MTL - Tomb Raider: Bandit Chief-Chapter 103

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But compared to Meteor Copper, he is more concerned about the Green Crow Sutra!

Qingwuzi is called the world's first "Mr. Fengshui" by later generations.

Because before him, there was no word Fengshui, and Fengshui at that time was called "Xiangtiandi".

So the Qingwu Sutra he left behind is also called the 'Feng Shui Ancestral Sutra'.

It records the inheritance of Qingwuzi, whether it is Tiandi Fengshui or Fuxi's arithmetic, it is all recorded.

And Qingwuzi is not only a master of Fengshui, he is also an excellent doctor and onmyoji.

In the Qingwu Sutra, maybe there are ancient medical skills and ancient yin and yang techniques hidden!

Compared with the Qingwu Jing, the sixteen-character feng shui secret art is a younger brother..

If you can get the Qingwu Jing, then the Broken Meteorite Copper is a fart, you don't have to!

"There is still water dripping behind the mausoleum of this town. There should be a hole."

Thinking of the Qingwu Jing, Wei Chuan became energetic in an instant, and after saying something to everyone, he directly pushed the Zhenling Pu to the side.


A muffled sound came out, and everyone's faces trembled.

The town mausoleum looks like it weighs hundreds of catties, and Wei Chuan fiddles with it like tofu...

However, Wei Chuan looked too safe like this.

Walking with the strong, there is nothing to say about safety!

After pushing away the town mausoleum, a small dark hole appeared in front of everyone.

There are still a few pieces of gravel piled up in the cave, which is obviously the entrance of the cave that was blocked by humans, but it is not completely blocked, and the cover-up outside is not very fine.

It can be seen that the people who once blocked the entrance of the cave were in a hurry when they left.

"There are holes!"

"This can't be a trap... the ancestors of the second master left a lot of traps in the tomb."

"Otherwise, the entrance of the hole would not be so obvious. This is to invite you into the urn!"

Seeing the entrance of the cave appear, Qi Tiezui's eyelids twitched, and he pointed to the entrance of the cave and started talking.

Hearing this, Er Yuehong shook her head and said, "No, if someone from the tribe leaves a trap, I can see it."

"The ancestors also left safety marks on the rock wall, indicating that this place is safe."

"Why do you think so much, you have to get in sooner or later, don't scare yourself."

Wei Chuan shrugged his shoulders and laughed, and took the lead directly into the cave.

Seeing this, Zhang Qisan said to Adjutant Zhang: "Adjutant, take them here, I'll go in and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Qisan followed Wei Chuan, and Er Yuehong followed closely behind.

And Qi Tiezui muttered twice on the spot, and also followed.

After all, compared to Adjutant Zhang and those soldiers, he still thought it was safer to follow Wei Chuan and the other three.



Inside the cave is a natural rock crack, but there are traces of artificial excavation all around, like a widened passage.

The channel extends upwards in a sloping shape, and it is not a straight road.

After walking along the passage for about ten meters, another dark cave appeared in front of us.

This cave is wider than the previous ones, and it doesn't feel oppressive at all.

In the cave, several cabins were also built.

At the very top of the log cabin, there is still a moldy and rotten flag hanging.

"It was left by Kai himself. Let's split up and see if there is anything important."

Looking at the Qiben flag, Zhang Qisan's eyes lit up, and he held up a flashlight to look around.

The same was true for Er Yuehong and Qi Tiezui, who carefully searched the cabins. .

Chapter 186

Chi.. Chi..

With the sound of several electric currents, dozens of lights suddenly lit up, dispelling the darkness in the cave.

It turned out that Zhang Qisan had found a generator that hadn't been scrapped on the other side of the cave.

"Second Master!"

When the lights came on, Qi Tiezui also exclaimed~.

Zhang Qisan and Er Yuehong were startled by Qi Tiezui's yell, and rushed to Qi Tiezui's side one after another.

The two of them took a closer look and saw a long wooden table in front of Qi Tiezui.

The long wooden table was covered with a yellowed and moldy white cloth, and under the white cloth, half of the shriveled legs were exposed.

Combined with the degree of ups and downs of the white cloth, it must be covered with a corpse.

On the two tables next to the wooden table, there are various glass bottles, alcohol lamps, drug test tubes and other objects.

Individual bottles even contain oddly colored liquids.

Obviously, this is not a temporary medical facility, but a laboratory!

"You don't need to look at this... This must be the laboratory left by Kai himself!"

With serious eyes, Qi Tiezui bowed to the corpse on the wooden table.

