MTL - Too Early-Chapter 1557 Celestial Palace

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Among the lakes and lakes.

Qin Haoxuan and others found that the water palace was extremely huge, but it was very quiet. The place is too broken. Even so, it can be seen that it was once brilliant.

"It's broken here, but I can't see the trace of being broken. I don't know why it is so broken." Xing said as he looked around, and continued: "Although the power in my body has been drawn, but this The body is really special, but it is a rare birthplace. If you find a good place and practice it, you can certainly recover a lot. "

"The ability to seek dragons and explore acupuncture points is not what I am good at. It can be found with my consciousness, but the formations left here make my consciousness unable to expand the search." Qin Haoxuan shook his head slightly: "This aspect cannot help you, But the swallowing friends should be able to help you. "

"Lao Qin, it's not that I said you, you are too shallow in the end ..." Xing Yixia's uneasy appearance shook his head again and again: "Uncle Ben doesn't need any help from others. Although this water house is ruined, it may be seen The once glorious, this grade of Dongfu, there will inevitably be such a good place. When the uncle uses his heavenly means, you will also learn well. "

"I ... I know ..." Bai Ling heard the conversation between the two and spoke weakly, reaching for the east direction of Shuifu: "The place you said is over there."

"Do you know this?" Xing Man glanced at Bai Ling in disbelief, but he still sat down cross-legged and calculated, but half of the time, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Bai Ling with surprise: " Really there, how did you find it? "

Bai Ling, as a matter of course, said: "I saw it."

"See? Can you see it directly?" Xing suddenly looked jealous: "Lao Tzu is a strange world now, I can't see it, you can see it at a glance!"

"Speaking of ... you still don't need to emphasize the strangeness of the world." Qin Haoxuan looked down with contempt: "You are just a defective product, not a complete body."

"That's still a strange world, and it's a unique existence today." Tossing dragged a sentence and ran straight to where Bai Ling said, sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, and began to meditate.

Aside, Bai Ling also sat down and began to practice.

On the side of the two, bursts of air rose, the aura overflowed, the air vibrated, and the cultivation of the two people was growing at a terrifying speed.

"This ... the rapid growth rate, with the cultivation practice of the two of them now, the cultivation actually caused the surrounding space to shake!"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the two of Xiu Wei's soaring faces with amazement. He was very surprised. Why did the two of them practice so fast?

Is it just because their bodies are different, one is a dragon, and the other is a child of heaven and earth?

But the body is different, why do you practice so fast?

Qin Haoxuan is full of two people who are curious about insight and cultivation.


The cultivation of the two people is obviously different, but how can it be [Zero Zero Reading 00kxs] Some resonance ...

Is not right, it is not that there is resonance between the two of them, but their fluctuations, their fluctuations are similar to the way of heaven and earth.

Cultivation is to go against the sky, and at the same time to pursue the way of heaven and earth.

Cultivation of Xiuxian's cultivation, in addition to the growth of cultivation, is actually to try to be as consistent as possible with the fluctuation of the way of heaven and earth.

The world is the source of everything. Close to the source is the avenue.

Actually, everyone wants to get close to the source, but everyone is just imitating it. How to get close to the source depends on you.

And now, he has a ready-made template in front of him.

Qin Haoxuan's thoughts moved and adjusted his breathing and the flow of aura in his body, imitating the fluctuations of Bai Ling and punishment.

Compared with the ancestors who swallowed the Sea Demon Lord and other people who entered the Feixian ruins, his practice time is indeed short, but it is only relatively short. .

But this time, when he imitated the fluctuations of heaven and earth, he produced a kind, and soon entered the state of being mysterious and mysterious.

Prior to cultivation, unless you have a feeling in your heart, you can quickly enter this state. If you are practicing at an ordinary time, you will not know how long you can enter this state without awareness, and even if you practice this way, you will not be able to enter this state. Kind of status.

The heart has sentiment, whether it is sentiment to others' skills, or to the grass and trees, or to the sentiment because of the human heart, all of this belongs to the world.

'S perception of heaven and earth is a better understanding of heaven and earth. Naturally, it is convenient for heaven and earth to resonate, so you can enter that state.

Now, he imitates the fluctuations of heaven and earth. When he is close to heaven and earth naturally, he can enter such a state very quickly. Although he is closer to heaven and earth when he feels in his true heart, he is also close to heaven and earth.

If the world is a mansion.

Felt something in his heart, he entered the inner door of the mansion and wandered at the door of the room.

And now he imitates these fluctuations, but enters the gate of the mansion.

As for the simple practice before, he just wandered outside the gate of the mansion, and occasionally could take a glimpse of the mansion while the door of the mansion opened.

In addition, if you practice like this, you can also withdraw from the state of cultivation. Unlike before, once you reach the level of cultivation, you can't stop. Once you stop, you will get out of the way.

Slowly, he even discovered that he can imitate the fluctuations of the world and practice, and even expand his own perception. The higher the cultivation level, the larger the field of perception.

