MTL - Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive the Disaster Year-Chapter 77 The emperor wants Ning Ning to be the crown prince's maid?

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Chapter 77 The Emperor wants Ning Ning to be the Crown Prince’s maid?

 The reason why Shen Ningning gave away the food so generously.

 It’s because there are hundreds of dishes of delicious food in her fairyland.

I also want to help Mr. Huang and others share the pressure.

 Besides, if you don’t eat the food you took out today, it will go rancid overnight.

 After returning to the yard, Ren Yao was too hot to go out.

Shen Ningning also went directly to the second floor and locked the compartment door of the stairwell.

 Then she closed half of the window, leaving only the side facing the mountains.

 He then took out the seven-wheeled fan and ice cubes from the fairyland.

 After being so busy, the little man was already sweating profusely.

 She went back to Wonderland first and took a refreshing bath.

  She then took out the cold shredded red oil chicken that Sister-in-law Liu had made for her before, and ate it with a stack of peanuts and a bowl of green vegetable porridge.

Having eaten and drank enough, feeling the cool icy wind blowing, and the blazing summer sun outside, Shen Ningning was not affected in the slightest.

 She took out the book she had brought, recalled the knowledge taught by the crazy scholar, and began to review her lessons.

When she was tired from studying, she would lie on the clean floor with her little feet up.

 The plate on the left is filled with lychee and yellow peach slices, and I take a bite from time to time.

 When she was thirsty, she went to the fairyland and drank the sweet sour plum soup made by her grandma.

 She lived a comfortable and comfortable life.

 When I looked up again, it was already dark outside the window.

At this moment, shouts came from downstairs—

 “Shen Ningning!”

The little guy put down his book, climbed onto the soft couch under the window and looked down.

                               是 Lu Shaoyuan.

 He waved his hands and raised a plate of sauced meat, only three or four pieces.

"The dining hall is open for dinner, why don't you go and eat? I'm full. I'll leave this plate of meat for you. Can I serve it to you?"

 Under the night, the little man’s complexion is bright and pretty, and his eyes are round and bright.

Shen Ningning secretly touched her bulging belly.

 “I won’t eat! Eat it yourself, I’m not hungry.”

Lu Shaoyuan frowned: "I heard from Xiang Qian that you gave them all the food you brought. How could you not be hungry?"

The little guy held his chin and said in a sweet and soft voice: "I'm not stupid. Before giving it to them, I took out a plate of fried rice myself."

Lu Shaoyuan listened for a moment and then said: "Oh..."

 It seems that he cares too much.

 At this moment, Shen Ningning said: "Wait a minute."

 She shrank her head back, and after a while, she held two sweet oranges in her little hands.

 “Lu Shaoyuan, go on!” She threw him from the upstairs.

 He hurriedly went to pick it up.

Shen Ningning said with a smile: "The weather is hot, don't get heat stroke, just take it and eat it!"

 Then, she waved her little hand to say goodbye, and then disappeared from the window.

 Lu Shaoyuan lowered his head and looked at the orange in his palm.

Pinch up Microsoft.

 The skin is thin and juicy, so it must be very sweet.

Lu Shaoyuan lowered his head, but couldn't help but smile.

She actually cared about him and warned him not to suffer from heatstroke.

 Shen Ningning is such a nice person.

Shortly after Lu Shaoyuan left, Ren Tao, who lived downstairs from the little guy, also came back.

She held a water bag: "Ning Ning, are you asleep? I'll pour you some of the water Master Huang gave us!"

 Shen Ningning has put away everything.

She opened the door and walked to the first floor, where she saw Ren Yao covered in sweat.

"Keep the water, I haven't finished the water I brought from home yet," Shen Ningning said.

Ren Yu nodded repeatedly: "Thank you then. This **** weather is really going to kill me!"

 When she went to the dining hall to have a meal, she looked like she was fished out of the water. The sun has gone down now, but it’s still so hot.

 It’s really unbearable.

 As Ren Yu held the water bag, he suddenly started crying.

Shen Ningning was startled: "What's wrong with you?"

Ren Yu sobbed and sat on the edge of the bed and asked helplessly: "Ning Ning, do you think we will die in the villa because of lack of water?"

“Outside the capital, I saw people who died of thirst. Their whole bodies were dry, as if all their blood had been dried in the sun. The appearance of their death was very horrific.”

"I'm so scared. I don't want to die. My mother only has one child..." She cried more and more sadly.

Shen Ningning walked over and wiped her sweat and tears with her handkerchief.

  Ren Yu fell on top of her, her shoulders twitching from crying.

 “Don’t cry, we won’t die of thirst on this mountain.”

 “Really? But they all say so…”

“That’s what everyone is afraid of, but it can’t be true! Ren Tao, you have to believe me!”

Shen Ningning has thought about it all.

 When it comes to a real life-or-death crisis, she will secretly run to the back mountain and release a spring.

 With water, everyone can stay up longer.

 Ren Tao felt relieved after hearing what she said.

"Ning Ning, you are so kind. With your comfort, I am not so afraid."

Shen Ningning thought for a while, then took out the red fruit she had not eaten before from her small pocket and gave it to her.

 Ren Yu’s eyes lit up.

Shen Ningning said: "Eat it. After eating, have a good sleep!"

Ren Yu held the fruit and nodded repeatedly: "Well! Maybe when we wake up tomorrow, someone will come to save us!"

Shen Ningning returned to the second floor and locked the door again.

 She took out the seven-wheel fan and ice cubes, and then put a mat on her little bed.

 After lying down, I felt cold and my mind was empty of all thoughts.

 There happened to be a small, half-open window next to her bed.

 You can see the stars and the bright moon all over the sky.

 The heat outside, the sound of Ren Yao turning back and forth unable to sleep downstairs, and the chirping of insects in the mountains.

None of it affected Shen Ningning's thoughts.

The cool wind gently blew over her white and tender hands and feet, bringing a sense of comfort.

 Shen Ningning was thinking about what brother Mo Lingwei was doing until she fell asleep.

 At this moment.

Mo Lingwei stood by the window and looked at the moon with her.

 His illness has just "recovered" and he has regained consciousness.

The whole person looks like he was fished out of an ice cave, with a layer of coldness covering his cold and handsome eyebrows.

 At this moment, the emperor came in.

"Ling Wei? Why are you up? The imperial doctor said you have to lie down and have a good rest for two days."

“I don’t want to lie down, I’m tired.” Mo Lingwei glanced sideways with a lazy expression.

 The emperor approached and saw that he was not wearing a Buddhist bead. He quickly picked it up and put it on his left wrist.

At that time, the national preceptor said that he could not leave his hands with the beads, otherwise he would be dragged back to become an evil ghost.

Over the years, Mo Lingwei didn't believe it, but the emperor believed it.

"Ling Wei, my father heard from Chen Shaobei that you are very fond of the little girl named Shen Ningning, and she is your lucky star. Therefore, my father plans to bring her into the palace and make her the crown prince's concubine. how? "

 For ordinary women, this is already a great honor.

Female officials who become princes will most likely be named imperial concubines in the future.

 Some female officials will wait until they are fifteen or sixteen years old before they start to warm the prince's bed.

Moreover, they will also handle the prince's internal affairs, and they are no different from the people next to him.

 But when Mo Lingwei heard these words, his expression suddenly changed.

His eyebrows were furrowed and he stared at the emperor with eyes like two burning fires!

"I don't agree." He said every word, almost gritting his teeth.

Old Emperor: Son, you will regret it later!



 (End of this chapter)