MTL - Too Early-v2 Chapter 1664 Converge the power of the 3 worlds to gather supreme power (grand finale)

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   No one has ever said that Qin Yilan is like his father, and many people even say that Qin Yilan is more mad.

   Qin Yilan has never practiced all his father's methods, even the method of celestial trees into forests, Qin Yilan refused at first, and later, he began to practice the method of celestial trees into forests.

   Qin Yilan, who has always said that he wants to go his own way, said at this time, to follow in his father's footsteps, he wants to enter the fairy world!

   "Naughty!" Qin Haoxuan directly refused: "You are only the Eighth Palace now. What do you do when you enter the fairy world?"

"Hai'er is eight fairy palaces and magic palaces, even if they have not been to the nine palaces, but the combat power of the children is stronger than some nine palace ancestors." Qin Yilan stared at Qin Haoxuan with scorching eyes, and said, " Back then, we entered the tomb of the Immortal King of Yin and Yang at the beginning. Here we are left alone with our father, who has not yet attained Dao Gong and has supported Taichu.

After   , when his father was in the Eighth House, he was already a master in the world, and he even found his way back to the beginning. Compared to his father, the child has been sheltered under your wings for too long too long. "

   "Yes, we have been sheltered for too long." Following Qin Yilan's words, Zhang San also strode out and shouted at Zhang Kuang: "Father, the child also asked to enter the fairyland!"

"Disciple, also request to enter the immortal world." After Zhang San and Qin Yilan spoke one after another, Meng Du also stood up and said: "The three elders once passed the position of the predecessor in charge to the three of us. Now, it is time for us. Then pass the Taichu to the new generation."

   As the three of them spoke, one by one the disciples of Taichu expressed their opinions that they wanted to go to the fairy world.

"Shut up all of them." Zhang Kuang looked at all the disciples of Taichu, as if they were about to enter the immortal world and finally spoke. He looked at Meng Du, Qin Yilan and Zhang San coldly, and said sharply: "The three of us, will The Taichu passed it to the three of you, and the three of you treat Taichu like this. You are worthy of the ancestors of the Taichu? You have all entered the immortal world, who will guard the Taichu?"

   Qin Yilan did not shrink from the seemingly angry arrogance. He still raised his chest and stood in front of the crowd, saying loudly: "The young generation from the beginning has grown up, and they are enough to guard the beginning."

"What about the inheritance? We all died in battle, how do we pass on from the beginning?" Qin Haoxuan listened to Qin Yilan's words and was very pleased. His son, who has never identified with him, finally said at this moment. Agree with him, and even follow him to the fairy world.

   But he couldn't agree...especially Qin Yilan and Zhang San, they have too much inheritance from him, arrogant, free devil, and Yin Yang Immortal King II, and they must stay behind, leaving behind the fire.

  If they fail, if they can stop the Zerg for a moment, Qin Yilan and Zhang San are the kind of hope that can pass on everything and allow the world to give birth to more powerhouses.

"You all have to stay here. I have created the Taoism Sutra of the First Beginning, which is a brand-new cultivation system. Before I leave, I will pass on the Sutra of the First Entering Taoism in its entirety. What you need to do is to improve you The cultivation base of now, you are going to the immortal world, and it will not have much effect. Leaving the inheritance and keeping the fire is what you need to do the most.

   This time, anyone who enters the immortal world must be a top combatant and possess the combat power that can enter the former top rankings before entering the immortal world. "

After speaking, Qin Haoxuan looked at Qin Yilan, his tone lightened slightly: "I am not a competent father. I have not given you too much love, nor have I given you too much paternal love, even I I have never accompanied them much."

   Qin Taiding and Qin Chuan are his youngest son and youngest daughter. They took the two characters Taichu and stability respectively, hoping that Taichu will be stable and the world will be stable.

   "This time, your mother and I left the human world, and you have to take good care of your younger siblings. At this point, I can rest assured that your brother is doing very well, far better than my father."

   "I...Father, don't worry, I will take care of my brother and sister." Qin Yilan said, her fists were tightly clenched, and the nails on her fingers were even deeply immersed in the flesh.

   He hates, hate him not strong enough.

   He is a double purple genius, yet he has not yet achieved the nine palaces.

   Immortal world, he will go, and after he becomes the top combat power in the world, he will go to the immortal world.

"Master said, can I enter the immortal realm if I have the power to enter the former top ranking list? That disciple, request to enter the immortal realm with Master." Above Hai Ao, nine immortal palaces and magic palaces appeared. The vast aura like a sea of ​​smoke swayed to the surroundings, and the surrounding space was constantly shaking.

"The fairy world...I have never been to the fairy world. I heard that a dragon king of the dragon clan killed many extraterritorial monsters. Our kylin clan is not inferior to the dragon clan. I also want to look at a few worms." Qilin Above his head, nine demon palaces opened up a space, and the aura he radiated was no weaker than that of Hai Ao.

   Haiao, Qilin.

   Today, they all have powers comparable to those on the top list.

   "Since your cultivation has reached this level, you can go to the immortal world together." Qin Haoxuan nodded slightly, but a strange color appeared on his arrogant face.

"The boundary...there is a passageway to be opened!" Zhang Kuang's current human palace is already integrated with the human world. What happened in the entire human world can't even be concealed from him. He can clearly feel that there is a boundary wall. To break open.

   "Is there a passage to be opened so soon?" Qin Haoxuan was surprised. After the immortal realm began to attack the immortals who stole into the human realm, there were really few such passages, and Zhang Kuang could detect that the passage would appear so quickly.

   "It's in a place called Wuwai Mountain. I'll go there first, and you will pass the Taoist Sutra before you go." Zhang Kuang didn't explain much, and quickly flew to the distance.

   Everyone flew away in a hurry, but Qin Haoxuan quickly gathered together the spiritual knowledge and passed it on to Qin Yilan, Meng Du and others.

   And at this time, above the sky, there is a huge figure of the immortal kings of the current human world from the three demon masters, the reincarnation demon lord, and the reincarnation fairy king.

   That figure is extremely huge, occupying the entire world, even covering the Nether Demon Realm.

   "The channel is about to open, all the top combat power masters will gather in the mountains outside the fog!"

   The voices of the three immortal kings rushed out far away, reverberating in the entire human world.

   The passage was about to be broken, the news came too suddenly, and suddenly everyone was not ready.

   But even so, a master still flew out of the human world and flew to the Wuwai Mountains.

   Five days later, after Qin Haoxuan and the others had absorbed all the inheritance of the Taoist Sutra in his divine consciousness, he flew away for the first time and flew towards the Wuwai Mountain.

He really didn’t expect to find the passage so quickly. He still wanted to accompany his family and his children again. He also wanted to ask Qin Yilan and Bai Ling how they are feeling. If possible, he even wanted to When the day he took his grandson, he wanted to see Taichu again, he still had too many things to do.

   But the channel was discovered too quickly, he didn't have time to do this.

   Qin Haoxuan hurriedly left and came to Wuwai Mountain.

   At this time, this seems to be surrounded by a large mountain beyond the clouds, and it is already a gathering of powerful people.

Reincarnation Immortal King, Reincarnation Demon Venerable, Sea-Swallowing Demon Lord, Yi Nian Immortal Ancestor, Yaochi four elders, rejuvenating ancestors, masters of ancient religion, master of supreme master, master of Wanzai master, and All the top players in the top rankings of the real person, the ancestor of the ten thousand pharaohs, and the ancestor of the immovable have arrived...

