MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 30

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Next to Master Lu Chen, he also folded his hands together and recited "Amitabha Buddha."

"This donor Zhang's storytelling is indeed very interesting."

"Oh? Master, have you heard Mr. Zhang's storytelling?" Wu Laogou and Jude Kao couldn't help sitting upright.

All three of them looked at Elder Chen in unison.

Lichen nodded: "I'm fortunate enough to hear a paragraph."

"Although it is impossible to judge whether the plot in the book is true or false, the plot is ups and downs, and it sounds a bit more thrilling than being in the tomb."

After listening to Master Chen's words, the three of them fell silent.

They knew very well that the stories Zhang Chen told were true.

Those tombs are real.

"The words are divided into two parts."

"Zhang Qiling ignored Wu Xie's questioning and ran down quickly."

"Wu Xie found out that maybe the truth is right in front of you."

"Just follow quickly."

"At the bottom of the pool, the water vapor keeps rising, forming water mist."

"They only walked a few steps. The fog at the bottom of the pool has spread rapidly, and the visibility is less than two meters."

On the high platform, Zhang Chen talked eloquently.

The audience below was really excited and applauded.

This underwater tomb is completely different from ordinary tombs.

Mysterious, weird, and breaking common sense.

"Under the sea tomb?" The red girl looked at the people around her with a bit of surprise.

"Do you think this is true or false? This story sounds very interesting, but it is full of loopholes."

"Do these people really think there is no problem?"

Hearing what Hong Gu said, Wu Laogou and Jude Kao laughed.

"I originally came to listen to the book. Whether it's true or not, this book sounds comfortable."

"That's right, I'm just a listener, why bother with so much." Elder Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Cut..." The red girl rolled her eyes and gulped down her cup of tea.

Many of the listeners around came here for the first time after hearing about Zhang Chen's reputation.

Like the red girl, many people are skeptical.

But with Zhang Chen's narration, everyone was immersed in the story and forgot their suspicions for a while.

All of them became Zhang Chen's loyal listeners.

"This storyteller is very strong, how did he come up with those institutions?"

"Simply, I still haven't figured out how those tombs move, what are the tombs, and the right tomb."

"These institutions are simply against the sky. If I encounter such institutions, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out in this life."

"Ha! I still ran into the organ, didn't you see the monsters there, the twelve-handed female corpse, and the scorpion, are these things people can deal with?"

Zhang Chen sat on the high platform and continued to tell the follow-up story.

With his narration, the popularity of storytellers is also surging like crazy.

According to this momentum, reaching the peak of life is not a dream.

Zhang Chen thought about it beautifully, took a light sip of tea, and closed the folding fan with a 'shuh', and continued to talk about it again.

"Let's talk about the aftermath."

"In the fog, a few silhouettes can be discerned vaguely in the fog."

"Those silhouettes look big, Fatty Wang and Wu Xie approached quietly, wanting to see what it was."

"I saw four stone monkeys in the mist. These stone monkeys were squatting on the stone seats and facing the four directions, as if they were praying for something."

The fan in Zhang Chen's hand swung abruptly, making a 'swoosh' sound.

Then continue.

"That stone monkey, nothing else, is the Dinghai stone monkey."

"It is said that Dinghai stone monkeys are generally sunk under ponds and used to ward off evil spirits."

Aunt Hong pouted. She knew about the Dinghai Stone Monkey, and she had seen it before. She had seen it around when an ancient tomb was excavated a few years ago.

That stone monkey should have been established during the Warring States Period.

It's not a small thing, but it's not worth a lot of money.

At this time, I only listened to Jude's examination and asked Wu Laogou.

"Mr. Wu, you've been to Dooduo. I wonder if you've heard of such a thing?"

Jude Kao looked at Old Dog Wu with a bit of excitement, as if he was curious about this thing.

"It's not very common in tombs."

Wu Laogou hugged the little yellow dog and leaned lazily on the chair, looking at Zhang Chen on the high platform with half-squinted eyes.

After a long while, he slowly replied: "As Zhang Chen said, most of these stone monkeys will sink in ponds and lakes, and they are rarely seen in tombs."

"So Jude, brother, are you interested in this thing?"

