MTL - Those Years I Opened a Zoo-Chapter 169 Total attack in dogs

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On the shoulders of Duan Jiaze, the original three-legged Jinwu, wherever he went, was enviable, not to mention that he also had a fat mascot next to him. The family of three joined the joyful crowd.

- Of course, when they pass by the parrots, they hear the parrot singing: "There are only mothers in the world, and the mothers of the mothers are like treasures. They leave the mother's arms and happiness can't be enjoyed."

Duan Jiaze: "........."

I always feel conscience is condemned.

Before he was condemned by Duan Jiaze for three seconds, he was pushed away by miracles.

Today, there are a number of dispatched animals who are eager to go out and come out to join in the fun. Not only Xiao Qing and Xiao Rong who have complained about the land pressure, Duan Jiaze also saw tourists betting on Kong Xuan.

They are gambling on whether they are male or female. Although he is dressed masculine, male compatriots are always willing to convince themselves to use his half-length hair as evidence that he is a woman. I always feel that Kong Xuan looks so good, if it is a man, it is a pity.

There was also a man who ran to find Confucius. It was confirmed that Kong Xuanyi had the same color as his tail feathers when he heard the problem. He said: "I am your grandfather!"


Kong Xuan is only exquisite in appearance compared with ordinary men, and looks better than sex, but the discerning person can judge from his temperament, this is a man. It’s just that there are not too many men who have long hair in Donghai City, and they give hope to those who are preconceived.

For Kong Xuan himself, it is a shame, still do not understand why he will be guessed sex.

Duan Jiaze couldn't bear it. He told him in the past whether you would cut a short hair.

Kong Xuan fell into meditation, apparently doing psychological struggle, should he insist on his own aesthetic, or be a man who would not be misunderstood?

After Duan Jiaze came back, Lu said: "You can persuade him to dye a green hair when he changes his hair, and match the clothes and coat color."

Duan Jiaze: "............ That is, it is not you who are dismantled after being dismantled."

Speaking of green, Duan Jiaze also saw another green comrade.

Xiaoqing wore a women's dress today, and Xiao Rong took a hand in the garden. Xiao Rong had a mask and sunglasses on his face. The two played like normal lovers.

Xiao Qing’s appearance does not say that he is in the country, and he has reached the height of Su or Kong Xuan, but it is also a stunning color. Although he is holding a boyfriend, the outsiders cannot see the appearance of Xiao Rong. I don’t know who this is, and some singles. I will also find Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing is very bad. His voice is very clear, but when a man comes to talk, he squeezes his throat and makes his voice masculine to answer each other more clearly.

This scorpion came out and scared away several people and shouted. Who knows that this person looks like a beautiful woman, and there is also a flaw in the original skirt.

There is also a girl who stared at Xiao Rong for a long time. She always felt that her figure and outline were very similar to her previous love beans. She couldn’t help but take two people: "Is this a question..."

Xiaoqing preempted: "Yes, this is my wife."

He said it with a male voice, and the girls looked at them a little embarrassed, only to find that Xiaoqing seemed to be quite tall.

Xiao Qing: "Does the law stipulate not to reverse the string?"

Xiao Rong: "........."

The girl was silent, and Xiao Rong said: "I'm sorry, ma'am," and looked at Xiaoqing again. "And Mr., I admit the wrong person."

She seems to be walking away with a bit of a loss.

Xiaoqing is inexplicable: "Who said that you are a woman??"

Xiao Rong: "........."


Like Duan Jiaze, there is no one to harass in addition to the children. It is not that Duan Jiaze is not attractive, but there is a raptor who looks at it, but if it is within three meters, it will be stared at the prey.

Under this kind of look, Kong Xuan's level is basically only the part of the egg.

Xiaosu met them and met them. He said to him: "The headmaster! It’s too bad. Where did the boyfriend go, there are only mascots and birds to accompany you?"

Duan Jiaze: "...there is something in the land pressure."

