MTL - This Summoner is Outrageous-Chapter 529 Only the brave can kill the brave

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This Summoner is Outrageous Chapter 529 Only the Brave Can Kill the Brave

A few days later, Li Pu and others almost announced their surrender.

For the lonely brave, they can only say that they are helpless, very helpless.

After the failure of Li Pu's cooking battle, everyone began to adopt other motivational plans.

For example, take the lonely brave to buy inspirational books, trying to arouse its fighting spirit.

As a result, in less than 3 minutes, the lonely brave man fell asleep, and he slept soundly.

It is not material for reading at all, not to mention that it does not lack the fighting spirit to become a brave man.

Another example is finding a real chef for the lonely brave to cook a real delicious meal.

As a result, it couldn't be eaten at all, and the taste made by Li Pu still remained on the taste buds, and the aftertaste lingered for a long time.

Another example is taking the lonely brave to the playground. After all, it looks so childish, and it may like these children's things very much.

As a result, after trying every facility, it completely lost interest.

Another example is to take Mushroom Saigu to the casino and let it enjoy the thrill of gambling.

It turned out that everyone found out that this guy was a veteran, proficient in everything from boxing, poker, mahjong and pai gow.

It's like a fish in water inside, killing the dealer without leaving a piece of armor, but after a day, he helped everyone earn a lot of coins.

Especially the three of Oolongqian, who won so directly that they even forgot their purpose.

Looking at this lonely man who was all-powerful in the casino, walked out of the casino and started smiling happily again.

It was only then that Li Pu and Chang Shishang realized that others might have gotten tired of playing these tricks long ago.

At the same time, he also doubted the origin of this so-called brave man.

After all kinds of plans failed, Wu Guinan and Longren even conspired to use the method of drugging, if it wasn't for Shibam to stop it.

This night, everyone who felt a little exhausted gathered together again.

"What to do, it seems that I have tried everything."

Wu Guinan looked tired.

It's not mainly because of worrying about the lonely brave, but because I had so much fun playing in the casino today.

"I admit that your thinking should be correct."

"But we can't arouse its desire at all now."

Qian Shanshan smiled wryly.

"Actually, I have observed a little gain."

At this time, Long Ren's words made everyone stagnate.

"When I gave it intensive training on the first day, even though it had a hippie smile all the way."

"But I seem to read the sentiment that it wants us to disappear quickly."

His words made Wu Guinan and Qian Shanshan shudder a little.

In this way, wouldn't they be equivalent to walking on the edge of the gate of hell?

Fortunately, this is a kind and lawful brave man, and he will definitely not attack his friends.

Otherwise, the consequences may be a bit unimaginable.

"Oh, I know about this too."

As a result, Chang Shishang did not seem surprised.

"It really ran to ask Spam, and I was right there at the time."

"But it turned out that Spam said that its half life could only be exchanged for half life of one of us, so it finally gave up."

He told what he saw.

"I was there, too."

Li Pu said that Chang Shishang was right.

But both of them think that the lonely brave is just talking casually, and they will not be serious about them.

Because of this, he still thought they were so stupid at the time.

Why not just let the lonely brave make a wish and send them back.

As a result, after asking Spam, the answer was disappointing.

That is the price paid by the lonely brave. At most, each of us can only return half of the body.

Half of the body stays in the Mushroom Realm, and the other half returns to the Blue Star.

"Actually, I have one last guess."

"Cough cough."

At such a time, Li Pu had to stand up.

He first cleared his throat to attract everyone's attention.

"Actually, we seem to have overlooked a problem."

"Tell me, where is the most powerful place of the Lone Brave."

His eyes swept over each person separately.

"A good temper who can laugh at all times?"

"Missing brainstem that makes you happier because you don't know anything?"

"A firm belief that you will not be discouraged no matter how you fail?"

"Adhere to the bottom line of principle of not making wishes?"

Four people answered four questions, all of which made Li Pu hide his face.

Maybe it's because he played too much with mushrooms, and he suspected that mushrooms had begun to grow in these guys' brains.

"The body of immortality, of course it is the body of immortality."

He said earnestly.

