MTL - Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star-Chapter 102 Hire a mother

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Liu Ye answered honestly, "Store some goods."

"What goods?" The landlord has the right to ask clearly.

"Cat food."

原来 "It turns out that you and the boss Yu are in the same industry, and they are both engaged in the pet industry, so it's easy to talk about it," Boss Wang is very happy, and the rental house is afraid of meeting some people.

He then signed the contract happily with Liu Ye, and generously waived the deposit, but required Liu Ye to pay three months' rent, which is 42w.

嫚 Liu Liu has not withdrawn the money in the live shopping cart. She made a request, "Boss Wang, can I transfer it to you 3w first, and the remaining 12w two days later?"

Boss Wang looked at Yu Zhan aside and smiled, "Yes, yes, Miss Liu is Boss Yu's friend. I believe you will not mess around. I will ask my staff to move all the dining tables and chairs on this floor tomorrow morning. Leave so as not to affect your delivery, if you have any requirements, you can always find me. "

"Can you leave a table and four chairs?" Liu Ye thought it might be necessary.

"It's okay. I think there will be fewer tables and chairs in the future. You can always ask me for them."

嫚 Liu Ying finally successfully rented the warehouse, but in just one afternoon, she spent all her remaining savings. In the past few days, by selling cat food, all the money she earned was also put in.

I am even more urgent in front of Liu Ye, that she has no one in her hand.

Liu Ying is going to skip the class the next day to go to the talent market to see what problems she can think of. Yu Zhan helped her think about it, Yu Zhan said,

"Don't worry, you can rest in class and let me solve the problem of finding someone."

The next night, Yu Zhan called Liu Ye and told her that he found two people willing to do the job.

Both were uncles in their fifties. One was introduced by a little nurse. He was her distant relative who came to the capital to find a job from her hometown after the Spring Festival. The other was introduced by Boss Wang. This person was in his store. Of the employees, boss Wang did not need so many people to shrink the store, so he introduced it to Yu Zhan.

佩 Zhang Pei, like Liu Ye, returned early and returned home every day these days. She is also looking for a job outside.

佩 Zhang Pei has a college degree. Before working as a full-time wife, she had worked in accounting, but she had not worked for 20 years. She had long forgotten her accounting skills. She was so old that she was looking for a job.

Today she encountered a particularly cold hr,

"You have no skill at this age, so why come here to compete with young people, I suggest you better go to the outside restaurant to find the job of washing dishes and cleaning the floor, otherwise, even if you join our company, you can only clean the toilet."

Is this a kind suggestion or a malicious shame?

佩 Zhang Pei is powerless to discern. She is struggling. She has left the workplace for too long. The outside world makes her feel strange and terrible.

她 Can she really only find a job like a cleaner or dishwasher?

嫚 Liu Ying went home at night and saw Zhang Peimo sitting on the sofa silently, her eyes staring straight ahead, very numb, Liu Yan approached and found her eyes red.

She was anxious. "Mom, what's wrong?"

佩 Zhang Pei was awakened by her cry, as if she had just discovered her. "When did you come back? Why didn't you say anything?"

嫚 Liu Ying saw tears in the corner of Zhang Pei. She wiped the tears for Zhang Pei with the back of her hand, and gently asked, "Mom, what happened?"

This sensible and gentle gesture finally made Zhang Pei helpless and broke down, and her tears poured down, "I'm useless, I don't have any skill, I can't find a job, I can't make a penny, and my family still There are millions of debts to pay, what should I do, I am a wasteful person who is useless to society. "

"Who says you're useless? Who says you're useless? You're my mother. You brought me up in October. You taught me how to talk. You taught me to walk. My dad was busy with work. I went to school. It was you. Pick me up every day without interruption. You save money and train me to learn piano. You have provided me with the best environment to grow up. You are the best mother and the most loved person in the world. "

Speaking of which, Liu Ye's eyes were also red. The memory of the former master's childhood, like a slide, flashed from her mind frame by frame. The memory told her that Zhang Pei was a great mother and she gave up her career in order to take care of her daughter.

After Liu Ye found that the memories of the former master of her body were completely integrated, she seemed to have some feelings of the former master, such as respect and gratitude to Zhang Pei.

佩 Zhang Pei hugged Liu Yan, kept stroking her long hair, and kept whispering, "My uncle, my uncle" She was still crying, tears soaked Liu's shoulders.

After a long time, she let go of Liu Ye, smoked a few tissues, wiped her face casually, calmed down a little, and said to her daughter, "These days I look for work and run into a wall. This society is not fair to housewives like us. "

I didn't expect Liu Yi to say, "You don't have to go out to work. I happen to be here and want to ask you to do it."

"what's up?"

"I now sell cat food online. In order to store cat food, I rent a warehouse near our house. I also hired two workers to deliver goods. I need you to help me keep accounts and manage the two workers by the way."

Liu Ye has given Zhang Pei too much surprise at this time ~ ~ Zhang Pei is not surprised to hear that she has opened a warehouse again, but still asks, "How much cat food is there? Still need Dedicated rent warehouse. "

"Yesterday, 200 boxes of cat food with a total of 1,000 bags have been sent from Hong Kong. They were sent by land transportation logistics."

1000 bags! !! !!

Zhang Pei was stunned.

Liu Liu started to panic from the beginning, but now she has calmed down gradually. She bought an order printer, a full box of tape, hundreds of packing cartons, and other shipping materials on Taobao.

Everything is arranged and organized.

200 boxes of cat food arrived on the day of the capital. Liu Ye called a truck, took two workers, and hired 5 temporary porters to transport 200 boxes of cat food from the pickup point to the warehouse.

The warehouse has been cleaned twice by Zhang Pei and Liu Ye. No oil stains or stains can be seen. The floor tiles are clean and reflective. I never imagined that this was a restaurant. 200 boxes of cat food were filled in most of the warehouse. Look There seem to be many, but in less than half a month, the sales were sold out, and the princess's fanciful fans told her with actual actions that everyone had a high demand for genuine cat food.

Liu Liu not only deposited 8,900 yuan to the bank on March 15 but also remitted the money to the account of Westland on time on March 28.

I personally witnessed that selling cat food really made money. Zhang Pei's enthusiasm for work was so high that she would no longer be a housewife. Like an ordinary office worker, she went out to the warehouse at 8 o'clock every day and returned home at over 10 o'clock at night.

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