MTL - To Hold One’s Joy-Chapter 19 fairy porridge

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  Chapter 19 Immortal Porridge

  Doctor Wang made a long bow: "Don't worry, girl, this is what a little old man should do."

   Doctor Li was taken aback. He didn't understand why Doctor Wang was so respectful to Luo Sheng. However, he was falling into the fanatical worship of Doctor Wang who developed a wonderful antipyretic formula, so he made a long bow.

  The eldest wife and others: "..."

  I haven't seen these doctors be so respectful on weekdays.

  Physicians, especially well-known ones, are always a little arrogant. This is not the case when facing high-ranking and powerful families—it seems to come from the heart.

  When everyone was surprised, Luo Sheng had already left with Hongdou.

  The eldest lady ordered Shuangye to report to the old lady Sheng that Luo Chen's fever had gone down so that the old lady could rest assured, and said to Sheng Dalang and the others: "You all go back, don't disturb your cousin's recovery."


   Sheng Dalang and the others walked out of the yard, and saw Luo Sheng's master and servant walking in front of them unhurriedly, feeling complicated for a while.

  Sheng Jiayu caught up with her skirt: "Wait!"

  Luo Sheng stopped and turned around.

  Sheng Jiayu looked at the girl in the red dress with calm eyebrows and hesitated to speak.

  At this moment, she suddenly had a thought: Is this still the Luo Sheng she knew?

  Maybe... She never knew this cousin who just came from the capital.

   "Why is my cousin calling me?" Luo Sheng asked calmly.

  It's not that Luo Sheng didn't notice the subtle changes in Sheng Jiayu, but he didn't care.

   To her, there is no big difference between Sheng Jialan and Sheng Jiayu. It is nothing more than shooting to death when one jumps up and harms others, and no one cares about making small troubles.

   If the petty fights turn into harm, she also doesn't mind slapping them to death.

   As for more emotions, there will be no more.

  Luo Sheng thought so, and glanced at the gate of Luo Chen courtyard.

   To Jinsha, she is just a passer-by, and the only one who needs to be cared about is Luo Chen.

   This is what she owes to Miss Luo.

   "That medicine—" Sheng Jiayu said, forgetting what to ask for a moment.

   "It can reduce fever." Luo Sheng explained concisely, and passed Sheng Jiayu.

  Sheng Jiayu was stunned for a while, then stomped her feet and whispered: "Who asked this!"

   "Big sister, what's the matter?" Sheng Dalang who followed him asked warmly.

   "Nothing. I'm going back to my room first."

  Sheng Jiayu walked a few feet away, and heard Sheng Silang muttering behind her: "Why does it feel like my eldest sister loves to lose her temper when she meets her cousin?"

  Sheng Jiayu froze, and really wanted to rush back and pinch her younger brother's face, but when she thought of this comment, she swallowed her anger silently and left quickly.

  After returning to the courtyard, the eldest lady came to ask Sheng Jiayu to come over.

   "Mom, what do you want me to do?"

  There is no need to be courteous between mother and daughter, the eldest wife only left Shuangye alone in the house to serve, and asked Sheng Jiayu straight to the point: "Jiayu, did you watch your cousin buy medicine from Jishitang yesterday?"

   "My daughter really saw it with her own eyes." Sheng Jiayu was already depressed by Sheng Silang's words, but she became more anxious when her mother questioned it.

  The eldest wife patted Sheng Jiayu comfortingly: "It's not that Mother doesn't believe you, it's just that she can't figure it out."

   "What can't you figure out?"

   "Doctor Wang gave her the prescription?"

  Sheng Jiayu said without hesitation: "It must be, didn't she admit that the pills were made by Doctor Wang?"

  The eldest lady picked up the teacup on the coffee table, rubbing the cup of noodles lightly with her fingers: "Since Doctor Wang has made such a magic medicine, why have I never heard of it before?"

