MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 190 Gossip

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After Duan Jiaze broke the video, he sat down on the office chair and looked at the land pressure. He said, "Please start your spoiled."

The land pressure is dying, "nonsense, when does the deity want to..."!

He didn't want to say the two words, Duan Jiaze was too much.

Duan Jiaze looked at the land pressure: "No? Anyway, the behavior just happened in our world."

The land pressure refused to admit it, and calmly said: "The deity is only a lesson for you, and you are talking nonsense with outsiders."

Duan Jiaze almost didn't laugh out loud, bowed his head and opened the notebook. While watching today's things to do, he smiled and said: "What are you talking about?"

The response was too calm, and the land pressure was rather boring. He looked at Duan Jiaze for a long time and he did not respond, so he asked the land pressure again.

During this time, Jia Ze suddenly looked up: "Do you think that you are doing too much?"

The land pressure smashed, what do you mean?

Duan Jiaze repeated it again: "Do you not think that you are doing too much? Just blame me before."

The face of the land pressure was not so good. He always had some anger and anger, but he did not cover it. The temper is a matter of the three realms, in front of Duan Jiaze. More points are unreasonable.

Now Duan Jiaze pointed out that the tone was still serious. His face suddenly sank, but his heart was a bit stunned. He didn't know how to respond, even a little contradictory...

Duan Jiaze had nothing to lose. He used a pen to bang on the table and said, "If you hint a little, I will be very intimate, but you seem to have been calling me with a name."

Land pressure: "..............."

Duan Jiaze is arrogant and arrogant: "So you think you are too much? Why are you happy?"

There was a sudden faint color on the face of the land pressure. It was entangled by Duan Jiaze, and his temper could not be released. After a while, he moved his lips: "... Jia Jia?"

Duan Jiaze bowed his head and continued to flip the notebook. "Well, it’s about."

Land pressure: "..."

At this time, the land pressure reacted to the meaning of the previous sentence, and resounded the empty teacup on the side table, and made a "beep" sound. "I am not happy!"



In spring, it is the time when the white dolphins are crossed. Before they have disappeared on a large scale, they will swim to clean waters this season. They have very high water quality requirements. The second year of spring, pregnancy At the end of the period, give birth to a child, one child per child.

Nowadays, several white porpoises from two populations lived in the aquatic life, one of which has been sexually mature. Now that they have declared functional extinction, their blind date is undoubtedly very compelling, even more so than the giant panda.

Duan Jiaze knew that Bai Haibo didn't know where to get an expert's identity. He even went straight into the aquatic institute. Although the Terran did not realize it, Bai Haibo did not intentionally call them to create a better living environment for the Baiji Dolphin.

Moreover, the people in the aquatic clinic are really lucky. Most humans called the initiative of these white porpoises a miracle, and later fortunately caught another group of white porpoises.

However, only a few people like Duan Jiaze know that if there is no white sea wave, these white porpoises that grow in the wild environment will definitely have fierce resistance after they come to the artificial breeding environment. Looking at it, hunger strikes are an ordinary thing.

Thanks to the white sea wave, the emotions, and the help to improve their living environment, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to be so smooth, but also let them get along. However, this is also good for the white porpoise population, which is difficult to breed in the wild.

The blind date of the two white dolphins was broadcast live around the world. Duan Jiaze later paid attention to the live broadcast software. He also saw the camera brought to the figure of Bai Haibo, which appeared among many experts and looked serious.

Because there is a white sea wave, Duan Jiaze can't stand it anymore, and shut down the software. When Bai Haibo appeared old, he felt strange. They looked at it. Bai Haibo himself was a white dolphins, watching the scene there, and it was strange for scientific research...

After the end of the live broadcast, Jia Jia looked at the news summary. It is said that the two young white dolphins had a successful blind date. It is still impossible to determine whether they have successfully conceived, but the probability is successful. If, of course, there is no surprise, then a new born white porpoise will be ushered in the spring of next year.

This is really a new challenge for the aquatic, but fortunately they have white sea waves, although they do not know this.

After the match season, Bai Haibo returned to the East China Sea, he hesitated, and went to the coffin.

Recently, the news of the white-billed dolphin blind date has been heated up. After Bai Haibo went there, he did not see Duan Jiaze. However, there were other animals who sent him to say hello.

Like Xiao Qing, who is more concerned about the outside news, he shouted at him. "You recently introduced a marriage in the aquatic clinic? Finished?"

Bai Haibo: "........."

Bai Haibo black line a bit, but think about the marriage introduction seems to be right, nodded: "Yes, yes, finished."