   At this time, almost all the masters in the world gathered here.

   There are too many masters gathered here. At a glance, everyone is densely gathered in the sky, almost covering this sky.

   In addition to the Human Realm, all the masters of the Nether Demon Realm gathered here at this time.

   Qin Haoxuan flew here, the whole person was stunned: "How come there are so many people here?" He looked around in surprise.

   "Ancestor Qin, I am waiting for the human world to fight decisively with the immortal world, and I am waiting for my arrival." Mengzhong said with a smile.

   Aside, the ancestor of Jiu Ping said: "I am waiting to enter the fairy world to see, but I don't know what the fairy world is like."

   "Yeah, everyone wants to see the fairy world in the rumor, to see those bugs."

"I am not young anyway. I have always been the ancestors of the immortal world, resisting this extraterritorial monster for everyone, and have been guarding our human world. After so many years, it is time for us to do something. "

   Qin Haoxuan looked at the Dao Gong ancestors gathered around, or knew, or didn’t know. In addition to being moved, he was also full of pride, that he was a human being.

   Everyone said they wanted to enter the fairy world, and everyone knew the danger of the fairy world. They all knew that after entering the fairy world, it was far more dangerous than in the human world.

   They did not gather here to enter the fairy world and live forever, they wanted to make a contribution.

   Now, in the face of the insects, the Taoist ancestors of all realms and even the Nether Demon Realm have put aside their grievances and gathered here.

"There are too many people." The voice of the free demon lord came slowly: "You know that you want to contribute to the human world, but there is no need to go to so many people. You all enter the immortal world, then the human world Well? Who will inherit the next generation of Human Realm? You want to cut off the inheritance of Human Realm and Nether Demon Realm?"

  The Samsara Immortal King glanced around everyone and said: "Everyone, those who have not reached the top, and have not gathered the nine Taoist palaces, don't enter the fairy world."

   Without condensing the nine Taoist palaces, it is entering the fairy world, and I am afraid it will not be able to play a big role. On the contrary, it will become the nourishment of the insects, allowing the monsters outside the territory to absorb them and increase their strength.

Free Demon Lord and Reincarnation Immortal King, these are the existence of Demon Venerable and Immortal King. Although they do not clearly rule the human world, everyone knows that these two together with Reincarnation Demon Lord are the strongest human beings today. Three great powers, the entire human world also respects these three.

   But at this time, following the words of these two immortal kings, many Dao Gong ancestors in the crowd did not retreat immediately.

"Free Demon Lord, Reincarnation Immortal King... Although I have never condensed the nine Taoist palaces, old man, my current life has come to an end. I can't live for a few days in the human world, and there is nothing to inherit." A white-haired, extremely old-looking old man said: "I feel that I am afraid I will not live for more than a year. Instead of running out of life and dying, it is better to enter the fairy world and fight an extraterritorial monster. Earn it."

   As the old man spoke, people in the crowd also followed up and said: "Yes, my life is not much. What's more, the inheritance of the younger generation is that I can enter the fairyland and fight."

"The fairy king, several ancestors in our religion can only shut themselves in the human world and dare not go out easily. This time, they have all arrived here. The ancestors have said that they continue to stay in the human world. Realm, it’s useless. It’s better to enter the fairy realm and fight the Zerg race..."

   Everyone knows that the immortal world today is far more dangerous than the human world, but at this time, after the two immortal kings have spoken, there are still not many requests to go to the immortal world.

   They hope to contribute their strength to their descendants, to their great teachers, and to the entire human world at the last moment of their lives, when they still have a little use.

Samsara Demon Venerable thought for a moment, and nodded gently: "That's the case, all Dao Palace realm with a lifespan of less than ten years can enter the fairy world. The rest will wait and go back. I will know that you want to contribute to the human world. The power of the human world needs to be passed on.

   If we fail, we will do everything possible to delay the entry of the extraterritorial demon rush into the human world. Once we fail, the next human world will rely on you. "

   Everyone understands the meaning of the three immortal kings, and the human world needs them to stay, leaving behind the inheritance of the human world.

   "Since that's the case, then I'll stay in wait."

   "I will leave the inheritance later, and pass on all the inheritance without any reservation."

   Many Dao Gong ancestors also understand that the decision of the three immortal kings and the demon is the best practice now.

   It’s just that the ancestors of the Taoist Palace did not leave here, but gathered not far away. They were waiting, waiting for the most advanced group of human beings to enter the fairy world and fight for the human world.

   They want to see off the strongest group of people in this human world.

   With countless Dao Gong ancestors flying a distance, the surrounding space suddenly became empty.

   Not only Human Race, many masters of the Nether Demon Race also retreated, and as these masters withdrew, it was suddenly revealed that among the Nether Demon Race, a very conspicuous moment.

   Qin Haoxuan took an unexpected look at Chaduo. Chaduo has now achieved nine Taoist palaces. It's not just Chatuo. Over the years, a group of Nether demons have watched the changes in the Yaochi, and they have witnessed the two immortal kings, the second world, and the immortal kings. This kind of harvest is something they can never detect in their ascetic practice.

   Qin Haoxuan even saw lakes and valleys that he hadn't seen for a long time. Since they left together and traveled the world, they have lost the news like madness, but now they suddenly appear here.

   Qin Haoxuan looked at the two of them and asked, "You have thought about it, how do you do it? After you think about it, are you humans, demons, or insects?"

"No, so we are going to see the immortal world. I also want to find Xing and ask about Xing's views." Hu said with a calm face. Now the Nether Demons and humans are united, but he thinks he is not a demon. It's not a human being either. He still hasn't made a decision. Perhaps, deep down in his heart, he has made a decision, but he still decided to find another punishment.

   "It's moving, they are coming." Suddenly, a mad voice came, and everyone kept silent, and the Devouring Demon Lord was the first to fly out and flew towards the boundary wall.

  They were worried that on the boundary wall, the people who broke through the boundary wall in the immortal world would not enter when seeing so many people gathered here, so they deliberately hid in the distance and did not reach the edge of the boundary wall.

   The transparent border is almost invisible.

   The three even looked a little embarrassed, and all the fairies wearing black long clothes slammed through the boundary wall and stepped into the human world.

   "Human world, finally entered the human world!"

   "The pedantic, no-brained guys in the fairy world are looking for death if they want to be trapped in the fairy world, can we stop the monsters outside the territory?"

"If they want to die, then they will die. We will not stay with them. However, it is also good that they block the monsters outside the realm in the immortal realm. It can also give us more time and let the three of us completely conquer the human realm. , And then look for other small worlds."

   "The three of us are the ancestors of the nine Taoist palaces. Isn't it easy to conquer the human world?"

   "Still be careful. The guy called Xing entered the immortal world from the human world. That's a half-step immortal king."

"He is a half-step fairy king, but there must be only one half-step fairy king in the entire human world. How could it be as he said, there are six or seven half-step fairy kings. Otherwise, he will not only enter our fairy world. Alone, if those people were half a step, the fairy king would have entered our fairy world.

   For their human world, our immortal world is a place of immortality. Whoever doesn't want to enter, in the end, only one enters the immortal world with punishment, and it must be that only punishment has achieved half a step into the fairy king. "

   "Yes, besides, the punishment is not a human being, he is the Nether Demon Race, or a strange birth of heaven and earth, otherwise, in the lower realm, how easily the half-step fairy king will be born."

