MTL - Transmigrating into the Reborn Male Lead’s Ex-Boyfriend-Chapter 91 91st Big Brother

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There are two of the most explosive news in the Imperial City circle this year, and they are all related to the Song family. They suddenly pushed the Song family, which had a hidden tendency, to the cusp of the wind, and for a time, they were all in the limelight.

This first is the news that the Xiao family found the eldest son not long ago. It is said that the eldest son had a relationship with the Song family's second son Song Yinghe and was a lover. The two had a very good relationship. They didn't have to separate until Xiao Yuanmu went abroad to start a business. The eldest son of the Xiao family managed to find home for the first time in an interview in a personal name, and he directly stated that he was not single, and he regretted hearing other questions, such as Jin Xiaoyuanmu, but expressed his appreciation many times when he mentioned his lover Song Kunhe. It was a savage spill of dog food, which also caused other people in the Imperial Circle to start re-evaluating the status of the Song family.

The second message is deeply related to the first, but it has a greater impact on the Song family and the entire imperial circle than the first. The Xiao family has determined the banquet time to officially announce the recognition of the eldest son to the public. Invitations were sent to the major families with whom the world has been intimate.Among them, only three families received the entire emperor. One was a Wei family with a close relationship with the Guan family, one was a usually low-key Zhang family, and the other was no matter what. Look at the Song family in front of the eight wealthy chariots.

When hearing the news that the Song family received an invitation from the Xiao family, many people in the imperial circle looked weird. Although Xiao Yuanmu had previously stated in a magazine that he had a relationship with Song Yunhe's lover, it was not too close to the Xiao family. Big connection. Although everyone doesn't know much about the eight major chaebols, one thing they still know very well is that the Xiao family has never had the same-sex partner.

At this time, the Xiao family sent an invitation to the Song family, and the intention was worth pondering.

This is to show everyone that they recognize the lover of the eldest son who has been missing for many years, or are they telling vaguely that the newly-born eldest son Xiao Yuanmu has no hope of inheriting the Xiao family.

The changes in everyone's minds speculated that the Song family, which is currently the most concerned center of the gossip, has caused multiple waves.

When Xiao Yuanmu was retrieved by the Xiao family, the Song family did not have much emotion except for shock and loss. After all, Song Yehe also called Xiao Yuanmu in their presence. When they talked, they didn't look like they were together. Since they had already broken up, there was nothing they could do if they wanted to do other things through this relationship.

So in the Song family, except for Song Guochao, whose face is getting darker and darker, only the Song Jiabao family who is sincere and horrified day by day cares about Xiao Yuanmu ’s sudden identity. Others have had it when Xiao Yuanmu entered the line of sight. A shock, so this shock was not as big as they thought.

It wasn't until the magazine interviewed by Xiao Yuanmu was sold in the country that there were waves in the Song family.

After all, the eldest son of the Xiao family is Song Xihe's ex-boyfriend. It is completely different from the fact that Xiao's eldest son is now Song Yihe's lover. There are more relationships that can work and move around, resulting in Song Yansong being unable to sit still Song Kun and La returned home and asked again.

However, Song Xunhe did not change his word, and still kept the original rhetoric-he and Xiao Yuanmu had broken up, and currently have no relationship.

This time, not only did Song Guochao not believe him, even Song Yansong and Li Nian'an doubted the truth of what he said. After all, they knew a few things about Xiao Yuanmu at the beginning of their relationship. Together, and really like each other, how could Xiao Yuanmu openly announce the relationship between the two in such a critical period of time in a magazine with such a large circulation.

However, Song Yan and his life did not admit that they could not do anything. Even Li Nian'an and Song Yanlin approached Song Yan and talked to each other. Li Nian'an asked if he was afraid that his family would oppose their relationship, or what Song Guochao had done and said before. The words made him resist to confess his lover to his family, comfort Song Yong and said that if it was for this reason, he didn't need to worry at all, because in this case Song Guochao would never dare to oppose him with Xiao Yuan Muzi thing.

Song Yanlin is different. He asked Song Yanhe if he felt that Xiao Yuanmu ’s identity change made him feel inferior and afraid of losing it, so he was unwilling to let people know their relationship, or he was worried that the company would use him and Xiao Yuanmu. The relationship between them has been refused to be acknowledged. He said that if it was the former, Song Yanhe didn't need to worry at all, and then he squeezed out a few words to praise him, and finally told him seriously that although he had many shortcomings, he absolutely Deserves anyone.

At that time, Song Yehe felt a little strange and inexplicable, but he also realized that this was not malicious, and he could only cry with laughter and thank you.

Hearing Song Xiehe's thanks, it was clear that Song Xunlin was not quite comfortable.

He remained silent for a long time, and then suddenly sighed softly, "I know I'm not a good brother."