He secretly looked at Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing's sitting posture is very consistent with his body, no bones nest on the sofa. Bai Haibo did not pay attention before, but now I think, the dragon that the director said, will be this predecessor?

Xiaoqing didn't notice it at all, and he boasted that Haibo did a good job. He didn't have a deep understanding of the breeding of the white porpoise, but the number of news on this story seemed to be more than the number of their coffin zoo, so he boasted.

Next to the Su is holding the chin: "Well, more life, come back and get a pair to our zoo."

To say that there is still a concern for the development of the zoo.

Bai Haibo’s response should wait until the white porpoise can enter the zoo. I still don’t know how many years later. But it is a good thing to really go in, Bai Haibo especially wants to stay here.

White Sea can't help but look at those who send animals, always feel that this gesture is also like, that temperament is also like.

The last time the director said that he had gone to show his love, and he was stunned and cursed by curiosity. After thinking for a while, he was not sure who was the dragon.

But now I saw it face to face, and Bai Haibo had some ideas.

As for the little boy who is holding a cat, it doesn't happen often. The outsiders call him Xiaopeng. Of course, Bai Haibo will not determine the age of the person outside his age. He saw that Peng Peng feeds the cat to eat the sea fish.

Bai Haibo thinks that he is "sneak", but who can't find him.

"Go away." When Peng Peng let go, Schrödinger squatted down his knees and walked away according to his heart.

Bai Haibo was at the door of the door. Schrödinger walked in front of him and bowed. He was very pampered by the owner. He didn’t mean to turn around. Instead, he waited for Bai Haibo to make way.

"Oh oh..." Bai Haibo shook his eyes and quickly went away. "Predecessors please."

Kuang Peng walked behind Schrödinger, and went out one after the other, and his face was indifferent, as if the white sea wave did not exist.

It was because of this gloomy and cold look of Kuangpeng that Bai Haibo had not spoken to him before, but now the heart is a bit certain, and it is him.

"White sea waves are coming," Duan Jiaze hurried in and waved at Bai Haibo. "Go, go to my office and talk."

"Director." Bai Haibo quickly followed up, "Is bothering you?"

"No, you are just right. We are cleaning up the river and reorganizing it. You can give some advice." Duan Jiaze said.

"Okay." Bai Haibo was a little cautious and could not wait. "That, the director, Xiaopeng's identity is not normal..."

Duan Jiaze looked at him and said, "Oh, yes."

Bai Haibo took a breath of cold air. "Is it really him? He is a dragon? My God, I have seen it several times before, even I haven’t even heard it, and I haven’t noticed it!"

"What? You said, he is not a dragon." Duan Jiaze strangely said, "How could he be, he is at most half aquarium."

"No..." Hearing himself guessed wrong, Bai Haibo was a little relieved. After all, he had neglected Peng Peng before. "Is it a watery mammal like me?"

Because Bai Haibo is also a demon who has lived for many years, and also has a position in Lingbi, and Bai Haibo knows the existence of Baozhu, so Duan Jiaze told him part of the truth: "No, he is a Peng Peng."

Bai Haibo stepped on his right foot with his left foot and squatted a few steps. He couldn't help but say: "I...w0\'ka-i."

Duan Jiaze has not told him that this is the first one in the world, the one who has worked as a demon.

This is so, Bai Haibo is also scared. He originally thought that he would hear a more ordinary answer. Who knows that it is not too small to be scared compared with the dragon, and this root is also not allowed. Even in the era of big demon, Kuang Peng is very powerful.

But Bai Haibo thinks about the situation when he was in the early days of catastrophe. It is not surprising that some people in the big shackles are such a root. It is even more plausible.

Duan Jiaze pushed open the door of the office. In the aquarium on the table, the beautiful ornamental fish jumped out and made a few beautiful arcs. The swimming was also more cheerful, no longer slow and swallowing.

Bai Haibo thought that he was welcoming himself, beckoning them, and then sitting absent-mindedly. Xiaopeng is Zhai Peng, who is the dragon in the end?

"I called a Baozhu sister and let you see the dragons... Hey, don't you look at this expression," Duan Jiaze looked at Bai Haibo's face and became blue. "You are not Ye Gonghao?"

"No." Bai Haibo shook his head.

Duan Jiaze said again: "As for who else is the dragon, I can't tell you, the situation is more complicated. If you can guess it yourself, but don't talk."

Bai Haibo knew that there were a lot of secrets here, but Duan Jiaze said half of it and made him cry and tears. "If you don't tell me, I have been in contact with the dragons for a long time..."

