MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 46

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Nodding his head, Wei Chuan pointed to the mummy everywhere and said:

"These mummies are obviously prisoners or slaves. We have seen on the high platform before that those bronze statues are more or less flawed, but how could King Xian allow his heavenly palace and mausoleum to be decorated with defective products? It should be these The reason why the craftsmen wasted time and materials made King Xian furious and punished him severely."

"This should be the statue casting workshop for the king. It exists to build the tomb. And this workshop can't be too far away from the tomb."

Speaking of this, Wei Chuan smiled meaningfully, stepped on his feet lightly and said:

"This bronze statue is not light. Isn't it tiring to climb the cliff and carry it up?"

Hearing this, Chen Yulou immediately clapped his hands: "That's right! The plank road is narrow, and it is impossible for people to carry these bronze statues of chariots and horses up!"

"That is to say, the tomb passage still has to go down! Or there is another entrance in the water, and the bronze statue can walk through the water, saving time and effort!"

"That's right."

With a chuckle, Wei Chuan pointed to his feet.

"The water eye vortex in the water dragon's halo has too strong suction and cannot be approached, so the Tomb of the King Xian is not in the water eye, it must still be in the middle of the mountain. Judging from the body of the water dragon halo, this is the location of the dragon's head. "

"And ascending to heaven by stepping on a dragon, one must step on the dragon's the Tomb of the King Xian cannot be above the mountainside, but it is right under our feet!"

"Either dig directly, or go into the water again to find the tomb passage!".

Chapter 94

After discussing for a while, everyone finally decided to go into the water again, but only Wei Chuan and Xiao Hei went into the water, and the two leaders who moved mountains and unloaded mountains.

Except for these four people, the experience and skills of the others are a bit lacking, and they may not be able to hold their breath for so long.

So, back to shore. After each tied the extended safety rope, the four of them dived into the water again.

The water in the pool was relatively clean and clear, and the four of them were also people with excellent eyesight, so they quickly saw the situation in the center of the water eye.

This whole pool is like a funnel.

The lower it gets, the smaller it becomes, and the bottommost water eye vortex is the long mouth of the funnel. Beside the long mouth of the funnel, there are two slopes that **** downward.

It's just that on the mountain wall on the left, there are rows of flat boulders, and it looks like the entire mountain wall is like a toppled city wall.

When they saw this mountain wall, the eyes of the three people behind Wei Chuan brightened. It seems that the entrance to the tomb of King Xian is here!

Swimming two steps further downstream, I saw a cave entrance above the huge rock wall. The cave entrance was surrounded by huge stone beams, but it was soaked in water for too long, and the top was already covered with water plants and green moss. No wonder the Partridge Whistle didn't see such a huge door beam the first time it went into the water.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, and they swam towards the entrance of the cave with the suction from the vortex in the water eye.

After entering the hole, the suction in the water is also greatly reduced. The three people except Wei Chuan also took off the bamboo baskets with a lot of gravel on their backs, and swam vigorously towards the cave.

No one knows how long the hole is, so they can only swim with all their strength.

There is no stone gate at the entrance of the cave, and after entering the tomb passage, there is no mechanism blocking the way in front of them, which makes Wei Chuan and the others a lot easier.

After swimming forward for about half a minute, the tomb path in front of him began to **** forward, which was a stone slope, and from this stone slope, the tomb path became several times wider.

Going upstream along the slope, you can cross the water level without swimming two steps.

As soon as his head came out of the water, he could see a blue-gray giant stone gate standing at the end of the stone slope. There is also a bronze gate tower on the top of this stone gate, which means the gate of heaven.

The shape of the Tianmen Gate is extremely exquisite, and the size of the copper door on the door is just enough for a person to pass through. Passing through the Tianmen Gate, you can directly enter the tomb.

Generally speaking, this gate of heaven should not exist, because it is obviously for the convenience of Daedou people, and there is no need to break into the trap.

Only some ascetics, or those who want to become immortals after death, will leave such a gate of heaven in their tombs.

He thought that if he could be dissected into an immortal after death, or be reborn, then he would be able to come out directly from this gate of heaven and see the light of day again.

After all, those who played a lot of tricks in life thought that they might be reborn as feathers. I was afraid that I would be stuck in the tomb after my rebirth.

Looking at Shimen in front of him, Wei Chuan also heaved a sigh of relief.

It's fine if there are no accidents.. That means this is the last level!