Xiaosu sees the land pressure is not there, and brave the courage: "Fake it, usually so busy! Boyfriend is too unreliable, the gardenmaster should be careful, blue, they buy love crystals in the group, you can also go back and sneak out Lu Ge’s hair comes to practice!”

Land pressure: "..."

Duan Jiaze: "........."

Duan Jiaze looked at the land pressure and said, "...there is no need to sneak out."



Duan Jiaze saw that there was no accident when the new Ling Xiao hoped that the project app was notified. This time it was not very long from the time of Kong Xuan’s coming, but according to past experience, it should be a h0u\'me:n cut-off .

After two days, when the employee called Duan Jiaze, he calmly went downstairs. The attitude has changed. Now, Duan Jiaze feels that he can hold it.

He has an idea, no matter who is coming, it must not be a saint.

If you sneak it down, you still don't take care of it, then you threaten to report him like Lu Jiang; if it is not, it is very powerful, then threaten to report Kong Xuan (Kong Xuan: ...), let him solve it, this Not the first person under the saint...

When Duan Jiaze went to the reception room, the person had not come yet. He left a door and sat on the sofa and took the mobile phone out to brush down the microblog.

After a short while, Duan Jiaze heard the sound of the door being pushed open. He looked up and looked at it, but he didn't see the figure, and suddenly he was a bit stunned. What comes this, it is reasonable to say that only the animal body is in line with the system restrictions, the ghost does not match? Is it the ghost of animals? ?

When Duan Jiaze was thinking, he suddenly heard two barking dogs. He stood up and saw that it was a place where a dog sat in the door for a few steps, but was blocked by the sofa.

The dog is very prestige, with short white hair, smooth water, long waist and long legs, and a pointed head. It is relatively small. You can feel it by looking at the shape, and its body is very explosive.

It looks a bit like a Greyhound, but according to its nod to Duan Jiaze, this should be a pure oriental variety.

Duan Jiaze is also suffering from a loss, look at the four talents without a mouth: "... screaming?"

You said that if it is a normal dog, Duan Jiaze is much embarrassed. He also thinks that the zoo is not allowed to bring pets in, and the time is so smart, this is mostly to send animals. The dog in the sky is best known, that is the one.

Fortunately, it stood up and "Wang".

Duan Jiaze breathed a sigh of relief. "It's really you."

This is the love pet of Erlang God Yang Lan, the roaring dog, which is the dog in the mythical Tiangou food month.

It is a Shandong fine dog, the thin dog is a Chinese native hound, but now there are few pure breeds.

The feeling of screaming to Duan Jiaze is more like the police dog he has seen. He is squatting there, and he will not move anywhere in the body. It is barked twice.

"Going down to vacation? Does your master have a letter?" Duan Jiaze talked with him twice and found a collar to tie it. Nothing else, it means that this is the owner, so that the zoo people are not there. People don't know.

Roaring is really a holiday. It works diligently. After Erlang Shen heard that there is such an activity (?), he has no interest, but he gave the dog a vacation and told it to play.

Don't say, it’s only a matter of playing around in the sky. Ji Guang can still go to work, and if he wants to watch the door, he doesn’t say whether it is overkill. They already have four dogs here. It’s time to come, and now the zoo is not particularly in need of help.

Duan Jiaze has a good impression on the roaring sky. He said: "You should not be restrained. If you take this place as your own home, come down to rest on vacation, relax and play!"

The sky shook and shook the hair, nodded to Duan Jiaze, and licked his teeth - maybe laughing.


Duan Jiaze led the roaring day to the lounge. On the road, he saw his staff greeted each other and asked who was the coffin.

"What a mystery, Chinese dog, friend's family, let's feed here." When Duan Jiaze walked, the roaring day was also followed by him, don't mention more peace of mind.

Like Jiguang, the sky, it is very popular, Jiguang can even lick himself, can understand things, more trouble than those who are humanoid.

Don't look at the roaring day's fighting power is also high, but it is absolutely not messed up, but also know that Duan Jiaze is here to manage things, in some things, you have to listen to him.

Duan Jiaze took the roaring day to the lounge, and a group of fairy monsters were playing cards.