At this time, Baozhu also came over. Duan Jiaze immediately stood up and introduced him: "Baozhu sister, this is our specially recruited director. I specialize in recruiting aquariums to come to work in Jianghe Lake and help a lot."

When Bai Haibo saw Baozhu, some of his legs were soft, not only because Baozhu exudes the pressure of the dragons, but also because of her practice of Buddhism for many years, it affected Bai Haibo.

Baozhu’s attitude is very friendly, and he asked where Bai Haibo was born. She did not manage the waters of one side herself, but she was familiar with the world water system and knew who the dragon was in charge.

When Bai Haibo was born, the Three Realms had been split for a short time. He had never seen the Dragons with his own eyes. However, when he was really face-to-face with Baozhu, Bai Haibo realized the Longwei in the mouth of his predecessors.

Since the opening of the earth, everything has appeared in the land of floods, and the dragons have dominated the aquarium, and after a number of innumerable robberies, compared to those years, the time they left is only a short-lived.

Because Baozhu went to Buddhism, it was more peaceful. This is what makes Bai Haibo feel surrendered. I sincerely hope to answer Baozhu’s question.

"I have to leave after a few days. You are still worried about your brother Jiaze." Baozhu is very polite. In fact, most dragons have told other aquariums that they are not so polite.

Bai Haibo also shook his head quickly, just don't say that he did not dare to do anything.

Baozhu did not say a few words and went away. During this time, she not only added lessons to Duan Jiaze. Sometimes the monks who came to volunteers would ask her questions. She answered them with kindness, so she was extremely loved.

Duan Jiaze listened to the dispatch of animals, because after the last lectures of the major temples, only a few people could stay here in the name of volunteers. They also built a WeChat group. Discuss some difficult Dharma or cultivation problems in the inside, focus on the election, and ask Baozhu, so as not to be too inefficient, and also disturb the Master of the Pearl.

Duan Jiaze did not know how to send animals, and he also had the mood to peek at others to chat on WeChat. However, this is what he thinks of. In fact, Linshui has helped them a lot. It seems that only Shao Wuxing has benefited a bit. It seems that he can talk to Lingguang.

Thinking about this, Duan Jiaze sent Baozhu to the door, and Baozhu also pinched the arm of Duan Jiaze, letting him wear more clothes.

Looking back, Duan Jiaze saw Bai Haibo staring at himself, thinking that this guy’s brain turned around?

"Ah... Director, you have a good relationship with that of your Highness, and you can be compared with your brother and sister!" Bai Haibo did not have such a good attitude. After all, he was a white porpoise, and the head of the garden and those friends had always been shouting.

Oh, so I don’t know who is the other one in those people!

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Understandably, Duan Jiaze comforted himself, and Lu Guan could not see his true body.



Recently, a photo on the Internet was red, and it was quickly reprinted by major media.

In the photo, in a banquet hall, Xiao Rong and another person kissed each other in a mouth-to-mouth manner. Don’t bother to see it. The person next to him is the same as Xiao Rong.

And just look at the side to know, it must be a handsome guy, wearing a dark green long-sleeved sweater and jeans.

This is a photo taken by Xiao Rong and Xiao Qing’s “Snake Kiss” by the staff during the annual meeting of the Lingbi Zoo. At that time, many people actually photographed it, and it was also sent to a circle of friends. However, there was no big wave at that time, because it all showed that this is the annual meeting game, and there are many other people and scenes in a series of pictures.

However, after a period of time, it was turned over by an inexplicable person. The only one who selected this one was only two people. It was also accompanied by rumored words. After the retreat, Xiao Rong came out privately. It was a lot of unknown truths. The masses are onlookers and take it seriously.

Of course, people with brains can see that there are balloons, ribbons and other decorations in the photo. The two still hold microphones in their hands.

After a long period of retreat, Xiao Rong’s heat is not as good as it used to be, but his popularity is still there, and it has become the white moonlight of some fans. This news of course exploded.

At the beginning, there were a lot of media gossip Xiao Rong was bent, saying that he had a relationship with the boss of the male star, and he was a rumor. This time there are photos, they are more old things, mentioning Xiao Rong’s anecdote.

Xiao Rong’s fans were mad and reported that the blogger who distributed the photos was also established. Because the earliest source is available, this is obviously the annual game.

The staff of Lingbi also came out to blame, saying that this is the time when everyone is playing games, the other protagonist is also a colleague, not a boyfriend.

This time has already been a big trouble, and the rumors can't stop the hearts of journalists who want to do things. Even if you are holding Xiao Rong, ask him questions in this regard. Now the audience definitely wants to see it.

