MTL - Tianjiao Retired, I Extracted the Entry To Practice-Chapter 326 turn yourself into an unknown person

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  Chapter 326 Turning himself into an unknown person

  Four people, three men and one woman.

   Two people from Qi State, Peng Nannan and Sheng Fang.

  Both of them are practicing the way of swordsmanship. In Qi State, swordsmanship is the strongest method in the country.

  Among all the countries, it is also recognized that Qi country has the strongest sword technique.

  Yan Guo, Gong Ze, Pei Sulan.

   What should be practiced is the law of literati.

  Dean Tianyi naturally wanted Shen Han to know himself and the enemy so that he could deal with it freely.

  But at Shen Han's age, he rarely went out of the country before, and it was even more difficult to show his own strength.

   For these younger generations, the information they can hear is really limited.

  Dean Tianyi and Mr. Zhong Nan can only follow past experience.

  Explain to Shen Han what Qi and Yan are good at.

  The strength of the Three Kingdoms is almost evenly matched, and each has its own strengths.

   If you want to arrange it.

  According to everyone's consistent opinion, Wei is basically the strongest, followed by Qi, and Yan is the weakest of the Three Kingdoms.

  But after a rebellion, the national power of Wei State declined a lot.

  And in the past hundred years, the strength of the younger generation in Wei State has declined significantly.

  The reasons are complex, but the problem has been placed in front of everyone.

  In the ten-nation competition four years ago, Wei did not get any benefits.

  If it weren't for Shen Ye's blockbuster success, I'm afraid that Wei would have lost even worse that year.

  This year, due to his injury, Shen Ye did not go to the Ten Nations Competition.

  Shen Han also knew that although he had a bad relationship with Shen Ye, he had a bad relationship with the Shen family.

  But his own performance will definitely be compared with Shen Ye.

  If I perform poorly, perhaps all the traces of reputation I have accumulated before will disappear.

   The ten-nation competition is, after all, a foreign war.

  With the same hatred and hatred, no matter what the people of the Wei Dynasty, they are also unanimously outward.

  In the competition, he defeated Su Jinyu and Shen Ye's avatar.

  Nineteen-year-old's performance is amazing.

   But if you play against other countries, you will perform poorly.

   At that time, I am afraid that I will be drowned by saliva.

  Of course, these risks come first.

  If I perform extremely well, then fame and fortune will come.

  Shen Han was not too demanding on these.

   But if he returns victorious, according to what Prince Qingyuan said, then he can try to fight for the title of the Shen family.

   Shen Han still has a little bit of interest in this title.

  The Shen family brought so many troubles to him, and Shen Ye even wanted to kill himself.

  Since this is the case, the title that Shen Ye has always wanted, the title that the Shen family wants to inherit.

  I want to have a good fight with him.

  Two days passed.

  On the east side of the capital, the Temple of Heaven.

  Here is the place for offering sacrifices and praying to heaven.

  The major events of the country must ask the sky.

  Pray to the sky for its will, follow the will of the heavens, and promote the affairs of the great Wei state.

  Every major event, there will be a step of offering sacrifices and praying to heaven.

  In the Great Wei, many people actually valued this providence.

  During the hundreds of years, praying to the heavens, I really deduced several major events.

  The sayings related to the luck of the country and the luck of people were also widely spread in the Great Wei Dynasty.

  So many people really value the results of this prayer.

  Shen Han followed Dean Tianyi and followed the crowd to the sacrificial altar.

   There is still some distance from the sacrificial altar, and the imperial army has already taken over.

  The crowd began to be shunted.

  Ordinary people in central Beijing were led to watch from a little distance away.

  People with certain status are naturally given preferential treatment and can stand closer.

   Around the entire sacrificial altar, there is a raised terrain in the middle.

  When worshiping the ceremony of praying to heaven, because of the terrain, other people will stand lower than the person in the center of the sacrifice.

   In order to demonstrate the dignity of the sacrificial ceremony.

  The auspicious time for offering sacrifices is the four hours from Sishi to Shenshi.

  The people who came here to watch the ceremony seem to understand this.

  It was almost time, and they all began to silence.

  Shen Han stood among the crowd, turning his head slightly to wait and see.

  The surrounding scenery, every place is full of solemnity.

  The important ministers in the court are also standing in front of the altar at this moment.

  The purpose of praying to the sky this time is to pray for Shen Han and others who participated in the Ten Kingdoms Competition.

   Naturally, Shen Han followed Dean Tianyi to the front.

  The time has come, and the ceremony and music of the sacrifice sounded.

  A group of people dressed in sacrificial attire, playing ritual music, slowly passed through the road.

  The sound of ritual and music lingers.

  At the same time, an old man was wearing a more luxurious sacrificial dress, holding a golden scepter in his hand.

  The old man seemed to be staggering, but his whole body was majestic.

   Walking to the center of the altar, the golden scepter was suddenly inserted into the square tripod.

   Then he spoke plausibly, as if he was really chanting the words to invoke God.

  Besides, the ritual and music team became louder and louder, and the tune became faster and faster.

  The old man is the Minister of the Great Wei Dynasty, a person who accepts the will of God.

   It was the first time for Shen Han to participate in this kind of sacrificial ceremony, and his eyes flicked around a little.

   After a while, I saw some people I didn't want to see.

   Not far from the west side, Luo Zuchen and Shen Ye, two masters and apprentices, were standing there.

   As if aware that he was looking at him, Luo Zuchen also squinted slightly, looking at him.