"The remaining human beings are not worried about the ancestors who have nine Taoist palaces. They will soon know that the nine Taoist palaces are different from the nine Taoist palaces. I waited in the fairy world, but the fairy palace was condensed! "

   Three Dao Gong ancestors of the immortal realm walked out of the boundary wall, stepped into the human world, sniffing the surrounding air, and one Dao Gong ancestor said with disgust: "The lower realm is the lower realm. Even the air is so filthy."

   "Unfortunately, with this class of air, you will soon lose the qualification to breathe. You are not worthy to breathe the air of the human world." Suddenly, a voice filled with evil intentions made them feel their heart trembling.

   A figure appeared in their sight.

   They just saw the other person’s face clearly, but they felt heart palpitations in an instant. This face seemed to gather all the viciousness, viciousness, killing, cruelty in the world...

  They are immortals, immortals from the immortal world, they are all extremely strong existences in the immortal world, how can they have such feelings?

   The three immortals are puzzled.

   In the eyes of Devouring Demon Venerable II who looked like an abyss, a pair of dark pupils suddenly turned.

  In a short time, opposite him, behind the three immortals, a huge black pupil suddenly appeared. The frequency of the black hole and his pupil's rotation seemed to be the same, and the endless swallowing force suddenly shot out from the pupil.

   In this big mountain, all the trees, rocks, green grass and air all around are pouring towards the black hole.

   The bodies of the three immortals were even more uncontrollably affected by the swallowing force, and they were pulled and flew towards the black hole.

   It was just a moment, and the three immortals felt even more that they did not come to the human world, but entered the endless hell, the opposite is human?

   That kind of breath, that kind of combat power, is this human?

   How can there be such a master in the human world?

Behind the three celestial beings, celestial palaces and Taoist palaces rose up, and rays of light gathered around their bodies, but even if they fully released their combat power, their bodies were still uncontrollable under the suction of the huge black hole behind them. , Flying toward the black hole little by little.

  The three of them can't compete with each other with all their strength!

   Suddenly, in front of their eyes, there appeared a series of figures, as well as the figure of the Nether Demons.

   These countless figures, each of them are terrifying, and each of them exudes terrifying power. There are three of them. The aura they exude makes them feel a sense of powerlessness.

   This kind of aura, they have only seen a few people in the fairy world, and those few, without exception, are all fairy kings and devils!

   Fairy King? Demon Lord?

   These three, these three are the fairy king, the demon king?

  How can there be fairy kings and demon kings in the human world? Still three!

   The three immortals were horrified in a split second.

   "Don't do it."

   "We are from the fairy world."

   "We are here to help others."

   The three immortals immediately shouted loudly, but the answer to them was the voice of Devouring Demon Venerable II full of killing intent.

   "To be swallowed by this seat is your greatest help to the human world."

   The figure devouring Demon Lord II suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared in the center of the black hole. He was in this terrifying black hole without any influence, and he seemed to be completely integrated with this black hole.

   The next moment, these three immortals were suddenly sucked into the black hole. In the black hole, the endless magic energy revolved, turning the black hole into pitch black, making it impossible to see what happened inside.

   In less than ten breaths, the black hole disappeared, and the figure that swallowed Demon Lord II appeared, faintly, his aura was stronger than before.

   He looked at the crowd and said, "Time is limited, so slowly refine them and enter the fairy world first."

   Everyone nodded slightly. Although they knew in their hearts that the Devouring Demon Lord II was now in the same camp as them, they still couldn't help feeling the pressure.

   Devouring Demon Lord II, his way is really terrifying.

   can become stronger by swallowing. In just a short time, he hasn't even swallowed and refined the three immortal people, but he has improved significantly.

   It is no wonder that all the masters in the world, including the ancient and modern Yin and Yang Immortal Kings, must unite and fight against Devouring Demon Lord.

   At the beginning, if the Devouring Demon Lord kept swallowing it, the Devouring Demon Lord might really be able to break the boundary wall and enter the immortal world by virtue of his cultivation base against the sky.

   Zhang Kuang, Xu Yu and Qi Haoxuan, the three palaces of heaven, earth and man appeared, and the three palaces oscillated together. For a while, the space around the boundary wall trembled crazily, faintly in the fairy world, and there was a kind of pulling force.

   "Quickly, enter the fairyland!"

   An early Huntiansuo appeared, and everyone entered the Huntiansuo and suddenly rushed into the boundary wall.

It's just a boundary wall, but everyone enters the Huntiansuo, flying under this boundary wall passage, but it seems to have crossed the endless void, Huntiansuo is trembling crazily, shaking constantly, as if in a storm , Like a flat boat in the ocean, shaking uncontrollably.


In a broken palace, nine people are located here. In addition to punishment, the other eight, even sitting on the seats, exude an unparalleled breath, faintly, the air in this square seems to All beating slightly with the breathing of these people.

Suddenly, one of the eight people is clearly sitting on the seat. The seat is there, but it makes people feel that he can’t feel his specific location. It’s close at hand, but it gives people a sense of being close to the horizon. The man frowned fiercely.

   "A strong wave, the boundary wall is shaking like crazy, the boundary wall where it connects with the human world."

"The fairy king, there is the breath of the fairy king, more than one fairy king, three fairy kings! How come there is a fairy king suddenly appearing? Go!" Among the eight, one of them was sitting on the seat, but let people It feels like the strong man floating on the seat instantly turns into a gust of wind and disappears into the room.

And the strong man who spoke before raised his hand and swiped in front of him. The space in front of him suddenly cracked, revealing a spatial crack. In the crack, time and space turbulence flew, but he ignored this time and space turbulence. , Stepped into the space cracks, and Xing quickly followed into the space cracks.

   Qin Haoxuan and the others finally flew over the boundary wall and landed on the immortal realm after experiencing the shaking.

   Stepping on the earth, everyone feels that it is completely different from the earth of the human world. This earth is not as heavy as the earth of no man, but is full of immortality.

   This earth is clouds.

   And this fairy world is full of rich fairy air. Several elders who were close to their Shouyuan had just arrived in the fairy world, and they felt the endless force of immortality, vaguely, their aging bodies even showed some signs of recovery.


   They finally stepped into the immortal world that no one can climb since the age of absolute immortality.

   But although the immortal world in front of me is full of immortality, it is different from the immortal world recorded by the major religions, the Nether demons, and the major forces.

   Above the immortal realm, there was desolation everywhere, countless clouds and the earth were destroyed, and the air was filled with a strong **** atmosphere.

   Not far away, you can even see the dead bodies of monsters outside the territory.

   Suddenly, the air in front of everyone vibrated, the space was suddenly torn apart, and a figure appeared. As this figure appeared, one after another appeared in the sight of everyone.

   In a blink of an eye, a total of nine figures appeared.


   Qin Haoxuan saw the punishment that appeared in front of him at a glance.

   And Xing also saw everyone at a glance.

   "Old Qin, you... why are you here? Aren't you unable to enter the immortal world? How did you get in?" The full sentence looked strangely at the people who appeared.

   He remembers very clearly that because he was a strange baby, he entered the immortal world from the boundary wall he had opened up, but Qin Haoxuan and the others were all rejected and could not enter the immortal world. Now, how did they enter the immortal world?

