MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 5 test

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When they walked through the forest again, the three of them became more and more silent. Fernando seemed to be a human storm that was about to erupt, the more depressed and the more terrifying it was.

的 The secret stronghold provided by Douglas was a hidden cave, with traces of magical circles operating only at the deepest point, and its appearance was a pure natural cover.

"Mr. Douglas, you live here for a few days, wait for us to arrange things, and then come to you." Even though Douglas had a gentle attitude along the way and made people feel like a spring breeze, Roland chose a very polite title before leaving. After all, this is An archmage.

Douglas didn't feel left out in the slightest. He knocked on the conditions in the cave, nodding slightly, and smiled and said, "I can have a place for me to research, I'm very satisfied."

He didn't mind being watched, but rather satisfied, because the organization that had not been guarded and tested against the enchanted magician was almost dead and became a dust in history. He didn't want the organization he would join. That's no different from sending death.

Before Antiover fell, he was good at observing and thinking, and he had understood the cruelty of the situation. Under the temptation, oppression, and intimidation of the church, parents abandon their children, apprentices assassinate Master, and friends attack each other. It did not disappear with the initial collapse of the magic empire. On the contrary, it was even more violent, because for a large number of magicians, there was no more capital to wait and hesitate, either betray or die.

"It is best not to conduct magic experiments, the black claw dog has a keen sense of smell." Fernando reminded his face, fearing that the Archmage from Antivre was too confident in his own strength.

Douglas took out the thick white paper from the storage bag and put it on the stone platform in the cave, looking at them as if admiring the most perfect lover: "Rest assured, I have enough mathematical research to consume all my energy. "

"Mathematical studies ... Are you from a tower?" Fernando's mood eased a little when he heard about magic, and he asked with interest, in his impression, tower geometry was the first to learn his magic. Something frustrated, and the magician in the tower is full of enthusiasm for mathematical studies, just like Douglas before him.

The magicians of the ancient magic empire have long attached importance to mathematical research, because it is closely related to the construction of spell models and has achieved a series of results, such as high-tower geometry, but most of their energy is focused on spell learning and blood. After research, after all, the results of mathematical research are hard to see immediately. Only a few magicians use them for fun. Most of them are astrological divisions, and the tower is one of the most famous astrological divisions.

When the dawn war broke out, the church began to gain the upper hand, and there were even fewer masters who were willing to study mathematics and physics with free time. At least Fernando had never seen a guy with such a feverish expression when talking about mathematical research.

Douglas looked up and laughed at himself: "In fact, I really want to join the tower, but they don't want this weird guy, and I haven't seen them again since the fall of Antivre."

"I'm glad you have been soberly aware of your weirdness. If you can ask less why, you will be a very good friend." Fernando has always been willing to hit others, even if the other is a great mage, he is not the same Will change.

Douglas smiled and did not respond to Fernando's words.

Roland glanced at Fernando complainingly, why did he make up for his mistakes every time? Wouldn't he not speak without sarcasticity? Bai Sheng has a lovely handsome appearance!

He coughed: "Mr. Douglas, don't worry about Fernando, he is a descendant of the savage empire of Arthur, you can hear it from his accent, yes, you need to make a list in these days, if there is a special Urgent, tell me now. "

"No." Douglas shook his head and watched Fernando and Roland leave, knowing clearly that when they returned, it was time for them to take the test.

What will be the test?

Uh ...

Leaving the forest in silence, Fernando and Roland did not speak, but they changed the hidden place very tacitly, hid in the city, and walked to the villa of Viscount Erekán-this was their safest hiding place, only The place where the highest level of organization knows is also a place that vigil people can't imagine.

When the aristocracy had not yet inherited the baronial title, in a certain operation of annihilating the magician, he linked with a high-level wizard of the "Magic Union", and then used his power to eliminate powerful enemies and succeeded. After gaining the knighthood, he later relied on the "intelligence" of the "Magic Union" to establish his merits, becoming the Viscount, and was the first significant aristocrat that the "Magic Union" had attracted since the implementation of the new strategy.

Fernando and Roland have changed their appearances long ago, and passed the front door with the familiar Viscount housekeeping. No one doubts that, because this is indeed them, they are their apparent identities.

The old housekeeper remained silent as always, without asking a few questions about the two guys who often received special orders from the Viscount.

As soon as I returned to my room, Roland had just washed and heard Fernando's familiar violent knock on the door.

有 "Is there something? Discuss how to test Douglas?" Roland asked puzzledly. After a few days of emotional stress, he just wanted to take a good rest.

Fernando's mental force field spread, closed the door, and growled in a low voice: "Roland, we must fight back!"

"Assassination of vultures?" This was something they had discussed long ago, so Roland reacted after a moment's sting, cautiously, "We have to make a rigorous plan to use other people's whereabouts to lure vultures, and then surround them. Kill him?"

