MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 81

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"Woo! Woooo!"

The whistle sounded, the train also drove out of the tunnel, and the light came on again.

"Who are you?!"

"Get out of here!"

The next moment the light came on, there were several roars of cursing in the aisle.

The nine subordinates of Peng Sanbian had already spotted Zhang Qisan blocking the door of room two, and Er Yuehong who was looking at Peng Sanbian face to face.

"What are you arguing about! Go and bring my good wine to the second master!"

Seeing a few younger brothers surrounding Zhang Qisan, Peng Sanbian narrowed his eyes and smiled at Er Yuehong.

"Second Lord, I really like watching your plays. Today I must buy you a drink."

Of course he knew that Er Yuehong and Zhang Qisan were unfriendly visitors.

The reason why he didn't do it directly was that he had seen Er Yuehong.

He went to Changsha City to listen to Er Yuehong's opera, and he was a fan of Er Yuehong's opera. Even the songs he listened to along the way were Er Yuehong's.

If it was replaced by other thieves, he would have done it long ago.

After finishing speaking, Peng Sanbian glared at his subordinates outside the door and looked at Zhang Qisan.

Seeing Peng Sanbian's eyes, the thugs surrounding Zhang Qisan immediately understood what Peng Sanbian meant, and moved their right hands to their lower backs one after another.

Seeing this scene, Er Yuehong and Zhang Qisan also knew it.

It must be fought!

But none of the dozen or so people noticed that there were more than a dozen silver lights flickering slightly on the roof of the carriage.

"Get ready for the cave! Watch out for pickpockets!"

At this time, the conductor's shout sounded again.

Hearing this shout, Peng Sanbian, Er Yuehong, Zhang Qisan and the others all froze.

The next tunnel is the last one.

Now is the best time to start!


Almost at the same time, Er Yuehong and Peng Sanbian punched each other at the same time.

Outside the door, Zhang Qisan also fought a few thugs with knives.

Hearing the movement in the next carriage and the aisle, Wei Chuan grinned.

Skills are good.

However, it is much worse than him.

If he made a move, he would be able to beat a dozen people including Zhang Qisan, Eryue Hongpeng and Sanbian within half a minute.

Before he knew it, he had reached the realm of being invincible.

As soon as the two groups of people started, the train drove into the tunnel again.

There were endless crashes and beatings.

After about ten seconds, the train pulled out of the tunnel, and the light came on again.

Before the train drove out of the tunnel, Wei Chuan also heard the sound of windows opening and two bursts of wind.

next moment.

Wei Chuan took out the fire attribute star map bead glowing blue from the space ring.

"Let's do it... it's better to be safe with Wuliangyehuo."

With a murmur, Wei Chuan put away the star map beads again.

at the same time.

Peng Sanbian also noticed something was wrong.

Looking around, Er Yuehong, who had been grabbed by his wrist before, became his subordinate at some point, and his nose and face were bruised and swollen from his beating.

And the other subordinates were also scuffling together, and there was even a scene of their own people beating their own people.

Seeing this, Peng Sanbian hurriedly cursed:

"Stop **** beating, you bunch of trash!"

"Where are they?"

Hearing Peng Sanbian's words, the nine thugs all stopped, and looked around with doubts on their faces.

"Third Master! The window is open, I think they have escaped!"

At this time, a thug who saw it pointed to the car window and said something to Peng Sanbian.

"Damn! How dare you play me!"

"They stole my name card, so they must be going to the Crescent Hotel!"

"When I get to the Crescent Hotel, I want them to look good!"

Peng Sanbian slammed on the car window with a dark face, and said in a cold voice.


At this moment, a blue light fell from the roof of the car and landed on Peng Sanbian's shoulder.

Peng Sanbian wanted to shoot upwards.

But the next moment.

He just saw more than a dozen blue lights falling from the roof of the car, falling on the bodies of his subordinates.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Peng Sanbian instantly realized that these blu-rays were tricky.

These bluish-glowing things are naturally Dapu ghost bugs in the form of infinite karma.

Dapu Ghost Worm didn't give Peng Sanbian and his nine subordinates a chance to think.

In just an instant, more than a dozen Dapu ghost insects found their targets respectively, turning into streaks of blue light and hitting Peng Sanbian and others' necks.