33,000 points, Xinjue, Bagua Town Corpse Nail, Suzaku Lingyu... Hehehe!

At this time, the one who was more excited than Wei Chuan was the partridge whistle. The moment he got out of the water, the partridge whistle couldn't hold back anymore, panting and shouting in surprise:

"Tomb passage! It really is here! Muchen Bead¨"! "

"Okay, okay...As expected of Brother Wei, he touches Captain Jin, seeks out dragons and acupoints, and his words must be true!" Chen Yulou also shook the water off his head with a happy expression on his face.

Even if we don't move only the King Xian's Tomb before the flood engulfs the Hulukou Passage, we can wait for the flood to recede after the rain and clear sky. As long as you find the King Xian's Tomb in advance, you can feel at ease!

Chen Yulou immediately untied the safety rope on his body, and tied a circle knot on the rope.

"Three, let's untie the rope, and first report to the brothers that they are safe."

Hearing what Chen Yulou said, everyone nodded, untied the rope, and tied a round knot. This round knot was a signal used when unloading the mountain into the water, and a circle represented a hole.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou pulled the rope violently, and within a few seconds, the four safety ropes were instantly pulled out like whips.


Twenty people divided into four teams, frantically pulling the rope. With a thud, the end of the rope was pulled out of the water by everyone.

Seeing that there was no one on the four ropes, Hua Maguai, who was leading the command, suddenly changed his expression and rushed to the ropes.

Seeing that the ropes were all marked with holes, Hua Maguai's face was overjoyed, and he turned around and said:

".々I found the entrance of the hole! Tie the rope to the tree, and tie the other end to a stone for me to sink, ready to pull at any time! Put a few more!"



Partridge Whistle threw the flying tiger claws in his hand, and they stuck precisely on the beams of the Tianmen.

The four of them also followed the flying tiger's claws, and jumped up to the gate of heaven easily (by Li).

The small copper door in the middle of the Tianmen is tightly embedded in the Tianmen. It can be pushed inward or pulled outward. It's just that the bronze door in front of me is obviously locked by a mechanism inside, and it can't be pushed in, so it can only be pulled out.

Chen Yulou immediately took out the small **** blade, inserted it through the gap in the copper door, and then slid up and down.


There was a crisp sound of metal breaking, and Chen Yulou slammed the copper door open.

As soon as the bronze door was opened, a disgusting strange smell spread out. It was not poisonous gas, but Yin and corpse Qi that had stagnated for a long time, making it feel cold and disgusting.

(Mobile phone codewords, one chapter in four hours, is really uncomfortable.).

Chapter 95

"The yin and filth in this tomb are extremely heavy, just in case... take these two pills."

Wei Chuan put his hand into his bosom, took out a few detoxified Caohuandan and Pohuandan from the space ring, distributed them to the three Xiaohei, and ate two of them himself.

Thinking that the task reward is in sight, Wei Chuan will not back down halfway, in order to avoid accidents, take some medicine first.

Everyone swallowed the elixir without even looking at it, and the four words of anticipation and excitement were almost written on their faces.

After passing through the Tianmen Gate, everyone entered the inlaid passage connecting the tomb gate and the tomb chamber. There are also several rows of bronze figures and chariots lined up on both sides of the inlaid road. Judging from the features of their faces and clothing, they should be made with reference to the army of the former Dian Kingdom.

Each bronze statue is lifelike, stern and mighty, several grades higher than the defective products in the previous casting workshop.

"This specification is what King Xian should have! This is indeed the tomb of King Xian!"

When seeing these bronze statues, a smile appeared on Partridge Whistle's face.

Hearing this, Chen Yulou sneered and said:

"There are so many people guarding under the gate of heaven, this King Xian really never forgets the beauty of ascending to heaven and becoming an immortal no matter where he goes."

"Whether he becomes a fairy or not, go in and see how many treasures this King Xian has hidden. I saw that there is nothing wrong with this passage." Xiao Hei urged, and then took the lead to walk in the front.

Everyone had no choice but to keep up quickly. When walking through these bronze statues, they could really feel a sense of oppression. This is the effect of quantity.

After walking through the inlay at the beginning, the next tomb passage is much bigger.

On the rock walls on both sides of the tomb passage, there are several large holes filled with countless gold and jade artifacts. Looking at it at a glance, it is really no worse than the Jinshan in the Tongtian Great Buddha Temple!

It is indeed the wealth of a country!

