MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 75

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The three assassins rushed over and ignored the existence of Jane.

At the moment when Jane’s body moved, Sheldon suddenly came to his side. When it seemed to be tilted, the center of gravity was still in control. His blade slashed to Jane’s side.

Jane took his blade and used it to turn over his head. He tried to crush Sheldon’s spine. It was only at the moment of Sheldon’s defense that he found that Jane’s heel fell on one of the assassins’ heads. With a cry, he fell to the ground like a mechanical machine that lost its clockwork.

And Sheldon’s blade runs through Jane’s chest.

The blood drip replied.

"It seems that you really care about your pet." Sheldon's lips are mocking smiles.

The two remaining assassins came to Xiao Yan's face, and the sound of a simple voice came, as if being pierced by Sheldon was not a big deal. "There are only two, you should deal with it."

Sheldon stepped forward slightly, and the blade moved in Jane's body, triggering a nerve-splitting sound with the muscles.

"Do you still care about others?"

Jane has buckled the other's hand, forced back, pulled out the blade, and the sound of flesh and blood healing is very loud.

The two assassins in front of Xiao Yan shot at the same time, trying to hold his shoulder.

However, Xiao Yan deducted the hand they had stretched out, and one of them leaped upwards, and the two people’s shoulders dislocated with the rotation of the body.

But the two assassins did not feel the pain and did not wrinkle their brows, but quickly retreated to a safe distance and stared at Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan did not take the initiative to attack. He did not know the extent of the two men's skills, so they waited quietly for their shots.

Sheldon smiled. "We underestimated your little pet."

"Don't keep calling him a little pet, you will regret it."

After that, Jane suddenly appeared in front of Sheldon, his fingers close together, and suddenly poked into the other's chest, pinching his heart.

Xiao Yan stared nervously at the two assassins. As they alternated their eyes, one of them waved his blade and vacated. Xiao Yan knew that the purpose of this guy was to cut his arm. The trajectory of the attack was very clear in Xiao Yan's eyes. His shoulders were tight, his arms were wiped over the blade, and his palm fell straight on the other's chin. His head instantly receded and broke.

"磕啦", the assassin who attacked him widened his eyes, still reacting to what Xiao Yan did, and fell weakly at the foot of Xiao Yan.

Sheldon frowned. If he was simply pulled out of his heart, even if the x virus in the body could not synthesize a new heart, he had to smash the killer and try to cut Jane's arm.

Jane instantly pulled away, and the blade was empty. Sheldon grabbed his chest and stepped back half a step.

"So, are we not even?"

Jane smiled.

"Even if you can get out of here, no matter where you hide in the world, your father will find you!"

"Come on, anyway, he never used me as his son."

The rest of the assassins were shocked by Xiao Yan's skill. He has always heard that Jane's researcher, but why is this researcher... no less than any killer who has been trained for many years?

Xiao Yan picked up the blade on the ground, gently slammed, the blood splashed along the blade, and then Xiao Yan rushed up.

The assassin thought that Xiao Yan was about to slash, so he raised his arm and blocked it, but he couldn’t imagine what Xiao Yan had changed in front of him. He made his body with a blade and slammed on the assassin’s hand. His blade fell straight into his throat.

The applause sounded.

On the shoulder of Xiao Yan, he blinked at Sheldon. "Now, two to one, do you think you have a chance to win?"

"In addition to winning, there is only death. Don't you understand?"

After that, Sheldon rushed up.

His right hand slashed to Jane, while his left hand slammed Xiao Yan's neck.

The guy's action was so fast that when his cold fingertips touched Xiaoyan's skin, it was too late to react.

In my mind, it was the picture of Hai Yin Burton’s fingers holding himself in the training room.

Learn to apply the body's steering power.

The body naturally responded. Xiao Yan clasped Sheldon's tiger's mouth with his right hand, his left hand twisted his wrist, and the body followed the lowering of the center of gravity. One turned and Sheldon's left hand was unloaded.

And Jane also took the edge of Sheldon with lightning speed and stabbed him into his chest. This time, Jane did not relax, the eyes were suffocating all the suffocating, the handle was pressed into Sheldon's body, and he fell to the ground.

"Kill me." Sheldon looked at Jane, his left wrist is still losing blood.

Jane picked up the left hand on the ground and pressed back his broken wrist. The x virus is accelerating his healing.

"I hope that your respected father can spare your life, or you can replace me as his body."

