MTL - Too Early-Chapter 62 Harvest after birth and death

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The undead witch who had just been defeated by Qin Haoxuan discovered that he began to separate his knowledge, expel his own magical thoughts, and seize the control of the body!

The undead witches secretly scorned themselves too lightly, so that they fell short, but unfortunately he wakes up too late. His own magical thoughts are not as powerful as Qin Haoxuan’s knowledge. After being defeated by Qin Haoxuan, it is too time to organize an effective defense. late.

Qin Haoxuan vying for the control of the body to control the power, originally wanted to completely smash the undead witch demon, and found that after using the gods to surround the undead witches, the gods once touched the magic of the undead witches. Will take the initiative to swallow his magical thoughts, each time you swallow a magical thought, your own knowledge will be a strong point.

With this discovery, he began to swallow up, where is still willing to launch a sensation to attack the magic of the undead witch.

Under the overwhelming advantage, the undead witches panicked and discovered that the rookie, who was originally regarded as a sac in the bag, is now swallowing himself to become stronger! Under the circumstance, he has no hope of a half victory.

However, the undead witch has nowhere to escape, and his magical thoughts are gradually weakening. Qin Haoxuan’s knowledge is getting stronger and stronger, and he is completely surrounded by his gods.

"You...what are you monsters..." The voice of the undead witches trembled a little. He couldn’t think of surviving in the fairy wars anyway, and he survived for countless years in the sinister venomous valley. In the hands of a rookie who has been less than three months old, and is still the devouring death of the devil!

Qin Haoxuan ignored the undead witch who had panicked. In his eyes, the magic of the undead witch is a delicious feast. After eating, it can not only replenish the previously consumed gods, but also Let your knowledge become stronger.

I don't know how long it took, the magical thoughts of the undead witches were completely swallowed up by Qin Haoxuan. The generation of trolls, the survivors of the fairy wars, became a delicious meal of their prey.

The moment when the undead witch disappeared completely, the hail of Qin Haoxuan also cracked a small slit, and then slammed it and blew it up.

After swallowing the undead witch, Qin Haoxuan looked up at the sky, the eastern sky has been slightly fishy white, the spring and cold eclipse of the early spring season is relatively late, the oriental white proves that it is not too early, Qin Haoxuan closed his eyes again, ready to complete the emergence of a drum.

Qin Haoxuan’s body has just been frozen by the magic. He feels that his blood seems to be solidified. However, at this time, the power of a leaf of Jinlian is more active. It is interspersed in the body like a butterfly, and it is constantly integrated into the aura of the meridians. The stiff body gradually recovered from the warmth.

It seems that in the future, I will go to the scent of the poisonous valley to turn around and find more good things like a leaf of golden lotus.

If it wasn’t for the devastating swallowing of it at that time, Yuan Shanhu, the light scent of Miaojing’s Sanye, couldn’t pass it. If it’s not the remnant of Jinyelian’s in the body, it’s the martial arts practice, so that I can fight especially, I’m afraid I’m going to die a lot. It is.

Without too much hesitation, Qin Haoxuan barely put up his legs and put up a five-hearted qualification. He began to madly gain spiritual power. The remaining leaves of the golden lotus roots were transformed into spiritual power and absorbed by the fairy species. .

From the cracks of the fairy seeds, a small head of Xianmiao is also very eager to squat, and in a short while has emerged the normal size of the seedlings.

After emergence, I always figured out the seedlings!

Qin Haoxuan took a long breath and found out that after the emergence of the seedlings, he found that the potency of a leaf of Jinlian was exhausted in the emergence of the seedlings. After that, he would not be tortured by the drug that could almost blast himself.

After the rest of the robbery, there was another fairy seedling. Qin Haoxuan, who had not suffered from the residual drug power of Jinye, did not imagine the excitement and excitement. Instead, he locked his brow and began to think after he went.

The residual potency of a leaf of Jinlian is not a curse for him. It is a great way to help him through many difficulties. He said that it is a life-saving character. The life-saving symbol is no longer available.

If the news of his own emergence reaches into the ears of Zhang Li, Li Jing and others, it will surely make you want to put your own arrogance and hatred on the road to Xiu Xian. In the future, he will definitely try his best to change himself and not to die.

Li Jing, who is gloomy, certainly will not calmly watch himself sit up, and he has himself. His plan to win Xu Yu cannot be realized.

If it is only the intrigue of these peers, Qin Haoxuan can still cope with it, but the old fox of Gu Yunzi, who is old and savage, once he finds that Corruption Dan is ineffective against himself, he will certainly tear his face and help him to fight against himself, and even kill him directly. may!

Xiuxian Luben is a process of quietness and self-improvement. These disputes make Qin Haoxuan feel very tired.

Leaving the early teachings, and looking for a place where the aura is still rich, the idea of ​​cultivating the singer once again came to his mind.

Without these disturbances, maybe the speed of cultivation will be even faster!

Qin Haoxuan thinks more and more feasible, and instead of thinking about it, it is better to leave the early childhood to teach himself to find a mountainous country to practice wholeheartedly.

