MTL - Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher-Chapter 3435 Initial place

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"Little black, take me to the initial place."

Xiang Yang said directly to the little black tiger.


This time, the reaction of the little black tiger made Xiang Yang very satisfied. It snorted and instantly expanded to a height of one million feet, then gestured Xiang Yang to go up to its back.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang haha ​​laughed, and then stood on the back of the little black tiger in an instant. Then, looking at the three masters, he said, "Three, can you go together?"

"In the initial place, everyone can only go once. If they go again, they will be rejected by the initial place. We will not go."

The three strong men shook their heads. "Xiang Yang, this time, you must get the final chance of the initial place. You are the hope of the whole chaos. Only when you get everything, can you destroy the destroying master."

"Well, Xiang Yang will do his best."

Xiang Yang nodded and promised, and then, when the mind was moving, the little black tiger made a loud roar, and then rushed into the deep void of chaos and disappeared.

"Can this kid grow up?"

When Xiang Yang left, the three masters revealed a dignified color.

The old man looked at the young man and sighed and said, "In the past, you can grow into a supreme being, but why did you give up all this opportunity?"

The young smiles and smiles, carrying their hands and carrying an extraordinary and refined atmosphere.


The old man and the big man shook their heads at the same time. Although they were not the strongmen of the same period, they were very clear about how shocked the young man was. In the past, if they were willing, they could even surpass the destruction of the ruler, but in the end they did not. I know why I gave up for what reason.

This is the case. If there is no destruction of the Protoss, it will be destroyed, no Xiangyang will be born, and there will be no destruction of the ruler to wake up in advance. After the infinite years, the moment when the ruling master wakes up, perhaps this young man can completely kill the ruling master. .

“There are talents on the rivers and mountains, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years.”

The young man looked away from Xiangyang’s direction and smiled. “I am very optimistic about him. Maybe he can reach that step before me.”


Xiang Yang did not know the secrets of the youth. He did not know what kind of existence this young man named Xiao was.

At this moment, under the leadership of the little black tiger, he went straight into chaos and came to the deep space of chaos.

There is no limit to chaos. No one knows the size of it. Even in the memory of the order dominated by Xiang Yang, even the order master can't accurately determine how big the chaos is.

Moreover, in the deep space of chaos, there are various levels of space. Generally, the strong ones go deep into the deep space of chaos by their own power. Although it is not a problem, it is easy to get lost.

However, the little black tiger is not a problem.

It seems to be born to be chaotic, very excited to run in this chaotic deep space.

Xiang Yang shoulders his hands and looks at the chaotic void. Between the faint, he finds the deep void in this chaos and can also find the figure of destruction.

The other party is really terrible, too big, and the body shape directly extends into the deep space of this endless chaos, and the scope of occupation is too wide.

"It is not easy to completely destroy this guy."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself.


Then, at this time, a roar of sound was heard, and the little black tiger stopped after a layer of space. In front of them, there was a colorful light flowing.

A land with a multi-colored ray of light is suspended in this chaotic deep space.

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn't help but look bright, "the land of origin."

He can feel that this is the origin of the legend, the place where the whole chaos originated.

The little black tiger stood in the deep space of chaos, looking at the continent of the origin, the eyes with a confused color, and then revealing a glimpse of the aura, screaming, directly carrying Xiang Yang deep into chaos In the depths, I jumped to the mainland.


When Xiang Yang and the little black tiger stood on the land, his face was a strange color. "This is the place of origin?"

He blinked, and there was an ordinary small island in front of him. There was no smoke, no strong breath broke out, and it was worse than the so-called hole.

It is the most common island land in the secular world.

"Little guy, are you sure this is the place of origin?"

Xiang Yang looks at the little black tiger.


The latter snorted, and then the body shape shrunk instantly, turning into a dog cockroach that appeared in Xiangyang, and at this moment, Xiang Yang finally stood on the ground.


At this moment, when Xiang Yang’s real footsteps stood on the ground, suddenly, only a roar of sound was heard. Then, this ordinary small island changed, and the infinite runes rose and rose. The chain emerged, and the horrible atmosphere of the sky flowed.

Xiang Yang was stunned. "This is the real initial place. These avenue runes are the epitome of all the avenues in the whole chaos. This is the strongest existence."

The so-called avenue in chaos is actually the projection of the avenue of the place of origin. The whole chaos is generated around the origin of the land. This is the real origin.

"It turned out to be."

While he whispered, the infinite radiance of the surrounding, the light of his whole body was constantly flowing. In the blink of an eye, the avenue rune wrapped the entire group of Xiangyang, making him look like a whole person. At this moment, it became a sly general, and he wanted to break through.

The little black tiger blinked and looked at Xiangyang when he was wrapped in the light of the avenue.


This loud scream spread throughout the origins, suddenly, in the depths of the origin, the infinite rays flew up, turned into various **** soldiers, there are knives, swords, sticks, sticks, bows, etc., if it is Xiang Yangneng If you can see it, you will find that these supreme gods are all masters.

After the little black tiger saw it, he blinked and looked a little confused. Then, his eyes turned, as if he made any decision.


Then, the little black tiger made another loud noise, and suddenly, the infinite gods all began to merge into one, and it seems that they returned to the source and turned into a sacred soldier.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is immersed in the glory of the avenue of the package, do not know what happened to him.

However, just as the infinite gods gathered in it and were smelting at the same time, even Xiang Yang did not know that the sword was as attracted as it was, and it also jumped into it.


In an instant, after all the militia melted, it seemed as if they had found a breakthrough, all of which merged together and gathered toward the sword.


The light on the sword is constantly flowing, and a strong atmosphere is constantly spreading out. The swords are screaming, and no one knows what kind of scorpion swords will be combined.