  Also, the aura of the Free Demon Lord, the Reincarnation Demon Lord, and the Reincarnation Immortal King. His part of the world has been with the eight great immortal kings of the immortal world. He is too familiar with the breath of the immortal king.

   The aura of the Free Demon Lord, Samsara Demon Lord and Samsara Immortal King, this is clearly the achievement of the Immortal King!

   Did they become the fairy king so quickly?

   Behind, a group of immortal kings in the immortal world heard Xing talking with each other and instantly understood that these were the masters of the human world.

  Human World?

   Xing also told them that when he came to the immortal world, the human world already had four half-step immortal kings, including him, and some people were infinitely close to the half-step immortal king.

   Now, just how many years have passed, those three and a half-step fairy kings have actually become fairy kings. At the same time, there were a few more half-step fairy kings in the human world.

   They are all immortal kings, they also ascended from the human world, and in the endless years of the immortal world, they don't know how many tianjiao they have seen.

   is the realm of immortality, and it is rare to see such a talented person.

  At the same time, they are even more curious, the human world, how come so many people have entered the fairy world? There are even Nether demons.

Suddenly Xing saw Qin Haoxuan and the others, and his mind was full of doubts. He looked at the people coming around one by one, and asked in a puzzled way: "Also, you, all the masters of the entire human world are dispatched. Up?"

   "It's not just the human world, but also our Nether Demon Race." A clear voice came out, followed by a magical shadow flashing past, and Sha Duo flew directly in front of Xing's body, her hands tightly hugged Xing.

   This is her male demon, this is the immortal world, where the fairy king is watching, how about countless masters of the human world and the nether demons? She thinks that her male demon will hug him naturally.

   "You are here too, you... Forget it, let's talk about our affairs later." Xing still looked at Qin Haoxuan and asked, "Old Qin, what is going on?"

"Because of our three heaven, earth and human three palaces, we can enter the immortal world, we..." Qin Haoxuan just answered a few words, but he paused, staring blankly at the eight immortals standing together behind Xing. One of the kings.

   Jiang Zibai!

   At the time when he was in the Wanjiao Immortal Legacy, he received a lot of care from Jiang Zibai, and Xu Yu also got Jiang Zibai's inheritance mantle. And he, at the time, gave his ascension quota to Jiang Zibai.

   Now, he finally sees Jiang Zibai again, and Jiang Zibai has become a fairy king.

   Jiang Zibai sighed for a long time: "I really didn't expect that on that day, you were still that weak, and in just over a hundred years, you have grown to where you are today."

   Jiang Zibai, this is a character who is as detached and free and easy as the Free Demon Lord. The difference is that the Free Demon Lord pursues greater freedom, while Jiang Zibai pursues more chicness.

   But at this time, it was Jiang Zibai who was unrestrained and unrestrained, Jiang Zibai who had become a fairy king, and a deep exhaustion could be seen on his face.

Xing looked at Qin Haoxuan with a look of contempt and said: "What kind of achievement is this? After I came to the immortal world, I have been blowing you up, saying that you have become a fairy king after you don’t know what is behind. As a result, you kid, now I am even half a step immortal. The king did not accomplish it."

  Xing said, quickly turned around, walked to the side of a middle-aged man who seemed to be very kind, and introduced: "This is my beloved brother, the primordial demon known as the first demon of all ages."

   Qin Haoxuan and others bowed their hands in salute: "I have seen the original Demon Venerable." After achieving the Immortal King and Demon Venerable, no matter how people call them before, the general demon cultivators will call them the Demon Venerable.

   Qin Haoxuan sighed greatly in his heart. This is a demon cultivator, but there is no demon energy on his face, and there is no such evil spirit.

   The primordial demon nodded slightly, turned his eyes to the three free demon masters in the crowd and asked, "I don't know what the three Taoists call?"

   "The Way of Freedom, the Lord of Freedom."

   "The way of reincarnation, the reincarnation fairy king."

   "The Way of Reincarnation, Reincarnation Demon Lord."

   Following the introduction of the three fairy kings, the two fairy kings greeted each other one after another.

   "I have met fellow Taoists."

   "I have met fellow Taoists."

   After the two sides introduced the punishment, he stretched out his hand again and pointed at a man standing beside the original demon who looked more evil than the devouring Demon Lord II, and was enveloped in demonic energy.

   When the opponent saw Xing's finger, his face suddenly became a little weird.

   The voice of punishment soon sounded: "This everyone knows everybody who wants to come, an extraterritorial demon."

   When Xing's introduction was introduced, the demon outside the territory relaxed, he was really afraid that Xing would say something like a nephew of the demon outside the territory.

At the beginning, after Xing came to the immortal world, he immediately wanted to swallow this guy, but he didn't know what happened, but this guy first met his master, and he didn't even know which point his master, the Primordial Heavenly Demon, liked Xing. , Unexpectedly will worship the half-step immortal king Xing.

   As a result, that fellow Xing, if he is okay, call him a nephew!

  He is a Demon Venerable, an ancient Demon Venerable, so called, but he hasn't been able to attack, Xing is his master's worship brother, he is indeed a generation lower than Xing.

   Fortunately, this time, the punishment may be based on more people, which saved him a bit of face and didn't talk about his nephew.

  Xing introduces a fairy king one by one.

   "This is the Immortal King Void, but the way to go. This time, the Immortal King Void brought us here..."

   "This is the Immortal King Zhufeng, the Immortal King Zhufeng came by himself..."

   "This is the Immortal King Weimu, he is one of the strongest in the wood..."

   "Heart Sword Demon Lord, the way of swordsmanship makes Demon Lord..."

  Except for Jiang Zibai, all immortal kings and demon lords are characters from the Fei-Xian era. The immortal realm can be cultivated, improved, and immortal, but in the immortal realm, it is impossible to become a fairy king!

  Because of the different rules of heaven and earth in the fairy world, Jiang Zibai has been the only one who has become a fairy king in the fairy world over the years.

   Xing introduced the six immortal kings except Jiang Zibai one by one, and walked to the side of the last immortal king who looked very young.

   Everyone can see that the immortal kings in the fairy world are vaguely headed by this immortal king.

   The fairy kings are very strong, but even the fairy kings have strengths and weaknesses. The primitive demon is known as the first demon in ancient and modern times, but everyone is headed by this heavenly king!

  Xing introduced: "This one is the immortal king of longevity, the old immortal king among the old immortal kings, and the oldest immortal king among all the immortal kings. The immortal king of longevity walks the way of longevity."

   There are only eight fairy kings left in the fairy world today.

The King of Longevity looked at everyone and sighed: "I didn't expect that you would enter the fairy world. Originally, I was thinking about how long it can last in the fairy world, and how long it will last, giving the human world more time to grow. "

"You immortal kings have done enough. The immortal world has always protected us, and now it is time for us to contribute. Moreover, I have also considered that instead of dispersing the power and being defeated by the Zerg races outside the territory, it is better to unite together, and It's a fight to the death."

   Qin Haoxuan paused for a while and said, "I'm waiting, I want to enter here too, to find our way to becoming a fairy."

  Xing Wensheng immediately looked contemptuously and said: "Becoming a fairy? You haven't achieved a half-step fairy king, think about becoming a fairy? And, do you know that the fairy world is almost impossible to become a fairy king."

