MTL - Too Early-Chapter 38 Since ancient times, Huaiyu must be guilty

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The elders of Chu looked at Qin Haoxuan, who was able to sleep on the field, and his eyes became strange again. The simple reasoning in the underground was not possible. It was necessary to combine many knowledge of cultivation and cultivation. Not necessarily accurate.

Born in the wild mountain people, I know Qin Haoxuan who meditates and sleeps during class. How do you find these three pieces of land?

瞧 His resolute attitude yesterday, it must be known that these three pieces of land are extraordinary, will let Xu Yu follow him.

Reminiscent of his first day of breaking seeds, and with a body of ordinary people, defeated the three-leaf and five-leaf cultivators of Xian Miaojing, the more the Chu elders think, the more weird, is this kid's talent different? How can a talented person be a weaker kind of cognac?

If it is not an obstacle, he really wants to take Qin Haoxuan carefully and ask questions.

After the elders of Chu left, other disciples also dispersed, and began to desperately pick water to irrigate the fields, preparing for the future upgrade of the spiritual land. The stimulated Li Jing, Zhang Mang and Zhang Yang were no exception. Although the three of them were also spiritual, Spirituality is also divided into three or six, and their spiritual land is precisely the worst in the spiritual world.

Only Qin Haoxuan sat alone on the field to sleep until someone kicked him up.

"Wake up, wake up..."

A nasty voice will awaken Qin Haoxuan who sleeps on the field, and there are mixed hands and kicks.

Qin Haoxuan opened his eyes and stood up. He was a handful of disciples who were flustered in the air. One of them was holding his hands in a low-heavy arms and looked at himself with arrogance.

The look on their faces is simply a typical template for bullying and bullying. When they see these people, Qin Haoxuan guesses that it will definitely not be a good thing, especially if they kick with them. Self, this kind of disrespectful behavior makes him uncomfortable.

Although they saw that their strengths were not bad, the short and chunky ones even had the cultivation of the seven leaves of the fairy seedlings, but he still used the tone of no humbleness and no fear, saying: "Is there something?"

The handy brother who looked at the dog's legs and legs said, "You are Qin Haoxuan Qin Shidi?"

"it's me."

"That's right, let me introduce, this ancient Xiaoyun Gu brother, the younger brother of Xian Miaojing Qiye! The ancient brothers are here to bring you, if you know each other, you can go sideways in the early education!"

"Oh, carrying? I don't need it."

Qin Haoxuan yawned and directly refused the dog's leg rhetoric. He slammed him in his throat and said that he did not say no.

"Oh, my younger brother will not speak, Qin Shidi does not see strange." Seeing the atmosphere is awkward, Gu Xiaoyun came up to play a round field, glanced at him, put on a face and a smile, and approached Qin Haoxuan Road "Today, I came to discuss things with my younger brother and make a deal."

"The ancient brothers please say straight." Qin Haoxuan looked up to see Gu Xiaoyun suddenly felt a flower in front of him, as if looking at the ancient Yunzi, he slammed the hoe, only to find that the person standing in front of the eyes and the ancient Yunzi is not one person, only It’s just that their outlines are similar, and the tone of their speech is similar to the smile.

After seeing Gu Yunzi’s calculations, Qin Haoxuan’s defenses against these immortals are even more serious. They are even more convinced that there is nothing to offer, such as being an inferior disciple who is just getting started. In the eyes of others, There is no background, no strength, but they still have nothing to do with their smiles, it is worthy of vigilance.

"My brother, I have a field here. Although it is not like the spiritual land of the fairy goddess Shiye brothers, it is also a first-class spirit. Today, I heard that Qin Shidi found a place with a spiritual spring underground, so deliberately come. Change with you."

"Can we exchange the land privately between our disciples? The elders of Chu can say that these things cannot be banned."

At this time, the dog's legs quickly interspersed, with a bit of arrogance in the tone, said: "If other people change the land, of course, but the ancient brother is the relatives of the ancient Yuntang Tang Gu Yunzi real people, he wants to talk to others Just change the block, who would be so uninteresting?"

This ancient Xiaoyun really has a relationship with Gu Yunzi, or a relative uncle, Qin Haoxuan smiled: "It turns out. So I can not change?"

"No!" Gu Xiaoyun was in a hurry, and his face slammed his face. Then he felt that he was out of his mind and opened a smile. He said: "Qin Shidi, you have to think clearly, I don't want to press you as a brother, just You think, after the exchange of the brothers will cover you, Zhang mad and others do not dare to treat you, who will give you the face of my brother."

"Do not change." Qin Haoxuan stubbornly shook his head, exchanged with you today, I will have a good object in the future, you will come to me to change, this precedent can never be opened.

Just now, the ancient Xiaoyun, who was still in the color of Yan Yue, was stimulated by Qin Haoxuan. The smile was immediately gloomy. A pair of small round eyes screamed at Qin Haoxuan and made a sigh of wanting to swallow him. He whispered: "Qin Shidi I advise you that if you want to know how to do it, you can live comfortably at the beginning."

