MTL - Too Early-Chapter 5 Xianling on the stage

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The teenagers climbed into the bed one after another, and in the cold wind they could only accept the dirty and hard Datong shop, and the damp and mild quilt. I want to take a good night's rest, dispel the tiredness of staying up late, prepare for tomorrow's final test, and write a new chapter in life.

Xu Yu is lying next to Qin Haoxuan, and his lips are blue and purple in the thin quilt. Not only Xu Yu, but other new disciples including Qin Haoxuan, who is physically strong, feel the bitter chill.

In the dim candlelight, a black hand reaches Xu Yu and will be wrapped tightly around her quilt.

Xu Yu screamed, and he was a strong and healthy boy next to him. After snatching Xu Yu’s quilt, he glared at him and shouted: "What is it called! If you have the ability, you will take it back!"

He was stunned by him, and Xu Yu’s eyes were filled with tears of grievances. He was thin and thin but he did not dare to argue with reason. At this time, it is useless to say that the man is hard.

Qin Haoxuan next to Xu Yu saw everything in his eyes. The man who grabbed the quilt was so confident and arrogant that he would be angry and rushed to the crown. If he didn’t think about getting out of the limelight, he would have punched it.

"Come, let's sleep a whole bed, so it can be warmer!" Qin Haoxuan took Xu Yu, who was curled up in the cold, and covered his quilt in half, but the quilt was too small. Do not hold Xu Yu in his arms.

Xu Yu’s whitish face was red and hot, and Qin Haoxuan’s movement in his arms did not dare to move.

Qin Haoxuan, who was holding Xu Yu, didn't feel embarrassed. The two men slept in a bed and didn't have a big deal. The scent of Xu Yu's body passed to his nose, which diluted the bad smell of the quilt.

The quilt's precedent was opened, and the chilling and shivering teenagers suddenly became more and more open. Several self-satisfied teenagers began to blatantly robbed, while the robbed people tried to defend their quilts, and several places suddenly became hot.

Li Jing, who is not far from Qin Haoxuan, is also eager to move. Under his eyes, the few powerful children around him are also swaying out to grab the quilt.

These powerful children learned their fists and feet at an early age. Their physical qualities were far stronger than those of other teenagers. When they came out, they robbed several beds. Those who disobeyed were beaten up and beaten, and then no one dared to resist.

Grab the quilt into a quilt and soon received Qin Haoxuan.

The powerful teenager named Murong Chao grabbed Qin Haoxuan's quilt and pumped it. Qin Haoxuan, who had just warmed up and warmed up, was cold, and Xu Yu was awkward. He was cold and scared, and his tears flowed down.

Qin Haoxuan said nothing, from the bed, a squid hit up and climbed up, and the chest screamed in the throat.


A punch in the face of Murong Chao.

Murong Chao went out and walked out, just like the fallen leaves in the wind, fell on the ground one or two meters away, and could not climb for a long time.

Until Murong Chao screamed out loud, several other talents reacted, one by one shocked by Qin Haoxuan's fists.

Murong is beyond the door of the door, martial arts since childhood, learning the military in the fight, the speed of reaction is the fastest among them.

The strongest Murong Chao was put in a punch by Qin Haoxuan, and several other dignitaries were about to smack the scalp. Li Jing, who has remained silent, said: "Let's let you disturb the Qin brothers' rest?"

The few powerful children immediately stopped, although there are fears of Li Jing's composition, but more are afraid of the beastly fierce Qin Haoxuan.

However, Murong Chao, who just got up from the ground, ignored so much. He saw him screaming and pulled a dagger from his waist to Qin Haoxuan. Because the distance was not fast and the speed was extremely fast, the dagger made a smashing sound. .

Qin Haoxuan, who has eyes on the side, is obviously not vegetarian. The backhand grabs Murong's wrist and buckles his artery. Murong Chao's dagger should be a good thing to cut iron. When it is landing, it is deeply inserted into the ground, only the knife is exposed. handle.

Qin Haoxuan, who was holding Murong Chao, kicked him on his buttocks and kicked him away, glaring at the behind-the-scenes black hand Li Jing.

Qin Haoxuan's hot and **** hands actually put Li Jingzhen on, and this person has some skills. If he can pull him into his camp, it is also a good boost.

He came over to the fox, Huwei, and reprimanded Murong Chao for a few people. Then he picked up the quilt that Qin Haoxuan dropped on the ground and stuffed it to Qin Haoxuan. He said: "Tomorrow will test the morning, and the Qin brothers will rest earlier."

Qin Haoxuan continued to sleep with Xu Yu, although there were some sporadic grabs, but no one dared to grab Qin Haoxuan's head.

Qin Haoxuan once offended the three emperors Li Jing, Zhang mad some gloating, can the three emperors be offended?

Considering that tomorrow is the final test, Qin Haoxuan forcibly presses the impulse to go to the sinister poisonous treasure hunt. After all, the final test of tomorrow is very important. If you are sleepy and have no spirit, it is not good.

The next day, it was still bright. In the three crisp bells, the two hundred teenagers immediately got up from the bed and finished the clothes. Go to the open space collection in front of the bungalow.

Under the guidance of the road leader last night, they had eaten breakfast, passed through a piece of exquisite building, and went to the final test site.

After about half an hour, the guides took them to an open-air plaza. At this time, the predecessors who were responsible for the final test at the beginning of the teachings had been waiting for a long time. A man dressed in a fairy-skinned bones was surrounded by them. He is At the beginning, I taught Huanglong to be a real person.