"Tch, I thought it was some ingenious answer."

"That's it."

"Who doesn't know this, what else do you need to say?"

"That's it."

As a result, such a common answer caused everyone to complain.

But after Li Pu shuddered one by one, they covered their heads and quieted down.

Only Chang Shishang lay on the ground and yelled for serious injuries, as if he was habitually touching porcelain.

Ignoring Chang Shishang, he continued.

"Actually, my train of thought is somewhat similar to that of Wu Guinan before."

Wu Guinan mentioned before whether the wish of the lonely brave is to want to die.

But what Li Pu thinks now is exactly the opposite.

"Tell me, is there a possibility?"

"It's actually very afraid of death."

As soon as these words came out, the other four people all woke up like a dream.

Yes indeed!

It is precisely because it has an immortal body that it is sure that it will not die, so it is very likely that it has never experienced the threat of death!

If it is this way of thinking, maybe when it is really facing death, it will give birth to the idea of ​​making a wish!

For a moment, they cast admiring glances at Li Pu.

"Absolutely, you have absolutely no idea."

"However, with an immortal body, how can we face the real threat of death?"

"Since you proposed this concept, you must have a plan?"

"Yes, yes, tell me about your plan!"

So the four asked.

"Are you kidding, it's immortal."

"What can I do?"

As a result, Li Pu spread his hands, and everyone stared blankly.

"So, we should now turn our attention to how to break through its undead body?"

Wu Guinan raised his chin.

"The point is, even if you can break the immortal body, you can't really break it. After all, it's impossible to kill it."

Qian Shanshan added.

"That is to say, let it know that we can break its immortal body, and then we pretend to break its immortal body, and then we can't really break its immortal body?"

Yongin followed up.

"Please don't nest dolls, thank you."

Chang Shishang felt that this guy was a bit watery.

"Do you think dog blood will be useful?"

Only Li Pu has already started to think about the answer.

"Please, have you watched too many monster movies? Moguren shouldn't be considered a monster."

"I think if it was to splash Spam, it might kill him."

Wu Guinan complained.

"Hey, it would be great if the Evil Mushroom Prophet was here at this time, maybe I can still ask the answer."

"Prophet, you should be very knowledgeable."

Qian Shanshan sighed.

As soon as she said this, she suddenly felt a vibration in her waist.

There was her purse with some coins in it.

At this time, the mouth of the money bag was automatically opened, and the Royal Coin of the Evil Mushroom Kingdom flew out of it automatically.

This is what she prepared in advance at the casino today in case the chips were not enough, and she forgot to put it away.

The Royal Mushroom Coin kept turning in circles in the air, and it turned faster and faster.

After a while, it was almost at the level of the mold lake.

A light and shadow projected from inside.

Who is praising me, Gu]

The light and shadow are projected onto the ground, transforming into a lone female mushroom with red lips.

"Dig an area!"

Wu Guinan, who was closest to the light and shadow, was a little frightened.

Lonely? 】

When Guangying saw the five people, his expression froze.

"Evil Mushroom Prophet...?"

Qian Shanshan thought of something and asked hesitantly.


The Evil Mushroom Prophet was silent for a moment, but admitted it.

It turned out that it left a spell in one of the five royal mushroom coins.

On the right occasion and under the right conditions, it can be summoned for a long-distance communication.

Qian Shanshan completed the summoning by mistake.

"You are the Evil Mushroom Prophet... Your Excellency?"

"It was you who gave us the Royal Mushroom Coin before?"

"Why are you being so nice to us?"

"Why did the Prophet appear here?"

"Can dog blood kill an immortal body?"

At this time, what faced the Prophet Evil Mushroom was a series of questions from everyone.


Except for the slightly unexpected question raised by Li Pu, the Evil Mushroom Prophet was actually prepared.

It was nothing more than that set of rhetoric. As a prophet, he noticed that there were visitors from other worlds visiting Mushroom Realm, so he made contact with civilians by possessing him.

Then I felt that the other party was a destined person, so I gave some money as a small gift.

"That's why the Prophet will point out the direction and let us meet the wishing demon, right?"