Jane whispered in the ear of Sheldon.

Sheldon’s eyes widened and he was still thinking about the meaning of Jane’s words.

In the channel, the footsteps of the running came, and Jane continued to move forward.

"Are you sure that the fire control system here is sealed?"

Jane ran while asking Xiao Yan.

"I'm sure! The current end system is too high-end, but it has no defense against the most common underlying viruses in the network system more than two hundred years ago, unless Valentin Sheen personally removes him from the system! But that requires manual calculations. Even if he has more than two hundred years of accumulated wisdom, it will take an hour to clean up the virus!"

"Then we don't have much time left!"

They entered the submarine and closed the valve. Jane pulled Xiao Yan to the cab, and Xiao Yan discovered that Kathy and Jerry had four or five people waiting inside!

Xiao Yan thought badly, I was afraid that they had already discovered Jane’s plan, and they were waiting for them to be delivered to the door!

But Casey was stunned and ran forward to hug Xiao Yan.

"Fortunately, you are coming! If your head is cut off by Sheldon's fool, I will never forgive Jane!"

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s heart trembled, and he almost subconsciously patted Kathy’s back as comforting him as before. But Xiao Yan’s hand stopped in midair.

Jane’s lips are a consistent smile. "You look down on me too much, Kathy. Did the information get?"

"Get it!" Casey showed a smug look.

"let's go!"

Casey put on the terminal and the submarine slowly drove out of its mooring place.

Xiao Yan finally understood everything at this moment.

Jane has been plotting to steal the remedy from Valentin Sheen, and Kathy and Jerry are his accomplices. The motive of Jane’s robbery is to use his brain three times faster than the average person to invade the master, and to contain Valentin’s thinking, and Casey can sneak into Valentin’s brain and steal him. The information you want.

The submarine kept moving away, and the undulating mood of Xiao Yan calmed down.

He was used by this group of scammers!

"Next, we should find a place, synthetic drugs. Every fall of the year is always painful to die." Casey has been shattered.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I need to synthesize the agent to remove the virus suffix, and you have to synthesize x-2... How about us to capture a research base?" Jerry's tone was half-joking, and Yu Guangzhong was chilly. If Xiao Yan does not synthesize x-2 as they say, Jerry will kick him out of the submarine without mercy.

"Are your head broken?" Casey coldly glanced at Jerry.

"Don't worry about anything. We are free, Xiao Yan."

Jane seems to be a little tired, closing her eyes on Xiao Yan's shoulder. His breathing was long, and this was his first time sleeping in front of Xiao Yan.

The submarine floated up in front of an island, and Xiao Yan saw an aircraft.

The feeling of leaving the deep sea was unparalleled, and Xiao Yan took a deep breath above the submarine. The sea breeze bursts, and the sound of Shanghai birds on the top is lively and bright.

"Hey! Fool! You don't keep up, we will throw you here." Casey wrinkled his nose.

At that moment, Xiao Yan seems to have returned to the most simple years of the past, and Casey is still Kathy.

"Go, baby."

I took a brief look at Xiao Yan’s waist and pinched it twice in a very restless manner.

Xiao Yan opened Jane and followed Kathy.

The aircraft took them away from the island.

This time, they are flying deeper into the sea.

"Are we going to land?"

"You guess." Jane once again made a fool of himself.

A green color gradually appeared in front of him, and Xiao Yan bowed his head. Such vegetation cover and plant community, the original mountain range, were very familiar in Xiao Yan. Here is the place where he first met Hai Yin!

The heart cannot jump on its own.

"Really can attract your attention." Jane smiled faintly, his fingers slammed into his black hair.

“Can you open the hatch? I want to smell the smell of the woods.”

Xiao Yan's fingers were placed on the glass, and the look of a face looked forward.

Casey looked at Jane and nodded briefly.

At the moment when the hatch was opened, Xiao Yan quickly lifted the safety device and slammed it in the direction of the hatch.

Almost at the same time, Jane buckled Xiao Yan's shoulders, and the gentle eyes fierce in an instant.

"What do you want to do!" The roar sounded over the trees for a long time.

Jerry would close the hatch without saying anything, but Xiao Yan slammed on Jerry's finger.

"Ah--" Although this hurts nothing, it makes Jerry scream.

The sound attracted the zombies between the trees. They looked up at the head and showed an excited expression. They chased the aircraft and leaped constantly. Some even climbed the tree and stretched their arms, but they were still far and far away from the aircraft.

