MTL - Tomb Robbery: Starting From the Classic of Mountains and Seas-Chapter 15

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I don't know what traps the Tartars outside have set up! It is not advisable to stay here for a long time, or it is better to go early.

As for the tomb and Changqing, we will just ask the other branches to come and help us when we return to the clan land."

After saying this, he saw that his already stooped body became even more bent.

While they still had something to say,

Suddenly, there was a stranger in the scene!

"Who! Who are you and how did you appear here?"

Looking at the Zhang family around him, they raised their weapons and surrounded him.

Ye Chen didn't say much either. Then move his hands, the speed is fast. It brought snow all over the ground,

Snowflakes fluttered in the air one after another, accompanied by splashes of blood. It actually gave people a strange sense of beauty!

In less than three minutes, the ground was full of members of the Zhang family.

Everyone howled. Broken limbs are not uncommon.

These are the results of Ye Chen's deliberate carelessness. For the children he raised,

These members of the Zhang family are the best sparring materials, and they should not be wasted.

Remove their skeletons and tie them back together with ropes.

Ye Chen patted the non-existent dust on his hands, and looked at the Zhang family members who were **** one by one.

Once upon a time, these people who still required him to stay up late to watch dramas, to look up to, to envy,

Now they are all falling into his hands one by one! The desire to make him stronger became even stronger.

The author wants to end here, free flowers and monthly tickets come here!

Welcome everyone to comment, thank you! .

030 Visiting the Tomb Alone

Ye Chen walked along the traces of the Zhang family.

It didn't take long to see the hole hidden by weeds, which was very narrow.

It can only allow children aged 6-7 to get in smoothly. If someone who doesn't know it sees it, they will definitely mistake it for a lair like Huang Daxian.

It is absolutely unexpected that there are tombs hidden inside, let alone dozens of adult men passing through the entrance of this cave!

Immediately, the kung fu started to run, and there was a "click, click" sound all over his body. The bones are tightly contracted.


Ye Chen slowly climbed down from the entrance of the cave. He could also vaguely see the pitch-black passage.

After climbing for about five or six minutes, I finally came to the corridor.

The corridors are all made of good bricks and stones.

With the appearance of Ye Chen, all the white phosphorous oil lamps on both sides ignited spontaneously.

The road from the corridor to the tomb was suddenly brightly lit.

Many traps were destroyed by the Zhang family who entered first.

Passing through several potholes, the pits are full of jagged sharp knives. There are still a few corpses of the Zhang family left on it!

Seeing this, Ye Chen jumped over and passed, and as he went forward, he encountered more traps!

Looking at the corridor ahead, there are dozens of arrows inserted into the wall, and only the tail of the arrow is exposed outside the wall.

One can imagine how dangerous the mechanism here is!

Ye Chen dodged a few times, and passed quickly with a tap of his feet.

These organs designed to deal with ordinary people are a bit childish to him.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Chen finally arrived at the place where the main tomb was.

He pushed **** the door of the tomb, and found that the door had not moved at all.

Thinking that the inside should be supported by the Broken Dragon Stone, he breathed out the spiritual energy in his hand for a while.


He heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground in the main tomb, and then pushed it lightly. The door of the tomb was opened.

"Ding - Detected that the force of Feng Shui is absorbing"

"The host's blood fusion degree increases by 8%"

"Reward the host for collecting monsters and alien beasts once. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the alien beast tengu. May I ask the host how to extract it?"

"Can you introduce the ability of Tengu? System"

"Tengu is a beast of the Yin Mountain, shaped like a cat. It exorcises evil and avoids evil, and is extremely ferocious!

If the extraction ability will increase the restraint of the host against the evil spirit. Increase the speed and agility of the host itself!

You can get its talent and ability to break the illusion, and you can see through all illusions."

Listening to what the system described, this bloodline and skills are not of much use to him.

Because Ye Chen already had the boosts in many aspects, and the skill of Po Wang was also repeated with his own double pupils.

"System, can I pass on these bloodlines to many people?"

Thinking of the subordinates I have trained, if the best of this group of children can get blood,

Then his background will be greatly enhanced, and he will no longer worry about the Zhang family and the Wang family!

"A host is possible, but the host needs to sacrifice enough Feng Shui power"

It's just tomb robbing, Ye Chen thought for a while and asked the system to keep this reward.

As for the bloodline, he doesn't plan to pass it on to too many people, it's not because he's worried that he won't be able to control it.

