MTL - Too Early-Chapter 50 Sunrise in the mountains

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Even if it can't be big, if you can continue with the nature hall, it is very good.

Scorpion silently thought for a while, looking at Qin Haoxuan sighed and said: "Weak species are difficult to survive in the martial art, but God wants us to immortal, this is also a test for us, and your heart is strong, one heart To the road, if this is the case, the old way will accept you as a disciple. After you have finished the three-month initial training period, after completing the [into the immortality], you will come to the nature hall to report. If you still have trouble later, you will report to my nephew. The name, the person who is entangled with you will be much less, if there are still people who are still entangled with you, and you really take advantage of it, the old road is set for you. When you go to Huanglong, the old road still has this strength."

Huang Long? Qin Haoxuan came to the beginning of the day for many days. Everyone talked about the teachings. They both held their hands and held their fists high above their heads to show respect. They called [teaching real people], which is the attitude of the elders of Chu when they called the teaching, or the first time. Seeing the name of the teacher, then you can call it.

The blind man felt Qin Haoxuan’s strange eyes, but he smiled very faintly, revealing the scent of the mortal, smiling with a little bit of appreciation and love, Qin Haoxuan felt that can not be fake eyes, quickly kneel down Three 跪 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩 叩.

"This kind of charm, you stay in the body, if someone dares to bully you here, you use this charm, even if you kill someone, the teacher will also take it for you. You are only squatting in advance. If you can't finish the immortality, this is also a day, so you don't have to think that Shantou is everything. The road to cultivation is not dependent on others, and everything depends on you."

After Qin Haoxuan finished his teacher's ceremony, the eyes of the blind man saw the two faces who were not good-looking. The person who assassinated Qin Haoxuan took out a magical charm of the 20-leaf power of the fairy seedlings from his arms and handed it to Qin Haoxuan.

Feeling that this charm has revealed extremely terrifying spiritual fluctuations, Qin Haoxuan was overjoyed and once again fell to the ground. This scorpion is as kind as Pu Hanzhong said, and there is no such thing as a shelf. It can be considered all-round. I am extremely fond of the disciples under the door. It is no wonder that Pu Hanzhong will respect him so much.

After the scorpion took Pu Hanzhong, Qin Haoxuan, who had no umbrella, gave him the charm of the scorpion. With this card in his hand, he glanced at the assassins lying on the ground without fear. .

A group of six-leaf cultivators have violently fluctuated from the spirits, so they are so frightened that they are clear, and once the spirits break out, the power is far from being able to compete.

For more than ten days, each of them eats a small bowl of rice every day. In the Jiuyin Ice Cave, a very expensive place to eat, even if you eat three meals a day, it is not enough to eat a complete meal every meal. Small half bowls can only keep them from starving.

After half a month of hunger and cold, they were taken by Qin Haoxuan’s momentum. They had not had the arrogant momentum of entering the Jiuyin Ice Cave, and they had to change Qin Haoxuan’s death to a ambition to take advantage of the opportunity. Now they are inside. In the depths, I only want to be able to walk out of this ghost place alive. How far is it to go with Qin Haoxuan?

When Qin Haoxuan stepped on their companions again, they had no courage to stop it.

Qin Haoxuan, who was holding the 20-leaf charm of Xian Miaojing, did not intend to let them go. He saw him punching one of the dantians, hurting him, but he did not dare to fight back. From these days. The understanding of Qin Haoxuan has provoked him, and he dared to go with you.

The momentum is like this, if you are weak, he will be strong, if you are strong, he will be weak! Qin Haoxuan knows this.

In the next five days, Qin Haoxuan took the time to learn the spiritual power and water the fairy seedlings. Although there were no signs of emergence, the fairy species became much larger, and it was five times larger than the common fairy.

After the time came, under the escorting of the law enforcement disciples, Qin Haoxuan, who had passed the 20th birthday of the birthday, was still out of the Jiuyin Ice Cave. After he went out, whether it was the seriously injured assassins still in custody, or other Ten old oils have been heavily sighed and relieved.

Qin Haoxuan deliberately wants to go to the law enforcement team to report these assassinations. But now the assassins have been seriously injured. They really need to tell the witnesses. The people who are locked in the Jiuyin Ice Cave, I am afraid that only Pu Hanzhong is willing to testify for himself. This matter will pull the water to my good Pu brother, so I am too sorry for my brother.

After thinking about it, Qin Haoxuan decided to not have happened this time. The six-leaf brothers probably didn't have the courage to see themselves in the future.

