MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 72

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I never knew that you also had such a time of blind optimism. "Granden Gordon pressed the corner of his eye.

"Because Jane Wallis won't let that happen. Where is the witch Claire?"

"Ha..." Major Gordon held down his head. "Don't tell me that you want to torture her brain! This woman is very powerful. Three elites of the torture force have damaged their neurons after entering her brain. You What do you mean by my words?"

"Claire killed them all in her brain."

"and so……"

"So I have to enter her subconscious. Please arrange it now."

The tone of the command of that moment made Gordon Gordon a slight glimpse.

"She is the witch Claire, her subconscious mind is not so undefended as Xiao Yan! You can't remember everything you faced with Shen Bing in the subconscious of Lieutenant Reynolds? Shen Bing has not recovered the damaged neurons! ”

"Please prepare, Major General." Hai Yin finally pours, the golden brown hair is cooled and dazzled in the light of the office. The outline of his eyes is meticulously challenging the limits of human aesthetics. Close up and look at your own subordinates.

"You are crazy... I want to think about what the price of Shao Yan has saved you!"

"Your lord," Hai Yin sideways, using his fingers to take out a micro-disc from the flesh of his shoulder. His movements are neat and courageous, and there is no such thing as a **** and uncomfortable discomfort. "This is the research data of Shao Yan." No matter what happens to me, it will not prevent Charles from continuing research on x-2. There will be more and more special forces out of the x virus."

Major Gordon clenched the micro-disc and looked serious. "Who should I give it to?"

"The person you trust."

"I trust people? I no longer believe in anyone I have trusted. Jane Wallis is a senior spy from the tide, and the president already knows that I am waiting for a demotion."

"But at the moment you are still the leader of the special mission force."

"I am only curious now, will Sharif send someone else to replace me?"

An hour later, in the dark isolation cell of the torture force, the glamorous woman slowly opened her eyes.

When Haiyin Burton entered the cell, Claire's pupil did not consciously shrink, it was a signal to refuse to believe everything in front of him.

Her hands are bound by high-density titanium, her legs are wrapped in fused titanium, and she can't get rid of her legs unless she has to give up her legs. The special device on the neck only needs the torture command to automatically break her neck. The lower part of her face was also wearing a titanium mask, unable to attack anyone, and unable to break herself. In the tidal organization, she is the assassin's master, a tall and incompetent mark, Claire is definitely not in the eye, but he underestimated Liv. Liv is not only flexible, but also more compatible with Mark. This is why Hein Burton was relieved at the time.

"I don't need you to tell me anything, because I will find it myself."

Claire always looked down on everything and finally got nervous at that moment.

Haiyin took out the terminal connector, like the death of the killing, the silent sickle opened the outer edge of Claire's thinking, and cut off all the thought links with irresistible momentum.

This is not an invasion at all, but a massacre.

Claire began to tremble, and Haiyin had not even entered her deep thinking, and Claire could not bear it.

"I have millions of ways to make your neurons suffer more than a thousand times more cruel than those of torture experts. I have no patience and time."

The sound of Hai Yin sounded in Clare's mind, without temperature, as if it had spread from the depths of hell. But this stubborn woman refuses to say anything. Her mind layer was oppressed to produce cracks, and Hai Yin suddenly rushed in. In the dark endless subconscious, invisible murder, but there is no doubt about Hai Yin.

He is like a phantom that is deep and unremovable. No matter how dangerous Claire's subconscious is, he can't touch this man.

He squatted down and slammed down.

What has been dragged out, the whole world is falling apart.

"Alarm! Alert! Thinking subject heart rate is too fast!"

"Alarm! Alert! Thinking subject neurons are damaged!"

"Alarm! Alert! Thinking subject decline!"

Several observers of the torture force were astonished. They were ordered to take care of Colonel Burton’s brain. Once he felt abnormal, he would be disconnected from Claire’s neurons, but now Claire is in danger. ?

What should they do?


Haiyin Burton suddenly opened his eyes and interrupted neuronal contact.

On the opposite side, Claire lowered her head and looked ashamed and weak. She didn't even have the power to open her eyes.

Hai Yin came to the observer and asked for a few codes. Claire in the cell seemed to get oxygen and gave a breath.

The heart rate is slowly recovering, but the subjective consciousness is still at a low level.