It happened that the plaque in the small nine handles went out and hated: "When I had nine heads, who counted me as a card..."

When the sky saw Xiao Jiu, it was quiet and well-behaved. It broke out the power of the hound, yelled two times and rushed toward Xiaojiu!

Xiaojiu saw the roaring sky, and he was so scared that when he had nine heads, he was bitten off by this guy. He felt the pain of decapitation for the first time!

Duan Jiaze had no time to react. Fortunately, the people around him shouted a little, dragging Xiaojiu's tossing Xiaojiu, and roaring the tail of the sky, and the mouth of the roaring sky was only a fraction of the distance.

"...good guy, I’m going out and squatting out." Duan Jiaze’s shock was undecided. He didn’t react to it. “It’s no wonder that you must give the dog a rope when you go out.”

Xiao Jiuyi sobbed and screamed. He covered his face and cried so hard that he didn't want to lose face in front of so many people.

But, but he really can't help it!

There is also a place to know the roaring, or to know its owner, and to swear a few words, can not bite the small nine.

Duan Jiaze also said: "Can't bite again, there is a head left."

Xiao Jiu is still heartbroken, and Duan Jiaze persuaded him. "You too, this is not a bite, crying, ugly."

Xiaojiu wiped away the tears and the committee succumbed to sit down--he wanted to walk, but the sky was on the way.

Roaring Heaven heard that Xiao Jiu was sent off to volunteer, and he did not bite him, but his eyes were still very sharp. Turning his head, the roaring sky sniffed and sniffed at the foot of Yuan Hong who was watching the movie.

Yuan Hong was happy to shoot his thighs. At this time, he slammed into the sofa and shouted: "What smells, puppy scorpion."

Roaring the front foot on the sofa, and then went to smell a few times, only came down, and smelled the smell of Su.

There is a fox in the Soviet Union. Can it be happy to be heard by the dog? She ran to the back of the land after she slid it - she knew it, and she had to turn around after Duan Jiaze.

The roaring sky really didn't dare to smell the land pressure, or that it didn't have to be close to know which one it was.

How to say that Roaring is also participating in the battle of Fengshen with Yang Lan. According to Duan Jiaze, it is identifying everyone who has participated in the war. The appearance of the monk can change, like a su, but the smell usually does not change.


Duan Jiaze introduced the four kings in the garden to the roaring day. However, when the five gardens saw the roaring sky, they bowed their heads.

The roaring sky did not look at them. Although the five dogs are in the world, they are already the best in the dog, but it is not worth mentioning in front of the roaring day. It is also considered that these five dogs are too short.

If Duan Jiaze knows, he will say to Roaring Heaven that these five items are considered to be relatively large in the pastoral. In modern times, the rural dogs of China have not been as good as before due to various natural conditions and human factors.

Roaring suddenly turned his head and yelled at a place.

Duan Jiaze turned around and saw that Schrödinger’s body was looming in the tree. It didn’t know when to climb the tree and was stealing the sky.

Pastoral dogs have developed for thousands of years. The characteristics of rural dogs in different parts of China are different. A little change, Roaring does not care. However, Schrödinger is a mixed-race. Some Norwegian forest cats have a large bloodline and are very large. They have not seen such a cat in the sky, and stare at it under the tree.

Schrödinger felt the dangerous atmosphere, and its owner was not nearby. It cautiously squatted on the tree, making a sigh of relief, trying to scare away the sky.

Duan Jiaze just wanted to call the roaring sky, and saw that it suddenly jumped. First, the Pakistani was on the trunk, and then turned and jumped to the branch!

Don't say Duan Jiaze, other dogs are scared.

Schrödinger was not able to prevent it, and he stepped back and looked down. He tried to escape, but he was stunned by the sky and jumped.

Roaring with his foot and pressing Schrödinger, and then curiously looked at it, as if he didn't know why the cat was so fat and so big, and played with its fluffy big tail, so he rubbed Schrödinger on the ground.

When the distance was near, Schrödinger did not dare to resist, and made a weak snoring under the roaring claws.

