MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 79

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Said that Zhou Chengwang didn't think about it, as soon as the carriage stopped at the gate of Du's mansion, he jumped out of the carriage, and ran into the gate of Du's house while calling Du Yuling's name, as if he was familiar with the house and the road.

Just like that, Jiang Lin was left behind.

Jiang Lin: "..."

At this moment, Jiang Lin's inner thoughts were probably—ah, men really don't have a good thing.

Although the concierge also knew Jiang Lin, he was more polite to him than Zhou Chengwang, and asked him who he was looking for to show him the way, as if he was coming back to Du's house for the first time.

Jiang Lin wanted to find Du Yuling's father, and Du's father happened to be at home at the moment, so the concierge led Jiang Lin to meet him.

On the way, Jiang Lin curiously asked the concierge, "What about Zhou Chengwang, he doesn't need to lead the way when he comes to Du's house without asking who he is looking for?"

The concierge smiled and said, "Young master Zhou always only looks for one person when he comes to Du's mansion. He goes to the young master's yard much more than us servants, so we don't need us to lead the way."

So this person confused Du's mansion with his own home and said he didn't think about it, Jiang Lin Wangtian rolled his eyes gracefully, he believed it.

The concierge led Jiang Lin to the door of the study and retreated. Jiang Lin knocked on the door, and Father Du called him in.

Father Du was looking at a map of Da Viet, and several places were circled with a pen. Jiang Lin looked at the place names and found that they were all state capitals that suffered severe drought this year.

Father Du turned around and glanced at Jiang Lin, still a little surprised, "Why did you bring me here, that brat is in his own yard."

Jiang Lin cupped his hands in salute, "Uncle, I just came to see you, to talk about something serious."

Father Du asked Jiang Lin to sit down, "Okay, then I'll listen to what you want to say."

Both Zhou and Du's families are good, no matter they are elders or juniors, since the original body had such a bad reputation before, the two families did not prevent Zhou Chengwang and Du Yuling from interacting with the original body. Even though Jiang Lin was quite different from before, Father Du still regarded him as a junior, because he really didn't think Jiang Lin could have any serious business looking for him.

But Jiang Lin was really serious, he took out a pamphlet and gave it to Father Du, "I would like to ask Uncle to mention the method of disaster relief in the court hall."

That was also written down by Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao after discussing it in advance. Now that the drought and locust plagues have broken out, it is just right to take it out.

Father Du skimmed through the brochure, and found that they were all good methods that could be used, but he knew that this was not Jiang Lin's goal, so he asked, "What do you want?"

Jiang Linxiao said, "It's refreshing to talk to a smart person like Uncle. I want the Yun family to become an imperial merchant, so they won't be feared by thieves because of their wealth."

"Uncle, maybe someone can go to Jiangnan to find out what the Yun family has done in the past six months. Don't worry, uncle, Qing Yun's family has half of the money, and this disaster will definitely pass."

The Du family is full of emperor teachers, and they are only loyal to those in power. Emperor De will not be suspicious if Du's father mentions this matter, and the Yun family has really done something to spread the money, and they are only asking for self-protection. Jiang Lin didn't think it was too much.

The drought and the locust disaster have involved many state capitals. If only the imperial court provides disaster relief, it will be debilitating. He was looking at the map just now, not only looking at the disaster-stricken state capitals, but also thinking about what to do if the imperial court's food was used for disaster relief, and a war broke out at the border.

But if there are merchants helping out together, it will be completely different.

There is no shortage of food in Dai Viet, only food that can feed the victims.

"I agree," Father Du said after thinking for a while.

Jiang Lin got up and thanked, "Thank you uncle, don't worry, uncle, the Yun family becoming an imperial merchant is only beneficial to the court and not harmful."

Father Du naturally knew it well, he said, "I will make it happen, go play with that brat."

Come on, Jiang Lin bowed and walked out. When he reached the door, he heard Du's father say, "You have all grown up."

Some emotions made Jiang Lin a little puzzled.

When he looked back, Father Du's eyes fell on the map again, and Jiang Lin didn't see anything.

Jiang Lin shook his head, didn't investigate further, turned around and walked towards the courtyard where Du Yuling lived.

It was not a coincidence that he arrived, Zhou Chengwang was arguing with Du Yuling, the quarrel was fine, but the two were hugging each other, and they were yelling louder than the other.

Jiang Lin's hand that opened the door closed it silently for them again, he was not worthy to stand in the room.