Immediately after he made a three-month initial training period, he left the idea of ​​the early education, and immediately put on the whole clothes, and walked into the accommodation with a slight morning light!

Although it was a battle with the undead witches and gods last night, Qin Haoxuan, who swallowed up the undead witches, not only did not feel tired, but instead looked like a big baby, plus a leaf of golden lotus. The medicinal power was also consumed cleanly. Without the trouble of one leaf of golden lotus, Qin Haoxuan was very rare to listen to a lesson.

Chu’s strange eyes glanced over from time to time. Qin Haoxuan, who was not meditating or sleeping for three months, suddenly changed his mind today. Yu is also very puzzled. Qin Haoxuan is taking the wrong medicine today?

After listening carefully to the lectures of Elder Chu, Qin Haoxuan returned to the dormitory and began to practice cross-legged meditation.

Qin Haoxuan began to learn spiritual power. For Qin Haoxuan, who needs a lot of spiritual power to nourish Xianmiao, the spiritual powers that he has learned are simply a drop in the bucket, especially if he does not have the power of a leaf of Jinlian. I feel very uncomfortable. Although the spiritual power I used to draw is not more than that after the emergence of the seedlings, but after the fusion of the acquired spiritual power and the power of a leaf of golden lotus, the spiritual effect is enhanced ten times, and there is no one leaf of Jinlian. The cultivation speed is ten times slower!

"Would I not go to the sinister toxic valley again? If I don't go, the speed of my cultivation will slow down. Since then, everyone has been stunned. It is terrible to be ridiculous, and the pressure inside is not to be said. I still don't know if the old demon is not dead or dead!" Feeling that his cultivation speed is slow, Qin Haoxuan began to worry, although he knows that it is the best way to find the best medicine. The psychological pressure of the place where Xiantao Valley was given was too great. He secretly whispered in his heart: "Even if the old devil is dead, if he encounters a stronger demon head, he will directly win or What if I kill?"

"But if you don't go to Xiantao Valley, whether you are mad, Zhang Yang or Li Jing, you will ride on my head and pee! If I want to leave the early education, I need to become stronger, otherwise I will encounter a strong one. Magic repair or other enemies, how can there be a way to live!"

"There is a death in the horizontal and vertical, and you must never die like this!"

No! I must go to the sinister glutinous glutinous rice. After Qin Haoxuan made up his mind, he kept going to the dead of night. When other people entered the dream and slumbered, he took the soul to the snake and started the sinister poisonous valley again. trip.

This time he went to the Xianxian Valley, one is to see if the undead witch is dead, and second, can you find some magic bullets and secret recipes.

Taking advantage of the cover of the night, Qin Haoxuan took the road to the sinister poison valley.

After stepping into the sinister poisonous valley, Qin Haoxuan felt that the pressure of the sinister poisonous valley was not as big as before. It should be the benefit of the gods who became engulfed by the undead witches. It seems that the stronger the gods, the more The farther the Spicy Valley can go!

Far from seeing the undead witch who is huge like a hill, Qin Haoxuan hangs in the eyes of the blind man, even though he secretly tells himself that the magic of the undead witch is swallowed by himself, the undead witch is dead, but he Still frightened and frightened.

In order to verify that the undead witch was dead and died, he decided to go over and see.

From the sinister poison valley to the undead witches, but a hundred steps away, you can see at the speed of the snake, but Qin Haoxuan took a tea time close to he walked While deliberately making a sound, no matter what noise he made, the undead witch fell there.

Is it really dead? Qin Haoxuan can't believe it. This old demon can stay in the sinister poison valley for thousands of years. The realm of the realm is not easy. If it is not injured in the fairy war, and it is trapped by the sinister poisonous valley, he is There is an earthquake in the sacred world.

Qin Haoxuan was brave enough to get in front of the undead witch, and hit his body. The old demon did not respond, and there was no sign of life. It should be dead.

Think about it too, the devil's magical soul is swallowed by himself and become a feast of God's knowledge. Even if he is more powerful, how can he live without a soul?

At this time, Qin Haoxuan thought that this old devil was qualified to participate in the Devil Wars thousands of years ago, and he can hardly resist the poisonous gas of the venomous valley for thousands of years without dying. The strength is strong and strong. If he does not pass on his own Taoism, he will How can you repair so fast, the old devil's body may still hide something good! Are you not looking for treasure? Just start looking for him!

Although the undead witch is dead, but the deterrence of Qin Haoxuan is still very strong, but he understands the truth in the rich and dangerous, so he hesitated for a while and began to search for the old devil.

What disappointed Qin Haoxuan was that he only found three things in the old demon, a notebook made with unknown animal skins and a map, and a few remnants that had been poisoned by poison gas and had no reiki.

This notebook is made of materials that he doesn't know well, and is hidden by the old devil. This escapes the fate of being poisoned by poison gas, but Qin Haoxuan just took it out, and the pages made of animal skin in the poison gas began to be corroded and weathered. It will take a long time to turn into a pile of ashes.

Qin Haoxuan hurriedly placed on the ground and began to read it.

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