Song Yang turned his head in surprise, Song Yanlin looked up at the moonlight above his head, and the silvery light wave fell on his side, rarely diminishing some of his usual sense of stability and old-fashionedness, exposing some young people's loss and disappearance. .

"Actually, I don't really want a younger brother." Song Yanlin turned to look at him, his eyes moved back to the sky, and said lightly: "After you were born, you were too far away from what I imagined my younger brother, and then you slowly grew Big, I think you are unfamiliar, so I have kept a certain distance, so I never actually thought about what I should do as an elder brother before, I only know that I should inherit the company, and you will do what you want life."

Song Xun and looked at him, Song Xunlin's eyes were a bit lost, as if looking at an unguided path.

"But the grandfather's heir seems to be not me. To be honest, I was jealous and even angry. At that time, I was thinking that I would give up the fun of my peers in order to inherit the company in the future. I spent all my time studying just for the better in the future. Is it true that I, who inherited the family business, can't compare with the years of your relationship with your grandfather? "

"Song Yehe never wanted to inherit the company." Song Yehe turned to look at Song Yelin, his voice was light: "All he wants is an elder brother."

Song Xilin was immersed in his emotions, and did not pay attention to Song Jihe's self-proclaimed. He hesitated when he heard the next sentence, then opened his mouth and whispered, "I know, only recently."

"So you ask me if you want to inherit the company?" Song Yanhe thought of the previous conversation interrupted by Li Nian'an, and many times Song Yanlin was obviously wanting to stop but just uttering meaningless words casually. .

Song Yanlin was silent, Song Yan and his head looked at him with clear eyes, "You ask me if I want a company, or if I say yes, you give it to me."

"No." Song Yanlin shook her head. "I just want to confirm that you don't want to inherit the company."

"and then?"

"Then ..." Then I dispelled the desire to get rid of the heirs and find my own life, set my mind completely, and grow the company as much as possible, even when you face Xiao Yuanmu who has founded re from scratch. There will not be any worries, let me make up for the responsibility that my elder brother has been missing for so many years.

Song Yanlin wanted to say this, but he opened his mouth but couldn't say it. He was contrary to Song Yanhe's personality. He had too many precautions and concerns. He was unwilling to express his feelings, whether it was true or false, and often even showed it for the sake of showing. He is mature and stable, and the general elimination of self-hypnosis may affect his emotions in studying, working, and interpersonal communication. He told himself that those are not important and do not know whether hypnosis is too successful. Later, for a long time, he really felt those changes It doesn't matter.

It was very abrupt, Song Minlin remembered a long time ago. At that time, Song Minhe was only seven or eight years old. He was very attractive since he was a child. Even mischief is hard to blame. At that time, the family was very Song Guochao, who went home less often, couldn't help but give him a little more food when he saw his wife and the fluffy little face with meat fat, let alone Li Nian'an and Song Yansong.

At that time, he rushed to the teacher's home to make up for lessons. Because he was afraid of traffic jams on the road, he could not help but hurriedly. He just walked to the door, and Song Junhe, wearing a navy collar shirt and bib, ran over from the corner. The plane was not completely spliced, and crashed into the ground when it hit him.

Song Jilin stopped, and for a moment he was at a loss. He thought that Song Jihe would cry. After all, in his impression, his brother has always been such a wayward and unscrupulous creature.

However, Song Xunhe just blinked his black eyes, sitting on the ground with his legs spread apart, holding the messy model parts with one hand, holding his leg with one hand, and raising his head, saying, "Brother, I The plane crashed and I managed to get it right. Now you broke it and I want you to come back with me. "

How did he answer at that time, Song Yilin and I don't remember clearly. He just remembered that he didn't agree, and finally left in a hurry, catching up to the teacher's class.

If there had been no external stimulus to this incident, it should have been hidden in Song Yilin's memory and would never be found out.

But some time ago, when the servant opened the door of Song Yunhe's room and planned to go in for cleaning, Song Yunlin passed by accidentally caught a glimpse of the plane in the glass display case, and he kept the fragmented plane. In addition, he also I saw a lot of strange or familiar things in the cabinet.

It wasn't until the servant asked if he was okay that Song Kunlin suddenly remembered that the cabinet was a gift he had given Song Kunhe once.

Those things that he had forgotten in the memory corner, but his younger brother treasured them so well. At that moment, Song Kunlin didn't know how he felt in his heart.

Suddenly, he subconsciously observed Song Xihe more, and even wanted to have more communication with him. However, Song Qihe began to avoid him consciously, and then looked for him when talking to him again. Less than the look he wanted to see.

Song Yanlin said, "Then you learn how to be an elder brother."

The author has something to say: I will receive two thousand doubles for a while, and I will make up for it in a short period of time. During this time, there are too many things, and I will make up when I am not so busy! Will never let the pigeons pull ~~~ 2k novel reading network