Perhaps because they sensed Jiang Lin's arrival, the quarrel between the two disappeared, and the door was quickly opened by Du Yuling. Du Yuling took a look at Jiang Lin and let him in.

Jiang Lin hesitated, "I won't disturb you if I go in, will I?"

Du Yuling smiled, "Do you bother us to quarrel?"

All right, Jiang Lin went in, and then the three of them sat down around the table, Zhou Chengwang stared at Du Yuling, Du Yuling stared at Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin glanced back and forth between the two, "No, talk, what are you playing?" A staring game."

"Hmph!" Zhou Chengwang started with one word.

Jiang Lin: "Hmph!" Then he made a gesture of invitation to Du Yuling, "It's your turn."

Du Yuling: "..."

He chose to remain silent.

Then Zhou Chengwang lashed out at him, "Heh heh heh, don't you know?"

Hehehe, that's a pig, Jiang Lin thought silently in his heart.

Looking at these two people again, he felt that he should be merciful, be a qualified mother, and solve the relationship between the two of them.

Jiang Lin stopped asking Zhou Chengwang, and asked Du Yuling what he was thinking.

Du Yuling said, "I like him, but I'm afraid I'll delay him."

Jiang Lin: "Hey, let me tell the truth, are you going to be able to succeed in the future, or is it a delay?"

"It's not even your turn to pass on the family line. What's the delay? Is it delaying you from harming other girls?"

Zhou Chengwang nodded foolishly, "Yes."

Jiang Lin: "...So what were you two arguing about just now?"

Zhou Chengwang explained, "Oh, I told him that I wanted to confess, but I was afraid that my father would interrupt me."

"He doesn't want to confess?" Jiang Lin pointed at Du Yuling, and was ready to scold the scumbag.

"No, he suggested that the two fathers be beaten alternately. He said that if they are not biological, the strike should not be too heavy, and we can keep our dog legs. I don't think it is good. I am afraid that his father will beat him to death. His father even kills the prince. If you dare to fight, you will definitely not show mercy to me."

Jiang Lin: "..."

He apologized to Du Yuling, "I'm sorry, I really didn't expect that you are also a talent."

Du Yuling modestly denied it, "It's all the experience I've summed up after being beaten too much." He also asked Jiang Lin if this proposal was feasible?

Jiang Lin thought, if it was him, he would beat both of them to death, it's too stupid to quarrel just because of such a bad idea, and there is no cure.

What else are you keeping, shame on you?

Jiang Lin thought of what Father Du said when he came out of Father Du's study, and he said, "Have you ever thought that your family members may have already seen the signs?"

Jiang Lin also nodded at Zhou Cheng, "Especially you, your parents didn't even mention finding you a wife, so you don't think there's anything wrong?"

"Isn't it because I never want to marry a wife?" Zhou Chengwang asked back, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath, "With your brain, marrying a wife is a waste of time."

He folded Zhou Chengwang's and Du Yuling's hands and let him hold them tightly, and said: "That's it, I think it's good for you to spend your whole life together, and I agree to this marriage."

Zhou Chengwang looked at Jiang Lin warily, "Do you want to be our father?"

Jiang Lin shook his head tiredly, "No, I'm your old mother. Anyway, my opinion is that you should confess to your family as soon as you think about it. You will have to pass this test sooner or later. It's better to be open and honest than to sneak together."

"The worst thing is to have a broken leg, but don't worry, I will take care of the wheelchair you will be sitting in after the broken leg, and I will give you the same type as Wei Yunzhao."

Zhou Chengwang felt that Jiang Lin was less reliable than Du Yuling, and his eyes were filled with tears. He pointed at the door, "Go, I won't think of you in a short time."

Jiang Lin was kind, and walked out as soon as he got up, not forgetting to tell him, "Everyone is a good brother, come to me when you need a wheelchair, and I will be there whenever you are called."

After Jiang Lin left, Zhou Chengwang winked at Du Yuling, "Why don't we try the method you said, maybe the leg won't be broken?"

Du Yuling nodded, "Okay, just give it a try."

The two of them broke their jars and thought, at worst, they would break their legs. Anyway, Jiang Lin had to prepare wheelchairs for them, and Wei Yunzhao was there to keep them company!

The two who made up their minds hesitated again on another matter, "Then you or me first?"