This is the way to approach heaven and earth. It is recognized and favored by heaven and earth. It is easier to perceive the world.

Cultivation is the way of heaven and earth, and should be close to heaven and earth, not repelling heaven and earth.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly realized in his heart, under the whole person, bursts of air rose, and vaguely he seemed to be integrated with the world, giving people a sense of confusion.

Around, a pure aura madly poured into his body.

In his mind, the three characters "Southern Gate" and the words "钅" and "Big" continue to emerge.

Behind him, Tao palaces emerged.

In the beginning, his Taoist palace was a fairy palace, but later, his fairy palace was damaged and turned into a Taoist palace.

At this time, in this Dao Palace, there was a faint surging air.

The Taoist palace inscribed with the characters of [Nan Tianmen], the fairy qi condensed more and more.

In the trance, he seemed to return to the same day, condensing the scenes of Yin and Yang fairy trees, turning into four elephants and gossip.

His own fluctuations are constantly approaching the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth. In the water palace, a pure breath seems to be attracted by the vortex, pouring into his body frantically.

The Lord of the Swallowing Sea Demon was guarding the side, feeling the breath passing by him, feeling that Qin Haoxuan was faint, seemingly contained in the whole world.

All living beings are part of the world!

Qin Haoxuan's body has turned into countless fairy tree forests, and also gently swayed with the fluctuation of his body. The fluctuation of the whole fairy tree forest is also getting closer and closer to the fluctuations of heaven and earth.

An immortal air seemed to be coming from nine days away, like a drizzle of rain moistening the whole fairy forest.

Qin Haoxuan's body exercises, the ground under the fairy tree surging, the power of the exercise is like fertile soil, and a branch grows wildly under the earth.

He, Qin Haoxuan, created his own exercises to change the way of heaven and earth, and was recognized by the way of heaven and earth.

What if the Xiangong is damaged?

That day, he condensed the fairy palace, and today, he can still turn the palace into a fairy palace.

Qin Haoxuan resonated with heaven and earth as a whole, and a breath of fairy gas poured out from the forest of fairy trees.

Fairy tree!

This is the real fairy tree!

At this moment, he is the illusion of the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth.

Behind the seven Dao Palaces behind him, the mist was misty, the glow was flowing, and the pure, non-human atmosphere slowly spread to the surroundings.

"Then ... that's immortal!" The swallowing sea demon suddenly opened his eyes like Qiuyue, his beautiful face was full of surprise.

Qin Haoxuan's seven Dao palaces were hidden and oscillating, something seemed to break out of the earth.

Suddenly, at the same time, the seven Taoist palaces made a muffled sound, and the sound echoed through the water palace.

Practitioners and Bai Ling opened their eyes one after another, looking at Qin Haoxuan with surprise.

Under the seven Taoist palaces of Qin Haoxuan, fairy trees emerged.

The Lord of Swallowing the Sea Demon was completely stagnant. This is the fairy tree in Qin Haoxuan's body. How did his fairy tree come out? And ... this fairy tree ... how come there are so many?

She has heard that some people are favored by nature, and she is born with two fairy trees.

Two fairy trees are favored, but what is Qin Haoxuan? Hundreds of fairy trees have formed a dense jungle of fairy trees! He has broken the way of heaven and earth!

Pieces of dense forest floated seven Taoist palaces on top of the tree. Fog condensed in April and Monday, and the more the more the more, the more it seemed to return to the state before the sky and the earth, as if to return to chaos, the ancient and wild atmosphere filled the water house ~ ~ Immortal gas circulates endlessly in the seven Tao palaces.

Xian Gong!

These seven Taoist palaces have turned into fairy palaces!

In a short moment of swallowing the sea demon master, there was a shock in my heart that had never been seen in a long time.

Qin Haoxuan knows that the body's exercises continue to run.

Xian Gong!

He imitated the fluctuations of heaven and earth, and resonated with heaven and earth. More importantly, he once created his own exercises and his own forest of fairy trees.

So, he recovered the fairy palace again.

Naturally, he could not enter that state unless he felt the fluctuations of the strange wombs of heaven and earth. If there is a fairy king here, he may also feel the fluctuations of the strange wombs of heaven and earth.

Even, in these years no fairy king appeared, except for the rules of heaven and earth, but also because no one has seen the birth of heaven and earth.

This tire of heaven and earth seems not to be comfortable with the rules of heaven and earth, it is the real darling of heaven and earth.

And Zi Zi is also known as the darling of the world, perhaps their fluctuations are also inherently different, but these fluctuations are hidden deep, and outsiders can't even notice it?

If he thought of a sentence.

If you get the Purple Seed, you will get the Supreme Education.

If it is the key to understanding the Purple Species, and then help others adjust the fluctuations, even if the fluctuations of others cannot be similar to the Purple Species, it is much stronger than the ordinary cultivation state.

I ’m afraid that Supreme Master ’s do this, they just need to hide the exercises and them. No wonder Supreme Master ’s exercises are so strong. It turns out that it ’s all because of the Purple Species. The exercises are close to the way of heaven and earth.