Moreover, the artifacts in the Tongtian Great Buddha Temple were hastily hidden before Xixia was destroyed, and they are not considered the wealth of a country. But the tomb of King Xian is different. King Xian took countless treasures from Dian Kingdom and looted all the villages near Zhelong Mountain.

The treasures in the King Xian's tomb are definitely much more than those in the Tongtian Great Buddha Temple.

Bronze wares, jade wares, bone wares, pottery pots... as long as it is the above-mentioned types, there is everything that one expects to find.

Of course, the big gold pancakes and silver pancakes were the most. After all, in the eyes of King Xian, the other artifacts were just good decorations, far less valuable than gold and silver.

Now that Wei Chuan is throwing a piece of contemporary miscellaneous jade on the ground, if it is dug up thousands of years later, it will be priceless..

When they saw the pile of gold and jade on the rock wall, Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle and Xiao Hei immediately surrounded them.

Partridge Whistle was looking for Muchen Bead, while Chen Yulou put on an appearance of an intellectual and praised those artifacts repeatedly.

As for Xiao Hei... that is to directly pick up the weapon and put it in the backpack behind him, so he is not afraid that he will not be able to run later.


Seeing this, Wei Chuan froze on the spot for a moment, with a helpless expression on his face.

He originally wanted to enter the main tomb as soon as possible to get the Muchen Bead and Dragon Bone Book of Heaven.

However, right now it seems...

"Okay, this is what you guys did first!"

Wei Chuan secretly smiled in his heart, and walked to a cave with his back to the crowd, and reached out to touch it.

According to the old rules, those who are worthy of luck will be taken back on the spot, and the place in the interspatial ring is reserved for his favorite collectibles.

'Ding! A painted pottery tripod was detected, worth 30 luck points, should it be recovered? '

'Ding! The string pattern black pottery pot was detected, worth 40 luck points, is it recycled? '

"Recycling, tsk tsk tsk..."

Seeing the rising luck value, Wei Chuan felt extremely happy, and the movements of his hands became faster and faster.

But Chen Yulou was still busy appraising treasures, and Partridge Whistle was busy looking for beads, so he didn't have time to pay attention to him at all. On the contrary, Xiao Hei looked at him with a bit of sourness, pouted his lips, and looked a little unhappy.

'Ding! A purple gold four dragon mirror was detected, worth 25 luck points, is it recovered? '

"Good stuff.. I'll keep this for myself."

Wei Chuan searched for three to five minutes before stopping, because Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou were already preparing to leave for the main tomb, and Xiao Hei was also carrying a bulging backpack with a satisfied grin on his face.

"The Muchen Bead should have been brought into the tomb by King Xian. Hehe...but that's true, King Xian is counting on Muchen Bead to live forever, so why would he put Muchen Bead in these vulgar things?"

After searching for nothing, Partridge Whistle also shook his head and laughed.

How could such a treasure as Muchen Bead be placed at will? He thought too much.

Chen Yulou twitched his lips when he heard the word 'vulgar thing' in the partridge's whistle.

He came here for these vulgar things... and now there are countless gold and silver, piled up like a mountain, he can only look at them alone, and he can't bring much. He could only go out and find someone to move it after visiting the tomb. He was not as big as Xiao Heixin, and he dared to carry dozens of kilograms of things while visiting the tomb.

"Hey, Brother Dao doesn't have to be like this, the Muchen Bead must be right around the corner. After today, the thousand-year pain of moving mountains will also disappear completely!"

Chen Yulou laughed dryly, and then said something to the Partridge Whistle.

There must be more and better treasures in the tomb owner's coffin. Even if he can't take it away this time, he still needs to know what's inside!

"En!" Hearing this, Partridge Whistle nodded abruptly, and walked side by side with Chen Yulou towards the next section of the aisle.

Seeing this, Wei Chuan and Xiao Hei also followed.

Just before lifting his foot, Wei Chuan glanced at his panel, um... the balance is very exciting.

[Host: Wei Chuan]

【Age: 20】

【Luck Value: 14250】

[Physique: Xuanwu Body]

[Skills: Shenxiao Cross Thunder Sutra, Sixteen-Character Fengshui Secret Technique, Paper Man Standing Technique, Kuixing Kicking Fight, Xuanming Sixteen Hexagrams, Wenzi Jue, Guishui Alchemy, Panlonghalberd Technique...]

[Items: Spatial Ring, Coiling Dragon Halberd of Ghosts and Gods, Coffin Nails of Seven Star Town, Great Five Emperors...]