"I saw no! You will be surrounded by countless zombies! You think you can kill them!"

Jerry looked at Xiao Yan with resentment and suddenly punched his face. "Mom! I know you guys are restless!"

His fist was stopped by Casey.

"I went to the cockpit!" Jerry left angrily, and looked cold Xiao Yan before leaving.

Xiao Yan was smashed back, squatting on his neck and squatting on the glass window. "I don't believe you anymore."

"I don't believe you either."

Xiao Yan fell straight and looked at Jane.

"Head, this is too close to the base 2, we have to go around."

At least two special task teams are stationed at Base 2, so that the current manpower is not enough to compete.

Kathy deliberately said in front of Xiao Yan.

"Go around."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and felt sorry for his impulse. He should be patient and bear again. He can wait until the plane landed, even pretending to join Jane and Kathy, and then create a chance to leave, instead of just now, the impulse ruined everything.

At this time he realized how much he missed Hai Yin.

Missing his indifference to the maddening expression, missing his strong and unwilling embrace, and his...the strength of kissing.

Xiao Yan has not cared about what Hai Yin is really about.

He just wants to see this man again.

At this time, the aircraft oscillated, and Casey made a "Oh-" sound.

"Hey! Jerry! You can't drive well! Deliberately scary this trick doesn't work!"

But did not receive a reply from Jerry.

"What happened?" Casey's face changed.

Jane seemed to understand what it was. Suddenly, he took a dagger from his ankle and pulled the hair of Xiao Yan to himself.

"Hey - Jane! What are you going to do!" Casey looked at it in horror, trying to bring Xiao Yan to her side.

"The microchip on him brought the people of Shire! Kathy! You take over Jerry! His brain is invaded!"

The height of the aircraft is declining, and Casey sits in the cockpit without speaking.

The simple tip of the knife opened the skin between Xiao Yan's neck, and the blood flowed down the neck. Xiao Yan made a squeaking sound.

"Hey - hey - it will be alright soon!"

Jane sighed in the ear of Xiao Yan, and the tip of the microchip was picked up. The wound between Xiao Yan’s neck quickly healed.

"Okay, it has already been taken out."

"Oh," the microchip became a metal powder between Jane's fingers.

"Now they can't track you anymore. When we get rid of them this time, no one can find you."

"Jane - save me!"

Kathy’s cry for help was heard in the cockpit.

Jane’s look was tense and she entered the cockpit after saying that she was optimistic about Xiao Yan.

The aircraft finally stabilized its height.

"I'm sorry... Jane... Someone just invaded my mind. When I reacted, the guy almost entered my subconscious..."

Kathy had a lingering fear, and Jane snorted.

"There are very few people who can invade you?"

The aircraft was rushing forward, and Xiao Yan could not see the chaser when he turned back.

I haven’t come back yet...

There are now four people in the cabin, and this time they can no longer be impulsive.

Xiao Yan jerked his legs up, and the guy oppositely tried to hold his knees and Xiao Yan suddenly lifted the safety device. The people around him tried to press the safety device back, but Xiao Yan punched his abdomen. The legs slammed against the guy opposite, and the other raised his arms to resist, and Xiao Yan lifted the safety device, opened the door and jumped out.

Unfortunately, it was still caught.

Xiao Yan tried his best and finally fell.

At that moment, Jane jumped from the hatch.

"Xiao Yan -"

His hair was smashing in the wind, and his lazy expression was full of horror.

"Don't let your head hit the ground!"

Xiao Yan suddenly realized that he had turned over in the air, and the pain of the neck fracture at the moment of landing on his legs made him fall to the ground.

Although the bones were also broken, it was obvious that Jane Wallis’s tolerance for pain was much higher than that of Xiao Yan. At this moment, he has come to Xiao Yan, and he has picked him up.

"Do you think that you can escape?"

The low voice, the chilly cold spread on the back of Xiao Yan.

"You can't trap me forever!"

Xiao Yan, who recovered his cheekbones, lifted his knees, but Jane slammed his calf and picked him up and pressed it against the tree.

"Are you always proud of me? I am reluctant to start with you? You are wrong! Xiao Yan! I have seen your stubbornness, and the things you believe will not change even if all human beings perish!"

"You have got what you want! You have already held the freedom! Why can't you let me go!"

“I got what I wanted?” Jane raised her eyebrows and sneered. “Yes, from now on, I want to get all I want!”