The two good brothers got mixed up and would soon become Wei Yunzhao's wheel mate in the near future. Jiang Lin felt that it was necessary to share this important event with Wei Yunzhao, so he made a detour to the office of the Ministry of War before returning home. Went there to pick Wei Yunzhao home.

Wei Yunzhao heard Jiang Lin finished talking about Zhou Chengwang and the two, and said, "Madam, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to make any friends in the future."

Jiang Lin looked puzzled, "How to say?"

"You marry me. You two good brothers make up a pair. There are only three of you in total. They all suffer from the habit of breaking sleeves. How many people in this world would dare to let their children have **** with you?"

Forget about the addiction to broken sleeves, and they have no plans to marry another wife and have children. How can these wealthy families accept their own children who are so different.

Not only would he not be able to make friends, but he would probably squeeze them out, and even the wives who had good friends with Jiang Lin in front of him would gradually alienate him.

After hearing Wei Yunzhao's analysis, Jiang Lin smiled nonchalantly, "Not everyone can be friends with me, Jiang Lin, even if these people want to make friends with me, it depends on whether I want to deal with it or not. them."

"Friends are expensive but not many. I can have two or three in my life, not to mention, I still have you." Jiang Lin stretched his neck forward, put his hands on Wei Yunzhao's shoulders, and smiled softly.

Wei Yunzhao also put Jiang Lin's shoulders on his body, and looked at him, "Yes, you still have me, and I also have you."

"Oh, yes, I haven't told you the business yet. Chang An heard that many refugees have entered Shengjing City..." Jiang Lin changed the subject almost in a second, and told Wei Yunzhao all about the refugees.

"I always feel that this is not an easy matter. I plan to let Su Qiao stay at Wei's house for a while, and let Chu Ba go out to inquire about news. People don't read much, and they don't have much knowledge. They are easy to be deceived and used by those who are interested. We have to do it as soon as possible. Find out who is behind the scenes, so as not to let the other party's conspiracy succeed, and really cause a big accident."

Wei Yunzhao nodded, "I'll let Chuba investigate carefully. Those who know how to do these things are the only ones who count. It depends on what their real purpose is."

Jiang Lin looked at Wei Yunzhao vigilantly, "Don't be crowed, you can't have anything to do with us, can you?"

That would be ridiculous!

Wei Yunzhao didn't know either, so he had to wait for the results of the investigation to see who was behind the scenes before making a judgment.

In the early morning of the next day, Father Zhou reported to Emperor Changde that the refugees had been brought into the city by those who wanted to.

However, before Emperor Changde showed it, Zhou's father presented another booklet to Emperor Changde, saying that the booklet was written by Wei Yunzhao's wife, Jiang Lin, and Emperor Changde was forced to refrain from speaking in the court. Refugees have thoughts related to the Wei family.

After all, the Wei family wanted to rebel, so it was impossible for Jiang Lin to write any method to control the locust plague.

After Emperor Changde read it, he handed over the pamphlet to the courtiers to circulate. He would have to try the method to know if it was feasible, but they couldn't think of a better way, so no one stood up to object.

Jiang Lin was treated the same as Wei Yunzhao in Emperor Changde's heart now, and he felt uncomfortable just hearing the name. Emperor Changde only said in a flat tone that he would reward him after the method worked.

Later, Du's father proposed to use the name of Huangshang to find merchants to help the court to provide disaster relief. In the end, whoever contributed the most money and manpower played the greatest role in this disaster, and finally appointed whoever was the Huangshang. Emperor Changde readily agreed to the proposal that the imperial court could spend less money and food, and handed over the matter directly to Father Du.

The matter of disaster relief was properly negotiated, guards were added at the gate of Shengjing City, and many officials patrolled the city. The refugees already in the city were found and resettled in a centralized place, and the porridge was given out every day. When the disaster passed, the imperial court would send them back to their hometowns.

But the situation became more severe as more and more refugees came to Shengjing.

At first, there were refugees stealing things, and then it developed into robbing and hurting people. When the people of Shengjing felt that the refugees were going too far, there was also a house robbery and murder case.

As soon as this happened, it was like a drop of water dropped into the oil pan, and the whole pan exploded.

For a while, the people of Shengjing were in danger and clamored to drive all the refugees out of the city.

The refugees refused, and claimed to be the people of Dai Viet, the emperor's people. If they were driven out of the city, they would ignore their lives and ignore human lives.

Ordinary refugees, even those who stutter, need to be given alms. How dare they provoke the residents in Shengjing City casually, let alone come up with such a way to deal with them and force them to stay in the city.

