MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 39

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"Tibetan Heavenly Jade!"

Looking at the translucent strange jade coffin, Chen Yulou blurted out directly.

"It's just why the jade coffin grows with the tree... If it is said to accompany the mausoleum of the king, this jade coffin from the hidden sky is also worthy. But there is an old tree growing next to the coffin, which is the first of the five Yins .”

Even though Chen Yulou only knows a thing or two about Fengshui, he also knows that the five Yins are the most taboo on the left side of the tomb.

And this jade coffin was directly buried in the tree, which can no longer be said to be five shades, but extreme shades.

The Five Yins are actually not considered a vicious place. If there are temples and gymnasiums around, it can also reconcile Fengshui. If it is only combined with the tomb alone, it will completely lose Feng Shui.

Partridge Whistle also looked forward to it, and took the old foreigner to the jade coffin to look at it.

"The coffin is engraved with rare birds and animals that symbolize auspiciousness and enlightenment. The grass patterns around it are symmetrical."

"At this time, the decoration specifications of the Qin and Han Dynasties are correct. This should be the accompanying mausoleum of Xianwang's tomb!"

Partridge whistle raised a smile on his face and said with burning eyes.

Judging from the shape of this jade coffin, it is from the period of King Xian!

"I just don't know why this jade coffin was buried in a tree?"

Seeing Partridge Whistle's gaze on him, Wei Chuan said coldly.

"This is specially placed. The position of this tree is one of the Qi-gathering stars of Zhelong Mountain, but it is not afraid of the five yins. This means that it is beyond the five elements. Most people dare not even think about it."

"This jade coffin is either buried with alchemists, or it is used to grow trees, and the tree is used as a lock to suppress this star position. It is trying to hide the secrets, transcend the five elements, and ascend to Taoism¨". "

Just as Wei Chuan spoke, the strange red liquid in the jade coffin gradually drained away.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, a tall figure could be seen through the jade coffin.

Rumble! !

Just when that figure appeared in the eyes of everyone, thunder suddenly exploded in the air.

Darkness rolled in, and countless black clouds quickly gathered in the sky, and lightning burst out of them.

"Yin Qi is gathering. Be careful, everyone!"

Partridge Whistle snorted coldly, leading the old foreigner away from the jade coffin, pointing his guns at the figure in the jade coffin.

"Beyond the five elements? This is a lightning strike, right?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, it's gone in one shuttle."

"Oh, there must be a lot of things in this coffin."

A group of Xiling warriors also had killing intent on their faces, and they all raised German submachine guns.

For them, rising up in a coffin means getting rich, and when you have a gun in your hand, it doesn't matter what ghosts or ghosts are hidden in your coffin.

"It's time to come out, everyone back away."

Sensing a resentment rising from the jade coffin, Wei Chuan waved his hand to signal everyone to back off.

click.. click..

Seeing that under the roar of thunder, the top of the jade coffin also began to crack, and the jade fell off.

As the jade fell off, everyone could see clearly what was inside the jade coffin.


"Snake demon?"

"A human and a snake stuck together?"

The figure in the jade coffin was a blood man, and a giant python was wrapped around the blood man's body. The man and the python had been buried for an unknown amount of time, and the flesh and blood on the intertwined parts of both sides had already fused together, and traces of scarlet flesh overflowed from the joint of the human and python, still wriggling.

At this moment, the body of the python monster started to rot, turning into red threads of flesh and blood and falling into the red liquid at the bottom of the coffin.

next moment.

Those red lines jumped out of the jade coffin and shot towards the crowd.

"Brother Wei, Brother Hei, retreat first!"

Seeing Wei Chuan and Xiao Hei standing motionless, both Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou yelled.

Both the jade coffin and the old tree are weird, it is safest to step back and wait and see.

"You also found out, it's the red water that's causing the trouble. It's antiseptic." Xiao Hei dragged his chin and laughed with some interest.

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, the corner of Wei Chuan's mouth raised, and he swung the Ghost Dragon Halberd directly towards the base of the jade coffin.


There was a crackling sound, and the Ghost God Panlong Halberd directly hit the jade coffin. The jade coffin burst open immediately, and at the same time, the only remaining red liquid in the jade coffin also disappeared quickly.

When the red liquid was completely gone, the red thread that jumped into the air also rotted instantly and fell to the ground.