When Jude heard the test, this thing was not in the tomb, and he lost interest in an instant.

ps: Ask for flowers! Ask for a review ticket! Flowers break a thousand plus one chapter, evaluation tickets break a hundred plus one chapter, reward a thousand plus one chapter, and any monthly pass plus one chapter! ! .

Chapter 44 You want to chat, go out and chat (please ask for an evaluation ticket!)

On the other side of the high platform, Zhang Chen ignored the reactions of these listeners and continued to talk.

"In the fog, Wu Xie took a few steps forward."

"I saw that in the middle of the four Dinghai stone monkeys, there was a Daqinggang stone monument more than two meters high."

"My little brother is looking at the stone tablet with a flashlight and watching it carefully."

"Seeing this, Wu Xie stepped forward quickly and asked the little brother if he remembered anything."

"Little brother shook his head, and instead pointed at the cornerstone of the stele in front of him."

"When Wu Xie saw this, he immediately stepped forward to check the cornerstone, only to see a few lines of small characters engraved on the cornerstone."

"It is written above, 'The owner of the tomb once built a temple, and the door to the temple is recorded on the stone tablet. If there is a fate, the door to the temple will naturally be opened.'"

Hearing this, many people below began to whisper.

Anyone who has been to the grave knows that.

Many tomb owners like to leave words in their tombs.

These words are usually curses or prophecies.

This is the first time I've heard of it.

"Heavenly Palace? Is there really a palace built in the sky in this world?"

"The door to the Heavenly Palace, is it possible that when the door is unlocked, it will open, and people can go to heaven?"

"I don't think it should be. Some ancients like to make fun of it. Who knows what he means."

"Don't interrupt, then listen down, Mr. Zhang said about the ladder."

On the high stage, Zhang Chen took a sip of tea and did not wait for everyone to ask questions.

Continue down the story.

"Wu Xie translated the text on the cornerstone, and Fatty Wang was immediately annoyed."

"There is nothing on the stone tablet, let alone handwriting, not even scratches."

"Instead, it was Wu Xie. He found that the stone tablet was polished very brightly, like a crystal clear jade."

"Fatty Wang complained that there was no content on the stone tablet at all, and he didn't see a word."

"And Wu Xie teased him, 'It will only be opened if it is written here. You have no relationship with Tiangong, of course not.'"

"And Fatty Wang was also unwilling to be outdone. After a 'bah', he bent over to look for something in the water mist. While he was looking for it, he muttered, 'It doesn't matter if I don't have a fate with Tiangong, I just have a fate with Mingqi.'"

"Haha, this Fatty Wang is really real in this world."

"Who said no, we went to the tomb for the purpose of the ghost? If it were me, I would think so too."

"Am I the only one who thinks this way? Maybe all the gold, silver and jewelry are in that heavenly palace?"

"Hi... it's really possible."

"I just don't know if this tomb is real."

"Whether it's true or not, this time it's different from the blood corpse tomb. It's an underwater tomb."

"Who said no? If you want me to say, it is more important to study the existence of the seabed tomb than to study whether there is really a clue to the Lu Palace in the blood corpse tomb."

Most of the people who come here to listen to the book are Tufuzi.

They were originally very curious about what was in the tomb.

Listening to Zhang Chen's remarks, they only felt that their blood was boiling, and they could not wait to rob two tombs now to release them.

On the high platform, Zhang Chen continued to tell the story.

"Fatty Wang spent a long time in the fog and found a lot of diving goggles and diving suits."

"Fatty Wang said: 'It looks like a lot of people have come here.'"

"On the side, the little brother looked at the huge stone tablet with an ugly face, and he didn't know what he was looking at."

"Wu Xie walked up to Fatty, patted Fatty's shoulder, and said, 'When my third uncle went out, there was no diving equipment on him. These things may belong to him. Look if there is an oxygen bottle.'"

"Soon the fat man took out a flattened oxygen cylinder from the water."

On the other side, Wu Laogou, who had been quiet all along, sat up slightly when he heard this.

He had heard it before.

The third uncle of the protagonist in Zhang Chen's book is called Wu Sansheng, the same name as his youngest son.

It's just that he can't be sure what this Wu Sansheng has to do with the one in his family.

Seeing him sitting up straight, Jude couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Wu, you heard about Wu Sansheng."

"I've heard about this too."

Seeing that Jude had broken the test, Wu Laogou didn't hide it, and nodded in agreement.

"That's right, I'm here this time because of my little one."