After listening to the other party's explanation, Qian Shanshan appeared in a daze.

Of course... lone]


On the surface, the Evil Mushroom Prophet pretends to take it for granted, but in fact it knows that it is far from the ability to foresee the future.

It is said that it is an ability that can only be possessed by gods and demons.

Its level is nothing more than divination to ask for good or bad luck.

At this moment, everyone looked at each other, and the communication had been completed.

Now that the Evil Mushroom Prophet had appeared, Qian Shanshan asked them about the situation they encountered and the cause and effect.

Anyway, even the Lonely Brave and Spam were led to meet by it, so there is nothing to hide.


So that’s what’s going on, I don’t understand]

The Evil Mushroom Prophet nodded. He did know something about the brave man.

There is not only one brave man.

It just seemed that the brave man they met was rather unreliable.

Heroes, those are the chosen ones who are protected by the laws of the Mushroom Realm]

In the Mushroom World, there is no way to threaten its life]

Lonely Da]

Hearing that the other party admitted that the lonely brave man is the son of the plane, everyone no longer felt surprised.

But hearing the words of the Evil Mushroom Prophet, Li Pu seemed to have thought of some answer.

If you want to threaten the life of the brave, one of the ways is to let him leave the Mushroom Realm]

Break through the space and enter the void or other worlds]

Then the brave will lose the protection of the law, resulting in the failure of the immortal body]

Or, divide the area where the brave man is from the Mushroom World to form small fragments of the world]

In the small fragments of the world, although the power of law exists, it will be greatly weakened]

In that case, the hero’s immortal body may also be invalid.]

Lonely Da]

Li Pu had already guessed the answer of the Evil Mushroom Prophet.

It's just that no matter which direction it is, it doesn't mean much to them.

Because with that kind of means, it basically means that everyone has the opportunity to return to the blue star, so why do you have to figure out what the lonely brave man is doing.

So this answer is almost equal to no.


After finishing speaking, the Evil Mushroom Prophet himself fell into deep thought.

Because now it has understood the situation of several people, it doesn't make much sense to know this answer.

So under everyone's gaze, it said again.

In fact, there is another method, which is completely different from what I said before]

That is... to find someone]

There is more than one brave man in the Mushroom World]

And the characteristic of a brave man is that he can ignore some laws for protection]

In other words, those who want to pose a threat to the hero, or can pose a threat to the hero...]

Only the brave]

Lonely Da]

"Master Prophet, do you mean to let the lonely brave man commit suicide?"

Wu Guinan didn't seem to understand.

"No, it's about finding other brave men. Other brave men can threaten the lone brave man."

Qian Shanshan But my lord, where should we find other heroes? "

Often the tutor asked the key point of the problem.

In fact, you don’t have to be a hero]

After all, a brave man is one in a million.]

Even on the Mogu Continent, there may not necessarily be a few of them]

If only someone with the potential of a brave man can meet your requirements]

Under the right conditions, the potential to become a brave man can be stimulated, which is called the potential of a brave man]

People with the potential to be a hero are rare, but at least they are much more numerous than the number of heroes]

Lonely Da]

"Master Prophet, do you think I have the potential to be a brave man?"

Hearing this, Wu Guinan immediately raised his head and chest, as if waiting for inspection.

Guhehe, I'm sorry, I can't recognize the potential of a brave man]

The Evil Mushroom Prophet chuckled, and said in his heart that you are at best the follower of the brave.

But I can tell you how to find other heroes or potential heroes]

That is the Brave Stone, a gemstone that guides the holder to find a brave or potential brave]

You can also use the Brave Stone to test whether you have the potential to be a brave man]

By the way, there are also your group of strange partners, Gu Gu Da]

It also added a sentence at the end, which seemed to refer to the straw people.

"The Brave Stone? Where can I get it?"

Qian Shanshan hurriedly asked.

My possessed mana cannot cross the border]

Well, if you want to search for the Brave Stone]

After 3 days, go to Village No. 7788 where we first met]

The Evil Mushroom Prophet pointed out the direction for them again.

The five people looked at each other, feeling that there was something interesting.

It seems that they are one step closer to returning to Blue Star.