MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 40

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The scenery changes in four seasons. If ordinary people see it, they may want to find it like this from now on.

I can only have fun in my dreams!

Free flowers and monthly pass to order,

A lot of comments, a lot of support,

Immediately on the shelves, rush! .


Adhere to originality, put an end to illegal commitments I am short of money to spend when I am in love, and guarantee that the contracted work belongs to my original,

And in the creation process, the creation is strictly in accordance with the Feilu Writer Convention,

Adhere to originality, put an end to the following violations, if there is any violation, we are willing to bear all the consequences caused by it

1. Guarantee that the contracted works belong to their own original works, and do not involve plagiarism or plagiarism in plots in Chinese translation

2. Guaranteed not to plagiarize any third-party works or plots during the creation process

3. Guarantee that the work Feilu is the first release and the only signing website

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5. Guarantee that regardless of the number of words of the work, the contracted work must complete the plot, never unfinished, let alone finish

Author's short story:

Finally, it was boiled and boiled, and it was on the shelves. I won't talk nonsense anymore.

I hope you will support us a lot! Give them all for free, brothers, don't be stingy!

numbers! numbers! Codewords make me happy!

I still want to thank many people for their support to me all the time. The author is really slow in writing.

And some content is not the best in my mind, thank you for including me,

Please comment more, the author will interact! .

075 The Calamity of Transcendence

After finishing the matter with the Jia family, Ye Chen returned to Ye Mansion with his entourage.

The closer it gets to the end of the year. The bustle of the capital is even higher, people are not at all precarious about the coming storm,

And tension, maybe this is the ignorance and happiness of the people at the bottom!

Ye Chen didn't care about what happened in the court, anyway, whether he rebelled or not, it wouldn't affect his small life.

But from a historical point of view, Wu Sangui and the others will definitely fail!

After returning home, Ye Chen lived a leisurely and shameless life again,

He didn't play around with the maids all day long. It is to invite three or five friends to go out and listen to music.

Or take the three little ones to play and hunt around. Life is called a carefree life!

Some people are happy and some are sad, Wu Sangui, who is far away in Yunnan, is furious at this time!

"Hateful! Hateful! Shameless Kangxi kid. How dare you bully me like this!

It is really intolerable! Originally, our military training preparation was just to prevent him from jumping over the wall to attack us in a hurry!

But look! "

Wu Sangui took the secret report in his hand and yelled at everyone in the hall!

As he spoke, he threw the letter to his generals and counselors.

The generals took a look at the letter, and it turned out that it clearly recorded that at the Great Court Meeting,

The dialogue between Kangxi and the ministers of civil and military affairs to discuss the withdrawal of the vassal. And most of them advocate deception and force!

I remember every word and every sentence clearly. It seems that Wu Sangui also has eyeliner inside the court!

And the position is not low, even a certain minister in the court meeting!

"What! How dare the imperial court withdraw the domain rashly?"

"Damn it! The court is still trying to trick the king. The words of this dog tartar are really unbelievable!"


There was a burst of fierce reprimand and abuse from the generals in this hall!


Seeing his subordinates filled with righteous indignation. People are available! The old-looking Wu Sangui overturned the desk in front of him,

"Forget it! Now the dog tartar kills the donkey, if it weren't for my Wu family,

How could Nurhachi, a sheep-herding servant, be able to sit on the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Lord?

How dare you deceive me like this? How dare you go back on promises of benefits from my lineage! snort! hateful!

That being the case! Don't blame the king for being rude. It is said that the emperor takes turns to do it. There is no reason why he can sit.

I, King Pingxi, can't sit still, all the soldiers obey orders! "

When all the subordinates heard what Wu Sangui said, they were also very excited, as if they saw some peerless treasure.

They all knelt down and shouted:

"The subordinate is (the minister is...) listening to the prince's order!"

"From now on, the soldiers will continue to drill every day and prepare for battle all day long!

Food, grass, chariots and horses are ready, and swords are refurbished! In the past, you have eaten soldiers' blood and paid for nothing! I know all about 650.

But time does not wait for me, if this event is successful, you all have the merits of being a dragon, and it is no problem to be named a marquis and a prime minister!

If not, hehe! You also arrange your wives and children well. Let's go underground to accompany the king to continue the relationship between monarch and minister! "

As Wu Sangui spoke, he looked at the soldiers kneeling on the ground, and some of them could not help but tremble at this moment.

However, he didn't care too much. When the water is clear, there will be no fish. He is not afraid that his subordinates are not greedy, but that they are incapable!


"Should bear!"

A handsome young man stood up from the ground, clasped his hands and said:

"My son is here! Father, please give me instructions!"

Wu Sangui looked at the young man at the bottom, and was a little dull, as if he saw the shadow of himself from him.

