MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 36 The second coming of the answer

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Gabriel watched this scene intently. In front of the dilapidated bar with walls, under the dim orange light, the tall young man was standing in front of him. He was wearing a long white trench coat, pure white dress gloves, and white boots. His pure black fringed long hair is not decorated in any way, it is just scattered backwards naturally, hanging down his whole body so pure that it is almost like shining. It forms a very sharp contrast with the dim and broken environment... as if To leap out of the screen called "reality".

And in front of him was a group of down and out men of different shapes, tall, short, fat and thin. Or calling them "men" is not accurate, because many of them don't even have lower bodies, but move on crawlers or spider-like eight legs, and two don't even have heads, and one has compound eyes like flies. .The other person had a spin above his neck. At this moment, the music playback device in the bar just finished repairing itself. The low-pitched music with a little electric sound mixed with the shaking neon lights from time to time and the non-rotating neon lights also resumed illumination, dividing the outside world into different color blocks. Zheng Fu's position happened to be the only one who was not painted with any color. In other words, the position he was in happened to be the shattered loophole, which radiated pure white light.

Kazmalz looked at Zheng Fu, but his eyes were suddenly in a trance for a moment. During this movement, he seemed to see a painting he saw when he was a child. It was once his father's favorite painting, and it was a precious collection of their family. He still remembered the contents of that painting.

A young man in a white robe stepped on the sea, his robe shone with golden brilliance, and was the only light source in the whole picture. The footprints of the past shone with a pure white light. The boy smiled back and turned to his followers. One of them bent over and walked awkwardly on the road he walked, clinging to the young man's side. The other person stepped on the ground, his trousers were wet with water, and his face showed panic, as if he was about to drown, and he held the young man's hand tightly, as if grasping his only hope. The cloud-covered sky in the distance cracked a blue hole for no reason, only the small area where they were located was bright, and no rain fell.

Besides the three, there were still many people in a mess. Some people were knocked to the ground by the waves, some knelt on the ground, and more people were surprised, pointing and discussing loudly.

That's Leonardo da Vinci's first painting, and it's extremely collectible.

The name of this painting is "Jesus Walking on Water". Zheng Fu's face and figure seem to overlap with Jesus. The Spirit of God walks on...

Katz was shocked by this scene.

The position I was in... seemed to be the man who was about to drown. The people behind looked at this scene with different expressions.

But the difference is that Zheng Fu didn't hold out his hand to him with a smile... but his face was indifferent and serious.

Kaz was silent. He is like a child who has made a mistake, and he feels like his throat is blocked by something.

He originally had more things to say, more resentment and hatred to vent... He obviously couldn't achieve spiritual synchronization with others, but at this moment, he seemed to feel the deep disappointment in Zheng Fu's heart. This is of course an illusion. Whether it is the guilt of being blocked in the throat, or the disappointment he feels as if he feels the same, it is an illusion.

His body won't secrete these useless hormones, and his brain and viscera are replaced by pure machines... but will machines also have illusions?

Is this really an illusion?

"You will die here today. Of course, it's just hermits. Those innocent moon people, I will not kill them. They don't know anything. Zheng Fu calmly declared: "The angel has blown Sound her trumpet, your end is near. I am your doom.

"But for your father's sake. Before I put you on trial, I will answer you a question. If you have any questions, you can ask them here. And I will answer you. He was so calm He agreed, as if there was no problem in this world that troubled him.

"I only have a death penalty announcement. Katz is fearless, and the robots behind him don't react too much. In other words, for them, there is not much difference between being alive and dead. But when he faced Zheng Fu who had just announced that he would kill him, he didn't hesitate, and asked directly: "You said that ideas will be killed by better ideas...Then my question is, what kind of idea is it?" Can the idea defeat the truth of what I say?

"People are necessarily different. Differences lead to differences, differences lead to inequality, and inequality leads to discrimination. Discrimination will definitely bring about the tragedies we all face.