Xiao Rong has no brokers, and he is also low-key. Everyone can't contact him. If you want to interview, you can only go to the zoo to stop and see if you can find someone.

For a time, the East China Sea town was once again packed with entertainment reporters from all over the country. Xiao Rong didn't want to, and they couldn't block people in Lingbi. I don't know who said it. These people went to the waterfront and thought that Xiao Rong was hiding there.

Shao Wuxing wants to turn his eyes, but when people buy tickets, they can't catch up. They can only let the disciples stare.

Rao is so, some reporters do not know what method to use, almost mixed into the backyard, was driven out by the Taoist. In front of the waterside view, it is a secular business, and the area that is not open later is used for spiritual practice.

At this time, Xiao Rong was squatting on his sleeves.

Duan Jiaze said: "What's so annoying, I don't think you have five or eight years, and everyone can't forget it. Anyway, it's not the first time. You can't hide and you can't find you."

Xiao Rong long sighed: "I have been hiding for a while, I will always be asked this question. I really don't want to retire and lie to the image."

This can be understood, Duan Jiaze said: "Then you will rush out to develop the cloth meeting, anyway, Xiaoqing has returned home with you, your family do not accept him?"

When Xiao Rongyi thought of this, he was a little cold and sweaty. When Xiaoqing saw their relatives last time, they spit their tongues behind them, and the snake letter met people's hair. Relatives are nothing, scared Xiao Rong.

"No, no..." Xiao Rong said a little sullenly. "If I want to open the cabinet publicly, those reporters won't have to smash it! When I debut, they will pour dirty water on me and say that I am t0ng\'x -in\'l-ia:n!"

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Xiao Rong: "........."

Xiao Rong also realized that the mistake of this sentence, he squinted: "At that time it was not! However, there is no half out of the cabinet, people will not believe it!"

Duan Jiaze looked at him sympathetically. "What do you do?"

"This is good," Xiaoqing said. "You said that I am a woman, I can wear women's clothes."

Xiao Rong screamed: "If I am discovered, I will be abnormal!"

Xiao Rong held his head and continued to struggle. Duan Jiaze couldn't bear to say anything more. Anyway, their zoo and Taoist temple were different. He was not afraid of being photographed.

Because the old crew and the program group came over, plus other news media, the employees of Lingbi are also very natural in the face of media workers. Don't worry about sending animals.

In this way, after Xiao Rong buried himself for a period of time, he finally boarded Weibo, which had not been logged in for a long time, and issued a statement stating that some news is a rumor, but he is truly different.

After Xiao Rong sent Weibo, he directly collapsed the server. No one expected that Xiao Rong would come out directly, even if he was really bent, according to everyone's thoughts, it was also dead. But think about it, it’s not a scolding person.

This next entertainment reporter is really boiling up, crazy interviews Xiao Rong's previous friends in the circle, asking people to express their opinions, reporting fan reactions, guessing the past and the truth...

Xiao Rong knew that someone would say "I have long said that Xiao Rong is a bend." He simply does not watch the Internet war, so he does not want to vomit himself. This is not clear at all, and it continues to boring, but it is a few days later. There will be other news to replace it.


Duan Jiaze was pitiful. He was lying on a small gun. He was originally a media mad media, and they continued to do business. Who knows that somehow, Xiao Rong’s object is his current boss, and the head of the coffin.

It is so connected: Xiao Rong came out of the cabinet, and there was a zoo peer who said that the captain was also bent, and the boyfriend was still very handsome.

That Xiaorong is very handsome...

And after Xiao Rong retired, he still went to work in Lingbi.

Xiao Rong’s Weibo was not written in detail. Some people blame the photos as playing games. Is the object another person, the head of the school?

The people who do not know the truth are really misunderstood. They know that there is a minority of the land pressure and the mass ratio. After all, some people have teamed up to go to the Lingbi official blog to brush the blessings, indicating that we understand you in the new era.

Even the former classmates of Jia Ze have sent a series of question marks...

Duan Jiaze saw a cold sweat, I don't know how many times I was lucky, but fortunately, the land pressure is not online.

This is the case, Duan Jiaze also quickly changed the WeChat avatar into the previous big photo, the screenshot of himself and the land pressure, and then responded to the classmates: "No, no, my boyfriend is more handsome than Xiao Rong!"

Classmate: "..............."


"w0\'ka-i, Xiao Rong came out of the country himself. Why did I lay the gun again? How many times did I get out of the house?" Duan Jiaze was a little depressed, but it was considered a second time. "I said it early." I made a statement on the official website from the beginning, and saved trouble."