All observers of the torture force looked at Hai Yin.

"He...has it succeeded in extracting information from the brain of the witch Claire?"

"...still, did he kill her in Claire's brain?"

"Will the Claire Claire wake up? How do we report to the superior?"

At this time, Xiao Yan lay flat on a white sand beach with the shadow of palm trees on his head, a beach hat on his face, and countless paper books.

Jane slowly came to his side to sit down,

The sound of seagulls and the waves blend together, and the heavens and the earth are infinitely high.

Jane chuckled, his fingertips slammed his hat, slowly and lowly, and when his breath touched Xiao Yan's lips, Xiao Yan, who had closed his eyes, finally opened.

"If you dare to do this..."

"How can you do that?"

The kiss eventually fell.

Xiao Yan firmly closed his lips, but Jane's tongue was strong and powerful. This kiss has no compulsion, and it is only a moment of teasing after entering.

"I shouldn't be sorry for you that night. I should enter you slyly, even if there is a bloodshed, as long as I inject x virus into your body, you will soon heal. And the pain I bring to you, You will always remember."

Jane's fingers gently twirled Xiao Yan's black hair, and pure-blooded Asians are rare. His soft black hair has a different charm.

"If you do that, I will use my head to hit the sea."

"Don't be like this, the sea reef has a special meaning for me." Jane's fingers tirelessly fiddled with Xiao Yan's hair.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and turned away, while the opponent's palm implied the strength to fix his forehead in place.

"I have never heard of any fairy tales since I was a child. The first time I met a fairy tale was that my troops were resting in an abandoned library after a certain mission. I turned to a fairy tale book. It is a story about a mermaid. ""

The simple voice is very unique, and the sound of the sea breeze blurs with the sound of the ebb and flow.

"The mermaid will use its own voice to confuse the fishermen who have passed through this sea and drag them into the deep sea. But once, the little mermaid saved a teenager on the fishing boat because of sympathy. The boy is riding the boat back and forth day after day. I went to the sea to find the little mermaid, and the little mermaid avoided it. Finally, one day, the little mermaid couldn't help but ask him, I can satisfy you with a wish, please don't follow me after fulfilling this wish."

Jane stopped.

"What is the wish of the teenager?"

"I thought you were not listening."

"You can't make a story?"

"...the boy's wish is to become a reef in the sea. He said that this sea area is smashed, there are no islands and reefs, and the little mermaid has no habitat. He hopes that when she is tired, there is a place to let her Stay."

"So the little mermaid turned the boy into a reef?" Xiao Yan asked in a nonsense tone.

"I do not know."

"You are really playing me." Xiao Yan sighed.

"...the ending page of the fairy tale is gone."

"You haven't gone anywhere to look for it?"

"No. No fairy tale has the ideal ending for everyone. And I have been searching for my own reef."

Xiao Yan raised his brow. He subconsciously began to think about Jane. What is the meaning of this fairy tale? Perhaps this fairy tale is originally a simple story. What is the reef that he refers to?

"I know that you don't like my story, but do you like the book I gave you?" Jane's words successfully ended Xiao Yan's thinking.

“How did you find them? Paper is a fragile thing, and they should be weathered for more than two hundred years.”

“There were many books in the library more than two hundred years ago that were vacuum-protected. They were not damaged.”

"So you picked them up? This will speed up their destruction!"

Xiao Yan reveals the expression of violent objects. It is no wonder that those pages are yellowish, especially if they are not brought to the beach. The humidity in the sea breeze will cause them more damage.

"Nothing can be saved forever, at least you have them now."

Jane's laugh almost melts in the wind.

He slowly got up and walked to a palm branch that was inserted in the gravel not far away.

"You still haven't given up trying to escape from here?"

Xiao Yan’s fingers are tight, what did the other party discover?

"Using tree shadows to estimate latitude and longitude is very old, but it is undeniable. It is also very clever. The shortest direction of the shadow is the meridian. The highest sun at noon, the length of the shadow is higher than the height of the tree. You don't need to know the most. The exact coordinates, you just want to know where the nearest Shire base is."

Xiao Yan’s back was cold and he was seen through Jane!

"Do you think I don't know these little tricks?" Jane's fingers stroking the top of the branches, the sea breeze tearing his hair. "I like you, I also like to read old things. But you don't have to worry, I won't How about you."