The four kings are even more awed by the roaring day. Schrödinger is also a tyrant in the garden, especially under the love of Kun Peng, but now he is screaming under the claws.

Duan Jiaze quickly dragged out the fluffy velvet from the snarling claws like a small blanket and turned up to the ground, and introduced them to them.

Schrödinger was usually more arrogant. At this time, he was panicked. He climbed up along Duan Jiaze's trouser legs and shrank in his arms. He did not dare to stay on the ground.

Can only say that roaring is not the total attack in the dog.

When I was just coming down, I was very particular about sitting and standing. It’s not that Duan Jiaze advised it not to be cautious. Duan Jiaze stuttered: "Just... maybe... or don't relax too much, this cat has the Lord."


I haven't waited for Mr. Yan Peng to pay for his love cat. Duan Jiaze first received a call from Liu Li'an. She has a good leadership lady there. She has a dog at home and has recently been diagnosed with overweight. It is the kind of obesity that affects health.

Liu Lian also raised her own dog. At that time, she boasted about her own dog experience. She also said that your dog is doing nothing in the whole day, and it is delicious and does not like sports. Look at our baby's sons, running around in the zoo every day, although it is pastoral, but I don't know how tall.

The other party listened to him and said that he thought about it. It seems that some people have sick pets at home, that is, they are sent to the zoo to see a doctor. The veterinarians there are better than the Donghai City. Where to go, it is reliable.

So she discussed with Liu Li'an, let her tell her, send the dog to the Lingbi to lose weight.

No, Liu Li'an will tell you.

Duan Jiaze was speechless at all, and there was nothing wrong with your pet. The Lingbi is not a pet hospital, but I don’t know how many leaders’ pets are taken, and I don’t care about these.

However, if your dog loses weight, is it necessary?

Duan Jiaze estimates that if the other party is so patient, their dog will not be fat enough to the veterinarian to warn. Losing weight, this kind of thing, sent to the coffin and reduced in the hospital, there is no big difference, Duan Jiaze's treatment can not help bring the meat away.

However, looking at Liu Li'an's face, Duan Jiaze had to agree.

On the same day, her friend asked the driver to send the dog over. Duan Jiaze saw that it was a chubby Keji.

Ke basically came up with short and fluffy legs. This Keji is so fat that he has to bulge, and his short legs are almost drowned by meat and hair. It was particularly unconventional and turned around the leg of Duan Jiaze.

The driver handed the leash to Duan Jiaze. "It’s troublesome. It’s called chubby."

"You're welcome." Duan Jiaze took Keji to take a look and said, "It's really heavy, baby, how do you eat so fat?"

Keji ahaha gasped and swayed his little short legs.

Duan Jiaze put down Keji and took it in. Either how can grow into this size, the more lazy and fat, the more lazy, the more lazy, Duan Jiaze took it out a few hundred meters, it would not go.

"When you grow up, you won't be killed by the name? Xiaopeng." Duan Jiaze tried to drive Keji away, but it was long after the battlefield, and it was still motionless on the ground, and even caused tourists to watch.

The female tourist saw a fat Keji playing with her, and couldn’t help but watch. "What a lovely dog, what happened to you? Can't you walk?"

When Keji saw the beauty, she twitched her little **** and looked at her and went to sniff her bag.

The female tourist smiled and praised: "How do you know that there is meat in my bag? The nose is really spirit!"

Duan Jiaze hurryed forward and picked up Keji. "Sorry, it is losing weight."

Duan Jiaze took the chubby away, this guy is quite heavy, and he has a few pounds. "Little fat, you can't do this, I have a son, you are fatter than you, walking is rickety, still always Wrestling. However, its physical fitness is quite good, unlike you, if you go on like this, you will get sick."

Xiaopeng couldn't understand the words of Duan Jiaze. It smelled a lot of dogs. He excitedly barked and twisted in Duan Jiaze's arms.

Duan Jiaze is very helpless, and the small dogs are too lively.