Going back to Lingtian Valley, where I have been away for twenty days, Qin Haoxuan can't wait to go to Xu Yu's room. After 20 days, I don't know if she has emerged.

Walking on the road, Qin Haoxuan felt that the aura in the room was extremely rich, and soon, a vague purple gas rose from the mad room.

Is it mad to emerge? Qin Haoxuan walked a few steps and saw Zhang’s madhouse outside the mountains and seas.

Many disciples who were attracted by the mad vision were rushing around, surrounded by his house, and the vague purple gas gradually faded away. After everything recovered, the mouth smirked with a smug smile and a proud face. Out, many younger brothers waiting here are congratulating.

“Congratulations to the boss’s successful emergence and become the first person in purple!”

"The emergence of seedlings is the boundary between the immortal and the ordinary people. The boss is amazing. Open the other two purple species, the first one becomes a cultivator!"

"Li Jing's organs are exhausted, and it is futile to use up their minds. In the realm of strength, they will always be one level lower than the boss. He will never be the opponent of our boss!"

"Yes, Li Jing thinks that pulling Yu Yu can compete with the boss, it is simply delusional!"

The younger brothers of these mad camps complimented. After a while, some felt that there was a stranger here. The guess was that many of the savvy brothers who had emerged from the madness had come over. These Xianmeng cultivators were greatly complimented, and the students were touted. The hard work of the brothers and sisters is far from what these new disciples can compare. It is very useful for Zhang Fan, and then it is a cliché gift. This is an indispensable step.

"Congratulations to Zhang Shidi's emergence, one and a half months of emergence, this speed broke the Zongmen's fastest emergence record, even if many of the supreme teachings, there is no such a genius disciple! Zhang Shidi, this is some elixir of the brothers The younger brother is not abandoning." A fairy seedling Wuye brother took a few well-prepared elixir, placed in the hands of Zhang.

"Zhang mad younger brother, this is my homemade remedy..."

"This charm is equivalent to the attack of the ten-leaf strong of the seedlings of the seedlings, and I hope that Zhang Shidi will laugh!"

For a time, all kinds of things that could not be taken out of the hand were taken out from the hands of the hard-working brothers who came from the wind. They piled up beside Zhang’s madness, and finally they piled up almost one person high.

For these pleasing, Zhang mad has become accustomed to it. If no one comes to please it, it is not normal. Gifts are good or bad, all smiled, and then thank you again, although these comrades are irrelevant in the martial art, they also speak. There is no weight, but if you can borrow their mouths to tout the reputation of your servant and corporal, it is not Haoxuan smiled a bit, the last time the ban was closed, and it was maddened to take root. This time, the ban was closed and met with madness. It’s a coincidence to emerge!

Surrounded by the arrogance of the crowd, Qin Haoxuan, who just passed by, smirked in the nose, and the superiority after emergence was born.

No matter what, even if you can find Lingquan, even if you can defeat the strong seedlings, even if you are rooted in 20 days, you are still a mortal, but I have crossed the boundaries of mortals and become a cultivator!

At this time, Zhang Hao madly looked at Qin Haoxuan's mood, just like people look at ants, even the mind is gone! After the emergence of the seedlings, he is more open-minded, he can better understand the meaning of the words of Huanglong real people before, and only Li Jing and Xu Yu are qualified to become his opponents, even Zhang Yang will not work!

In the face of Zhang’s mad look at the eyes of the ants, Qin Haoxuan just smiled and continued to walk in the direction of Xu Yu.

There are still more than a dozen feet away from Xu Yu’s room. Qin Haoxuan also feels a strong spiritual fluctuation, which is exactly the same as the feeling of spiritual fluctuation when Zhang Meng emerges!

This is a sign of emergence, is it that Xu Yu is also emerging? Qin Haoxuan’s heart is happy.

The aura around Xu Yu’s house gradually became rich, and finally it became a faint purple light that went straight into the sky. This purple light is inexplicably inexplicable, as if it was connected to the mysterious world, and opened the Xiuxian Avenue where Heaven and Man are united.

Gradually the purple light is recovered, and Xu Yu’s door is also opened in the next moment. Qin Haoxuan, who is extremely sensitive to the facial features, sees Xu Yu’s face far away. If the fairy smiles like a fairy, even if it is a madman after emergence, it will give birth to a trace. There is no fairy tales, and Xu Yu's temperament is more extraordinary and refined, as if the heavenly fairy does not eat human fireworks.