MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v5 Chapter 95 Why are you so proficient!

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Under Ludwig's guidance, Lielagin followed him and successfully sneaked into the witches' assembly hall. Strictly speaking, the word "sneak" seems inaccurate. Because Luther Zhunde is quite familiar with this place. From the library to the underground, during the distance of more than 500 meters, he took Lie Lajin calmly to avoid multiple agency alarms. And when he saw those passages blocked by passwords, Ludwild didn't even need to take out the ice-breaking program brought to him by Lelakin. The number of digits of the password directly opens the hidden channel. With that skilled look, it's not like sneaking into a witch's forbidden place, but going to the company to clock in for work.

Not long after they entered the hidden passage, they encountered a very troublesome thing.

On Ludwild's road, he bumped into a witch who came to hold him.

She looks about 27 or 28 years old, with flaming red hair, she has clear blue pupils, a high nose bridge, a piercing aura, and a particularly thick frontal armor. This is undoubtedly a very mature woman - judging from the current level of technology, this means that she should be over forty years old.

The moment before Lielagin stepped into the edge of the opponent's spiritual vision, he almost instinctively entered the stealth mode. But the other party also possesses powerful psychic powers, so he has quite proficient spiritual vision. It is impossible for Lie Lakin to drag Ludwild who has been exposed to the opponent's spiritual vision together to make him invisible, which will only make the opponent more vigilant.

He's even ready for it. When the opponent inquired and questioned Ludwig's purpose, he could take advantage of the opponent's focus on Ludwig and shoot at the opponent.

With just a gun, he can kill the opponent instantly.

The weapons of Pittler Larkin have been successfully updated.

He is one of the few types whose psychic powers can only be used to attack and kill. Lielagin's psionic ability is to use any action to make any "projectile" that is about to be fired by him receive curse empowerment. The creatures hit by the projectiles will leave deep curse marks on the wounds, and these bullet marks will absorb the same kind of substances around them very quickly within a few seconds, that is, human tissue, and turn them into a black liquid with a strong curse . The external manifestation is the target hit by his crossbow and bullets, the wound will swell up at a speed visible to the inner eye, and then become bright again, bursting like a blister, and the whole person collapses and melts as if in a state of suspense . And the wounds of other people who were scalded by the splashed black water also had this characteristic. This means that for the same type of creature, Lielakin's attack is not just a touch-to-death. And they can't rescue their comrades - if the formation is too dense, a human death or even black water is born from human corpses. For the ground, plants and small animals, it is harmless and nutritious "wastewater". It's like the nutritional content of a human being squeezed into juice and vice versa. If the bullet hits the woody plants first, the black water that melts those trees can also dissolve other trees. But to humans, it is a harmless "sap" because the psychic power itself only needs a projectile, and strictly speaking, it can be triggered by throwing a stone in the past. That's why Lielagin is also one of the most diligent demon gods in changing equipment: when ordinary guns were just popularized, he had already found someone to make a sniper rifle; similarly, his current equipment has also been replaced. Of his two guns, the shorter one fires blunt, slow bullets. The characteristic is that the bullet will automatically find the target he is aiming at within a certain range, and the bullet itself is fast and will not easily penetrate the opponent's body, causing "juice" to splatter.

The other long gun can shoot fragmentation bullets with an extremely long range.

It can be within five kilometers, making the bullet have the impact force that can penetrate the frontal armor of the tunneler. And its design, after entering the Zerg's body, the specially made bullets will be wrapped in black water and explode in all directions. Countless fine steel needles will be wrapped in the body fluids polluted by the curse, and instantly spread to the surrounding Zergs of the same kind . He can kill someone hiding in the crowd with a single shot. It can also destroy an army with a single shot thousands of miles away. Therefore, he is not the strongest among the demon gods. But it is the most well-known in the world of ordinary humans today. Just like the name "Hildigard" he once used, the code name "Reelagin" has also been recorded in the annals of human history as his real name.

In terms of his merits, even shooting and killing people within the monitoring range of artificial intelligence. He also has an excuse and a means to get rid of the crime. Anyway, at least better than Ludwig

No, I get it.

Lelakin muttered to himself.

Lorenzo. He meant that Ludwig, even though he was the speaker of the Lorenzo family in this era, could not ignore the law. After all, the other party is probably not an ordinary person. I'm afraid Ludwild didn't make the first move in the first time because he was afraid of the opponent's identity. Larkin was extremely vigilant, lying in ambush in the shadows, thinking.

Like an emotionless killer. But there was an accident that stunned Lielagin: the moment Ludwid saw the opponent, like a warrior, he did not retreat or evade, and directly killed the opponent.

"Good morning, dear." He said softly, "You are very elegant today. The other party seemed to see Ludwig just now, and covered his mouth in surprise, pretending to be surprised: 3 "I didn't expect you to come so early, Your Excellency Medici, I mean, I didn't expect you to come to see me at this time. There are still more than two hours before our agreed time.

"We made an appointment, didn't we?" Ludwig smiled and said in a low voice: "And didn't you also wait here early?" This is the proof that we have a good heart.

"I'm just passing by, Your Excellency Medici. The other party has a slightly stern face: "It's you, it's not polite to come so long in advance. The corner of Ludwild's mouth raised, and he gently embraced the other party's shoulder: "If I arrive early, then no matter when you come, I will say that I just arrived.

"But now I'm here first. After Ludwig said it, a slight smile is a trick of the killer whale to apologize. You can see that Lielagin, who is squatting in the shadows, is still staring at this kind of operation? Why are you so proficient! For the second time Lielagin uttered such a sad exclamation.