Without the nourishment of the strange red liquid, the rotting human python monster corpses also began to wither and rot quickly, and even the two old banyan trees in front of them began to decay rapidly.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the two huge husband and wife trees suddenly withered and retracted in an instant, and immediately fell to the side.

Don't wait for everyone to think about it.

Next Kernel.

Everyone felt that the ground began to tremble, and the two dry old banyan trees also swayed violently, and the falling speed became faster and faster.

Seeing this scene, Wei Chuan and Xiao Hei immediately turned and retreated. Chen Yulou and the others kept up with Wei Chuan's retreat without saying a word.

clap.. clap..

There was a sound of cracking rhizomes and trunks, and the ground was slowly rising, as if some huge creature was pushing against the two old banyan trees, trying to break through the ground.

At the same time, the sky was full of lightning, thunder, and explosions, and the strong wind pushed the dark clouds rolling in.

Not long after, the two dry old banyan trees fell to the side, and at the place where the roots of the original trees were entangled, a huge opening appeared, and wisps of black mist radiated out from the opening.

Seen from a distance, the opening on the ground looked like a whirlpool of black mist. .

Chapter 80

"Town Mausoleum.."

Seeing the gap getting bigger and bigger, the corner of Wei Chuan's mouth twitched.

"Brother Wei, do you know the reason for this gap?" Seeing Wei Chuan's face was smiling, Chen Yulou couldn't help asking.

"The two old banyan trees and the jade coffin were used to suppress the stars and cover up the secrets of the sky. Now that the trees are destroyed and the corpses are destroyed, the geomantic omen pattern of this place has been broken, and the air of the earth veins will naturally vent out, and it will be healed soon. "

"Ordinary people think that the qi of the earth veins is the dragon qi, and they all rush towards the dragon qi. This King Xian is arrogant enough to suppress the dragon qi. It seems that he really wants to transcend the five elements."

"The Muchen Bead!"

At this moment, Partridge Whistle said excitedly.

"Without borrowing the veins of the heavens, the stars and the earth... the way he wants to become an immortal is the Muchen Bead!"

"Brother, look!"

Following the old foreigner's exclamation, everyone hurriedly turned their eyes to the gap in the ground ahead.

I saw that no black mist appeared from the crack, but a huge stone statue gradually rose from under the soil.

The gigantic stone statue resembled a spirit turtle, carved with an incomparable steed, and carried a section of stone tablet on its back. And on top of this statue, there are countless rhizomes wrapped around it, which looks like it was pressed down by the old banyan tree before.

At this moment, the body of the huge stone statue was shaken and stood firmly on the ground. At the same time, a black glow flashed across his body and broke into the sky.

In just a moment, the sound of thunder in the sky dissipated, the dark clouds of sniping also dispersed, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell again.


Only then did everyone turn their attention back to the giant stone statue. They all stepped forward to investigate.

"The dragon gave birth to nine sons, this is Bixi...that is, the bully tortoise."

"No, it's true that Ba Xia likes to carry heavy loads, but the four claws of this stone statue are extremely sharp, and the mouth is full of sharp teeth. This is Jiaotu, right?"

The people standing here at this time are all the leaders in the fighting industry, and they quickly recognized the identity of the spirit turtle.

"That's right, this is Jiaotu." Wei Chuan also nodded with a smile.

"Although it looks like a squid, you can still recognize it as a jiaotu from the minions. Because of the cultural differences between the ancient Dian Kingdom and the Central Plains, the jiaotu was carved into this shape. The jiaotu is easy to close, and the fangs It is ferocious, and has the meaning of town house to ward off evil spirits. This jiao tu should be used to suppress the energy of the earth veins, and at the same time block the yin energy in the mountain range, preventing the yin energy from entering the mausoleum."

Having said that, Wei Chuan also pointed to the stone tablet on Jiaotu's back and said:

"It can make Jiaotu camel... This stone tablet is not an ordinary stone tablet. It should be the mausoleum of the king's tomb! It is used to lay the foundation and commemorate, and many tombs of the emperor have it. But the king doesn't want people in the future to know about this dedication The origin of the king's tomb, so the mausoleum was suppressed underground to ward off evil spirits and suppress Yin."

Hearing Wei Chuan's words, the partridge whistle immediately ran to Jiaotu's back, and carefully wiped the soil on the ancient stele.