The method is not too clever, but he has accurately grasped the weakness of Emperor Changde's reputation, and knows that as long as there is such a disturbance, Emperor Changde will not easily order the refugees to leave the city.

But this small conflict was not enough. Under the pretext of being dissatisfied with the people of Shengjing and wanting to drive the refugees out of the city, several other families were robbed the next day. return.

The most important thing is that the officials of the Yamen couldn't find out who the murderer was. The looters killed all the residents. No one saw their faces, only the refugees did it. But there are so many refugees, it's hard to find them once they're among the crowd.

The most important thing is that with so many refugees, they cannot all be locked up in prisons. After all, prisons cannot hold so many people.

Because of this, the refugees seemed to be more confident. They didn't have to go to prison to be beheaded if they killed someone, and they could also grab food and money. Later, more and more people were moved, and Shengjing became more and more chaotic.

Emperor Changde ordered that there be heavy guards, and no refugees would be allowed to leave the land encircled for them. They were afraid that they would have the strength to rob and kill people if they were full, so the relief porridge was changed from two meals a day to one meal, which was even bigger than before. The clear soup lacks water, just to starve to death.

Such differential treatment before and after has aroused the dissatisfaction of the refugees.

Looking at the aggrieved refugees, someone said: "When the fire is over, let's use the blood of the Wei family to sacrifice the flag first."


After spending some time on the eighth day of the lunar new year, they finally found out who was manipulating these refugees behind the scenes.

"The fourth prince and Jiang Rou?"

Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao were a little dazed after hearing Chu Ba's behind-the-scenes instructions.

These two people have disappeared from Jiang Lin's memory for a while, and he really didn't expect it to be them for a while, especially, "How did Jiang Rou get involved with the Fourth Prince?"

Chu Ba said: "At the beginning, the fourth prince and Concubine Su hid in the Lotus Nunnery after they escaped from the palace. Jiang Rou also thought about it in the Lotus Nunnery, and the two hooked up."

"Oh, by the way, that Zhao family..."

Before he finished speaking on the eighth day of the lunar new year, Xun Qi descended from the sky and interrupted him, "My lord, young madam, there are many refugees outside holding torches towards Wei's house."

The butler also panted and ran into the yard at this time, "Eldest son, young lady, a girl came at the door and said that those refugees were coming to Wei's house to grab things. When she came, the refugees were not far behind her, and it was almost We're at the gate."

Almost as soon as the butler finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, or more accurately, a knock on the door. The sound of thump thud thump sounded in unison, and the door seemed to be smashed open soon.

The butler stomped his feet, "Oh, those refugees are about to break in, there are so many people, how good it is."

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at the fence that had only been repaired in the backyard. He was also thankful that these refugees came after the fence was repaired. Otherwise, it would be dangerous for people to rush into the courtyard.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Xun Qi asked with a bow.

Wei Yunzhao said, with a cool tone, "Let's take a bow and arrow to the room."

Jiang Lin also called the housekeeper aside, and asked him to gather the servants in the house, light the fire, and wait for the door to open.

All the servants of the Wei family started to move. Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao to the front yard, and only then did they see another person, a woman, standing there.

It was the girl who the steward had said had come to report.

As soon as Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao to appear, she greeted her anxiously, "Young Master Wei, something is wrong. These refugees outside heard from somewhere that the Wei family is very rich, and they came to rob things."

As he said that, he wanted to push Jiang Linlai away to push Wei Yunzhao's wheelchair, "Young Master Wei, before these people break in, you should go quickly, it will be too late."

Wei Yunzhao controlled the wheelchair without letting the other party push him, and asked indifferently, "Who are you? Why do you know the purpose of these refugees?"

The woman was obviously hurt for a moment, obviously never thought that Wei Yunzhao would not even remember who she was.

Jiang Lin sneered from behind, and kindly reminded Wei Yunzhao, "It's the one who hugged you on the street and asked to be your concubine, girl, your surname is Zhao, by the way, what's your name?" ?”

The woman was Zhao Danping who was fooled by Jiang Rou. Zhao Danping's eyes fell on Jiang Lin viciously, thinking that Jiang Lin was deliberately humiliating her.

"It's all you, the scourge, the loser, if you hadn't been showing off the money that the Yun family gave you everywhere, how could the Wei family have suffered today's catastrophe. If something happened to the Wei family today, Jiang Lin, you will die Let go of the blame."