"No." Fernando's bright red eyes were full of seriousness and anger. "Benson defected. How many of us are here. The black-clawed dogs know very well. Maybe it's not that we will besiege vultures, but they will besiege us. Now, you know, this insidious method is the specialty of the black claw dog, and I want to kill Benson together! "

"How is this possible? Benson must be hiding in the referee now, and we can't get him killed at all!" Roland rejected the offer of Fernan without hesitation. "Otherwise we'll wait and contact the headquarters to come back. A few high-level magicians, so that they can be more sure to hang the vulture. "

Fernando controlled his anger and shook his head: "The vulture has a keen sense of smell. After a few days, he will not raid so recklessly. Instead, he will unite with the local nobles and clergy and even rush away. Elsewhere. "

那 "What are you going to do?" Roland asked puzzledly, neither this nor that, what exactly did Fernando mean?

Fernando said almost roaringly: "Assault the referee directly, kill the vultures and Benson! They must be there!"

"You're crazy!" Roland felt that either Fernando was crazy or he was crazy.

In the past, when the magic empire still existed, there were indeed cases of breaking the tribunal and even the cathedral, but in the past 100 years, no magician has dared to attack the tribunal directly. This is the lair of the black claw dogs, which has a powerful god. Spell formations and high-level night watchmen, where a magician who flees like a mouse in a gutter can fight it, and he must choose a good way to commit suicide!

The breeze blew through, and Fernando's slightly messy hair fluttered, like the prelude to the storm: "Since you can't think of it, the church and the black-clawed dogs are even more unexpected. For more than a hundred years, the court has never been attacked directly. Their response will certainly be slow, and it will inevitably be very chaotic at that time. As long as the vultures and Benson are killed before the church and the nobles react, we can leave calmly! "

这 "This, this ... but, our strength ..." Roland felt that his brain was in a mess, and at first I thought it was something that the vulture never dreamed of, and thought it was too crazy and funny.

Fernando did not smile: "We have a Master."

"Douglas?" Roland suddenly woke up, the magician's instinct restored, and said to himself, "The strongest in the city is the vulture, the eighth-level sky knight, the others are newly promoted cardinals or sky knights, and maybe Several betrayed high-level magicians, but there must be no master, otherwise we would not escape so easily and lose at least two thirds of the personnel. "

He stepped back and forth: "The magic of the Nine Rings is weird and powerful, and the power of the Archmage is far higher than that of the high-level. In the case of a surprise attack, there is no problem in breaking the referee. It would be better if the time stopped. I do n’t know if we will pick up a master. Except for Garos, only the chairman will know. Well, there is no problem in the comparison of strength, but Douglas has not been tested? Will he betray us? ”

Fernando is still stern: "This is the test, kill the vulture, he is one of us."

"This way ..." Roland felt that there was a chance of success, but it was very swaying. "But this will anger the church. I am afraid that the heart of time will be sent over."

Speaking of "Heart of Time", he has his own unconscious fear. The epic knight made his own glory with the magician's bones and blood, and even killed a legendary lord, which is a nightmare for countless magicians. It is their true abyss demons.

At this point, he realized that he was taken around by Fernando for a large circle: "We have Douglas, and we can use seductive methods to kill vultures. Even if this is their deliberate trick, we never think we have a master Why bother attacking the tribunal directly? Fernando, don't be blinded by anger, find an opportunity to get rid of Benson next time. "

Fernando snorted: "Put the others out of Paphos County in advance, you also leave early, and the church will take revenge before you can find us."

His expression was a little more serious: "We must kill the traitors immediately. Only when we prove that we have the ability to kill the traitors and cause trouble to the church, the nobles are willing to work with us secretly ~ ~ support us to cause more trouble So you wo n’t betray us casually! "

罗 "Roland, how critical the situation is now. You should be very clear. If you do n’t want to take risks, you have to wait for death slowly. You must show our value. Then you will be helped. Retreating step by step will only lose all opportunities for cooperation."

Roland gritted his teeth and thought for a while: "Fernando, you have to pay attention to safety, especially to prevent Douglas from being a traitor."

He agrees with Fernando's suggestion. According to the rules of the Union of Wizards, as long as the two leaders of the branch agree, then the action can be started.

Fernando did not show a smile because Roland agreed, holding his hands tightly, suppressing his anger, ready to erupt at the right time.

Uh ...

内 In the forest, near the secret stronghold.

"I'm staying outside," Roland said to Fernando, afraid there were already vigils ambushing around.

Fernando nodded and went straight into the hidden cave.

刚刚 He just crossed the last barrier, and suddenly stepped on a piece of paper full of characters, all over the floor.

I looked at Douglas, who was writing hard, and saw that his neatly combed hair was very messy. Fernando curiously picked up the paper under his feet and looked at the content above.

At this point, Fernando stayed in place. He has always been a recognized genius of magic, and he is also very talented in mathematics. However, the formulas, words, and symbols written on paper have given him a kind of mathematics that he has never learned feel!

What is Douglas studying? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give rewards to the mobile network (), your support is my biggest motivation.)