  His voice just fell, and in the crowd, above Xu Yu's head, the Gate of the Beginning appeared, and the eight palaces appeared on the gate. Outside the eight palaces, the huge heavenly palace opened the sky.

   With the emergence of the heavenly palace, for a time, the entire space of the immortal world shook crazily, faintly, this heavenly palace even tended to merge with the entire immortal world.

  Xing suddenly opened his mouth wide, and all around, the fairy kings and demons also showed different colors.

   That palace, something different!

   Her is Tiangong, but she has been in the human world and knows nothing about the immortal world.

Now, she finally came to the immortal realm, feeling everything in the immortal realm, and perceiving the realm of heaven. Naturally, her heavenly palace and the immortal realm began to merge. Compared with Qin Haoxuan and arrogance, her heavenly palace and the immortal realm merged more naturally, as if everything was a matter of course. .

   This is her Tao and her character. Don't fight or grab, just cultivate with peace of mind. Once you have cultivated, you can do it naturally.

   "She is creating a world!"

   "This...this is her way of the fairy king!"

   What kind of insights are the eight fairy kings and demon lords, it is only at a glance that Xu Yu is creating a new world, and she has already done it.

   The immortal realm exists. They are now in the immortal realm. They are as arrogant as they are. The world she created does not need to be guarded by any more creatures.

   With Xu Yu's Heavenly Palace, the integration is completed.

   In the next moment, Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang also released their underground palace and human palace respectively.

   Three houses are superimposed.

  In an instant, three huge phantoms emerged from the sky.

   The shadows of Qin Haoxuan, Zhang Kuang, and Xu Yu cover the entire sky, and the size of the shadows makes the entire fairy world see their existence.

   In the immortal world, the immortals raised their heads in surprise, looking at the figures emerging in the sky.

   "That is, is someone trying to become a fairy king?"

   "Who are those three people? Why have you never seen them?"

   "How can anyone suddenly become a fairy king?"

   "How can the fairy world become the fairy king?"

   "No, there was a Jiang Xian Wang who became the fairy king before, and the fairy world can still become the fairy king."

  In the fairy world, the many immortals are very surprised.

   One area is well preserved, there are not too many Zerg corpses, and the damage is not serious.

   This is the place where everyone in the fairy world gathers to live, in an unusual house.

An old lady suddenly raised her head and looked at the huge phantom in the sky with surprise, her eyes revealed an unbelievable color and exclaimed: "Old man, look up at the world, that figure, is that figure? Xuan'er?"

   Alongside, an old man holding a teapot raised his head and looked towards the sky. When he looked at it, the teapot in his hand fell to the ground with a bump.

   "Haoxuan, it is really Haoxuan, why is there his shadow in the sky? He... isn't he in the human world? He came to the fairy world? What, what is this? And, is that a daughter-in-law?"

   "It's her, it's her. Why is there a daughter-in-law?"

   Just under his doubts, there was a cry of exclamation in the other courtyards around him.

   "The fairy king, someone wants to become a fairy king!"

   "Who is this?"

   "Achieve three fairy kings once!"

   "Aren't we in the fairy world unable to become a fairy king?"

   "No matter who it is, as long as they become the immortal king, we will have three more immortal kings, and we can be stronger against the power of the monsters outside the territory!"

   "I hope the three fairy kings can succeed!"

   A person from the immortal world prayed that these three powerful men they had never seen before became the immortal king.

   Father Qin and Mother Qin heard the sounds coming from all around, and the two old men were completely stunned: "Old man, did you hear what they said? Immortal king? Xuan'er is about to become an immortal king!"

   "I heard and heard, not only Haoxuan will become an immortal king, but also my daughter-in-law will become an immortal king..." Father Qin still looks sluggish. His son is going to become an immortal king? The fairy king in the legend, the fairy king standing at the pinnacle!

   Outside the immortal realm, groups of extraterritorial monsters turbulent instantly, and they also noticed the three phantoms, knowing that there are human beings who are going to become the fairy king.

   But they did not launch an attack. Instead, they gathered on the side of an extremely huge worm egg, which was their emperor.

   The sky and the entire fairy world are constantly shaking, but in the sky, there is no gathering of robbery clouds.

   There is no robbery, but there is an extremely terrifying coercion, and an invisible force is coming down.

   There is only one power, but this power is full of inviolable majesty, making people feel that this is the supreme existence between heaven and earth.

   is just the pressure of power coming.

  In the distance, although the top Taoist ancestors who have not achieved the fairy king, have not achieved the half step of the fairy king, they feel that breathing has become difficult, and even gave birth to an urge to kneel and surrender.

   For a time, the sky collapsed, and everyone felt that it was not only the fairy world, but the entire world seemed to be destroyed at this moment!

"Power pressure, how could there be such a terrifying power pressure? Before, Fellow Jiang Daoist became the immortal king. Although he has power pressure, he is far from such a horror?" Several immortal kings looked at Qin Haoxuan three in surprise. people.

   Between heaven and earth, an invisible force pressed down.

   Although Qin Haoxuan could not see this power, he could feel the existence of this power.

Invisible power came, and above the three people’s heads, the fairy palaces and demons shuddered crazily. It seemed that they were about to collapse completely and vaguely under this power. Every fairy palace and demons above the three heads Cracks surfaced above.

   This invisible power is too terrifying!

   The aura in Qin Haoxuan's body surged crazily, and in the underground palace that was superimposed with arrogance and Xu Yu, a strong death aura poured out.

   The immortal realm, the human realm, the underworld created by Qin Haoxuan...The power of the three realms gathered crazily and poured into the three houses.

   "They are, they are borrowing power."

   "Borrow the power of the Three Realms!"

   "How did they get there!"

   The immortal kings felt the power between heaven and earth, madly pouring into the superimposed three houses, and everyone was surprised.

   Qin Haoxuan and the three of them opened the world and stood upright proudly. The endless power in the Three Houses kept pouring out to resist the invisible force that came.

   Invisible power?

   The creator of the Jade Lake in this world is dead, and the way of the world today is just the remaining willpower, and they are living people, how can they be defeated by this invisible power!

   Between heaven and earth, the invisible power is blocked by life, and the terrifying coercion dissipates.

   At this moment, Qin Haoxuan, Zhang Kuang, and Xu Yu have all become the fairy king!

   "Congratulations to the three fellow Taoists for being a fairy king!"

   "Congratulations to the three fellow Taoists."

   All the fairy kings, congratulations.

   The human world entered the immortal world is three immortal kings, but in a blink of an eye, they have become six immortal kings, and there are only eight immortal kings in the immortal world. Among them, Jiang Zibai is extremely friendly to the other party, and even Jiang Zibai can be regarded as the fairy king of the human world. It is equivalent to the seven fairy kings of the fairy world, and the human world is also the seven fairy kings.

   And the immortal kings of the human world, the Free Demon Lord, the Reincarnation Demon Lord, and the Reincarnation Immortal King had never taken action, but they saw Qin Haoxuan's trio fighting against that terrifying force.

   The three palaces of heaven, earth and people are extremely special. Under the superposition, it seems that they can really borrow the power of the Three Realms.

   The longevity fairy king is not even sure that the seven fairy kings of the immortal world can defeat the other seven fairy kings together.

   The stronger the human world, the better for the fairy world.

Although the immortal world respects him, he really has no desire for power. Their common enemy is the monsters outside the territory. They can appear such three freaks, and such three powerful men can mobilize the power of the three worlds. When fighting the Zerg, it is of great help.