For those who don't have precious blood and magic weapons for body protection, Dapu ghost insects are the real messengers of soul ecstasy.

In just an instant, Peng Sanbian's nine subordinates turned into fly ash under Peng Sanbian's horrified eyes.

Even if Peng Sanbian's skills are not low, he only lived two seconds longer.

At this time, there was no one in the aisle, only a small layer of dust on the ground, which looked very strange.

At this time, Wei Chuan had already reached the top of the train.

"Hey, Old Eighth Qi?"

"Are you waiting for me?"

Seeing Qi Tiezui standing on the top of the train, Wei Chuan couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the train had already exited the cave, and on the track next door, there was another train running side by side.

And Qi Tiezui was trembling, watching the other train swallowing his saliva.

"Master Wei! You didn't leave either!"

"That's right, I'm just waiting for you, why don't you take me for a ride?"

When he saw Wei Chuan, Qi Tiezui's face suddenly warmed up, and he gritted his teeth against the strong wind and walked to Wei Chuan's side, grabbing Wei Chuan's sleeve firmly.


Wei Chuan grinned.

How could he not know that Qi Tiezui didn't dare to jump out of the car.

After waiting for two seconds, after all Dapu ghost insects flew back, Wei Chuan grabbed Qi Tiezui and jumped onto the rear of the opposite train at the moment when the two trains were about to separate.

(I forgot that there was Yin Xinyue earlier, so I changed the detailed outline.)

(Master Reader said whether to accept it or not. I wrote two branches for this plot, and I can write it down whether it is acceptable or not.)

(The current flower price is 139443. If you get up to 140,000 tomorrow, you will accept it. If you don’t accept it, please don’t send flowers.)

(In addition, my health is almost in good condition. From tomorrow onwards, I can have at least three chapters a day, and strive to recover from the fifth shift as soon as possible.).

Chapter 156


"How about it?"

Seeing the door open and Er Yuehong and Zhang Qisan walk in, the girl suddenly smiled.

She saw Er Yuehong and Zhang Qisan both had smiles on their faces, so she thought everything was going well.

"Seeking victory in danger, slightly better!"

Sitting next to the girl, Er Yuehong took out the name card from her bosom, and said with a smile.

"Hmm...why didn't you see Eighth Master?"

Looking at Zhang Qisan and Er Yuehong who were smiling, the girl asked with some doubts.

"Eight Master?!"

Hearing this, Er Yuehong and Zhang Qisan looked at each other and exclaimed.

"Are you only thinking of me now?"

Just when the two of them were about to get out of the carriage to find Qi Tiezui, Qi Tiezui's complaints also came into the carriage from outside.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them saw Qi Tiezui walking into the carriage with trembling legs, followed by Wei Chuan with a smile on his face.

"Master Wei, Master Eighth!"

Seeing that Qi Tiezui was fine, Zhang Qisan and Er Yuehong were both relieved.

"Buddha, Second Master, you guys are so mean, you actually forgot about me!"

"If you hadn't met Master Wei, maybe you wouldn't have seen me!"

Qi Tiezui sat directly next to Zhang Qisan, shaking Zhang Qisan's arm, with an aggrieved look on his face.

"Hehe, how could it be, Ba Ye, you didn't make a calculation for yourself before you went out?"

Opening the hand on the arm, Zhang Qisan rolled his eyes.

"Of course it's over, there is no danger!"

"Otherwise, how dare I risk my life with you..."

Hearing Zhang Qisan's words, Qi Tie grinned and waved his hands.

"But it's really dangerous. For such a crap, it almost cost us our lives! Isn't Xie Jiuye known as the most intelligent person in the world? How could he come up with such a bad idea!"


Hearing this, Er Yuehong and Zhang Qisan looked at each other and laughed helplessly.

Their plan is very simple, that is to search for the position of the name post first, then grab it by hand, and leave after winning.

They got the news that there were two trains leaving Changsha Station on the same day to Peiping.

One is from Changsha Main Station, and the other is transiting from Yinchuan.

Although the routes are different, there is a time to meet in the middle.

That is the last tunnel, and the two trains will pass each other in the tunnel.

As long as they get the name cards smoothly, they can jump directly to another train to Peiping in the end.

It's difficult for ordinary people, but for fighters like them, jumping a train is just a child's play.