  Hidden viciousness in the eyes, it seems to have the power to take people's lives.

  If other people see this, I am afraid that the momentum has already weakened.

   But Shen Han didn't care about it, and just looked at him like this.

  It doesn't matter how fierce he is, I am still as calm as before, and I have no fear of him at all.

  Thinking carefully, Luo Zuchen has shot himself so many times.

   It was only the first time that he sneaked up on him, causing himself some injuries.

   Later, he tried to assassinate himself with one blow, and wanted to use his avatar to take his life away.

  But which time did it succeed.

   Therefore, why am I afraid of him?

  Seeing Shen Han staring at him unscrupulously, Luo Zuchen's eyes suddenly flashed a smile.

   I don't know what this smile means.

   These are already immune to Shen Han.

  In front of the sacrificial altar, the old man kept circling around the golden scepter.

  The words chanting in the mouth don't stop for a moment.

   It seems that he really has a posture of praying to heaven.

  Following the words of the old man, mysterious visions began to appear in the sky,

   It seems that three auspicious clouds fell over the sacrificial altar.

  Red, yellow, purple three colors.

   Following the words of the old man, Xiangyun seemed to have really heard his voice, and began to flow gradually.

  Many onlookers around looked revered, as if they had really seen a miracle.

   After about half an hour, the old man finally stopped.

   With a solemn expression, he pointed to the scepter in front of him.

   One loud voice: "Please worship the heavens!"

  The voice of the old man dragged on for an extremely long time, and the words were full of solemnity.

  Shen Han looked at the center of the sacrificial altar.

   After a while, the high-ranking saint stepped out.

   This is the first time for Shen Han to meet this Holy Majesty.

  It’s a little different from what I imagined, this Great Wei Sheng seems to look

   There is also some kindness.

   This was indeed Shen Han's first impression. On his slightly aged face, there was a slight smile, not harsh.

  Other people of the Wei Dynasty should also feel that he has a touch of kindness when they look at it.

   Rumor has it that he is old.

  However, from what I saw in front of me, it seems that Shouyuan is still very long.

  The holy majesty was on the altar, but he just twisted the golden scepter.

  Following that, the auspicious clouds in the sky changed, and the auspicious clouds of three colors intertwined together, as if showing some kind of omen.

  Shen Han also felt that it was mysterious, but he didn't believe it was God's will.

  Presumably, it should be a vision evoked by some method.

   After a while, something was offered and thrown into the cauldron.

   "Sacrifice, worship!"

   With a loud shout, everyone salutes.

  After about a quarter of an hour, Minister Yingtian spoke again.

   "Pray for the will of the heavens, and bless the great Wei.

  Pray to God, get up! "

  The sacrificial ceremony is over, and the next step is to pray to heaven.

  Pray to heaven, which means deduction and blessing.

  It is equivalent to a prediction before departure, praying for blessings.

  Behind him, Dean Tianyi patted Shen Han on the shoulder lightly.

  Shen Han also understood, and then stepped forward.

  Twelve people stepped forward from the surroundings and walked to the sacrificial altar.

  At this moment, these twelve people are the absolute protagonists, enjoying the eyes of countless people.

   Shen Han blinked and looked at the others.

   It seems that there is no acquaintance, and the other eleven people should be the first time I have met.

   "According to the great fortune of the sky, get involved in the waves of the world, and strengthen Wei's prestige!

  Pray to heaven, Xiang! "

  The old man's old face revealed a sense of majesty.

  He took out the golden scepter in his hand and pointed it straight at the sky.

  Then the words were plausible again, and they kept chanting.

   While muttering, he stepped down the sacrificial altar.

  The scepter in his hand began to lightly tap on everyone.

  Every time you tap, the auspicious clouds in the sky will sparkle and move.

   Thinking about it, this should be some kind of auspicious omen.

  The ceremony of prayer for the first four people seems to be relatively smooth.

  Until the golden scepter touched Shen Han, he tapped it down.

  The previous auspicious omen suddenly changed.

  The originally few auspicious clouds in the sky have become darker, like ashes, like dust.

  Even the plump figure gradually faded away.

   Around the sacrificial altar, the people who had been silent before began to whisper to each other.

   There was a hint of panic in the eyes looking at Shen Han.

  Not only that, but the expression of the Minister Yingtian who was holding the stick in front of him seemed to change because of it.

   Take back the scepter in your hand.

  The auspicious clouds in the sky instantly returned to their previous purple aura.

  The change of this vision seems to bluntly say that Shen Han's body is ominous

  The entire ceremony of praying to heaven is at a standstill at this moment.

   Everyone held their breath.

  The golden scepter touched Shen Han's body again.

   That auspicious cloud was indeed the same as before.

  It was originally full of purple auspicious signs, but the moment it touched Shen Han, it was dilapidated and lonely.

  The Minister of Yingtian shook his head solemnly, and the scepter in his hand touched the next person again.

   Sure enough, when the scepter touched the next person, it was another auspicious sign.

   Shen Han frowned tightly, thinking quickly in his mind.

  What God's will, what luck.

  It is just a means for some people to manipulate people's hearts and grasp public opinion.

  The Minister of Yingtian in front of him seems to be targeting himself deliberately, trying to turn himself into an ominous person.

   There are similarities with the Shen family wanting to ruin themselves.

  It seems that it will be even worse when this ominous name falls on him.

   will be excluded and prejudiced as it should be.

   While thinking about it, Shen Han's mind froze.

  (end of this chapter)