   "Everyone, I'll go back to the palace first." The longevity fairy fell, and everyone flew towards the palace.

   Along the way, Qin Haoxuan even discovered that the entire immortal world was even more destroyed than he had seen before, and it seemed that the immortal world was about to be completely destroyed.

On the way, Xing also introduced to Qin Haoxuan and others: "There are many extraterritorial monsters attacking the immortal world, and there are mainly several of them. One is the extraterritorial monsters like ants, and the number of such extraterritorial monsters is the largest. They can't fly, but they can spin silk like spiders. If they are entangled in the silk net spit out by the insect king among them, the fairy king will have to waste a lot of effort to break free.

   One hundred years ago, the most recently fallen fairy king was entangled in the silk net spit out by this kind of insect king. He was dragged down from the sky by life, and then died after being bitten by thousands of ants. In addition to this kind of monster, there is another kind of monster that can fly in the sky, like a fish outside the domain. "

   Qin Haoxuan heard this and asked, "Is it a kind, the body is like a fish covered with scales, with a pair of transparent wings, the head is as thin as a praying mantis, and there are eight long-legged insects."

   "Yes, there are a lot of such extraterritorial monsters." Xing Man looked at Qin Haoxuan unexpectedly and asked, "Have you ever seen such extraterritorial monsters?"

   Qin Haoxuan nodded slightly and said: "I have seen that I once encountered a very wounded insect king in the human world. It entered the human world after chasing an immortal who entered the human world. I finally beheaded it."

"Damn it, those deserters. Well, since you already know this kind of extraterritorial monster, don't talk about it, let's talk about another kind of extraterritorial monster." Xing continued, "That is a very rare kind of extraterritorial monster. Worms, they are not many in number, but they are extremely terrifying. Among the monsters outside the territory of the same level, they are all extremely strong.

   Their bodies are like lizards, with six legs, and their heads are like ligers, but their mouths are like insect mouthparts, which are extremely sharp. At the same time, their tails are like scorpion tails that can release deadly poisonous gas.

   And the front of their body has two pairs of arms, which are as flexible as our human arms..."

   Everyone was flying while listening to Xing Xing's detailed introduction of the demon insects that attacked the immortal world. From time to time, several other immortal kings would add something.

   After all, the time for punishment to enter the immortal realm is not particularly long. For some extraterritorial monsters, he has heard the introduction of primitive celestial monsters, but after all, he has not personally experienced the opponent's battle.

Immortal King Wei Mu sighed and said: "You also know that there are insect kings outside the domain. The insect king you met on that day must have been extremely injured. If the insect king is not injured, they are as powerful as the immortal king and the demon king. Quite, we are not sure that we can beat the insect king one-on-one.

   Once, we also thought about rushing into the world where they are, but finding a leader among them that can continuously produce eggs and directly kill the other party. But as long as we enter their world, we will be suppressed by the power of that world.

There used to be fairy kings who blew themselves up in that realm, but even if the power of the fairy kings blew themselves up, it would be useless. After all, it was a realm, an extremely huge realm. We couldn’t even see the leader of their spawning. Can't hurt the opponent's leader. "

   As everyone talked, they had already flown to the fairy palace where the eight fairy kings gathered in the fairy world.

   And not far from the fairy palace, there is a large group of buildings.

Xing pointed to this piece of building and said: "We have gathered all the people in the fairy world here, so we can protect them. By the way, Lao Qin, I have found your parents, and I will take you there soon. See them."

   "Parents..." Qin Haoxuan showed a self-blame look on his face. He sent his parents to the immortal realm. He originally wanted to make his parents immortal, but then think about it later that his approach at that time was too immature.

   What about after the parents came to the fairy world?

They don’t know anyone in the immortal world. What they want is not a long life, but company, the company of their relatives. They want to see their families and businesses, their children, and their children grow up. ...

  I could myself, but sent them directly to the fairy world, leaving the two old people to live alone here.

   Not only is he not a qualified father, but also a qualified son.

  , a soft touch came from the side, Xu Yu took Qin Haoxuan's hand: "I'll accompany you, let's go see my father and mother together."

   Soon, under the leadership of Xing, they flew directly to a house that looked very ordinary.

   Xing pointed to the door of the room, turned and left.

   Qin Haoxuan knew that this was the place where his parents lived in Xianjie. He could even clearly feel the breath of the parents in the house and the content of their conversations.

   But he was standing in front of the door, as a fairy king, but found that he seemed to have no strength to reach out and push the door open.

   "Let's go home."

   Xu Yu's gentle voice sounded. She took Qin Haoxuan's arm with one hand, stretched out the other hand, and gently pushed open the door that looked a little mottled.

   heard a soft creak.

   In the courtyard, Qin's father and Qin's mother seemed to have a reaction. At the same time, they turned their heads and looked at the courtyard gate.


   There was a muffled noise, and Qin Haoxuan fell to his knees: "Father, mother, my child is coming to see you..."

"Get up quickly, get up quickly, just come, just come, you kid, what on your knees..." Mother Qin was already in tears, and on the side, Father Qin lowered her head and quietly wiped away the eyes. Tears.

   Their son, they finally saw their son.

   They saw the phantom of their son before, and they guessed that their son came back. They have been waiting for their son's arrival.

   Father Qin had already made tea. Mother Qin killed the old hen who had been raising for a long time. They were all waiting for their son's arrival. They were also prepared. They thought of countless words.

   But at this moment, after seeing their son, everything they just did was forgotten.

   Mother Qin pulled up Qin Haoxuan, who was kneeling on the ground, and rubbed her palms gently on Qin Haoxuan’s face: "My child, you have been tired these years... Xiu Xian..."

   Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu sat in the courtyard like this, chatting with his parents about the housework, his family, and his three children.

   "Yilan is very sensible, he is more sensible than me, much older than me. He takes good care of his younger siblings...Yes, Yilan has a daughter-in-law, she is very good, and he is a man of love and justice."

   "Yilan hasn't had a baby yet, but it should be coming soon too..."

   "Two little guys? They are still young, they are still early."

   "What? It's not too small anymore? Yeah, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye, and I still treat them as a child."

   Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu didn't talk about the world of cultivating immortals. They were like ordinary people, talking about their families and asking about the lives of these two elders over the years.

   was talking, and suddenly, the entire fairy world shook crazily.

   An immense coercion came from a distance. That is not the coercion of the Tao of Heaven and Earth, nor the coercion released by the human power, but the coercion of the monsters outside the territory.

   Out-of-domain monsters, attack again!

   "Father, mother, the child has gone to kill the extraterritorial monster. When the child finishes killing the extraterritorial monster, I will come back to see you." Qin Haoxuan quickly turned around and flew with Xu Yu towards the place where the pressure came.

   "Be careful..." Mother Qin and Father Qin looked at Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu's disappearing back with worry. They have lived in this fairyland for so many years, how could they not know the horror of the monsters outside the territory.

   Killing the monsters outside the territory, how could it be as simple as Qin Haoxuan?

Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu quickly flew to the edge of the boundary wall. The next moment, outside of the sky, a white tentacle flew. The giant hand passed through the sky, pierced through the void, and shot in. The tentacle passed by is endless. The void was shattered, and the top Dao Gong ancestors who had just gathered all around were just hit by the mighty power near the direction where the tentacles were flying.