The same extraordinary handsome man, the same rebellious.

It's good to be young, is it true that time is the most precious wealth?

Forget it, let your father create the last foundation for you!

After thinking about it, he picked up a few letters that had been placed beside his seat.

"Ying Xiong, take these letters and hand them over to Uncle Shang and Uncle Geng.

Do not hand it over to a third person, remember to remember!

Father, I have already scheduled an event with them in the spring of next year, with our Wu family taking the lead.

The time to occupy Guizhou is a signal, and then we will send troops to fight against the Qing Dynasty together! "

Wu Yingxiong bowed to accept the letter from his father, sincerely, but the joy on his face could no longer be hidden!

Thinking vigorously, among the three families, my Wu family is the most powerful. Sure enough, I, Wu Yingxiong, also have the destiny to be the emperor!

Seeing Wu Yingxiong's joy, Wu Sangui didn't speak to stop him. After all years of planning,

The hidden strength is so huge that even he doesn't know how to lose!

At this time, Wu Sangui still had a thick stack of letters in his hand, and continued:

"Jiang Jin! You come up!"

A middle-aged man got up and went back:

"The subordinate is here! Please give orders from the lord, I dare not refuse!"

"Okay! Jiang Jin, I have always seen your loyalty,

Your Jiang family has been with my Wu family for five generations, and you are loyal, and this king knows it all!

This letter is to be handed over to Cao Shenji, governor of Guizhou, who was originally my subordinate.

It can be regarded as being loyal and commendable, and will definitely be able to cooperate with this king! So Guizhou Prefecture is at your fingertips! "

Jiang Jin took the letter paper and said:

"This subordinate obeys orders! If something goes wrong, this subordinate is willing to die here!"

Wu Sangui looked at his reaction and nodded in satisfaction.

"Chen Hao! Li Ming! Be loyal! Wanke, where is it!"

Among the soldiers in the hall, four more stood up and said loudly:

"My subordinates are here! Please give orders, my lord!"

"You four, take these letters and hand them over to Sun Yanling in Guangxi,

Yang Laijia from Hubei and Wang Fuchen from southern Shaanxi are my old friends and former subordinates of this king.

It must not be a big problem to agree to start an incident! As for this last letter"

After speaking, Wu Sangui looked at the letter in his hand, as if he had made a big decision!

"Wanke, you will deliver this last letter to King Chahar in the capital, in which the king has explained his interests.

But this trip is full of dangers, if it is not feasible, everything is possible! Please turn around and go back,

It's a small matter that comes to light, this king doesn't want to lose your right-hand man! "

When the four underground people heard such affectionate words from King Pingxi, they all had tears in their eyes. Said in unison:

"Don't let the prince down, this subordinate will leave!"

Then Qiqi turned around and left, immediately completing the task arranged by Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui watched the four people leave, looked at the remaining courtiers and said loudly:

"Since ancient times, things have been done, and only one out of ten can get things done. If you have a way, you can't stand without faith!

Now that we have decided to order anti-Qing, offering wine, it's up to you to usurp and write the documents for asking for Qing!

Ben Wang reads a sentence, you memorize it, and help him polish it by the way, this is your specialty! Hahaha! "

Such a joke made the rest of the courtiers laugh, and the tension in the hall was instantly swept away.

"The old minister dare not, the prince is already knowledgeable, the old minister An dares to show off!"

An old man said, slowly stood up from the ground, picked up a pen and paper and began to record.

Wu Sangui suppressed his smile, and said angrily and sadly:

"Originally guarding the Shanhaiguan General Army Officer, now under the decree of the President's Commander-in-Chief of the World's Water and Land Marshal Xingming Ji, General Wu,

To inform the civil and military officials, military and civilians all over the world to know:

The town is deeply rooted in the Ming Dynasty, and the Shanhaiguan was ruled by the town. For a while Li Ni advocated chaos, gathered millions of thieves, and ran rampant all over the world.

Xuan Kou Jingshi, the pain of the collapse of the Empress Yi Huang Lie, tragic!

... Unexpectedly, the cunning captives will go against the sky and betray the alliance again, take advantage of my inner emptiness, dominate Yandu, steal my first imperial weapon,

Changing my Chinese crown clothes, I know the wrongness of refusing tigers to attack wolves, don't hold back the mistake of fighting fire with salary.

The town is stabbed and vomits blood, regretting too much, and will fight back and chase the north, sweeping away the fishy smell...

It is said that the barbarians have no way, treacherous and evil, and the Confucians of morality and righteousness are all subordinates;

The monarch is dim and the minister is dark, the officials are cruel and corrupt, the mountains and rivers are miserable, and the women cry. As a result, comets flow and fall, and the heavens complain;