Sun Weiwei to fall, he thought Sun Weiwei would swim!

The police do not recognize the tears, or the tears of men! They saw that the death penalty prisoners were urinating their trousers before the scene without blinking their eyes. Then again, if any of Sun Weiwei and Jiang Chengfeng had an accident, He Qisi would not be too far from the death penalty.

The students who did not go home in the dormitory area of ​​the College of Liberal Arts witnessed this scene. They took videos with their mobile phones and posted them online. The school does not really want this incident to be full of ups and downs. Similar incidents of student injuries have a great impact on the school ’s reputation. But Sun Weiwei and Jiang Chengfeng are Internet celebrities. Jiang Chengfeng's rescue of Sun Weiwei was photographed. At this moment, it has been spread on all major social platforms.

The video publisher got the title very simple and rude: #On the campus of Capital University, Sun Weiwei fell into the water, Jiang Chengfeng Shi rescue #


Do you not know Sun Weiwei and Jiang Chengfeng?

Are you still a young man in the new century?

Moreover, the topic of Jiang Chengfeng's five-door hangke is still on the hot search list. This time, his name occupies two hot searches. The fact of hangke is not wrong, but he is really brave enough to do it!

"Jiang Chengfeng is a pseudo-study man. Open your eyes and watch this video. You question why Capital University gave him privileges. That's why!"

Many of the students who followed the trend and scolded Jiang Chengfeng felt ashamed. They knew that they were in the same situation. They were probably the same as the boy on the shore (Cao Yuan). .

Jiang Chengfeng's impression in the minds of netizens has always been that of a weak scholar. He looks thin and tall, with a clear face, otherwise he will not get angry if he wears women's clothes before. This video breaks their cognition, and the angry boys will also try their best to save the people and forget themselves. They saw Jiang Chengfeng walking towards Sun Weiwei; saw him being dragged into the water and struggling; after seeing him rescued, he collapsed on the grass ... the person with low tears, eyes It's all wet.

However, there are still people saying, "Sun Weiwei is Jiang Chengfeng's friend. For a stranger, I don't think he will do so!"

"Yeah, Jiang Chengfengshui looks good. It's easy to save a girl."


There are quite a few similar comments. Some people may be professional sunspots, while others are just hard-mouthed and do not want to admit their misunderstandings about others ~ ~ What kind of friends are not friends, 'Girlfriend and mother fell in the water first Have n’t you seen this question? Save people too much of their lives! Seeing righteousness and courageousness The reason why there is a word ‘courage’ means that this action itself bears great risks and requires courage that ordinary people cannot reach. Water quality is not the same as saving people. If you can swim and even have the level of the Olympic swimming champion, will you run into the water if you encounter the same thing? Why is it so difficult for you to admit that others are better than yourself? "

"Is it more bad for society to have more positive energy? Is it okay to praise more with positive energy? In this era, being willing to help others is almost equivalent to doing more business. After all, in this world, the cost of doing good is much higher than the cost of doing bad . I admire Jiang Chengfeng very much. His studies and character are two different things. Moreover, he is already good enough. I hope that there will be more such celebrities on the Internet. Our society is really too indifferent. "

Most of the public opinion is still positive. There are far more comments in favor of Jiang Chengfeng than criticizing him. Netizens have praised his righteous act. Under the glorious humanity, the fact that he hangs on the subject seems even more insignificant. Gradually, the topic of connecting five subjects fell into the hot search, and the topic of saving people rose to the top of the hot search list.

Correspondingly, He Qisi was taken away by the police. He was the initiator of the incident. The dog was scolded by netizens. Some people recognized him as a former "Xiaoshi senior".

"Oh my god! How did the" Xiao Shi Senior "fall into this look?"

More netizens have long forgotten this cool old celebrity, and specifically went to Baidu who is the "Xiaoshi Senior", before thinking of the ancient early vibrato account "Happy Pot". At this time, why He Qisi had an understandable motive for starting Sun Weiwei on the campus in broad daylight.