   There is no Taoism, just pure power!

   But this power seems to represent the ultimate power in the world!

   Everyone has no doubt that this shot can easily penetrate the stars.

   Insect King!

   The insect emperor who hadn't appeared for a long time reappeared, and this blow was directed at the Sea Devouring Demon Lord.

   It seems to recognize the breath of the Sea Devouring Demon Lord at this time, which is the breath of the Dragon King that hurt it back then.

not good!

   The Void Immortal King saw the falling tentacles, raised his hand and swiped in front of him, instantly breaking through the surrounding void, and appeared in front of the Sea Devouring Demon Lord.

   The Sea Swallowing Demon Lord is no matter how strong it is. After all, it is only a half-step Immortal King. This is the attack of the Insect King, how can she stop it!

   The Void Immortal King quickly stabs out a sharp sword in front of him. With the swing of the sharp sword in his hand, the space in front of him keeps splitting, and then quickly overlaps and overlaps.

He is walking the way of space. At the beginning, his way of space was really not good at defense. But since he became the Immortal King, he has been practicing defensively. This way of space is superimposed and disturbed. Space, using the space turbulence in the space to consume and resist the opponent's attack is his most proud method of defense.

   As the insect emperor's tentacles fell, the countless superimposed space around them was instantly shattered. On the tentacles, there were only a few subtle traces that were almost invisible.

   In the next moment, black barbs emerged from the white tentacles, smashing heavily on the Void Immortal King who was blocking the Sea Devouring Demon Lord.

   It was just a blow, and the Void Immortal King suddenly retreated and flew out, the entire face became extremely pale, and a large mouthful of red blood was spouted out of his mouth.

   His chest is already bloody.

   was just a blow, and the immortal king was already hit hard.

   The power of the insect emperor is terrifying.

   Changsheng Immortal King and other immortal kings in the immortal world have a solemn expression on their faces. This worm emperor is much stronger than when it appeared the previous time!

   "Three houses are superimposed!"

   Qin Haoxuan, Zhang Kuang and Xu Yu, above their heads, celestial palaces and magic palaces emerge, and the three palaces are superimposed.

  Such a bug emperor, you must work together and use the power of the Three Realms to fight.

   In the fairy world, everywhere in the corners, a stream of pure immortal power flew toward the Sannomiya.

   Human Realm, in the early days, free mountains, endless seas, borders and wasteland, everywhere in the human realm, a wave of power surged out and poured into the fairy realm through the boundary wall.

  The three houses of heaven, earth and man are superimposed, and between the heaven and the earth, the endless power of the Three Realms flies from all over the Three Realms and gathers on the Three Houses.

   The power of the three people was completely gathered in one place and poured into Qin Haoxuan's body. In Qin Haoxuan's hands, the dragon scale sword was cut out with one sword.

   A sword fell, the entire fairy world, only this sword light remained, and the entire fairy world, only this sword remained.

   This sword is not a sword, but a gathering of forces from the Three Realms, the purest and most powerful force.

   A sword fell, and the entire fairy world seemed to be under this sword. It was split into two pieces. As the sword crossed, the broken void and ground automatically closed.

   This sword is a sword of the power of the Three Realms. Among the power of the Three Realms, there is also the power of the Immortal Realm. They are of the same origin, and this power will not destroy the Immortal Realm!

   A sword flew down, like a meteor passing by.

  The huge tentacles under this sword broke apart, slamming heavily on the ground like a huge mountain, making a loud noise like the mountain exploding, shaking up endless dust.

   Insect Emperor’s tentacles were cut off!

   Qin Haoxuan and the three of them can cut off the insect emperor’s tentacles!

   Those are the tentacles of the Insect King, the Insect King who severely damaged the Immortal King in one blow!

   The spirits of the immortal kings in the immortal world were shocked, and the three of Qin Haoxuan were much stronger than they thought.

   just quickly, their complexion became serious again.

   Under Qin Haoxuan's sword, all three of them showed a pale color on their faces.

   This sword is obviously very expensive for them. Although they can borrow the power of the Three Realms, it takes time to borrow the power of the Three Realms. At least it can be seen that they need time to prepare for such a blow.

  The insect emperor’s tentacles were cut to the ground, but the tentacles were obviously still connected to the insect emperor. The tentacles surged and flew toward the sky, wanting to fly out of the fairy world and fly back to the insect emperor.

   Without waiting for the tentacles to fly back, in front of the tentacles, the Devouring Demon II appeared, a huge black hole appeared, and the devouring power gushed out.

   Devouring Demon Lord II, he wants to devour the tentacles of this insect emperor.

   Insect Emperor's tentacles suddenly rose, wrapping the Devouring Demon Lord II.

   "Little tentacles, still want to swallow this seat!"

   Devouring Demon Lord II snorted coldly, and at this moment, the whole person turned into an extremely huge black hole, completely enveloping the tentacles, devouring them madly.

   It took only a moment, and the tentacles had completely disappeared. It was swallowed by the Devouring Demon II body, and the aura of the Devouring Demon II body increased sharply.

   "Some more tentacles, you can go straight to the fairy king!"

   Devouring Demon Sovereign II smirked, but no longer spoke, crazily refining the power that had just been swallowed.

   The next moment, a roar came from outside the fairy world.

   Outside the boundary wall, an extremely huge spherical giant worm emerged, and its body was covered with tentacles, countless tentacles, and this tentacle madly attacked the boundary wall.

   Around it, more and more out-of-domain monsters appeared, also attacking the boundary wall frantically.

   The boundary wall shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "It, it's crazy, it's going to invade the fairy world!"

  Qin Haoxuan and the three of them, their complexions are extremely heavy, their three realms are not complete yet, they can fight one tentacles, but what about more tentacles? How do they fight? Enter the fairy world in front of the Chonghuang deity?

   Unless, the three realms are completely integrated.

   They have now become immortal kings, and the three palaces of heaven, earth and man are also complete. They can feel how the three realms merge, that is, their world needs a living creator!

   Now, the creator of their world is dead, just like the creator of the Jade Lake in the ancient religion of the Jade Lake, it also has its Jade Lake, and cannot become the creator of the Three Realms.


"Let me be the creator of the world." The little snake's voice rang: "The insect king and the zerg came from another world, a great world, a great world with a creator, and wanted to fight them. , Only when the three realms are merged, and only with new creators, who constantly promote the continuous development of this world, can we fight against them. The sky is not complete, you are afraid that there will be no emperor. And only I can Can be the creator of this world."

  Little snake...

   Qin Haoxuan opened his mouth, but he couldn't pronounce a syllable. He knew that Xiao Snake didn't want to be the creator of the world. As the creator of the world, although the little snake is still alive, it has also lost its freedom, lost its thought, and has become an existence without any emotion.

   He knew that that was what Xiao Snake did not want to do.

  , but the little snake, it offered to be the creator of the world.

"Stop talking, this world is also my home. I don't want to see my homeland and be ruined by those bugs." Little Snake continued: "However, if I become the creator of this world, I know I will Losing many, many feelings, I hope that one day, you can wake me up, I don’t want to be a being without feelings."

   It never wanted to be the creator of the world, because it didn't want to forget the beginning, or Qin Haoxuan, or the world.

   But it had to become the creator of the world for this world.

  The creator must have no feelings!

   "Okay. I promise you, I will wake you up." In the corner of Qin Haoxuan's eyes, tears have already surfaced.