When Duan Jiaze walked to the front, he saw that the four heavenly kings were training in the roaring sky. Although they were playing down, they were still familiar with the human world and did not go out. It is familiar with the methods of the human world, one is to ask animals to ask, and the other is to communicate with native animals.

In this process of communication, Roaring Heaven did not see the wild path of the four kings now, and taught them the skills of hunting.

The four kings had originally let the city’s criminals who had tried to enter the scorpion’s sorrows, and Duan Jiaze really dared not think about what they would be after they had studied in the roaring place.

Xiaopeng was very excited. In the face of the roaring sky, he didn’t dare to move. He happened to be in Duan Jiaze’s arms.

Duan Jiaze smacked it down and patted its round ass.

Xiao Keji stepped back, "Wang Wanghao..."

The roaring sky rushed over and rubbed Keji, and the dog with such a short leg had never seen it!

Duan Jiaze saw that Luo Tian and Xiaopang stood together and laughed crazy.

The waist and the long legs are tall and tall, but the chubby is short and short, and the two of them stand together in a stark contrast.

Even if Duan Jiaze didn't say it, the roaring sky could see that this guy was overweight. It used his ankle to slap Kekey. The original shivering Keji was immediately stimulated, and he ran wildly.

Of course, the rush is in its imagination, in fact, it is a short leg trotting.

Roaring in the back chasing, and intentionally controlled the direction, left and right blocked, unconsciously, Xiaopang has been running around the circle. For the roaring day, it is arrogant to this dog, so it runs up and runs on it.

The four kings stayed for a while, and they simply silently watched on the ground.

After running for about ten minutes, the roaring day was done. The chubby was lying on the ground panting, and the belly was exposed.

Roaring to see it even exposed the key points casually, but even hated the iron and did not become steel. He screamed intimidatedly, scared the chubby butt, and turned over to the ground.

Duan Jiaze: "Hey, it's not bad. I think it's good to lose weight with you."

Anyway, he and the veterinarian have to manage chubby, it is estimated that it is enough, but it is very good to let it train with the roaring day, the roaring day is the dog's total attack, and so measured.

Xiaopang still doesn't know his fate. It is hungry and full of dog food.

Keji, they are the earliest animal husbandry dogs, can help human shepherd cattle, is also a good guard dog. But in Xiaopang, this seems to be invisible. The long-term and comfortable life makes it forget that he still has such talent.

Duan Jiaze pondered again: "I remember someone bought an inflatable swimming pool, you don't run old, it may not be able to stand it, and you can swim properly... Oh, can you swim? Xiaopeng doesn't seem to be able to Teach it?"

The roaring day nodded and stood up. It’s just swimming, this fat man leaves the day and guarantees it to be a qualified hound!


For the frequent visitors of the Lingbi Zoo, five mighty rural dogs have long been used to it. These dogs are very alert, will not attack people casually, and can also catch thieves and have won praises from many tourists.

But recently, the zoo seems to have two more dogs, one is a tall, thin, thin-waisted hound, many people can't name, and the other is the chunky Koki. They are rushing around in the garden every day, and they are chasing small runs, and the body contrast is quite funny.

Where people can't see, they are still swimming, biting rag dolls, teasing cats...

Midway, Liu Li'an friend, chubby master also called to ask about the situation of the dog: "Duanyuan, are we chubby and thin? I miss it too much, my daughter also wants it, the weekend daughter from the field When the school comes back, our family is going to go on an outing."

Xiaopang is also part of their family. According to the situation that Duan Jiaze has learned, chubby is like that, and the love of both of them is out of touch.

Duan Jiaze said with an understanding: "Slightly thinner, you can pick it up for a few days, but please be sure to give it control of the diet. We are now able to reduce it by a few pounds, and we must not give up halfway."

At the other end of the line, the hostess repeatedly promised: "I definitely don't give it more food. I don't want to take it out and let it run."

However, the hostess remembered that once chubby was running a few hundred meters, the owner must hug the little cute. This time, she also made a psychological preparation for Xiaopeng to run a few steps. Since she is giving chubby control of food intake, don't let it be too bitter in the past few days!