The new disciple was introduced to the final test, and all the major sects were called first-class events. The early-stage teaching was no exception. This year, Huang Long, who had been retiring for a long time, came to the scene.

Incense Burning Festival, in the ethereal music, Huang Long real person personally announced the beginning, an elder went to the front desk and announced the final test content.

"This test is to test your talent level, qualifications!"

It has been recognized by the early-teacher disciples. Standing on the high platform, the hair must be white, wearing a blue-colored robes. The elders who are quite a few sacred bones are actually deciduous real people. This deciduous real person is still the uncle of the Huanglong real person. In the early days, the education was extremely high, and it was closed all the year round.

He and the group of Huanglong real people appeared together, as well as many elders in the stands, showing their attention to this final test.

The true leaves of the leaves: "The genus is divided into colored scent and colorless sin, according to the strength and weakness. The colorless sage is full and not full. The colored sage is divided into ash, brown, blue, orange, red. Gold and purple seven colors."

After the test is completed, regardless of the strength of the genius, I hope that you will not be proud or discouraged. The final achievement of the cultivator cannot be judged by the quality of the qualifications. Efforts can also make up for the inadequacy!"

The test began, and with the name of the fallen real person, dozens of new disciples were tested, but all were colorless and not full of weaknesses.

The high-level people of Xianmen look as usual. Even if all the new disciples are weak, it is normal. The strong and strong species can not be met. As long as there are one or two full colorless fairy species in these two hundred disciples, it is good.

"Next, Datian Town Zhang Yang!"

Zhang Yang went to the test bench and placed his hand on [Ming Jian Xian Yan].

With the deciduous real person breaking into a fairy spirit, [Ming Jian Xianyan] suddenly flashed gray light.


Huang Long lived up suddenly, his eyes blooming with incredible light, and the majestic face could not hide the ecstasy of the bottom of his heart, gray! This is gray! A fairy tales have been passed down for a hundred years, and among the disciples recruited, there is no such thing as an excellent fairy of gray genius!

As long as there is such a gray species, the early teaching will not have any problems in the next two hundred years, or even longer, as long as he can grow up, he can even become a new teacher of the early teaching! Today's teaching, when testing the fairy species, is also gray!

Perhaps the personal fairy tales are very different in the future, but this ash species will definitely become the pillar of the early education in the future!

The elders in the stands were even more excited to stand up, and they were excited and shocked on each other's faces, and they showed some hostility to each other.

Such a good gray, who does not want to accept him as an apprentice? The future of this pulse is likely to be the leader of the early teaching.

"Huang Long Shishu, we have not received the apprentice of Gu Yuntang. This time I look at the child named Zhang Yang below. I have a teacher-in-law with our ancient Yuntang. It is better to be the master of Huang Long, wait until Xianmiao After the period, what made him invest in our ancient Yuntang?"

Several other elders put their eyes on the fat fairy who spoke. This fat fairy is not tall, fat, and the smile on his face is very kind, a goatee with him. When you talk, your chin is shaking, and you have a taste of the sacred bones.

The fat fairy feels that the other people's sights are slightly smiling, and they are holding their fists at the other people: "You brothers, brothers and sisters, you all look at me like this, so do you think so? The ancient Yunzi thanked here... ..."

"Gu Yunzi, I have never heard of you still understand the opposite, shoving the technique. How do you know that this son has a relationship with you? In my opinion, this son and I Xia Yuntang are some teacher and apprentices, in our very early Teach The six 我们 of our Xia Yuntang, that is unparalleled."

Gu Yunzi’s fat eyes turned and looked at the dry and thin people who spoke to the voice. This dress was wearing a purple robe and looked like a red envelope. It was more like a veteran of the Taoist people: “Xia Yunzi, brother, you Xia Yuntang In the past ten years, every time someone has gotten started, you have been robbed. Five years ago, the full-fledged Chi Ming was also taken away by you. Can not all the good seedlings enter your Xia Yuntang?"

"I have agreed with Gu Yunzi... You have a lot of good seedlings in Xia Yuntang, and it will give you a good life!"

A scholar dressed up, quite a bit of extraordinary taste of the Bizhuzi is busy with the voice: "The teacher of the teacher, the fallen leaves of the ancestors, I have no competition with the world, the disciples are more distracted, single-mindedly cultivated for the Zongmen Excellent children, carry forward the light, I am too early to teach, Zhang Yang this disciple has a lot of spiritual roots, if you can enter my Bizhutang, it is bound to burst out of glory!"

Gu Yunzi and Xia Yunzi turned their eyes together, and they realized that there was no such thing as a match between the two, and they were all outfitted. Under the temptation of the gray fairy, the fox tail was finally revealed.

"Cough." A female voice that is as crisp as a glutinous rice sings: "Several brothers, I have always accepted only female disciples in Baihuatang. The yin is too heavy and lacks masculinity. I must have the generosity of several brothers. Will this Yang give me the Baihuatang?"

Su Baihua's Baihuatang was unique in the early days of teaching. The female disciples under the door were often ignored by other cousins. The acceptance of women was not the unwritten rule of Baihuatang. I did not expect Su Baihua to make an exception.

“It’s not right!” Gu Yunzi shook his head and shook his head, and took out a white jade bottle from his arms.

This white jade bottle was just taken out, and the entire stage was filled with a strong scent.