Judging from the coarse cloth worn on the corpse, the identity of the corpse is a compatriot from the Central Plains..

"I didn't expect that Kai himself would leave such a place in the mine, Lord Buddha, it seems that your premonition has come true, and Kai himself indeed has a conspiracy."

"Judging from this corpse, the ghost car incident at the train station must have been done by Kai himself."

As more information was discovered, Er Yuehong's complexion became more and more unkind.

He didn't know before that his ancestors were killed by him, and he even used the people of Changsha as an experiment.

If he had known, he would never have refused so simply when Zhang Qisan invited him to the grave.

How can we not avenge the blood feud of our ancestors.

Hearing Er Yuehong's words, Zhang Qisan nodded and said:

"It seems that Kai himself left in a hurry and left a lot of things behind."

"Let's search first to see if we can find information related to the ancient tomb. If we can find it, it will be of great help to us."

The situation is now obvious.

At the beginning when Kai himself bought the mine, mining was just a way to deceive others.

The real purpose of Kai himself is to hide under the mine to research something, and get the thing in the ancient tomb of the mine.

Wei Chuan just took a glance in the cave, then walked straight to a cabin at the end.

In that cabin, there are bookshelves and desks.

Every desk shelf is full of documents and materials, and the surrounding wooden walls are covered with maps.

Looking at a map stuck on the front wall, the corner of Wei Chuan's mouth raised a bloodthirsty arc.

"The whole map of the Central Plains.."

"Scrap, since the game has started...don't stop. Let's start with the Kaiben Chamber of Commerce..."

At this time, Wei Chuan was not in a good mood, and even secretly angry, because the map on the wall was the map of the entire Central Plains.

There are also several red dots marked on it.

One of the red dots is marked outside Changsha City, which is obviously the location of the mine.

Obviously, the other red dots represent other laboratories, or ancient tombs!

Therefore, Wei Chuan secretly wrote down these locations for future investigation.

The importance of these maps and documents is not low, but they are not destroyed.

It seems that when those riveted animals were evacuating, they were frightened by the things in the tomb, so they fled in a hurry.

It can be seen from the messy bookshelves and scattered documents on the ground.

"Master Wei, can you understand Japanese?"

At this time, the three of Qi Tiezui also came to Wei Chuan's side, and seeing Wei Chuan holding a stack of documents in his hand, they asked a question with joy.

The things recorded in these documents must be related to ancient tombs or experiments.

No matter which aspect of the record, it is of great significance to them.

It's just that the three of them have no knowledge of Japanese and can't understand a single word.

Hearing this, Wei Chuan shook his head, took out a map from the file and handed it to Zhang Qisan, and immediately said slowly:

"This is the floor plan of the mine, please keep it."

"I will take all the rest of the things with me. When you arrive in Changsha, you can find someone to translate."

The skill of being proficient in all languages ​​can be bought in the system mall, but it only costs 10,000 luck points, which is too expensive.

Affordable, but not necessary.

As long as these documents are brought back to Changsha, they can be translated by someone. The 10,000 points for a trip is too much!

····Ask for flowers··········

Furthermore, with so many documents, even if you buy the translation first, it will take a day or two, and it will be too late.

When you get rich in the future, it’s never too late to buy again!

"Isn't this a spiral mine tunnel? This picture is carefully drawn..."

"It's just that what do the symbols in these places mean? They're still different."

After looking at the map for a while, Qi Tiezui pointed to the strange symbols on the map and started talking.

Zhang Qisan thought for a moment, shook his head and said:

"This special symbol may only be understood by those who draw it."

"However, this map is very useful for us. At least knowing which way to go is much faster than us slowly touching it."


"Those marks represent what's in the tomb."

At this time, Wei Chuan said something abruptly, which immediately caught the eyes of Zhang Qisan and the others.

"Master Wei, do you understand?"

Wei Chuan nodded, pointed to a symbol on the map and said:

"The wings refer to poisonous moths, and the arcs should be the strange black hair you encountered earlier."

"There are also these sparks, which may represent ground fire or magma."

"Underground magma! So it is!"

Hearing Wei Chuan's words, Zhang Qisan and Er Yuehong looked at each other and immediately clapped their hands.

"It's no wonder that the previous mines were extremely dry. According to common sense, it should be wetter as you go down!"

"Substituting symbols in this way makes sense, this map is of great use to us!"

Zhang Qisan looked excited, and immediately folded the map carefully.

"Then let's go. With this map, we can save most of the time."

"and many more!"