Just here, Jane’s contactor bounces the holographic effect, which is Jerry.

"Hey, head, Haiyin Burton is still alive."

Upon hearing this news, Xiao Yan’s back trembled slightly.

He is still alive! He is still alive!

The heart is shaking, every cell is jumping.

However, Xiao Yan tried his best to keep calm, closed his eyes, but his lips were not trapped.

X-2 is not a virus that can be widely used. It must be precisely adjusted according to the carrying capacity of different cells of each body. And Xiao Yan is injected by Haiyin, it is the x-2 that is only suitable for Haiyan after studying the blood samples of Haiyan!

Jane turned back and looked at Xiao Yan. The straw hat covered his face and could not see the expression.

"He has destroyed our three bases."

"Yeah." Jane nodded. "He should have obtained this information from Claire's brain."

"It’s a temporary decision to land, and Claire doesn’t know where we will go. But sooner or later, he will find it.”

"He is coming here, the three bases are all by the sea. He knows that Xiao Yan likes the sea. We are ready to transfer."

Jerry picked up his eyebrows, and he didn't think that the unremarkable researcher's preferences could determine so much detail.

After Jane finished speaking this sentence, he returned to Xiao Yan's side, his fingers gently stroking his ears.

"Do you like it here?"

"I love to die here, can I stay here all the time?"

"Request for rejection."

Xiao Yan used his hat to open the sand on his body and stood up lazily.

Jane pulled up the leaves of the palm tree. "You can keep this as a memorial."

The aircraft smashed in the sky, the sand was raised, and it was like a diamond storm in the sun.

Xiao Yan reached out and covered his eyes. He clenched his wrist and brought him into the cabin.

They gradually moved away from the island and watched it gradually become a polka dot in the center of the blue sea.

Xiao Yan's forehead is on the glass. As the height of the aircraft continues to rise, Xiao Yan's eyes have no other colors except the blue.

There are only four people sitting in the cabin, Xiao Yan, Jane, Jerry and the special soldiers who sneaked into Shire last time.

Kathy and another person drove the aircraft.

"where are we going?"

"A special place." Casey was sitting opposite Xiao Yan, with a rare caution in his eyes. "Then you will meet a special person who will decide whether your brain will remain in your skull, or It should be taken out. Don't do anything impulsive, Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan admits that "special people" made him interested in this line. As for the latter part of Kathy, Xiao Yan did not pay attention to it.

He is mentally prepared. If his brain is finally taken out, it means he will have access to the terminal. He will use the last power to do what he can do, such as invading their master.

Looking at Xiao Yan's meditation, Kathy knew that he did not put his words in his heart, but he could only helplessly exhale.

Jane's finger bounced on Xiao Yan's cheek.

"Don't listen to this guy nonsense. I will take you to see, it is our father."

"Your father?"

Jane’s expression is a bit complicated, even with a warning.

"You and he must have a lot of topics."

An hour later, special mission troops arrived at the island.

Wenn’s team opened the door to the underground laboratory. When they saw hundreds of brains soaking in the nutrition dish, they couldn’t even say what they were surprised.

Ten minutes later, Wenn came to the beach, and Hai Yin stood in a white sand and bent down to pick up a scattered book.

"Colonel... The people in the tidal organization have all been evacuated. Many brains have been found in the underground laboratory... Should we determine if Xiao Yan’s brain is also in it?”

"No, Jane Wallis took him away."

Hai Yin's fingers turned over the paper, and the yellowed traces were faintly belonging to the paper.

Wenn didn't understand how Hai Yin would be so sure.

"This is. The average person will not read such a book except Xiao Yan."

"Ha?" Wenn did not know the expression.

"If I were Jane Wallis, I would use this way to please him."

"What?" Wenn’s expression was still stupid. "Who are you going to please?"

Hai Yin did not answer him, but took the few books to the aircraft. In the fierce sea breeze, Hai Yin closed her eyes and kissed the pages of her hand, as if his lips touched the gentle fingertips of the man in his mind.

"All aircraft are spread out in all directions! Open the search device!"

Mark and Liv are sitting in the cabin, and Mark's face looks ugly.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Liv lifted his leg and rubbed the other side.