Because of the system, he has enough control over all the bloodlines inherited from him.

But forging iron requires hard work after all!

His original purpose of cultivating this group of children was to allow him to absorb energy conveniently!

So investing too much is not in his interest.

Thank you for your company along the way, the author himself still has many shortcomings. So the author will study hard

I hope I can write better and better, and bring you better content and post-viewing experience, thank you everyone!

There is no need for flowers in this chapter, just use the monthly pass, haha ​​thank you everyone! .

031 Demon Corpse!

Ye Chen: Power: 120

Speed: 130

Wisdom: 200

Shipping: 240

Life: 18 (500)

Bloodline: Bai Ze bloodline (Fusion level 22%)

Skills: Double pupils (eyes of data), mastering yin and yang, warding off all evil.

Water and fire are impenetrable, with copper skin and iron bones, turning danger into luck (20% of the bloodline activates racial talent. Any host whose life is in danger will surely turn danger into luck!)

Martial arts: "Ling Feidu", "Qianye Finger", "Thirteen Taibao Golden Bell Cover", "Turtle's Breathing Kungfu"...

Taobao space: (80 cubic meters) 5 million taels of silver and 2 million taels of gold.

There are countless rare treasures of all kinds. 3 tons of water, meat...

Ye Chen stepped into the main tomb,

I saw a sarcophagus placed on a stone platform with a height of 1 meter in the center of the tomb.

Judging from its shape, it should be taken out from a whole big stone.

Sometimes he has to praise the craftsmanship of the ancient Chinese workers. This is a huge project, and there are patterns carved on the surface of the sarcophagus.

Flowers, birds, fish and insects, Jiangshan Sheji are clearly visible after thousands of years!

The surroundings of the tomb are painted with murals of life, and the colors are attached. lifelike

Looking at the depiction of the tomb owner in the murals, there are five diagrams in total.

Ye Chen looked from right to left

on the first picture,

In a gorgeous palace, a dragon entered the body of a graceful and luxurious woman.

The left and right servants all knelt on the ground.

Second picture:

A middle-aged man in a Han royal robe happily holds a baby up high,

The woman in the first picture is sitting beside her, while the rest are kneeling on the ground with excited faces!

The third picture depicts the naughtiness of the child and the love of the parents, and the guards around him are guarding it.

But in the dark corner of the painting, Ye Chen saw a woman looking at the child viciously.

The fourth is precisely the saddest scene described in these murals

The child lay in a coffin in royal robes,

The middle-aged man and the elegant woman who appeared before all looked at him with miserable faces.

The surroundings were densely packed with people in white mourning clothes.

The fifth picture is the weirdest place, it depicts a young man walking out of the coffin again.

At the foot of the mountain, there are densely packed soldiers and civilians kneeling on both sides to greet them.

Looking at the young man frantically!

Looking at the descriptions on the murals and Ye Chen's understanding of history, he already guessed the identity of the owner of the tomb.

Presumably this is the shortest-lived emperor "Liu Long" in history.

Looking at the sarcophagus in the center, Ye Chen also showed a rare solemnity!

Whether it's the huge rewards of the system or the meaning expressed on the murals,

They are all warning Ye Chen that this sarcophagus is not a good boy who "kept his own way"!

But even so! Ye Chen is not afraid of it either, because he has this confidence now.

He walked in front of the coffin, inserted his force into the gap, and lifted the stone coffin.

What catches the eye is blood-colored jade, not a solid red,

It is a color that shines and flows in the bright place. At first glance, it looks like it has just been sprinkled with blood!

From the moment the air was exposed, a strange atmosphere permeated the entire tomb.

"Demon Burying Blood Jade": Catch the monster with cubs, dig out the unformed cubs in the belly,

Then put the jade stone with spiritual power into it until the jade stone completely absorbs the blood essence of the mother's womb and takes it out after it dies. Repeat this dozens of times and it will be successful!

(It can absorb the power of evil spirits in the air, and if placed on the dead, it can speed up the transformation of the dead.)

Looking at a coffin-sized blood jade, Ye Chen fell silent.

How many monsters have to be sacrificed to make it! Liu Long was buried here for thousands of years.

Cooperating with the dragon spirit of Changbai Mountain, I'm afraid this time it really raised something amazing!

Ye Chen slowly held a section of the blood jade and put it into the space, he didn't want to be destroyed when he would fight.

"Roar! Roar!" Just as he took away the blood jade,