Qin Haoxuan still shook his head, and the eyes of Gu Xiaoyun’s eyes were full of disdain. Don’t say that your uncle is just the ancient Yuntang Church, even if you are teaching the Huanglong real people, how can you cultivate the world of the weak meat? Attach yourself to your survival, take your own spiritual springs for your spiritual land, and please you, the guy who knows how to make a fortune with the elders. How can you be like this guy in the future?

After the ancient Xiaoyun, the few dog legs began to swear: "Ancient brother! He does not change, we will pull all the crops in his field, planting and smashing!"

"Yes, pull him to change!"

Gu Xiaoyun did not say anything, completely acquiesced to the words of these dogs. They saw that Gu Xiaoyun did not object, and one by one, they would grab their sleeves and they would start.

Qin Haoxuan also pulled down his face and stepped back in front of the few doglegs. He snorted and said: "Who dares!"

When Qin Haoxuan drank, the few dog legs were opposite each other, but they were the second and third leaves of Xian Miaojing. They remembered that Qin Haoxuan had defeated the rumors of the five-leaf door of Xian Miao, and hesitated.

"Why don't you dare?" At this time, Gu Xiaoyun was not willing to show weakness. When the uncle of the ancient Yuntang Church was a patron, he himself had a sacred seedling, and he was always in the Lingtian Valley. Even Zhang Zi mad Li Jing, a purple disciple, is very polite to him, and Qin Haoxuan, a weak disciple who just started a few days, dared to challenge him, which is undoubtedly a very serious challenge for him!

Under the supervision of Gu Xiaoyun, the two singer Miaojing two-leaf disciples were bold and strong, and the two sides were arrogant and arrogant.

At this moment, Xu Yu and Murong Chao, who came back from the water, were hitting this scene. Xu Yu lost the bucket and ran over and shouted: "Stop!"

When I saw Xu Yu and Murong Chao came back, Gu Xiaoyun’s fat face was gently twitched, and there were a few distributions in his heart. It’s just a thought of Qin Haoxuan’s land, and he really couldn’t let go, and finally he One horizontal, I still have an uncle of the ancient Yuntang, afraid of what they do!

"I am doing things, nothing to do with you, don't worry about nothing!" Gu Xiaoyun sank his face and said, "Take aside."

"Hao Xuan brother's business is my business! Do you want me to try?" Xu Yu has known the value of the purple species, the waist has long been hard, although Murong Chao did not speak, but also stood in silence Beside Qin Haoxuan.

Two special disciples were ran out one after another, and one of them was a purple sinensis with unlimited future potential. It stood at the end of Qin Haoxuan with a very determined attitude. The ancient Xiaoyun was somewhat guilty, and it was an uncle. Yunzi is now in the high position of Zongmen, but after decades it is the world of these special disciples. It is irrational to offend them now.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoyun’s momentum is weak, but he turns to think about it. Even Zhang Zi and Li Jing, two seemingly more successful future generations, are also polite in front of them, Xu Yu Girl girl, a little face does not stay, how to mix it out!

Gu Xiaoyun glanced at Qin Haoxuan, and with a few dog legs turned away, he went to began to ponder how to retaliate against Qin Haoxuan.

The publicity that sees this in his eyes is even more glaring. After Gu Xiaoyun left, he also quietly followed up and stopped them in a secluded corner.

"Ancient brother, ancient brother, please stay."

An old-fashioned Gu Xiaoyun saw Zhang Yang, a new disciple whom his uncle valued very much. He paused and asked impatiently: "What happened, I didn't see that I was bothering!"

"Brothers, that Qin Haoxuan has always been Zhang Hengyi, squatting with Xu Yu as the background, playing tricks between Zhang Fan and Li Jing, no one in Lingtian Valley dared to offend him, more indulging his arrogance, just now you can Seeing it, he is disrespectful to you, and he is disrespectful to Master and his old man. This is no honor!"

Zhang Yang’s provocation was provoked, and the several dog legs that had been eaten were smothered and added. In their mouth, Qin Haoxuan became the wicked person who bullied the ancestors.

Looking at the increasingly gloomy face of Gu Xiaoyun, Zhang Yang made a final conclusion: "You are a monk who is a sacred sacred sacred sacred priest. After a few days in Lingtian Valley, Master will take you to Guyuntang. Cultivate. If you haven’t cleaned up his method for the time being, I’ll see it today, or just let it go, so that it’s not good to pass it out on the face!”

Gu Xiaoyun was so irritated by Zhang Yang, where his face was still hanged, and his heart was inexplicably raging: "A weak species in the district, with a little dog and a soft meal, thought that no one had cured him. If I can't cure him, I won't believe in the ancients! Besides, I am a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sect.

Gu Xiaoyun said, the sleeves left!

Looking at the back of Gu Xiaoyun's angry anger, Zhang Yang's face floated with a smug smile, Qin Haoxuan ah Qin Haoxuan, I would like to see when you can arrogant!