   Such a magical medicine is enough to make a doctor named Xinglin famous, and it can help countless patients. Doctor Wang has no reason to hide it and use it.

   "Maybe, maybe it's just been developed... Cousin is lucky to catch up."

  The eldest wife shook her head: "Even if it's such a coincidence, Dr. Wang is already in Chunxingtang, why did you go to Jishitang to get the medicine? And you asked your cousin to get the medicine?"

  Sheng Jiayu was stopped by the question.

  She remembered that just now she subconsciously called Luo Sheng to stop, but she actually felt something was wrong here!

  Thinking and thinking, Sheng Jiayu expressed her guess: "Mother, could it be... that prescription is originally from Luo Sheng..."

The eldest lady took a deep look at her daughter and nodded: "Nine times out of ten it is like this. Jiayu, your cousin is the daughter of the governor, and she is well-informed. I am afraid that there are many things that she doesn't think are right. In the eyes of others, it is rare and rare. In the future, don't be frizzy and look down on her, lest you lose face."

  Sheng Jiayu lowered her eyes and nodded: "Mother, I understand."

  Luo Sheng returned to the courtyard, and ordered Hongdou to direct Qinghong and Hancui to clean out the small kitchen and start cooking porridge.

  Put the glutinous rice and **** in a casserole and cook together. After the water boils for two times, add the scallions with whiskers. Wait until the rice is rotten and add vinegar.

  A strange smell came out.

  Hong Dou watched Luo Sheng cook the porridge with his own hands, and panicked: "Girl, are you cooking porridge?"

   Is it really not poisoning?


  A strange smell lingered on the tip of the nose, and the red bean gasped: "Can you eat it?"

  Luo Sheng glanced at her and said lightly, "I cooked it for my brother."

  Hong Dou held his heart and let out a sigh of relief.

  Thank goodness the girl has a younger brother!

  Thinking about Luo Chen lying on the sickbed, the little girl couldn't bear it: "Girl, you put ginger, green onions, and vinegar into the porridge, will it taste bad—"

  Luo Sheng frowned.

  The term "voting vinegar" is a bit strange...

  Thinking like this, she still explained in a warm voice: "The taste is not very good, but this porridge has the effect of sweating and repelling cold, so it is suitable for him."

  The master and servant were talking, and the porridge was ready.

  Luo Sheng told Hong Dou: "Send the fairy porridge to the young master."

   "Immortal Porridge?" Hong Dou looked confused.

  Luo Sheng said calmly: "The name of this porridge."

  Hongdou glanced at the food box with a complicated expression, and praised: "It's strangely appropriate."

  Probably only gods don't dislike it.

  However, these girls made it with their own hands!

  Hong Dou carried the food box and walked away with great momentum.

  Luo Sheng didn't stay idle, but chose another casserole of a moderate size to cook meat porridge.

   It is best to use well water to cook porridge. It needs to be boiled overnight on a low fire, and it will be brought to Luo Chen in the morning tomorrow.

  Luo Sheng processed the ingredients, and his heart, which had been suffering since waking up, really had a moment of peace.

  She likes to cook, turning those ordinary ingredients into mouth-watering delicacies.

   Maybe I didn’t like it that much at first, when did it start?

  Luo Sheng thought about it seriously.

  Mother is weak and has a poor appetite. There are more cooks than doctors who come and go in the palace.

   There are retired imperial chefs, and there are also folk masters.

  It was probably her mother’s birthday that year. When she was still young, she found that her mother ate a few more bites of the snacks she made by herself, and she fell in love with it from then on.

   Later, it became a habit. She immersed herself in it, imagining that her mother would get better if she ate a few more bites of her dishes.

  Well, if Luo Chen eats a few more mouthfuls of the food she cooks, he will definitely strengthen his body a little bit.

   She can walk away when she grows stronger.

  Luo Sheng fell into a beautiful fantasy.

   Finally discovered by everyone, this is actually a food article. . . .

  (end of this chapter)