The mausoleum... according to the culture of the Central Plains, it records the life glory and experience of the buried person!

Everyone saw that Partridge Whistle's expression changed from serious to ecstatic, with a strong look of excitement on his face.

"Brother Dao, how are you? Do you have what you are looking for?"

Seeing the change in Partridge Whistle's expression, Chen Yulou also asked with a smile.

Seeing Partridge Whistle's face, it should be there!

In the King Xian's tomb, there are countless treasures that are certain, so he is not worried. Now he doesn't want the idiot Partridge Whistle to make a wasteful trip.

"It's here.. It's here.."

The partridge whistle didn't turn back, but caressed the inscription on the stone tablet carefully.

"The Dian Kingdom was originally the land of the three counties established by the first emperor. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the world was in turmoil. The Dian Kingdom also established itself as a country and closed all foreign contacts. After the Han Dynasty, the foreigners were eyeing it, so there was no time to deal with the Dian Kingdom. country affairs."

"Until the Dian Kingdom split, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked the Dian King for the Muchen Bead. For this reason, the Dian Kingdom was divided, and when the disagreement was the greatest, King Xian left the Dian Kingdom with the Muchen Bead and half the power of the kingdom, and came to this place. Among the Dragon Mountains! In order to dispel the anger of Emperor Wu of the Han, the King of Dian could only use a shadow bead to pretend to be the Muchen Bead and dedicate it to Emperor Wu of the Han."

"At the same time, in order to conceal this matter, King Dian can only do his best to conceal this matter, and King Xian has obtained the greatest benefit."

"The Muchen Bead is here!" Partridge Whistle's eyes were reddened, and he said viciously, "This time, gods block and kill gods, and ghosts block and kill Buddhas! Even if the Xian Wang really became a fairy, I will take it from him." Take this much dust bead!"

Seeing Partridge Whistle's appearance as if he was about to eat people, no one dared to bother him now, they just let him calm down by himself.

Wei Chuan also jumped in front of the stele and looked it over carefully.

The inscription was carved in small seal script and was damaged a lot, but the general content can still be recognized.

The tomb of King Xian was built for 27 years, and the manpower for the construction has never dropped below 100,000.. That is the real power of the country.

It even recorded the origin of Muchen Bead.

It is mentioned that muchen bead is a phoenix transformed by the mother of the earth. Through this fetish, people can be reborn in special places, and even become immortals. King Wen of Zhou once recorded these contents in the heavenly book.

Seeing this, Wei Chuan also affirmed one thing in his heart.

In the hands of King Xian, there was a Dragon Bone Book which recorded the origin and utility of Muchen Bead, and King Xian even saw through the code of the Dragon Bone Book.

It's just that Zhou Wen Wang Jichang's inscription on the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book is only approximate, otherwise he wouldn't have died.

So King Xian had nowhere to attack Muchen Bead.

He has spent his whole life in repairing tombs, trying to build a mausoleum that no one can break through. Before he died, he swallowed much dust beads, hoping to use the natural water dragon halo cave of Zhelong Mountain to dissolve his corpse into a fairy. .

Chapter 81

"It turns out that the corpse of the human-boa monster in the jade coffin was specially made. The jade coffin and the old tree were grown together to keep the corpse in the coffin from rotting. The high priest... no wonder it can be used Tibetan jade."

After reading the mausoleum, Chen Yulou arranged for his men to put away the scattered pieces of Tibetan sky jade and some artifacts.

Although the jade coffin was shattered into countless pieces, the pieces are extremely precious, they can be buried together with the artifacts, and can be retrieved after the tomb of King Xian is toppled.

After dealing with all the matters, Chen Yulou talked to Wei Chuan:

"Brother Laowei will be in charge of finding the tomb tomorrow. I really want to see how the Heavenly Palace above the relief is."

Wei Chuan shrugged and laughed.

"This King Xian wants to become a fairy, he really wants to go crazy, and he even built a heavenly palace. If Muchen Bead can really make people become immortal, it's his turn?"

On the relief on the other side of the mausoleum, there is a majestic and resplendent palace. All the fairy palace buildings that can be seen in the book are all available on the palace. Moreover, there was no foundation stone under the palace, just like a hanging palace.

Although he said so on his lips, Wei Chuan knew in his heart that Lingyun Palace was halfway up the mountain under the cliff on the top of the mountain.