   As his voice fell, the little snake disappeared and the three realms merged.

   The little snake has become the highest **** in this world, but at this moment, it even feels that its emotions are madly disappearing.

   Soon, its feelings have disappeared, but its subconsciousness is still there!

   In an instant, between heaven and earth, among the three fusion realms, above the beginning.

   The entire Taichu was suddenly bathed in the glow, and countless auras gathered crazily towards the Taichu.

   In the early days, Meng Du, who was sitting in the position of the master teacher, looked around in surprise. This aura is too strong, let alone the Supreme Master, the ancient teachings are not too strong in the beginning, what happened? How could there be such a change?

   Qin Haoxuan's mind suddenly appeared many rules, the rules of heaven and earth, the rules of this world, these rules seemed to be born to him.

  Little snake!

   This is a gift given by the snake, given by the snake at the last moment.

   Xu Yu and Zhang Kuang superimposed on Qin Haoxuan's three palaces, and they also instantly possessed these countless rules.


   There was a loud noise suddenly, and as the three realms merged completely, the boundary wall shattered.

   The little snake was born. It is the highest **** in this world, and it has its rules!

With the fragmentation of the boundary wall, above the void and above the earth, endless monsters from outside the territories rushed in. A master in the fairy world, a master from the human world, and a master of the Nether demons gathered together, and soon joined together Only the monsters outside the territory were caught in a melee.

   Among the people and the demons, two figures appeared.

   Lake and Valley, they also joined the battlefield.

  After they have traveled the world for many years, they have actually made a decision. They like the world more, they like humans more, and they don't want to see their hometown destroyed.

   When they came to the immortal world, they actually made a decision. They already regarded them as part of the human race!

   Around the shadow corpse doll, zombies gather heads after heads, and endless death energy entangles all around. It is the monsters outside the territories that will be invaded by the death energy, and they will all be corpses.

   Haiao and Qilin gathered together. The two of them apparently practiced a combined attack technique, a magical magic and an extremely powerful body, and they fought madly.

Above the sea-swallowing demon lord’s forehead, the scales of the dragon shone with dazzling brilliance. It has already turned into an extremely large dragon. Every time she fell, the monsters outside the territories around her fell backwards, and almost every blow could hit hard. Extraterritorial monster.

   She didn't become the Immortal King, but she was the closest among the crowd to become the Immortal King, and she was also the strongest combat power among the crowd except for the Immortal King and Devouring Demon Lord II.

   After all, she got the inheritance of the dragon king, the dragon king’s inverse scale, that is the dragon king who once injured the insect king, and then can kill another insect king!

   One Nian Xian Ancestor, Reborn Ancestor, Suffering Real Person, Yin Yang Immortal King II Body, Ninety Nine Leaves...

   Every strong man is fighting with the Zerg.

The most terrifying thing is the devouring of the Demon Lord II. Others may have weakened due to fighting or injury, and they can consume the Demon Lord II. While fighting, they will continue to swallow them. Not only has the combat power not fallen. Instead, it keeps climbing.


There was a sound of something being penetrated, and the ancestor of the immovable was like a unicorn, but the sharp horns of an extraterritorial monster that was larger than the giant elephant penetrated the body, and endless pieces of meat and blood spurted out. , And his face showed a hideous color, a crazy color.

   Above his head, the nine Taoist palaces burst open instantly.

   blew himself up, he chose to blew himself up at the last moment of his life. He has been cultivating all his life, cultivating crazy, and has never done anything for mankind or for others.

   Let him do something for the human world before he died.

   A top Dao Gong ancestor exploded, and the mighty power burst out. The extraterritorial monster that had just penetrated his body with a huge horn was subjected to this impact and exploded instantly.

On the side of   , two extraterritorial monsters that were very close to each other, under the impact of this self-detonation, directly exploded half of their body.

   A strong man is extremely crazy at this time. They are dead. If there is a chance, they will blew themselves up at the last moment and severely injure the Zerg.

   The demon insects outside the territory died, but at the same time, there were also deaths of the human world, the fairy world, and the nether demons.

   Free Demon Lord and other immortal kings, at this time, they are also fighting against the insect kings of the outer demon insects.

   This time, perhaps because of the sudden arrival of the human world, there were a few more fairy kings suddenly, and the number of them in this side was not less than the number of insect kings.

   But even so, they couldn't stop this insect king for a while.

   At their level, even if it is two-on-one, it is difficult to kill each other in a short time.

   Qin Haoxuan and the three people, because of the fusion of the Three Realms, at this time the superimposed Three Houses do not need them to operate deliberately, and the endless power of the Three Realms has poured into them crazily.

   Suddenly, in front of the three of them, three Gates of the Beginning converged.

   At this time, this gate is no longer the gate of the primordial beginning, nor is it the gate of heaven, man, or earth. This is the gate of the Three Realms!

   The gate of the Three Realms was bombarded down, and in a short time, the endless power of the Three Realms was used like a mighty turbulent ocean. Countless zergs were shocked on the spot, and each zerg instantly turned into powder.

   Devouring Demon Lord II was madly devoured.

   Suddenly, huge tentacles flew in, madly bombarding the gate of the Three Realms.

   The insect emperor shot at Qin Haoxuan three people!

The sword light kept slashing down, slashing on the tentacles, but now the insect emperor is no longer outside the domain, but flies into the immortal world, instead of attacking from a distance, its power has increased a lot, and a sword fell. Although it could severely inflict the tentacles, but couldn't easily cut off the insect emperor's tentacles.

Unlike previous wars, this time, the insect emperor had Qin Haoxuan three to block, and all the immortal kings could completely free their hands against the insect king of the zerg, and with the sea swallowing demon lord, the yin and yang immortal king II body, ninety-nine With the existence of powerful half-step immortal kings such as Ye, Yinian Immortal Ancestor, and Devouring Demon Lord II, with the masters of the Human World and the Nether Demon Race, they can even stop the Zerg The zerg died, and at the same time a fairy, human, and nether demons died.

  The tragic battle lasted for seven days, and it ended when the Zerg army finally retreated.

   can be very soon, ten days later, the insect king once again led the zerg army to come.

   In the past, after the insect emperor led the Zerg offensive and retreated, he would sleep for a long time before returning again, but this time, it did not sleep, it felt threatened, and felt the pressure of Qin Haoxuan's three people.

   And it came back again, stronger than before!

The Zerg army retreats again and again, but it returns again and again. Every time, the interval will not be too long. With each return of the Zerg, the last time the Zerg has been wounded will be healed, and it will be more than the last time. More difficult to deal with.

   The Insect Emperor intends to fight a protracted war. It will continue to evolve and become stronger in this war.

   And Qin Haoxuan and others understand that everyone is a peerless arrogant. As long as they don't die in the war, everyone will continue to make progress and improve.

   The former immortal world could not break through and become the immortal king, but now the three realms merge, as long as you continue to diligently, the demon master of the sea swallowing, the immortal ancestor Yi Nian can become the immortal king!

   And Qin Haoxuan and the others, as they continue to improve, they even have the opportunity to become the emperor.

   After all, someone has put forward the theory of immortal emperor, Zerg also has emperor, and their human world should also have emperor! They can also become emperors!

   When one of them becomes the Emperor, it is time for them to counterattack.

   (Don’t go, everyone, then turn back, there is a postscript to the story and the author’s words.)