"So that's it." Jiang Lin felt that he probably understood why these refugees came to Wei's house. He looked at Zhao Danping and smiled, "None of your business."

Wei Yunzhao turned the wheelchair around, faced Zhao Danping, and commanded coldly under Zhao Danping's hopeful gaze, "Xun Qi, throw it out!"

A black shadow passed by, Xun Qi directly carried Zhao Danping up to the roof, looked at the crowd outside, and said to Zhao Danping: "It's not too high, I won't die if I fall."

After finishing speaking, as soon as she let go of her hand, Zhao Danping screamed and fell down. The refugees who wanted to break into Wei's house were obviously unaware that someone would be thrown from the roof. It was dark, and even if there was a torch to illuminate it, it was far from being able to see it during the daytime. it is good.

The refugees who heard the sound hurried to get out of the way, but they couldn't get out of the way because of the crowded people around them. In the end, they could barely move out of an open space. Zhao Danping was really unlucky, so she just landed on the vacant space On that piece of ground, there wasn't a single backrest.

"There are people on the roof, be careful that they shoot cold arrows!" After Zhao Danping was thrown from the roof, the veterans with bows and arrows on the roof of Wei's house also attracted the attention of the refugees.

Someone suddenly yelled, and the frightened refugees retreated subconsciously, and those who fell on the ground and did not get up suffered disaster.

There were also people holding torches who fell down, and the fire ignited some people's clothes. The refugees shouted and jumped at the fire, and the scene was chaotic almost instantly.

Some people tried hard to maintain order and keep them from chaos, but the fire broke out, and their survival instincts made them ignore everything, screaming and running around. , split up in half in an instant.

Xun Qi sat on the roof and said, "You guys are not good at this, you should come during the day."

At this time, the door of the room was knocked open, and upon entering, there was a sea of ​​fire made of piles of firewood. Jiang Lin and Wei Yunzhao stood behind the fire, and all the servants of the Wei family stood ready with weapons in their hands.

Jiang Lin said to the refugees who entered the door, "If you came here to kill and steal goods, then today we all have to die together."

The burning firewood made a crackling sound, like a warning, telling them that as long as they dare to rush over, the fire will burn them up like firewood.

Someone in the crowd shouted, "Don't be afraid, everyone, turn on the fire and rush over. As long as you rush over and kill them, the money and food in this house will be ours."

These words were full of temptation, and some people even bent down to lift the firewood, but just as their hands touched the firewood, the arrow shot from the roof pierced the palm of that person, and the person hit by the arrow screamed like a pig being killed while covering his hands.

The others subconsciously took a step back, showing some fear.

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted again, "You dare to kill innocent people indiscriminately. There is nothing good about being an official. Folks rush over. If we don't rush over, we will all die. If we rush over and kill them, we still have a chance of survival." , rush over and kill them!"

The bewitching shouts made the first refugees ready to move.

"There's a chance of life, quite educated, have you read the book, or was it taught by your master?"

Jiang Lin stared straight at the front row of people, "Go ahead and see if you can hurt my Wei family."

"How dare you! We are all ordinary people. If you dare to kill us, be careful not to lose your life!" The one hiding in the crowd did not forget to threaten Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin laughed, "Ordinary people? Why, do you think I don't know how many crimes you committed in Shengjing and how many real ordinary people you killed? If I kill you murderers, not only will I not be punished, Your Majesty You will also issue an imperial decree to reward me, do you believe it?"

"If you don't believe me, you can rush up and try to see if what I'm saying is true!"

Xun Qi flew down from the roof, pulled out the person who was hiding in the crowd to confuse the refugees, then stood on the roof again, and asked Wei Yunzhao what to do.

Wei Yunzhao pointed to the fire, "Burn it."

Xun Qi exerted force with one hand, and the person caught by him was thrown heavily into the fire.

Sparks flew everywhere, the refugees retreated subconsciously, the people who were thrown into the fire screamed and got up and rushed into the crowd, the crowd became chaotic again. =

Wei Yunzhao's voice sounded at the right time, "You have suffered a disaster, you are poor people, but you should not kill innocent people indiscriminately, a group of murderers are not worthy of sympathy."

His voice was not loud, but extremely penetrating, and everyone present could hear him clearly.

Wei Yunzhao was stating a fact, he said: "Even if you don't come today, I will find you!"

The author has something to say: Sorry, it's a bit late, but there are 6500 today, I'm awesome!