Jane's kisses were pressed down, and his waist was squeezed between Xiao Yan's legs. Xiao Yan struggled to struggle. Jane didn't care that he pulled his pants down every time he broke his fist.

Xiao Yan knows that this time the other side will not let himself go. He tightened Jane's neck and pinched his cervical spine. He hadn't had time to force it. Jane clasped his fingers and slammed it down.


His phalanx was crushed, although the pain was not worth mentioning compared to the fracture of the shin. The man no longer cares if he is in pain, and his anger completely wipes out his intellect.

Xiao Yan used his elbow to hit Jane's side neck, and the opposite hand quickly buckled his wrist, slamming backwards, and the elbow slammed against the trunk.

This time Xiao Yan hurts to add.

Jane has already vigorously opened his mouth and is about to attack the city!

At this time, Xiao Yan’s afterglow noticed that many zombies had already come over.

They are shaking their bodies, and in their eyes they are eager to see food for a long time.

And Jane did not care about this until four or five zombies fled in desperation. Jane finally had to let go of Xiao Yan, grabbed one of the zombies, and pressed it against the face of another zombie. All the zombies that had been thrown up were taken out by him.

The zombies of Chengshan were surrounded.

Hearing an explosion in the distance, Jane’s aircraft crashed into the mountain because of the loss of control. Xiao Yan instinctively shook his shoulder.

"You don't want to run? There are thousands of zombies waiting for you!"

The encirclement of the zombies is getting smaller and smaller, and Xiao Yan is stepping back step by step.

"Where are you going!" Jane will hold Xiao Yan.

"They want to eat you, not me...sorry, Jane."

There are still zombies rushing up, even without weapons, they are fragile in front of Jane Wallis, just like the momentum of the mountains, the moment will be drowned.

One has a result, the wreckage of the zombies is constantly piled up, but Jane can't see the trace of Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan, where are you! Xiao Yan!"

Jane didn't hear any answer from Xiao Yan. He just saw Xiao Yan running away from the gap between the zombies.

All the zombies did not respond to Xiao Yan completely, as if Xiao Yan was their kind.

Because Xiao Yan completed the study of the virus "Snow Lun" before he was taken away from Charles. He injected himself with this special virus, allowing the zombies to treat themselves as peers from attack.

He must escape, the sooner the better. With the ability of Jane, you can quickly get rid of the group of zombies to catch up with yourself.

A sly, Xiao Yan fell to the ground, without hesitation, he climbed up and continued to move forward.

At that moment, the sunlight on the top of the head was refracted and the air was cut.

Xiao Yan quickly turned to the side, a figure in a black combat uniform fell, his blade fell into the mud.

As long as he was late for a fraction of a second, his head was cut off.

The other slowly raised his head, and the silver-gray hair swayed with the action. Xiao Yan saw the other side's cold eyes.


Sheldon did not say a word, and once again, he slammed into Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan raised his arm and stopped, and was almost smashed by the other side.

"I don't have much time, you know that the zombies can't stand him for too long."

The blade fell, Xiao Yan flashed off in a thrilling manner, and the trunk behind him was neatly cut.

Xiao Yan’s heart jumped wildly. He was not sure if he was Sheldon’s opponent. This guy would chase him, and the goal was not simple. He only said that he would take Xiao Yan’s head back to return to Valentin.

Sheldon held the blade with both hands. "Let me see how much you learned from Hein Burton!"

The blade stabbed over, Xiao Yan just want to dodge, Sheldon suddenly released his left hand and held his chest, Xiao Yan, who could not escape, was penetrated by the blade and nailed to the tree.

Painfully groaning, Xiao Yan pulled the blade to pull it out, and Sheldon pulled another handle from his back and waved his neck without expression.

He is dying...

Unable to accept such a fate, Xiao Yan madly pulled out the blade that nailed himself to the trunk.

The engine sound of the aircraft was uploaded overhead, and a figure descended from the sky, as if the meteor broke through the atmosphere and finally slammed into its destination.

Just as the blade touched Xiao Yan's neck, Sheldon's wrist was cut down, and one foot smashed out, and five or six trees were cut off one after another, and finally a tree trunk puncture.

The back of the eye is so familiar, propped up his distracted consciousness, and smashed the momentum of the earth.

The author has something to say: Fat Winter Melon: Colonel Burton is making a debut!

Xiao Yan: Isn't it more common to use it when it's awkward?

Fat winter melon: ... 2k novel reading network