"I heard that Xiao Yan is here! Jane Wallis also used a glass room to shut him down! But we came a step late... I now see the face of my head groan."

"How do you know that Xiao Yan was locked in the glass room by Jane Wallis?"

"...the head said. He knew it as soon as he entered the room."

Mark still remembers that he followed Hai Yin into the glass room, wide and exaggerated white bed, Mark could not help but blush.

God, just imprison a small researcher, use it... Is it too much?

Hai Yin’s eyes hang down as if to crush the whole world. He looked up slightly and his chin was very strong in the dazzling sunlight. He sat on the knees on one knee and covered his palms over the bedding. It was just the place where the quilt was opened. He looked down and felt what he was feeling.

When Mark tried to shift his direction to see the expression of Hai Yin, the indifferent colonel had got up and sent instructions to him.

"If that's the case, I think the head may still be relieved at this time!"


"At least Xiao Yan, he is still alive, this is more important than anything, isn't it?"

This is a long flight for Xiao Yan, because in his eyes, in addition to sea water or sea water, it took a long time to start getting sleepy.

He forced himself to wake up and tried to write down any possible landmarks.

But in the end, he still fell asleep.

Jane's palm stretched out and gently put him into his arms.

Kathy exhaled. "This guy has been persistent for a long time, and the aircraft has been around for three full laps. Even I am bored and vomiting."

At that moment, the aircraft advanced at full speed and landed in a deserted sea.

Jane held Xiao Yan slowly, and a submarine surfaced.

They sailed in the deep sea. Countless peculiar marine creatures swam around them.

Kathy leisurely poured a cup of black tea for himself, accompanied by freshly baked snacks, and looked like a nobility in the afternoon.

"Hey, Jane. If the father wants to take out Xiao Yan's brain... What are you going to do?"

Jerry on the side also looked over.

Jane touched the chin, "then let Xiao Yan become his child."

"Oh--" Kathy sneered. "It is more difficult than eternal life."

Xiao Yan’s body continued to fall in the darkness, until a strong embrace held him tightly, and the force of constant gathering almost crushed him.

The other kissed his neck softly and whispered in his ear.

No matter what happens, be patient and be alive.

Xiao Yan knows that deep in his subconscious mind, Hai Yin will always exist.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Xiao Yan saw the gorgeous account slow, deep but graceful color, making Xiao Yan for a long time.

Sit up and sit up, Xiao Yan thought bad! How do you fall asleep again!

When he opened the quilt and turned it down from the bed, he felt a faint glow on the wall, and it seemed that there was a slow sweep.

Xiao Yan suddenly turned back, and suddenly found out that the floor-to-ceiling window turned out to be boundless deep sea! Only the marine life that has been seen in the literature is in front of his eyes. Xiao Yan subconsciously came to the window and looked up at the traces of the sun. It is still daytime!

Where is he?

"Child, do you like your room?"

The low voice sounded as if it came from the gap of time. Xiao Yan turned around and took a breath.

In front of him was a man in a wide sweater looking very laid-back, sitting side by side on his bed.

His age should be similar to that of Lieutenant General Aiweier, the temperament of intellectuality and rationality. White skin, the English is like the nose of the church sculpture in the literature, elegant and deep eyes, and the corner of the corner of the eye makes Xiao Yan shoulders shocked.


This is not Jane, Jane is only in her twenties!

"In the next 20 years, the Jane you know should be what I am now. Hungry, child?"

The man in front of him was very polite, and the slowing down voice effectively relieved Xiao Yan’s nervousness.

Xiao Yan shook his head and he had no appetite.

"I have already said to Casey, don't use nerve anesthetics casually, no matter how it claims to be harmless to the human body, it will eventually have side effects."

No wonder you will fall asleep! It turned out that Kathy moved hands and feet!

"Here is... the bottom of the sea?"

"Your question should not be this. What you really want to ask is 'who is this guy in front of you'." The man's smile is very attractive, and it is contrary to Jane's arrogance. It is deeper and can't help but keep on relishing. And feelings.

"Well, who are you?"

The author has something to say: finally *oss appeared, this article is longer than I thought, and I want to finish it within 300,000 words. As a result, many things have not been written clearly. I hope everyone will have the patience to watch. Thank you! 2k novel reading network