MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v5 Chapter 71 Theory of Morality

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A born saint. Flawless good soul.

Facing Forty-two's words, this idea suddenly appeared in Bi'an's mind.

But he was silent and speechless.

I dare not say a word.

The other shore knows the pain in the blood. Although he has Leonardo's memory and knowledge, he has no human emotions.

Because "The Other Side" has a backup of the whole world.

Although entering it often requires psionic power and special equipment. But in fact, every citizen's "personal identification code" is linked with the other side to supply energy to the other side. The essence of the other shore is to use Leonardo's memory and knowledge as the anchor, connect the citizens of the world with countless psychic threads, and cover everyone's internet.

In other words, the other side actually knows everyone's secrets. And combined with his omniscience, he is the only **** in this world. Only the other shore has the right to adjudicate everything. Because he knows all the secrets, the cause and effect of all events, and everyone's thoughts. Even if the five ancient gods stand in front of the other side and criticize him, he will believe that he is absolutely fair and correct—there is no room for doubt.

But in front of Forty-Two, he was silent.

He hesitated.

Wisdom, benevolence, justice, and integrity embrace the world. But the other side is very clear that he can only occupy three of them, and at best it can only be regarded as four. If he's right... wouldn't it be even more right to have forty out of five?

But if according to the original logic of the other side, if his performance is indeed lower than Forty-two, then doesn't it mean that compared with Forty-two, he is a "useless human being"? This kind of logical problem, which is almost an endless loop, made the other side fall into complete silence for a while.

"Let's talk. After he thought for a while, Forty Two said in a deep voice: "Who taught you what you said?

a necessary evil

After being silent for a while, Bi An still chose to answer the forty question, and broke free from the endless loop.

The young "Leonardo" replied in front of Forty-Two: After I was imprisoned in the world beyond... that adult came to contact me.

"That adult?"

Forty asked: "Who is the necessary evil?"

"Like the previous evil gods, they are all great spirits from the depths of the End.

Bi'an said frankly: "He is the evil **** of Yuanlun. I admit that I may be bewitched by Chi, but I do think his philosophy is correct.

"He told me that there would be no future without chaos, no police would exist without prisoners, and no one would understand light without darkness."

The other side will choose to tell the whole story here, half of the reason is that he was indeed convinced by Forty-Two, and the other half is to ask him to solve the confusion in his heart: "As before." According to my calculations, because the Zerg is too fragile , humans will soon defeat them easily. Before the Zergs on Pluto and the moon launch an expedition, human beings will fight among themselves and will destroy one-third of human civilization, hindering the progress of human civilization for thirty years.

I didn't know you would be back so soon. So I briefly... opened the barrier. The other shore was silent for a while, and the voice became softer: "I just want to add the less harmful 'necessary evil' to add a new enemy to human beings. If human beings cannot defeat the inevitable evil, I can introduce artificial intelligence Civilization has grown on the ruins of human civilization.

"But "agnosticism" also squeezed in in an instant. This is my... expected... but I have closed the barrier in time! In this way, the 'necessary evil' did not come in in the end, and the two evil gods only infected a small part of the psykers. Forty-two was choked by Xiong Du from the other side for a moment. He never expected that Bi An dared to close the enchantment left by him for a moment - he knew before that the enchantment he left behind was slightly damaged. It's not quite clear why Xishen entered the screen when the barrier was not completely damaged. As a result, 420,000 did not expect that the other shore would do such a stupid thing of locking mosquitoes in mosquito nets. Sure enough, I should hand him over to Yastaru for a lesson.

…do you know where your thinking is wrong? 'Taking a deep breath, Forty-two asked calmly.

Bi An hesitated for a moment: "I believed in necessary evil and turned on the screen?"

"No, that was a behavioral error. Forty-Two glanced at him.

Although he looked like a young girl, his majesty made Bi An couldn't help lowering his head.

"Any choice that doesn't give you the opportunity to choose has no moral value at all. It's like those two **** trams. Forty-two said flatly: "Between luxury and frugality, if you choose frugality, then this can be It is a virtue. But if you have no money to spend extravagance at all, and you can only choose to save or even have no chance to choose, then your behavior cannot be called virtue, because it is just a necessity.

Si Li, those who say that if they want to make the world feel pain, they will start wars, stir up plagues, and make others suffer for some kind of self-absorbed noble morality...they are actually the source of suffering. Because they didn't give you a chance to choose at all.

So in the answer to the tram question, you should drive Ruo Diannian to kill the person who asked the question. Forty-two replied.

"Virtue is never sacrifice, glory' is. If virtue is sacrifice, people will subconsciously yearn for more sacrifices... This is not virtue at all, but a kind of animality, a kind of wildness. It is stupid human beings who feel life Due to the urgency of resources, there is an instinctive desire to embezzle the strong." This kind of conspiracy is called the moral weft.

"You can fully understand the status and significance of sacrifice in the law. But you can't understand what morality is." Forty-two calmly reprimanded in a low voice: "You are not a human being. So you don't have to do anything Human nature. So even if you have all the memories and thoughts of all still can't make decisions for human beings, and have no right to judge them for their sins.

"Because you actually don't understand humans at all. You don't understand anything, but you want to make decisions for them.

"That's your fault.