MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 215

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"The person also said that this mark will be displayed when it is cold, so tomorrow, the inspection will start early in the morning, and you should know that some people will end up."

After speaking, Adjutant Zhang left.

All the doors and windows of Zhang's residence were not closed.

Everyone stood there for a while~ at a loss.

"This is too ruthless. Mr. Zhang said that the unicorn tattoo of the Zhang family in the northeast appeared when it was hot. I didn't expect Wang Zanghai to have the means to show the mark of the snake eyebrow copper fish."

"Hey, man, what is the snake-eye copper fish, the same as the unicorn tattoo of the Zhang family in the northeast - is it?"

"How would I know this, when I was reading with Master Zhang Dafo last time, I heard from Master Zhang Dafa, I heard that Zi and things have great power."

"Hiss, isn't this snake-browed copper-fish mark also powerful?"

"But it only shows up when it's hot, so it's a bit uncomfortable."

The man looked around.

He said in a low voice, "Tell me, is Master Zhang going to prepare ice cubes?"

"I don't know, the adjutant didn't say it. It will be done tomorrow morning. It takes a long time to prepare things. It is not so easy to make ice now."

"Forget it, I originally thought that Master Zhang would kill indiscriminately, but I didn't expect Master Zhang to actually have a way. You said that this method wouldn't be revealed by Mr. Zhang."

"I don't know. The Wang family that Mr. Zhang said is now the test method that Mr. Zhang said. Isn't this a brain-dead, it certainly can't be."

"Never mind, I don't have any ghosts in my heart. Go back to sleep and see you tomorrow."

After speaking, the crowd dispersed.

Several of them were obviously a few steps slower.

And this step is a bit stiff.

Zhang's garden.

There was no one in the night shift, and it was very quiet. Only a few insects were buzzing there, and the noise was drowned out by this sound.

"Could this be Lord Buddha's plan to lure snakes out of their holes? Is the Wang family really exposed?"

"I don't know, but who told the test method? This person must be very familiar with my Wang family."

"It should be the storyteller, only he knows."

"I received a message today that one of our people in the capital died, and the body is still unknown."

Several people frowned.

"It should be what the storyteller did, otherwise it would be impossible to understand our Wang family so clearly."

"Probably not. Someone in the capital said that the person disappeared during the storytelling period. Zhang Chen can't smell the news from the person's mouth while talking on the stage."

"It's really strange, no matter what, we can't stay here any longer."

"Yes, if we stay any longer, we will be completely cold."

"Can we escape now?"

"Hey, after so many years of lurking, the underground of this house has already prepared a way to escape, how could there be no way to escape."

When everyone heard this, their faces were filled with joy.

"This feeling is good, let's go now."

"What's the hurry, in the middle of the night, now I don't expect, the people of Buddha are waiting outside."

"Yeah, go back and have a look at the watch, and give this piece of dust to the agricultural materials. A storyteller acts like a detective all day long."


Outside Zhang's house.

On a dark eaves.

Lord Zhang and his adjutant stood in place as if they were integrated into the night.

"Has no one come out yet?"

"It seems that what Mr. Zhang said is not necessarily correct."

The adjutant on the side nodded in agreement.

"But judging from what happened at the Crescent Hotel, the Wang family must exist. As the first of the nine gates, our Zhang family should also be one of the first choices of the Wang family."


The two waited quietly.

The night was shrouded in dark clouds, and a dull breath came.

"Ready to close the net."

Wherever the two looked.

A few dark shadows swayed out of the grass.

next moment.

A huge net rose up, directly hanging several people in the air.

Strangely, there was no shouting at all.

Surprisingly quiet.

The few people in their pockets seemed to have lost their intuition.

In the darkness, Master Zhang Dafa and Fu Guan walked out slowly.

"I didn't expect there were really big fish. Go and see!"

The adjutant followed closely.

It wasn't until I walked in that I found out.


"Tick! Tick!"

A crisp sound dripped on the stones on the ground.

The adjutant on the side immediately squatted on the ground.

The index finger wiped the unknown object on the ground and put it to his mouth to smell it.

A stench of stench came immediately.

"Buddha, it's blood! But this blood has been corrupted."

Master Zhang was stunned for a moment and took off his gloves.

He dipped a little blood on the tip of his nose and sniffed.

"It's highly poisonous, give this pill to eat."

Saying that, Master Zhang threw a pill.

The adjutant ate it without hesitation.

Just in case, some poisons are poisonous by the smell.

"There should be no one left, but I'm not sure if there are people inside who dare not escape."


The lieutenant found something wrong.

He bent down hastily.

Just when Zhang Dafa was about to touch the net pocket.

The lieutenant stopped in time.

"Be careful, they didn't commit suicide by taking poison. There is a lot of poison on the Internet."


Master Zhang was busy collecting and recycling, and his heart palpitated for a while.

If this happened just now, I don't know how it died. There is no next Qilin to treat it.

Afterwards, Master Zhang's face became ashen.

"It seems that there are still people, it's not that we want to kill them, there are other people!"

"Who set up this net?"

Lord Zhang Dafa asked in a cold tone.

The adjutant thought for a while and said, "I arranged it."


A look came over.

"You set the amount?"

Then, Master Zhang shook his head.

The adjutant knows best, it can't be him.

Who will it be?

Just now, they were just staring at everything in front of them.

Nobody came here.

The time of the net distribution and the time of the authoring are completely staggered.

Immediately after.

Lord Zhang Dafa remembered what Zhang Chen said.

"The Wang family is everywhere."

Thinking of this, the whole body shuddered, and a chill came directly to my heart.


Early the next morning.

Zhang House.

"Wocao! Mr. Zhang is really amazing. I didn't expect that there is actually a Wang family."

"The Buddha's methods are also ruthless. Let me tell you, the few people who died last night have no bones left now, and they have turned into a pool of corpse water."

"It won't happen, Mr. Zhang, I beg you, don't make this thing out again."


"Really, Mr. Zhang can turn the world of tomb robbers upside down with just one sentence."

"I heard that the Buddha went to the capital early in the morning, and now Mr. Zhang has followed his words. Do you know? Just yesterday, a super-large hole was blown out of the roof of the New Moon Hotel in the capital. The person who was beaten to death directly killed the one who spoke madly."

"Ai! If I were rich, who would be a slave here, I would also go to the capital to listen to Mr. Zhang's lectures."

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang's tickets for the Crescent Hotel are not free to enter. Even the noble families in the capital can only enter the upper-class families now."

At this time.

The person beside him suddenly said.

"I found out that the Wang family members were not killed by the Buddha last night."

"Who else would it be if it wasn't the Buddha?"

"So let me tell you, when the Buddha caught them with the net bag, those few people were already cold. I heard that when they were poisoned, the net bag was poisoned."

"However, this net pocket was set up by the adjutant."

Everyone's face is stunned, outsiders don't know, don't they know?

"The adjutant's loyalty to the Buddha is well known."

"Ai, in fact, the Wang family didn't do anything unfavorable, but when Mr. Zhang said it, it was incredible."