"Then, my lord, where are you planning to break this cycle of tragedy?"

Facing this great man who almost created human civilization by hand, Katz asked slowly. Zheng Fu was silent for a while, then replied in a low voice: "All I can do... is to make you poor children never appear again.

"Are you intending to utterly destroy lowly little people like us, my lord?"

Katz replied mockingly: "Ah. Yes, so we will never appear again. Those of us who oppose you will never appear in this world again.

The metal shells behind him couldn't help laughing in a low voice, and Katz couldn't help laughing either. He thought he had told a pretty good joke.

But when he saw Zheng Fu's unwavering expression, the smile on his face gradually faded.

Katz's CPU faithfully mirrored his simulated emotions, and his face became a little uglier.

"Are you serious?" Zheng Fu simply replied, "This is my mission." This is why I am alive.

His words were so firm, as if he had answered this question somewhere before. what are you going to do? "

"Just keep doing it." Zheng Fu replied, "This society is getting better.

"I have lived from four thousand years ago to the present. You can't imagine how barbaric, terrifying, selfish, full of conspiracy and betrayal it was.

"In that era, the elderly had no one to support them and could only die alone, and the children had to run around for family livelihood when they were just able to walk; in the alleys of the city were flower girls who were only seven or eight years old, and in the rural areas Beasts that can eat humans are everywhere at night.

"Their thoughts are controlled by the priests, and they don't even have the right to read and write. Human life is not as good as a slightly more beautiful pet. The number of people who die of starvation and disease every year is a hundred times that of people who die of natural old age. Young people have not yet After passing through the prime of life, he has already died in a foreign country.

"The law is not fair and equal. Nobles can kill civilians at will. In some places, they don't even have to pay, and in more places, a seven or eight-year-old girl is not worth as much as a durable animal. Most people have to Without a decent and long-term job, despicable people go farther than honest people. Some people live in happiness for the first half of their lives, but one day their families are deserted; some children are born without parents , Just to live until tomorrow, I have already exhausted all my strength.

"People kill each other in the name of thinking, relatives and friends deceive and betray each other, fathers and sons kill each other. Plague and blood flow on the ground. Liars can even be respected by people because they are rich and powerful A guilty person lives to die in peace and old age, while an innocent person dies at a young age...

"Let me ask you, Katz. Is that era more sinful, or is the current era more unbearable? Do you think you have suffered more, or are they more unfortunate?" Zheng Fu's words made everyone around silence.

Kaz opened and closed his mouth. After repeating it several times, he replied softly with a voice that was so hoarse that it was hard to hear: "My lord... I think... the one you mentioned is probably hell.

"No, this is the world.

Zheng Fu replied calmly: This is the history of mankind, our past. Without me, this might be where humanity is now.

"I'm telling you honestly, I really don't know the answer to the question you raised. However, I don't know the answer to these questions in the past... But after hundreds or thousands of years, the wise men among people will also solve them , to solve. What I want to do is to provide this possibility.

"As long as I live, the world will be a better place every day than the day before. I have sworn to do whatever it takes, including myself...

When Zheng Fu said this, he paused slightly. A strange sense of familiarity surged through his heart.

He took a deep breath, and replied calmly and earnestly: "Because, that's what I live for.

"You live seven taels...and I live four thousand years. Your quest for answers is over, and I will carry your corpse as I carry the corpses of others, and walk forward with thousands of questions, using I have devoted my life to seeking answers to these questions for humanity. I have done this in the past, I am and I will be in the future."

Zheng Fu said, stretched out his right hand slightly, and said softly: "I won't see you again. Katz. But you don't need to be sad...

"I am here.

white flame quiet

Looking at the flame, Katz was deeply intoxicated as if he saw the sun. Father, is this what you are looking for... He murmured silently, feeling a sense of satisfaction.

"In the name of justice, wisdom, benevolence and integrity, I declare here." Facing the white flame, Zheng Fu sang the activation password of "Judgment Angel" in a low voice.

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